Clearing Flames By FuzzWolf and Frost Wolf Story and characters are copyright to FuzzWolf and Frost. Story features Male/Male oral sex. Send comments to Some ten or so years later, Frost still feels the memory of their first encounter swirling about him. Lying on the rug in his modest den he feels the warmth spread through his pure, white fur. A sparkle in the pinkness of his eyes almost casts a light upon the memory. All about him, darkness. Frost closes his eyes and he is there yet again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In the deep wood, Frost treads on a path of his own creation. Pushing past bushes and trees, he tried to keep the sack that held his meager belongings on his shoulder. He snickered when he thought if his belongings were worth protecting. Other than his tunic and boots, all Frost had was some writing materials, foodstuffs, candles and a few gold pieces. Still, he figured, it was better than nothing. The albino wolf was able to eke out a living as a messenger, but it was nothing fancy. Bursting out of a thicket like being birthed of the wood, Frost found himself falling to the ground. "Hmph!" Frost snorted, "What a stupid place to put a root, indeed!" He grinned and stood again to look at the small clearing. Brushing off his boots and his fur, he took notice of the setting sun. It would be dark soon and he had little chance of reaching Duchane before then. Since travel in the wood at night was not the smartest idea, Frost decided to set his pack down and start building a camp. A fire pit was constructed and his blanket was spread out on the soft grass. Frost took out a bit of traveling meat, some cheese and drank a bit from his wineskin. The cool liquid felt refreshing as it splashed against his tongue and throat. It felt like ages since he had taken time to relax. Frost had traveled alone for many moons. He looked forward to seeing others when he reached Duchane in the morning. Night fell and the flames flickered heat in the pit. Frost watched the dance of pumpkin light projected on the dark pine screen. A haze of smoke wafted into the ink sky. Pops of sap and damp wood echoed in the clearing all about him. Frost smiled at the calm scene. A crash of branches startled Frost out of his nature trance. It seemed as if another was being born into the clearing tonight. "Who's there?" Frost asked while turning about. "Don't hurt me, " cried out a voice from the darkness, "I mean no harm." A dark shape approached Frost and he put one paw toward the handle of his blade. In the fire, he could see the stranger. A large, brown wolf stood before him. He was dressed in a black tunic and cloak with some rugged forest boots that looked a bit worn. On his back, he carried a small sack, a quiver and a bow. "I'm glad to see another this evening, my friend," said black cloak. "Are you a hunter in these woods?" Frost evaluated the figure and decided that he appeared not to be a thief or worse, a murderer. The figure appeared to be just a young, working class wolf. "Yes," black cloak grinned, "I'm from Duchane. I just got into my job a little too much and the next thing I know it's dark. I was wondering if I could camp here tonight? These woods are filled with thieves... there's safety in numbers, you know." Black cloak made sense. Frost was a bit worried about sleeping in the wood, himself. "OK, sounds good to me. My name is Frost and I'm on my way to Duchane as well." "Glad to know you, Frost. My name is Howlie, but sometimes my friends call me Fuzz; I guess since I have this brown mop of fur..." Frost smiled at the long, brown hair under Howlie's cloak. They got to know each other in a short time, sharing many stories over the fire. However, the night got colder and the fire was slowly dying down. "Brrrrr! It's getting cold out here!" remarked Howlie. It, indeed, was cool in the clearing. Frost threw a couple more pieces of wood on the fire, but it was no match for Mother Nature that evening. Frost looked at his warm blanket. "We can share this tonight, if you'd like..." Howlie smiled and nodded. "Yes. I think that would be best." Opening the blanket, Howlie crawled next to him and adjusted to a comfortable position. Frost had not seen another being in weeks, let alone shared bedding with them. He found Howlie's heat next to him to be very exciting. Without thinking, Frost ran a paw across his bedmate's body to rub his chest. "Hmmm?" Howlie became startled, "What are you doing?" "Body heat... you're very warm." Howlie snuggled back down. "Oh, ok." Frost found himself attracted to the black-cloaked stranger. He was warm with a pleasant face. Frost ran his hand over Howlie's belly and slowly moved it lower... and lower... soon he found his paw gently brushing the stranger's sheath. Frost found a paw on top of his. "I've never done this before..." the brown wolf whispered. "I'll be gentle," Frost purred, "I promise." Howlie closed his eyes as Frost continued to stroke his warm sheath. In no time at all, his slick pink cock slid out from the panting wolf. Frost licked a furry finger and traced up the quivering cock to the tip. Howlie shuddered at the touch. "Mmmm... I like this..." Howlie smiled. "Shhh... " Frost whispered breathlessly and slid under the blanket. With his strong paws, he pushed up Howlie's short tunic to gain better access. He could feel Howlie's paws stoking his back as he gasped in pleasure. The fire crackled while it illuminated two writhing figures against the dense forest wall. Gasps of pleasure blended with hickory moke to fill the air. Frost ran his tongue up and down Howlie's shaft. His heavy scent was amazing. The cock moved upward, searching, almost following Frost's wet attention. Frost licked the shaft up and down while his fury paw gently brushed Howlie's fur covered testicles and sheath. Frost brought him to dizzying highs of ecstasy with his oral attentions and strong, wet wolf tongue. Teasing was coming to an end, Frost decided, and he accepted Howlie's hardened masculinity into his warm muzzle. A soft purr of pleasure escaped his mouth as Frost took as much of him into his mouth as he could handle without choking. His taste was so musky and arousing. Howlie's cock shuddered inside Frost's mouth as he sucked and licked the shaft. Frost positioned himself between Howlie's spread legs in order to get leverage and he continued to hungrily lick and suck his arousal. It seemed like an eternity of pleasure in that clearing that evening. Howlie bucked and moaned against Frost's attentions. A dyeing fire sputtered and crackled. Howlie's motions became erratic. He gasped and grabbed onto Frost's sweaty form. Brown fur covered testicles quivered. Frost tasted the salty pre-cum. He knew what he was in for... The stranger gasped and exploded his warmth in Frost's muzzle. He swallowed every pumping he could handle. The stranger's taste was quite appealing to him. Frost licked his muzzle and then he licked Howlie's cock until it was clean. Looking up, Frost smiled and gazed into the stranger's satisfied eyes. Howlie returned Frost's gaze. He had never felt so utterly content in his life. All the potential dangers of the forest seemed a million miles away as he looked into the albino wolf's gentle eyes. How could he hope to return such a wonderful gift? Howlie decided he would try his best to return the favour, and hoped he did it right. Howlie leaned up and took Frost in his arms. He looked at Frost's snowy white face and muzzle. With his long wolf tongue, he licked Frost's muzzle clean. Frost began retuning the licks, and soon the two tongues were writhing against each other. The pair's muzzle's came together in a passionate kiss, wolf tongues wrestling inside their mouths. Howlie gripped Frost's arms as he continued the kiss. He broke off; licked Frost's right ear once and then moved his attention farther down. He stopped at Frost's beautiful snowy white chest. He sniffed around and found Frost's nipples. Whether due to the cold in the air, or the heat of the moment, the small pink nubs were hard and erect in Frost's soft chest fur. Howlie licked each one slowly, his tongue circling around carefully before taking the nipple into his muzzle and sucking lightly. Frost gasped as an erotic wave shot through him. Howlie continued his descent, running his nose down along Frost's chest and belly. He ran paws down Frost's back, gripping and tugging lightly at his fur. He stopped at Frost's perfectly white sheath. Already, Frost was clearly aroused and showing a little pink. Howlie gave his mate's sheath and balls a good sniff, bouncing Frost's furry sac on his nose a little. The sudden sensation in his nuts caused Frost to grasp Howlie's long scruffy headfur in his paws. He gave Frost's butt a squeeze, which elicited a little thrust. The pointy tip of Frost's cock bumped into his lover's wet nose. Howlie ever so gently took Frost's sheath in his hand. The white fur was baby soft, it was possibly the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he thought. He began moving the sheath up and down along the hardening meat held safely within. Every stroke down caused more of the pink shaft to be revealed. Howlie blew on it with each stroke. He could now feel Frost's knot start to harden at the base of his sheath. He pulled the furry covering down over the knot, revealing Frost's now fully erect cock in all its red pulsing glory. Now was the time he thought. He gulped down every inch of his albino lovers maleness. He grasped Frost's furry pulsing thighs as he moved up and down up and down in a rhythm with Frost's heartbeat. Frost closed his eyes and leaned his head back. His lips parted in an expression of ecstasy. His hips began to move, involuntarily, with Howlie's suckings. He moved faster and faster. Howlie moved his paws to Frost's butt and pulled the big wolf towards him. He took all of Frost inside him. Now his lips bumped against Frost's pulled back sheath, and his nose rubbed against Frost's trembling belly. The situation was almost out of his hands now, Frost was moving with such a speed all he could do was hold on tightly. Frost humped his mouth faster and faster and faster. Frost clenched his hands open and closed as his mad humping continued. Soon, Howlie felt the knot swell in his mouth. He knew Frost was so very close to coming. He moved one paw around and gave Frost's heaving loaded balls a light squeeze. That was all Frost could take, he cried out as he unloaded in Howlie's mouth. Spurt after spurt of wolf cum emptied out of his furry sac. He hugged his lover's head to him as he felt the last ebbing of his climax fade away. Howlie slowly pulled himself off, Frost dropped to the ground before him, a sweaty furry heap. Howlie smiled, glad that he had been able to return the favour. From the way Frost slept that night, he knew he had done well.