FoxHump Part 1 This is a M/M/M furry story featuring NC anal and oral sex. As a note, this takes place several hundred years in the past whereas most of my prior stories have been more contemporary. It's a kind of feudal society where cats rule the roost for now with other animals being subservient to them. I also want to say I in no way endorse the sport of fox hunting, I find it cruel and disgusting, it just made for a good tale in this case. Hope you enjoy. ? Fritz sighed as the guard clicked the chain to his metal collar and led him out of his cell. The beaten fox lowered his ears and obediently followed the guard through the dank stone hallways of the dungeon he'd been living in the last few days. He reflected on his situation and what would likely become of him as he shuffled along behind the big canine. It was tough being a fox in this world, he thought. They were treated as slaves by the feline races that were in power. Foxes whose wills could be beaten were used as concubines, the stronger ones as cheap labour. Those that were too strong willed were exterminated. Things weren't all that much better for the guard or his kind either Fritz thought. Canines were used for their muscle, as servants and guards, but were still second-class citizens. After a relatively short walk, they reached their destination. Fritz was lined up with five other foxes in a dank, old stable. He looked up and down the sad lineup of his fellow vulpines as he walked past to be chained to the ankle of the fox at the end of the line. They all appeared to be in about the same shape he was. All were muddy, their fur rather ruffled looking, and their eyes ranged from fearful to dead acceptance. All wore only tiny loin clothes to provide them the only dignity they had left as they were not allowed to wear the opulent clothing that was reserved for felines only. Even the most chosen of the guards wore very minimal armor to protect them. The guards snapped to attention suddenly, signaling the arrival of a feline. Fritz turned to see who was entering the old stable. It was a young aristocrat, a black panther. He surveyed the half dozen foxes with a highly critical eye, listing their strengths and weaknesses mentally. "Too old" he sneered at the first one. Truth be told, the fox was only middle-aged, but years of slavery had taken a toll on him. "Too fat" the panther viciously slapped a slightly chubby young fox to the ground. Fritz gulped to himself; he didn't know what would be worse. To be found wanting in some way, or to be accepted for whatever this feline had in mind. The panther dismissed the next three foxes as if they were nothing, and eventually got to Fritz. He had been about to give up on this lot, and thoroughly chastise his guards for picking such a dire collection of slaves, but he stopped when he got to Fritz. Fritz quivered a bit under the dark cat's gaze. The panther looked him up and down slowly, giving him a good deal more attention than the others. Fritz was small, even for a fox. He stood only five feet tall, but was quite fit, with a trimmed physique and no excess fat. With that, and his round cubbish face, he looked a good deal younger than he really was. What really caught the panther's attention were his eyes though. The young fox had the most amazing emerald green eyes. If the panther had had a heart it would have melted to see those eyes filled with the pain and defeat that they were now. Unluckily for Fritz, the panther possessed no such thing and only found the fox to be a pretty young specimen of an inferior species. Therefore, he was perfect for the game. The following day… Fritz was pulled along, sometimes stumbling to keep up, by his bound paws. They were now in the middle of a field between the town and the neighbouring forest. He looked around at the gathered crowd. It was made up off the aristocrats of the town, all the lords and ladies dressed in all their finery. Off to the side, Fritz could smell them before he saw them, two wolves sat hunched in a cage that was far too small for them. "Ladies and Gentlemen", the panther began with a purr. "I'm sure you all are wondering why I have asked you out here on this fine day. Well, you are here to make a wager, a new type of bet on who will win a race. The runner will be this fine, young specimen of the vulpine race." The panther indicated to Fritz with a grand gesture. "You can place your money on this fine fox, or" and he turned to indicate the cage "You can bet against him. Wage that these two vicious lupines will win the challenge." As he indicated them, one of the wolves, a large gray male, stood up. He pressed his back against the top of the cage for the tenth time that day. His six-foot tall body was aching from being cramped in a four-foot tall cage, and he longed to break out and run. He companion in captivity, a red wolf, looked up at him with boredom in his eyes, knowing full well that they would not get out until the panther wanted them to. "What exactly is the challenge?" Someone in the audience asked for clarification. With a wide grin, the black feline responded. "The challenge is survival of the fittest my dear chap. We are going to let this fox go you see. Then we're going to set these two slavering beasts after him. Will the fox escape, or will he be caught, you decide and place your bet." Fritz's eyes went wide as he heard what was going to happen to him, he couldn't believe it. He was fast, sure but could he outrun two wolves, especially in his rather emaciated condition. The crowd was all talking amongst themselves now. The panther came over to Fritz and put his arm around him. "You see, he can either win his freedom by outrunning his opponents, or… Well, I shall leave that up to the wolves to decide. However, I think the promise of his freedom will have a very motivational affect on our young prey's swiftness. Won't it, little one" the panther grinned down at Fritz, his teeth glistening. Fritz quivered and gulped. The panther leaned in close to him and whispered in his ear. "Don't worry little one. The wolves are under orders not to kill you. When they catch you, they are to bring you back to me. You see…" the panther ran a claw up between Fritz's furry rump cheeks, making him quiver. "I've developed a bit of an affection for you. You'll be mine after the dogs are done with you." With that, he stepped away quickly, lest any questions be raised by the crowd. "What say you lords and ladies? Do we have a wager?" "We will accept your most interesting challenge." One noble stated, apparently the casually elected spokesman for the group. "Very well, place your bets with my friend Jere, and we will set them off in one hour." And hour passed too swiftly for Fritz and he soon found his hands being unbound by the black panther. "Now, when I give the signal, you run boy." Fritz timidly asked what the signal would be; he definitely didn't want to miss it after all. The panther lord only grinned back. "Oh, you'll know it, that's for damn sure." Fritz tried to quell his fear and prepare himself to run for his life. He stretched his legs a bit and stood ready to run. He could hear the panther speaking behind him, but couldn't make out what he was saying. The panther was about ready to give the signal now. He picked up a large, black whip and got about six feet behind the young fox. "Are we all ready?" he called out. The alley cat by the wolves' cage gave him a thumbs up, and the nobles nodded their approval. The panther lord let loose with the whip, making sure the thick leather end connected solidly with the fox's backside, just under his tail. The whip struck with a loud crack, leaving a red welt forming on Fritz's rear. Fritz yelped loudly and took off like a bullet. The panther mentally counted down from thirty before giving the order to release the predators. The cat in charge of the wolves' cage timidly opened the door and stepped back quickly as they shot out, racing across the clearing on Fritz's scent. "The game's afoot" the panther grinned to himself. "Lovely ass." He thought to himself as he watched the fox racing away. *** Going on shear instinct, Fritz made his way for the woods. He figured he stood a better chance of losing the two wolves in the deeper parts of the forest than out in plain site. He couldn't run quite as fast in the woods, but he could dodge and weave with a great deal of dexterity through the trees and thick undergrowth. Fritz had one big disadvantage in this case however, he was terrified. Instinct was lightning quick, but all he was doing was reacting. He'd lost his ability to form a coherent strategy to elude his predators, and it was that fact that was going to get him caught eventually. He heard something rustle off to his left, but could see nothing there. He crouched low to the ground and snuck behind a rather large tree. Fritz stopped for a moment to catch his breath, regulating his breathing to calm his nerves. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. At the very least, he knew he would not be killed. That still didn't leave a lot out that could happen to him in the meantime though, especially once those wolves caught up to him. Even if they didn't hurt him, he didn't much like the idea of being that feline's slave for the rest of his life. The quiet of the woods was disturbed by a sudden SNAP. Fritz's keen fox ears automatically tilted in the direction of the sound, right above him. Under his fur he went pale when he saw the wolf looming down at him from a branch or two above his head. The wolf was a red wolf, and slightly smaller than the other. He saw the wolf's leg muscles flex, preparing to pounce. He moved just in time, leaping forward so the wolf landed on empty ground. He recovered quickly and moved towards the terrified fox again. Fritz spied an opening between two trees and bolted for it, his only thought was to escape from the wolf behind him. He completely forgot about the second wolf. As Fritz passed between the trees, a thickly muscled shoulder slammed into him, knocking him to the ground. He gasped, the air knocked from his lungs from the impact. He had barely recovered his breath when the weight of the second wolf was on his back. Fritz yelped and dug his claws into the ground, scrabbling for purchase to drag himself out from under the huge lupine. The wolf responded by gripping him around the shoulders with his claws and dragging himself upwards so he completely covered the little fox's wriggling body. Then, the wolf places his jaws around Fritz's neck. Fritz froze, preparing for the death bite. "Much better" the wolf snarled around his muzzle-full of fox fur. By now, the first wolf had run up behind his partner to see the struggle come to an end. "Alright, that didn't take long at all." He grinned. "Well, tie him up and we can take him back to the boss." "Not quite yet mate." The wolf that had tackled him grinned slyly as he lifted Fritz off the ground and held him up against a nearby tree. It was at this point that the first wolf noticed his partner had a huge erection. "Did the thrill of the chase really get you that excited?" he asked. "Not really, it was all that wriggling and squirming he was doing against my sheath when I was holding him down. But the boss did say we could have our way with him once we caught him, as long as we didn't do any permanent damage." "Well…I don't kn-" "And it's far too soon to bring him back to town. All those nobles haven't had enough suspense yet." "Well, I guess you do have a point there." The red wolf thought out loud, weighing the idea in his mind. He considered, it had been some time since he'd yiffed someone. They'd been very busy lately, and their master didn't afford them very much leisure time. It seemed silly to waste this amount of time out here, away from the town. Fritz could only stand there in shock, his eyes inadvertently locking on the solid cock of the wolf that held him. He began to break out in a cold sweat as he thought about what would happen. That cock looked as big as his forearm. "Besides, you know what the master says foxes are good for." The first wolf smiled now as he remembered. "Sheath warmers…okay, you're right. Let's put this fox to use." "Yes!" the wolf that was holding Fritz exclaimed while leaning forward and forcing the defeated fox into a deep kiss. Fritz squirmed and struggled, but could not break the wolf's hold on him. He could only choke on the lupine tongue as it squirmed into his muzzled. The wolf turned around, holding Fritz close to him. He leaned forward and ripped off the fox's minimal scrap of clothing, tossing the worn loincloth to the forest floor and revealing the fox's white-furred sheath and balls to the other wolf. Fritz's balls pulled up close to his body, a natural fear reaction. "Well Red, which will it be. Heads or tails?" The second wolf asked his partner with a grin. Fritz knew what was going to happen now; he'd given up on escape. The wolves were too strong and too fast for him. He could only hope for the lesser of two evils, that the smaller red wolf would choose to mount him rather than his truly massive, muscular partner. Sadly for Fritz, this wasn't to be. "You always were more of an ass man so I'll take heads." He grinned, walking forward to take Fritz's chin in one paw. "Besides, I've always been attracted to eyes in a male. I'll really enjoy watching these pretty eyes as he sucks me off." "Fair enough." The gray wolf said with a grunt as he dropped Fritz to the ground. "Stay right there fox." The two wolves quickly began to strip off their armor, dropping it carelessly to the ground. Fritz could only sit and whimper as he watched the wolves undress. The red wolf in front of him tossed aside his loincloth to reveal his wolfhood, now also as erect as his fellow hunter's. Fritz's eyes went wide. The red's cock wasn't as huge as the other's, but it was still a very ample size. The red wolf saw Fritz begin to sniffle piteously. "Ah, don't worry fox we're doing you a favour. If our master is going to have you as his new favourite toy, you'll be glad we got you all loosened up for him. It'll make life as a yiff slut much easier." Fritz's heart sank at this. He didn't want to be taken by these two wolves now, but the thought that'd he'd spend the rest of his days sexually servicing that feline and his friends was more than he could stand to think about. Without warning, the red wolf stepped forward and held Fritz by the back of the head. He slowly pulled his head towards his already dripping lupine cock. "Come here like a good boy, I know you know what to do with this foxie." "No…please" Fritz begged, but the wolf used that moment when the fox's muzzle was open to shove his cock into it. Fritz reacted as quickly as he could, but still gagged a bit as the wolf hilted himself. The little fox could feel the slimy tip of the wolf's member pressing against the back of his throat. "Start sucking fox." He commanded. As close to defeat as he was, Fritz still had some resistance left in him and decided that if he was going to be raped, these two would have to work for it. So, he tried to pull off the red wolf's cock at first, but the wolf held onto his headfur too tightly. That was when the fox got desperate. The next thing Red felt was a sharp agonizing pain as sharp little vulpine teeth bit into his shaft. The wolf howled in agony, pulling his cock from the fox's torturing muzzle. The fox's teeth raked up his shaft as he pulled out. He hunched over, holding his groin tightly and swearing. "Goddammit Red, how hard can it be to hold on to one sniveling fox?" The gray wolf approached menacingly. Fritz had about half a second to think as he watch the large, aroused wolf coming towards him. He did the first, most basic thing he could think of. Fritz kicked him in the balls. Bruno did not have time to sidestep as he saw the fox's foot strike out, aiming for his groin. He felt the pain rise up immediately as Fritz's foot made contact with his dangling, full balls. As Bruno hit the ground, Fritz ran past him into the forest again. "Gah, son of a bitch," Bruno yelled as he too cradled his aching groin. "Come on," he shouted to his whimpering companion as he turned to run after the fleeing fox. *** Fritz barely looked back this time as he was once again, running scared through the dense woods. He could hear the two furious wolves trampling through the underbrush behind him. The sound of rustling leaves and snapping twigs was getting closer and closer. In fact, the rustling sound was getting much louder. Fritz was getting a bit confused now; the sound was much much louder than it should have been. In a moment he found out why. The little fox stopped short, leaning precariously forward before being able to lean back and catch his balance again. He had come across a steep edge, and almost fallen over into the raging waters some fifty feet below. The noise he had been hearing was a waterfall some ways away to his right. He sighed, and began to look around to see if there was a way down or any other direction to run. He was so caught up in puzzling this out; he did not notice Bruno sneaking up on him until he felt the lupine's hot breath on his shoulder. He spun around and tried to duck under the wolf's paw, but Bruno was too quick and easily grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. The large gray wolf dragged Fritz back from the edge and into a little clearing several feet away from the steep drop. He held the helpless fox close to him, one paw moved down to cup Fritz's white-furred balls. Bruno squeezed down hard on Fritz's balls causing the young fox to cry out and nearly fall over if it was not for Bruno holding him tightly. "Now foxslut, if you ever try anything like that again, I will rip these off with my bare hands and still fuck you till you bleed," Bruno punctuated that statement by again squeezing the tender foxballs with his viselike paw. Fritz's eyes watered and he was seeing stars now. "Do," Bruno squeezed "you," another squeeze "understand?" a third, brutally hard squeeze to the fox's abused balls. Fritz cried out on that last one. He was barely able to gasp out that he understood as he fell to the ground, half falling and half being shoved down by Bruno. He landed on his haunches between the two wolves. "Now, I believe you were going to suck off my partner here." Bruno looked back at Red expectantly. Red shuffled from side to side a bit, his slightly bruised wolfhood having retreated into his sheath. "Come on Red. We've worked hard catching this one, its time to enjoy it." Red whimpered under his breath a bit. "I-I don't know Bruno, he bit me the last time." Bruno rolled his eyes and explained to Red that the fox was now truly beaten, and wouldn't dare try anything funny now. "Get your cock in his mouth, NOW!" he shouted, snarling a bit. Red reluctantly stepped forward, pulling down his sheath. He tugged on his flaccid wolfhood for a moment to get it a little harder. Luckily his canine penile bone kept his cock from ever being truly soft. He held Fritz's muzzle in one paw, the fox opened his mouth slightly, and Red fed him his hardening cock. Fritz resigned himself to his fate and began to suck and lick the wolfcock. He did a fairly decent job of it considering how frightened he was. He knew he'd have to; he didn't want to think about what these animals would do to him if they weren't satisfied. His vulpine tongue lapped across the invading cock's surface and he began to suck and rhythmically move his muzzle up and down the long shaft. The wolf leaned his head back, tongue hanging out. It was at that moment that Fritz suddenly felt a yank on his bushy tail. The other wolf was lifting him up to an all-fours position. He tried desperately to get his balance, but before he could do so he felt the thick cockhead pressing under his tail, against his tight tailhole. He closed his eyes tightly, but tried to relax his rear passage to help minimize the pain. It hardly mattered however; the wolf was just too thick. Fritz cried around his mouthful of wolf cock as the searing pain shot from under his tail when the gray wolf shoved his thick, unlubed cock deep inside. "Oh, yeah" both wolves sighed together. Red was enjoying the fox's quivering mouth as he tried to scream, but couldn't. That movement made wonderful sensations on his throbbing member. Bruno had shoved his entire length in at once, forcefully ramming himself into the fox's tight rear. He held it in a moment, just enjoying the tight, hot feeling. He slowly dragged his massive member out, but had trouble pushing it back in. Eventually he had to grab Fritz's hips again and ram. The little fox whimpered and cried again. "Fuck, this fox is tight! I can barely move in him." "Maybe he's a virgin." The red wolf snickered while rubbing Fritz's headfur, looking down at the little fox with the mouthful of his cock. At this remark, Fritz looked up. His emerald eyes locked with those of the wolf, and a single tear formed at the corner of one. He quickly closed his eyes again and went back to humping his muzzle back and forth along the musky shaft. The red wolf didn't have time to think about that before the fox was crying around his cock again. He looked up to see his partner had again begun to thrust slowly. He watched in surprise the exertion on the other wolf's face, his thigh muscles strained to pump in and out. He knew the other wolf was quite well endowed, but this fox must really be tight to make him huff and puff quite like that. He decided not to worry about it, and just enjoy the head he was receiving. And wonderful head it was too, even with his cock still aching a bit. The fox sure knew how to suck cock. With a smile, the wolf figured it must come naturally to foxes. He shivered as the vulpine's talented tongue slithered over his member's underside, the fox's little cheeks sucking the whole time. If this kept up much longer he was going to cum very soon… The second wolf at Fritz's rear was beginning to speed up slightly and getting quicker. Between precum, some blood, and Fritz gradually stretching to accommodate him, he was beginning to hump at a decent pace now. The fox was still incredibly tight though, tighter than anything, male or bitch, he'd ever taken. He pulled up on the fox's tail so he could see underneath. The gray wolf knew he had a very impressive cock and was quite vain about it. He wanted to see his thickness disappearing between the fox's red-furred cheeks and deep into the tight hole below. As he watched, he grew even more aroused. He slowed down for a moment just to prolong the effect of watching as inch after inch of his wolfhood penetrated deep. He smiled a little viciously as he saw his cock was wet with precum, but also streaked with blood. With a savage smile, he gripped the fox's tail even tighter and began to thrust into him twice as hard as before. He gloried in hearing the little fox whimper and cry as he buggered him hard and deep. He only wished his partner wasn't plugging the vulpine's muzzle so he could really hear him scream. The red wolf at the fox's muzzle-end looked up, a little concerned at the savage yiffing his partner was giving their captive. "Hey, take it easy Bruno. Remember, the master wants this one unhurt for his own needs." The gray wolf, Bruno, made it a point to punctuate each word with a hard inward thrust. "Screw…the…master's…needs" Red looked at him quizzically. "Um, I think you're taking this a little far. We just want some fun, not to hurt the little guy." Bruno stopped for a moment and looked at Red, his fur bristling a bit. "Look, Red. Who does all the work around here? All the fighting, all the building, all the hunting. Our kind does, that's who. We get filthy and exhausted, and what do the foxes do?" Red just stood silently, dumbly waiting for the larger wolf's speech to continue. Bruno's claws lightly raked through the fur on Fritz's rump as he spoke. "The foxes get to live in luxury with their master's, bringing food and drink, and serving in their bedchambers. They are all kept pristinely clean, fur brushed and shampooed by their master's servants. Now Red," Bruno leaned forward menacingly "I'm going to put this fox in his place, as my bitch because I think we deserve it, and so does he. And if you think I'm being too harsh, then you can take his place," he smiled toothily. "Wh-what?" Red stammered. "Well, I am going to mount someone today Red. If its not this fucktoy fox, you'll just have to do instead." Red gulped, his cock throbbed a bit at the thought though… Fritz has slowed down sucking on Red for the time being. Partly because he needed to concentrate to bear the pounding his tailhole was taking, and partly because he wondered if Red would change his mind and maybe make the other wolf let him go. Unfortunately, Bruno noticed this. He gave Fritz a hard smack on his full rump, making the little fox whimper. He looked up to glare at Red, and then barked to Fritz. "No one told you to stop sucking you little slut." Fritz quickly began sucking on Red again, moving his muzzle rapidly up and down. He sucked hard, hoping to get the wolf off soon. Bruno began humping him roughly again, figuring he'd have no further objections from Red. The wolf kept going, laughing to himself as he did the fox roughly. Red was beginning to feel a little guilty that he'd went along with this, but those thoughts went out of his mind again once Fritz was fully going at him again. He closed his eyes and moaned. The little fox sucked cock like a pro. Red decided to just enjoy himself now. Besides, Bruno would have yiffed him whether he'd been there or not so he figured it really didn't make a difference to the fox if one wolf or two raped him. He might as well. This was the first really good blowjob he'd had in ages, and the fox owed him after that nasty bite earlier. Fritz's light of hope faded after a few minutes. It was now clear that the red wolf would not be coming to his rescue. He closed his eyes and fought back the tears of despair, determined to make it through this. At least most of the pain under his tail had gone now that the big wolf there had stretched him open. Bruno began to get a little more frantic now, he gripped Fritz's sides forcefully, his claws digging deep and breaking the skin under the fur. He humped hard and fast, loving the feel of his thick maleness pumping madly in and out of the tight fox. He knew he was going to cum soon, his knot was beginning to swell up. He could feel the resistance begin to build again as he kept forcing the growing knot of flesh in and out of the tight tailhole. The feeling was intense and incredible as the tight anal ring bit down on his tender knot each time it popped in. He knew he should just shove it in and let it stay there, but it felt too good to drag it out and push it in again. On any other mating he might have cared enough not to want to hurt whoever was under him, but in this case he really didn't care that he was ripping and stretching the fox open even more with his canine knot, he just wanted to get off in the most pleasurable way possible. Right now, the stimulation on his knot was almost too good, so good that his eyes watered from the pleasure. Just as the pain had almost subsided for Fritz, the big wolf dominating him began to ram his thick knot in and out of his body. Fritz cried now, wanting for it all to be over. Inside he cried out for the wolves to cum, but he knew that even when this pair was done using him for their release, he would have to face the rest of his life as a concubine. The fox tried hard to ignore the pain and concentrate on the cock in his muzzle, he noticed this wolf was close also as his knot was bumping into his nose. All he could see was the thick knot in front of him; it filled his field of vision as much as the knot at his rear was filling him. Red had been holding back, not wanting to hurt the fox too much but he was getting really close now. He couldn't take it any longer as his passion built up, he grabbed the fox by the back of the head and forced him down onto his wolfhood, forcing open his muzzle to accommodate his knot. This happened in time with his partner slamming his fully hard knot once, twice, and finally a third time into the fox's wounded anus. Both wolves howled aloud as they finally came, filling the fox up from both ends with their bitter lupine cum. Fritz shuddered as he felt the hot splash deep inside, then nearly choked as Red filled his muzzle half a second later. He drank down the bitter load as best he could, but canines cum a lot and some dripped from the sides of his muzzle. When he was done, and coming back down from the height of orgasm, Red gently pulled Fritz's muzzled open and extracted his softening cock, being very careful not to let the fox's teeth graze his sensitive knot as he pulled it out. His hunting partner was nowhere near as gentle. Bruno gripped Fritz's bushy tail in one paw and used it to lever himself as he roughly yanked his full knot out. Fritz cried out loudly as the thick cock was roughly pulled from his abused tail hole. Once released from the two spurting cocks, Fritz fell to the ground, exhausted. His tail quivered as a huge gout of cum and blood spurted from his violently opened hole. Tears ran down his face as he panted, his brilliant emerald eyes full of pain and despair. All he could do was pull his tail around to cover his shame and hide his face as he wept, his whole body shaking. After catching their breath for a moment, the two wolves decided they have been gone too long already and should make their way back to their master. Bruno leaned down and roughly grabbed Fritz by the scruff of his neck. He hauled the whimpering fox to his feet and began to drag him along by his neckfur. Red followed close behind, feeling a little worried. Had they gone too far? To be continued…