FoxHump Part 2 This is a M/M/M furry story featuring NC anal and oral sex, public punishment. As a note, this takes place several hundred years in the past whereas most of my prior stories have been more contemporary. It's a kind of feudal society where cats rule the roost for now with other animals being subservient to them Author's note on horse cocks: In our world a horse's member can go up to 16 or 20 inches long depending on the breed, some even larger. I generally keep my species anatomically correct with the real life species and I've actually downsized that a bit in this tale to keep believability to a point. So, if anyone thinks an equine character is just too huge down there, then that's why I did it. Also, as an interesting historical note the punishment for rape depicted here is actually in line with the practices of some medieval societies. Hope you enjoy. ? Now onto part 2… Fritz's body hit the ground with a resounding thump. He moaned a little, but decided to just lie there for a bit. The dark panther lord looked down at him in some surprise. He looked up to the two wolves that had returned the fox to him and his noble friends. The red wolf looked a little guilty and would not make eye contact with him, while the gray one was grinning and sneering down at the fox. Giving him a cursory glance he turned to the crowd of feline nobles around him. He could clearly see the fox was more than just exhausted from the chase, he was bleeding and his muzzle was crusted with cum. The wolves had gone a bit overboard, he could tell. However, he was determined now to look calm and dignified in front of this crowd. He put on a great show of acting like this was exactly what he had expected. "Well, the results are fairly obvious as you can see. Speed alone cannot win out over a cunning hunter. Now, shall we settle out wages back at my humble abode." The panther then motioned everyone towards the impressive building beyond the gate. He turned to look at the two wolves and the beaten fox at their feet. He gritted his teeth a bit as he spoke. "We need to have a little talk, don't we?" Red shook a little, getting scared that his feelings of unease about their actions had been justified. Bruno just glared back defiantly. "But sir, we just did what you told us to," he said with a smirk. The panther raised a gloved paw to strike, but held himself back. It would be unseemly of a noble to lose his temper in such a way. "Pick that up," he motioned to Fritz "and bring him, and yourselves to the interrogation chamber. I want to have a private chat with the three of you." And with that, he turned and headed back to his home. *** Several hours later, the black panther lord glided elegantly down the concrete steps to his little underground dungeon. Two guards, both large tigers dressed in fine silk, accompanied him. The panther himself was dressed in shades of dark velvet. The door opened with a creak to reveal Bruno pacing restlessly back and forth. His partner, Red, was leaning against the wall, his mind elsewhere. Keen feline eyes scanned the room, and eventually found Fritz curled up in a ball against the far wall. The panther, known as Lord Oscuro, ignored the two wolves for now and stepped over to the young fox. He leaned down and began to examine him. He did not examine the fox like a doctor caring for a patient, he examined him like an animal he might be considering purchasing. He looked into his eyes, holding them open roughly. He sniffed his muzzle and looked at his teeth. His feline nose could detect the definite scent of canine cum on the fox's face fur. Next he inspected the other end. Fritz yelped as the panther lifted his hind end and roughly pulled back on his tail. Oscuro looked closely at Fritz's tail hole. He pressed a finger to it, making the little fox cry out painfully. He could see the fox's anus was swollen and broken open in places. It was also very obviously stretched out of shape. The fur around it was caked with drying blood. He looked at the tip of his finger and saw it was bloody where he had touched the fox. He tossed the fox back down and turned his back on him. Fritz whimpered and curled up in a painful ball again, trying to ignore the sting under his tail. "That fox is now useless to me," the panther stated, matter of factly. "Just what exactly did you two think you were doing?" He approached the wolves again. "We did what you asked us to, Lord," Bruno was the first to speak. "We caught your fox, gave you your entertainment for your little game." The panther narrowed his eyes, and made a small gesture with one finger to one of his tiger guards. The tiger who was closest to Bruno stepped forward and moved towards the wolf. For the first time that day, the big wolf felt a little worried. The white tiger had no hesitation in his movements as he walked up to Bruno and quickly punched him in the stomach as hard as he could. The wolf quickly doubled up in pain, clutching his stomach in agony. "Talk with respect to our lord, you filthy dog," the tiger spat. The tiger then stepped behind him and held him in place, immobile. "I don't know what filthy hole we dug you out of wolf, but it is clear you have no sense of your place. But that will change, and you will learn that you are mine to do with as I wish." The panther had come right up to Bruno as he said this, looking him directly in the eye. "You are no better than that fox you used. The fox that you knew I fully intended to use to fulfill my pleasure this evening. Now, what should I do with you?" Bruno looked down, trying not to look the panther in the eye. He was beginning to get the impression he was in a great deal more trouble than he'd expected. Just then, Red spoke up. "P-please sir. Don't kill us. My friend is just…um" "A little overzealous perhaps?" The panther offered. Red nodded hesitantly. "You two disobeyed me, that is a death-worthy crime by law." Red shriveled inside, he didn't think it would end this way… "However, that would be too quick. You see, I was really going to enjoy that little fox tonight. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a suitable concubine? One that isn't hopelessly used up by the time you get to them?" The wolves looked to each other for support as the panther went on. "Who took his tailhole?" he suddenly asked. Again, the wolves looked at each other. Bruno gulped, swallowed his pride, and admitted to what he'd done. He began to stutter a bit, his macho façade fading, as the panther's steely gaze locked in on him. "Very well, here is what will happen." *** The crowd was nearly finished filing into their seats as the sun began to set that day. They looked to the wooden platform in the center of the circular arena. It was empty now, but soon they knew the evening's entertainment would arrive. Silence fell as the wooden doors at one end opened with a creak. Lord Oscuro's two tiger guards came out, dragging Bruno between them. The big wolf looked terrified as they pulled him along. The crowd cheered as the tigers began strapping him to the wooden platform. An elephant with a booming voice called for silence. "Ladies and gentlemen. You are here to witness the public punishment of this wolf, guilty of the crime of rape." He indicated the tied-down wolf. The crowed booed and hissed at Bruno. "Of course, we all know what penalty that crime brings. But first, Lord Oscuro has asked to also reprimand this creature for his disobedience." The elephant indicated to the double doors again where the panther was entering. The crowd cheered as Oscuro unfurled a thick bullwhip. With a vicious grin, he stood well back and began to lash furiously at Bruno's back and rear. The crowd counted along in unison with the lashes while the wolf yelped and cried out painfully. After several minutes, Bruno's shirt was nearly shredded off his back entirely and was turning red from the lashes on his back. Losing his patience for the whip, Oscuro tossed it aside and ran to the wolf. He quickly yanked off the wolf's remaining clothing, leaving him completely naked. The crowd gave a loud cheer as the loincloth was roughly ripped from the wolf's body, making him yelp. Bruno wished he could close his legs to hide his hanging genitals from the crowd's view but his ankles were tied in a way that held his legs spread apart. He blushed under his fur, fully shamed with the knowledge that everyone in his town was watching him suffer this humiliation. That humiliation became ten times worse when the panther lifted up his tail and began spanking him. The crowed went wild with cheering as they watched the panther discipline the wolf as he would an errant child. Just when he thought this wouldn't get any worse, Oscuro extended his needle-sharp feline claws and continued to spank his naked rear as hard as he could manage. Tears formed in Bruno's eyes as Oscuro spanked him open-clawed. Each strike felt like he was being stabbed multiple times on his already tender rear. Panting, Oscuro stood back a moment to catch his breath. As he looked he could see the wolf's large furry balls dangling between his legs. He cocked his head to the side a bit, and could then see the wolf's sheath was equally impressive. It was long and hugely thick. The fact that he could now see the canine was fantastically more endowed than he was filled him with rage again. He ran forward and grabbed the dangling set of balls. He gave them a hard squeeze, eliciting a painful whine from Bruno. He then held the wolfballs in his left paw, holding them in place. He began to spank them harshly with his right paw. Bruno screamed, the pain was too much for any male to endure. Oscuro struck the wolf's balls again and again, not stopping till his arm again ached from the exertion and Bruno's scrotum had turned a rosy red from the beating. Oscuro stood up fully once more, releasing Bruno's balls from his grip. He could feel his own feline cock straining beneath his garments. He was intensely hard. He wanted to take this wolf here as payment for taking the fox. He knew he could not do that though, it wouldn't look good for a noble to mount this filthy creature, even if for a punishment such as this. The panther smiled and looked over to his seat at what waited him there. He walked around to the wolf's head, grabbed his headfur, and pointed his head over to his seat so the wolf could see his partner in the hunt, Red. Red was sitting obediently to the right of his Lord's seat. A gold collar studded with jewels was around his neck. Attached to that was a chain, which led to a loop in the arm of the chair, making sure Red could not go anywhere. Apart from that, Red wore little else. A small silk pouch covered his crotch, and he had been given some armbands and bracelets. What could not been seen by passers-by though, was that Red's tight virgin rear was filled with a studded plug that was strapped in place around his waist with a decorative belt. "That was for disobeying me wolf, and for taking that fox slut for yourself, then I shall take your friend as my concubine. He's not as pretty as that little fox, but I'm sure a tough male such as he has a nice tight hole also." Normally Bruno would have snarled at the suggestion of his pack mate being used in such a way, but he knew it was hopeless and he was resigned to what was going to happen. At least Red would not be killed for his actions, he reflected. With a last harsh smack across his muzzle with claws open, leaving a deep gash, the feline turned and left. The crowd continued to cheer as the panther made his way back to his seat. Nobody noticed, or perhaps they didn't want to say if they did, that he walked a little uncomfortably. Next, the elephant called for attention again as the main event, the real punishment for Bruno was about to begin. A hush fell over the crowd, and even Bruno himself was totally silent. The next sound heard was the wooden creaking of the large doors at the end of the arena. Bruno strained to turn around and see what was coming out of those doors. He knew of course, he'd been told already that the palace guards, the six black stallions that protected Oscuro whenever he went into the village, would be fulfilling his punishment today. His heart pounded as they began to file into the arena. They did not surround him. Instead one took the lead, standing behind Bruno, and the others stood in a row behind him, side by side. They had been ordered not to obscure the crowd's view. Each stallion wore a chest plate with their lord's seal on it, and nothing else. Normally, they would be fully clothed in armor, one of the few species allowed such dignity. Today was different though, because today they would be utilizing a somewhat different weapon than their sword or armor. The leader of the guards stepped up close to Bruno. He chuckled as he looked down on the very vulnerable wolf. This was a rare pleasure for him indeed, and being somewhat of an exhibitionist he was really going to enjoy this. He leaned back for a moment and began to stroke his long, equine cock. The crowd's cheers and applause spurred him on as they could see his maleness hardening up to his full impressive length. The equine stroked himself till his full twenty inches of cock was rock hard and ready to go, his tip already oozing precum. He leaned over Bruno and whispered in his ear. "Did you know, we've all been deprived of any kind of release for over a week and teased with mare scent almost constantly to keep us aroused? Normally, that would seem like torture for us, but under the circumstances we welcomed it." Bruno could feel the horse hot meat slapping against his leg and he whimpered, as he knew how large it was. "All six of us are really going to enjoy taking you." Now the horse leaned over more, gripping the wolf's shoulders. "And then, you get to be tied up in the town square to be used by any of the peasants as they wish." Finally, the stallion whispered so quietly Bruno had to stain to hear him. "You're going to be fucked to death." The wolf strained again at his bonds, the lead equine chuckled. It always felt even better when they resisted more. The guard leader's member was now ready for action, fully hard and leaking precum. He was intensely aroused. He had absolutely no sympathy for his intended victim; Bruno had been a thorn in his side for years now. He knew he could get away with being as brutal as he wanted to be today, it was a freedom he was going to take full advantage of. He ran his fingers over the thick tip of his cock, rubbing the precum off of it to insure a good dry and painful entry. He smeared the precum over Bruno's muzzle as the wolf struggled to break free. Bruno's thighs strained against the leather straps that held him in place as he desperately tried to close his legs and protect his tailhole. His movements became more erratic once he felt the thick tip of the horsecock slip under his tail and press against his opening. He fought valiantly to break free to no avail. With a triumphant whinny, the lead horse pushed forward with his thickly muscled thighs. His mighty cock shoved forward, violently forcing open the tight pucker ahead of it. The wolf's scream was like nothing ever heard before. It was partly a mournful wale, as he felt emasculated and violated, rage and the sting of pride, and above all, the most intense pain he had ever felt. The stallion shoved about eight inches of his arm-thick cock into Bruno and stopped. He knew if he rammed his entire length in he would do a lot of damage. It wasn't that he wanted Bruno to survive this; he just didn't want him to bleed to death and end his suffering too soon. He held back for a moment to let Bruno think he was going to let him get used to it first, then pushed slowly forward with an evil grin. The crowd roared with approval as the stallion fed inch after inch of his maleness slowly into the still-screaming wolf. He could feel his member curving slightly along the lupine's insides as he went deep, opening up the wolf's innards to accommodate his thickness. For fifteen minutes the long penetration, and Bruno's scream, went on. Bruno began to cry in relief when he finally felt the stallion's warm thighs and ample balls pressing against his exposed rump. Finally, this was as deep as the horse would get. But, the worst was not over yet. Now, the guard began the long process of pulling his cock out. He removed only an inch or two at the most before pushing back in. The stallion slowly increased the length of his strokes, ever so slowly opening Bruno up for a more vigorous thrusting later. The audience watched in rapt attention, their eyes fixated on the stallion's impressive, pulsing cock. Most were afraid to admit to themselves how aroused they felt watching the mighty member thrusting in and out of the once-proud wolf. The guard was now moving six inches in and out at a time; soon he was up to ten. Bruno grunted at each inward thrust, his shoulders smacked against his restraints. He was ashamed that his own cock was now rock-hard and flowing pre as the stallion pounded his insides. Another few minutes, and fifteen inches of solid, male meat were rapidly pistoning into him. He had given up struggling, his body slumped into place to endure the long buggering, at least the initial agony had faded and only the burning pain around his anus remained. Not long after, Bruno was opened up wider than any harem slut and fully taking the stallion's twenty inches. He could tell his punisher was going to cum soon, at least he hoped he would. The horse's thighs slapped hard against his ass, which was still red and bleeding from the beating Oscuro had given him. The horse's heavy balls also smacked against his own reddened, swollen sack. He cried out, and his body spasmed unsure whether it was in pain or pleasure from the external and internal stimulation. Despite himself, Bruno came. His muscles clamped down as an unwilling orgasm ripped through him. The horse whinnied at this new tightness and pounded harder into the clenched ass, ripping it open even wider. This was followed by another scream from Bruno as his blood lubricated the way. The powerful equine finally came now, his balls releasing and filling the wolf with a massive load of cum that he had long been denied releasing. The equine guard held himself inside Bruno till he could catch his breath again before slowly pulling his spent cock out. It was covered in blood and cum, the same as was now leaking from Bruno and running down his thighs. The horse smeared his member against Bruno's leg to wipe it clean before stepping back to admire his handiwork. He was satisfied. He had humped Bruno for nearly an hour and could see the wolf was now broken. He almost felt sorry for him, knowing that he had a lot more to endure yet, but that wasn't going to keep him from having a second go at him after the rest of his team had had their turns. The crowd applauded and cheered, the guard leader waved and returned to his fellow guards. There was a brief intermission as two slaves were sent out to clean Bruno off for the next stallion. The blood and cum were washed from him so the crowd would have a good view of his body, and to insure as little lubrication remained around his tailhole as possible. Oscuro had orchestrated everything perfectly to make sure Bruno suffered the maximum amount of pain and humiliation possible. He had even had a medicine man brew up a salve to be applied to the offender's tailhole that would tighten it up once again. It wasn't perfect, but Oscuro had been assured that Bruno would be close to virginally tight for each of the six stallions that took him this evening. The agony of entry was similar to the first as the second stallion mounted him, but at least his insides were still as stretched out. It was a good thing too as the second horse, although he had a shorter cock than the first, humped him hard and deep as soon as he entered. Bruno looked up as he gritted his teeth. His eyes locked with those of Oscuro. The black panther smiled down at him. Most of the audience were now yiffing each other now so Oscuro no longer felt allowing himself some pleasure would be as inappropriate. Oscuro stood and opened his robes to reveal his sleek black body. He made no attempt to hide his dripping erection from the crowd. The power he wielded here and the sexual display before him had turned him on immensely. The silk robe he wore today slid to the ground. He turned and unhitched Red's leash from his chair. He forced the red-furred wolf onto all fours before him, his thick tail in the air. Bruno could tell what was going to happen. Oscuro intended to take his pack mate right in front of him. His eyes locked with Red's for a moment. For a second all was quiet and he didn't feel the stallion pounding into his rear as he silently apologized to his friend who had tried to warn him. The moment was broken as Red's eyes widened and he cried out in pain. Oscuro was now biting down on his neck and rapidly ramming himself under Red's tail. Red cried in despair and slumped down. What even Bruno didn't know was that the panther had left his studded plug inside him when he thrust his feline cock into him. Red was opened up with the double thickness of both the toy and his new master now. He also yelped loudly in pain at each outward motion as the panther's backward barbs scraped along his insides. Oscuro had meant to take this wolf slowly and make the pleasure last a long time, but he lost himself in the lust of the moment. Caught up on a drunken wave of sex and power, he pounded Red till he came and then tossed his new concubine aside when he was done. He stood and roared, showing off his dripping cock to Bruno as he enjoyed watching the wolf being taken again. Bruno was lost in despair again as well as he watched his friend raped before him. As horrible as his fate would be, he knew he would not live much longer. But he knew that this was going to be Red's life for a long time, living as the panther's concubine. He began to howl mournfully, he could think of nothing else to do. Soon, even that release was denied him, the third stallion guard plugged his muzzle with his firm cock as the second finished with his hole, and another took his place. Bruno gagged as he was filled from both ends with horsecock, but there was nothing he could do. *** Fritz whimpered again as the large tiger dragged him to his feet. He had been sitting, trying to ignore the pain, wishing it away. The tiger guard was already naked, his thick, barbed cock revealed to the battered young fox. Fritz openly cried, knowing that his tortures were not over, and that he was to be raped again. "That's right little one, cry all you want. Everyone is watching the show, and there's no one here to help you." The tiger bent Fritz over a table and began to poke around under his tail. "You may not be good enough for a noble anymore, but you're certainly still tight enough for me." The tiger grinned as he lifted Fritz's tail. He held his dripping cock by the shaft in one paw, leading his thick head to the already broken tailhole. Fritz silently prayed for release from this torture as he felt the cocktip brush against the fur on his rump. He vaguely wondered what that sudden whistling noise was in the air just before his newest rapist screamed suddenly and backed away. Fritz hopped up and turned to see what was happening. The tiger stood before him, one of his paws was splattered with blood. Fritz looked down, and gasped at what he saw. The guard could only whimper and shake. He was in too much pain to even scream again as he looked down at the arrow that was stuck right through the thick head of his cock. He began to stumble backwards, mumbling to himself and dumbly watching blood begin to pour out of his cockhead around the wooden shaft of the arrow. Tears ran down his cheeks and just as he was about to scream again, three more arrows appeared from nowhere, one in each inner thigh and a final one through his heart that made him drop to the ground, dead and silent. "Whew, I was afraid he was going to bring the house down." Fritz turned to see his new friend who had been hiding in the darkness. Junak set his bow down on the table next to the terrified fox. "I-I didn't think you were going to do that…" Fritz stammered, still in shock at the dead tiger lying at their feet. "Well, I couldn't let you be raped again, could I? You've had quite enough of that, I think." Fritz looked away as he mumbled a yes, he somehow felt ashamed in front of this dashing fennec who had just rescued him. "Hey, its okay little one. It's not your fault." Junak stepped forward and held Fritz close to him. Junak held the fragile, hurt fox tightly as he wept. He knew what Fritz was going through. He knew the pain and feeling of worthlessness, as he had once been a slave himself. He took his cloak off and wrapped the trembling red fox up in it. Fritz huddled into it, it instantly became a source of comfort and Junak soon realized that it was the most clothing Fritz had ever worn. He put his weapons away and bundled Fritz up in his arms. *** Leggero looked up as he heard the soft sound of footfalls getting closer. He could tell it was a fairly small animal, could not be one of the larger felines or their canine minions, but he readied his sword just in case. The large bruin sighed in relief as he saw Junak rounding the corner. "Nak, where the hell have you been?" "I had to save this one." He responded simply, holding the limp bundle in his arms forward for the bear to see. Leggero stepped forward and parted the cloak to see Fritz nestled inside. The fox stirred just a little and Leggero covered him up again. "He's exhausted, the poor little guy cried himself to sleep." "You're a sucker for the hard-luck cases Nak, but we gotta get going." "We've plenty time, its my plan remember. And besides, it's because of what this one went through that all those bozos are in one place right now. Indirectly anyway, we've got him to thank for this opportunity." "Humph, that's true I suppose. I still wouldn't want to jeopardize all the slaves that are waiting for us to lead them outta here for one fox though. Needs of the many and all that." Junak's tone suddenly became a bit icier and ended the discussion. "This one was important Legs, leave it be." *** An hour later and the three had caught up with the rest of their group who were leading the liberated slaves deep into the woods. The original plan was just to free as many slaves as possible and lead them to safety. That part was hard enough, but they had succeeded admirably. However, it wasn't enough for the fennec who led them. Junak wanted more. He wanted to make the nobles in charge pay for the pains inflicted on his people. After a heated discussion, he stated in no uncertain terms he was going back to kill Oscuro and whoever else he could take with him. He started off back to the castle. Fritz didn't need a moment to think before following after the one who had just rescued him. Leggero sighed, and followed later with two more of their small resistance group. He just hoped Nak wasn't going too far this time… This tale is just beginning.