Sexual Predator By FuzzWolf This story is of an erotic furry nature, featuring public Male/Male sex. This story and the characters are \xA9 FuzzWolf with the exception of Ray \xA9 Railo Wolf. The heat in the club was almost stifling, the music was too loud, and most of the furs here were kinda skanky. Ray sighed and sipped his drink, surveying the crowd from the small back bar. The room was dominated by the stage in the center where the fetish show staff was setting up for the next act. Most furs were dancing in typical Goth fashion in front of the stage, but the big wolf was eyeing some of the wallflowers clustered off to the side. That was what he was looking for, one of the shyer types. In his experience, the shy ones were the best. Most of them repressed a great ocean of sexual energy waiting to explode, but were too unsure of themselves to really exploit that. Which meant that they were great for a passionate time, and were less likely to be germ-riddled than the more slutty types that were attractive and knew it. Now, what flavour was he in the mood for tonight, rabbit, cat, or maybe a little…. Ray smiled, sharp predatory teeth gleaming as he spied a likely candidate for some fun. On the other side of the stage, huddled in a dark spot by himself, was a fox. Focusing in on the fox, Ray took a deep sniff in the air. Through the haze of sweaty, furry bodies the fox’s musk came through strong. The scent of male fox was unmistakable. Fox’s almost always smelled like pure sex, even if they were virgins. Something about a fox always brought on the yiffiness of other furs, particularly the predator species, and this one was no different. The wolf watched the fox’s movements from across the room for a while. He was a short male, no more than five and half feet tall, perhaps a couple inches less. He was very fit looking though, not buffed out to grotesque proportions but he definitely worked out. His perfectly toned chest and stomach could be seen nicely through his black mesh shirt. The black leather collar he wore stood out brightly against the white fur of his throat, and matched his tight leather pants. The thing that caught Ray’s wandering eye was the rather impressive and delicious looking lump in the fox’s pants. Ray licked his lips a bit, for such a male of such small stature; the fox was obviously very well endowed. Pity he had that “I’ve been dragged here by a friend” look about him. It was so typical of a fur as yiffy as this to not find himself attractive and feel out of place in a place like this. Ray decided he’d just have to introduce himself. He began to make his way over when the little fox noticed him. Upon seeing the six-foot wolf who smelled of arousal heading in his direction, the shy fur got more than a little worried as to his intentions. He began to make his way toward the back door, slowly slipping between some of the bystanders who were now watching a black cat having candle wax poured on his nipples up on the stage. Ray grinned, the hunt was on. He pushed his way gently past the furs who were raptly watching the stage, getting ever closer to his target. Trevor Fox gasped as the cool night air hit his face. He hadn’t expected it to be so cool since he had been so used to the warmth of all the furry bodies inside the club. He stepped past the three or four furs standing outside the back door to smoke, and quickly descended the small set of crumbling concrete steps to the ground. He didn’t see the wolf at the door yet and thought he may have lost him. Calming a little he took a moment to look around the outside area of the club. The place was actually pretty amazing. The area was about the size of an average house’s back yard. All the plants were completely overgrowing, and the cobblestone path was broken in places with grass growing through the cracks. Benches and sofas were scattered around, some with furry bodies on them, either snuggling together or passing something that wasn’t tobacco between them. Trevor wandered to what he hoped would be a quiet corner to sit for a bit and collect himself. He found a mostly-intact and dry concrete bench to sit on. He started to think he was over-reacting. He had no idea if the wolf he had seen had meant him any harm or not. Maybe he just wanted to talk or something. He was probably interested in me and I blew it, he thought to himself. Upon reflection, when he wasn’t scaring the hell out of him, the wolf hadn’t been a bad looker. And those eyes had really caught his attention. They had almost glowed with a beautiful shade of green. Trevor smiled as he thought about it. He was becoming more relaxed now. The woodsy smell of the overgrowing plants and trees around him probably helped that. If he closed his eyes he could imagine he was in a forest somewhere, back in the wild. “Gotcha.” A husky voice broke Trevor’s train of thought as he felt strong paws grip his upper arms. Trevor gasped; the wolf had found him after all. He hadn’t been able to smell him with the strong smells of the undergrowth all around him. The wolf had stayed downwind and snuck around behind him. He whimpered a little as the wolf’s large paws roamed over his body, caressing his chest and belly. Ray sat down around Trevor, holding the fox securely between his legs. “You know what happens to foxes who get caught by wolves?” Ray rasped into the fox’s trembling ear. Trevor only whimpered in response, afraid for his life again. “They get eaten.” The wolf replied to his own question as he quickly brought his muzzle down on Trevor’s neck, giving him a sharp nip. Trevor yelped and tried to jump, but he was held fast in Ray’s arms. The small fox weakly tried to struggle. He trembled; he knew what the wolf wanted. He looked down to see the wolf’s legs were bare, off to the side he could see a small pile of clothes laying next to a nearby tree. That meant the hard lump he felt pressing against him was… “P-please let me go.” He squeaked. “Now now, you don’t dress like this…” Ray’s left paw slid down Trevor’s tight leather pants to squeeze the bulge of his foxhood. “If you only wanted to wallflower and spend the night alone.” Ray continued to rub up and down on the hardening lump at Trevor’s crotch. Involuntarily, Trevor’s legs parted a bit allowing Ray to reach between his thighs to give a gentle squeeze where his balls were. Trevor whimpered. “Feels to me like at least one part of you likes all this attention.” Ray rubbed a bit more vigorously now, his paw heating up as it rubbed against the leather. He could feel the foxhood stirring beneath, feeling like it needed to be released. “I’ll let you go anytime you want, but I know you want this.” Ray gave the lump a firm squeeze. “Oh…. oh gods.” Trevor gasped, unable to control himself any longer. His raging hormones were making his blood boil, and he couldn’t deny his own nature any longer. He was a fox, and he was made to fuck. He moaned as he was groped and squeezed, his cock ached to be released from the tight prison of his pants. “yes” he squeaked. And that was all that was needed to be said. While holding Trevor firmly with his left paw, Ray reached between them to undo the catch above Trevor’s tail. He switched paws to undo the lacings along the front of the fox’s pants. Trevor wiggled a bit as Ray helped his pants to slip off. Ray looked and grinned as he noticed Trevor wore no underwear. “You really did want this tonight, didn’t you naughty fox” he said, taking firm hold of Trevor’s dripping erection. The fox moaned out a long “yeessssss” in response. Ray continued to stroke the foxhood firmly in long and slow strokes. He looked in amazement at the fox’s endowment. He didn’t want to admit it, but if not for his knot, it would be bigger than his own. It was already thicker, but the fox didn’t need to know that. “Now, lift your tail for me fox.” Ray commanded, fully in control. Trevor obeyed, hesitating just a bit as he lifted his bushy tail, leaving his tail hole vulnerable and exposed. His rational mind screamed at him for submitting so completely to a complete stranger. It also reminded him that out here they didn’t have any kind of lubricant, and he had no idea how big this wolf was. But his other side, his instincts, kicked in and he knew he really really needed this. He looked across the yard to see a dozen eyes watching him as the wolf slowly lifted his body. Some from the corners of their eyes as they went down on each other, and at least one or two were watching him intently as they passed a joint between them while pawing themselves off. I’m about to get fucked in public was Trevor’s last thought before he felt the wolf’s hard cockhead against his pucker. Ray pulled the fox down, groaning as he felt the familiar tight warmth of a tail hole gripping his cock. Trevor’s mouth opened in pain, but no sound came out as the wolf cock, lubed with only a drop or two of precum, opened him up and penetrated his insides. The wolf didn’t wait for the pain to subside before he began moving Trevor up and down on his lap, allowing his wolfhood to pump in and out of Trevor’s twitching hole. By the fifth or sixth inward thrust, the pain had begun to be replaced with pleasure. Trevor began moaning, his head thrown back, eyes closed. His cock streamed precum as he was deeply penetrated over and over. His arms moved freely for a moment, not sure what to hold onto to steady himself. That was when his wolf captor stood up, still gripping him tightly about the waist. He was turned around and bent over the concrete bench he had been sitting on. The wolf forced his legs fully apart with one foot, and held him down with two strong paws on his back. Now fully in a position of power over him, the wolf began to really hump into him hard and fast. Trevor’s body rocked with the force of the intense fucking, he squealed a little after a particularly deep thrust. Ray was really enjoying himself now, the little fox was a lot tighter than he had thought he’d be. He gloried in the power of being on top, proving to the smaller fur who the more dominant male was in this situation. His knot had begun to form, thickening quickly and popping in and out of the fox’s stretched anus. He could feel the pressure of impending orgasm begin to build up, starting deep in his balls and moving up to the base of his cock. “Oh, gods, yes” he muttered, his thrusting becoming more erratic now. He could feel it more and more now, it was so very close. Any moment now he would pop his knot into his prey a final time, locking them together, and he would cum deep inside the fox’s body. So close now…so close the pleasure was almost overwhelming. The pressure continued to build, almost unbearably. The release of orgasm would be so welcome. Here it comes he thought, just one more thrust… A firm paw grabbed Ray’s shoulder and pulled back. He fell back, his long cock pulling out of Trevor’s body. Trevor gasped loudly as the whole cock was removed from him so suddenly and quickly. He turned around to see what was happening; surely the wolf wouldn’t have let him go before finishing with him. When he turned he saw that the wolf he had previously thought was very physically imposing, was now held around the neck by a much larger wolf. Trevor sat back, watching, wondering what was going to happen now. The newcomer was huge, well over six feet tall and built. He obviously worked out. His fur was all iron gray in colour except for a little red around his muzzle that made it look like he had a little beard. “Ray” he grunted. “I thought I’d told you it wasn’t nice to take advantage of smaller furs.” Ray was almost in a haze, the pressure in his balls hadn’t been released and was now approaching painful. He’d run into this wolf before, he somehow thought it wasn’t fair to use one’s natural dominance to get what one wanted despite that being the way things were done. “Sinclair, you son of a bitch!” he snarled. “I wasn’t doing anything wrong, and look at him. He even liked it.” They both looked over at Trevor. The small fox blushed under his fur, unable to hide his rather large and dripping erection in time. “Nothing wrong, eh. Then you won’t mind if I do… this” Sinclair roughly pulled Ray’s tail out of the way, and in one quick move he had bent him over and shoved his own eight inch wolfhood into Ray’s tailhole. Ray cried out, half in anger and half at the pain of the sudden intrusion. He fell forward, holding himself up with his forepaws on the stone bench. He was in the same position Trevor had been in only moments before. His painfully hard cock dripped precum onto the ground beneath him. Sinclair stood up behind him, stroking his back. “Hmm, you know I could grow to like this.” He chuckled. He slipped a paw underneath Ray to tickle and squeeze his balls, knowing how much the other wolf needed to cum. Ray whimpered loudly. He didn’t know what was worse, being mounted forcefully by the more dominant wolf, or that his poor balls ached and needed release so badly. Sinclair looked over to where Trevor sat staring. “Hey, little guy you look like you’re pretty yiffy yerself. Tell you what,” He began to hump Ray as he spoke “Once I’m done with him, you can have a go. I’ll loosen him up for you, how’s that sound?” Trevor grinned for a moment before catching the glare from Ray. He gulped. “Um, that sounds… uh, sure.” Sinclair smiled back, continuing to hump the squirming wolf beneath him. “Well, I’m Sinclair. Nice to meet you.” Trevor couldn’t help returning the big wolf’s friendly smile as he introduced himself. “Name’s Trevor.” Sinclair winked at him before returning all his attention to the task at hand. He gripped Ray’s sides tightly and leaned into him, now pushing his whole, hard length into the once-dominant wolf. He could now see what Ray found so attractive about being so in control. He’s have to do this again sometime, but with a more willing fur of course. As he felt his knot beginning to swell and the pressure of his cum building up, Sinclair slipped one paw between his own thrusting thighs and his prey’s body so as to keep his knot from locking the two together. He didn’t want to be tied to Ray; he still had to allow Trevor to have his fun too. Ray snarled and whimpered at the relentless pounding, feeling the more dominant male’s cock beginning to thicken as he approached release. Sinclair rocked his body back and forth as his thrusts came quicker. Sinclair squeezed his own knot tightly at the apex of his pleasure, which caused him to cum hard. He groaned out loud as he felt the wonderful release, shooting his cum deep inside the wolf’s hot body. “Oh, gods yeah.” Sinclair sighed, thrusting while squeezing his knot one last time. He looked over to where Trevor was raptly watching them. “Ready for your turn little guy?” Trevor nodded eagerly, still watching intently as Sinclair pulled his spent cock from under Ray’s limp tail. The little fox was still quite nervous, and hanging back just a bit. “Its okay Trevor, don’t be afraid.” Sinclair held his hand out. Trevor gently took it and allowed himself to be led over to where Sinclair stood. The physically imposing, but very kind wolf lifted his beaten foe’s tail to reveal the dripping pucker that waited there. Trevor’s cock glistened with precum as he got closer. He looked up with almost child-like eyes at Sinclair. “I’ve…never done this before.” He confessed, blushing a bit under his red fur. “Sssh, its alright sweet fox, I’ll help you.” Sinclair pulled the nervous little fox around so he stood between the two wolves. He held Trevor close so the fox felt safe and secure in the big wolf’s arms. All of a sudden Ray didn’t seem that big or strong any more. Trevor began to feel more confident as he looked at the wolf who had previously hunted him. Ray now looked back at the two furs with a pitiful look, not sure if he could take another right now; especially another fairly large one like what he’d seen on that little fox earlier. Sinclair walked forward, nudging Trevor gently along as he went. Trevor gulped a bit as his cocktip brushed against the fur between Ray’s cheeks. He let out a long breath once his tip was against the wolf’s tail hole. It already felt warm against his sensitive tip, and was moist from Sinclair’s cum that had dribbled out a little. Sinclair leaned close to Trevor, bringing his muzzle against one little fox ear. “Now, just push forward.” He said, his voice soft and smooth. He placed his hands on Trevor’s smallish, perfectly round butt and helped him along by gently pushing him forward. Ray squeaked a bit as the thick foxcock entered him. Trevor moaned as Sinclair continued to push him forward, the hot tailhole swallowing up his foxhood. Sinclair stopped pushing and held Trevor close, hugging him, once he was fully embedded inside Ray’s tight tailhole. He held him for a moment before standing off to the side. “Now, fuck him.” He commanded. Trevor obeyed the authority in Sinclair’s voice without question. He began to do as he was told, his hips moving back and forth slowly at first, his thick maleness opening up the wolf even more than before. Sinclair smiled as he saw the look of pleasure on the little fox’s face as he humped his would-be predator. He walked around to where Ray’s face lay. The beaten wolf was beginning to look a bit like he was spacing out, trying to be somewhere else. Sinclair rubbed his cock against Ray’s muzzle. His cock still dripped a little cum. “Clean it.” He ordered. Ray tried to snarl in disgust for a moment before Sinclair forced his muzzle open with his paws and shoved his dripping member past his lips. The smaller wolf gagged a little before relenting to his situation and beginning to lick and suck at Sinclair’s cock. Sinclair hadn’t meant for the other wolf to give him a blowjob, but it seemed to be turning out that way. It just felt too good so he stayed with it, letting Ray lick and suck him all he wanted. He looked over to see Trevor now thoroughly enjoying himself on Ray’s other end. He was putting all his foxie sexuality into the act and was now tightly gripping the fur of Ray’s back as his hips thrust rapidly. He pounded into the wolf’s stretched anus like an animal possessed. Sinclair decided it would be fun to really give it to Ray from both ends. He began to thrust his cock back and forth in the sucking muzzle. Ray gacked for a moment before getting into the rhythm as Sinclair muzzle-fucked him. Meanwhile, Trevor could not believe what he had been missing all this time. He thought he had loved to be dominated and fucked, but he had no idea how good being on top felt. He felt in control, powerful, and the heat and pressure on his cock was the most intense pleasure he had ever felt. He knew he couldn’t last much longer. His speed increased again, determined to cum hard inside this wolf now. His looked down in awe as his thick maleness disappeared again and again under the wolf’s bushy tail. He wondered if this was what he looked like while being fucked. Watching something that thick penetrate a hole that small was truly fascinating to him. Sinclair wondered what Trevor was so intent on watching even as they both kept up a speedy rhythm. Sinclair looked down to concentrate on driving his own cock into Ray’s muzzle. He could only do that for a few moments however when his attention was grabbed by an almost painful sounding shout. He looked up to see Trevor’s small body rigidly straight and quivering all over as he shot his load deep inside their shared wolf. He smiled as he saw the look of rapturous pleasure on the fox’s face as he came. Trevor thrust hard and deep three or four more times as he emptied his balls fully. He milked that orgasm as long as he could. It was the most powerful he had ever felt, and he thought the force of it was going to make him pass out. He pushed himself up, balancing his weight on Ray’s back. Sinclair smiled over to him. “All done over there?” Trevor could only nod and brace himself for the pain/pleasure on his over-sensitive organ as he pulled out slowly. Ray whimpered around his mouthful of cock as he felt the thick foxhood drag its way out of him slowly. Sinclair continued to hump his wolfhood into Ray’s muzzle as he spoke. “Think this one has learned his lesson yet?” He grinned back at Trevor. Trevor looked down at the thoroughly beaten and submissive wolf, and decided to take some pity on him. He looked underneath Ray to see the wolf’s poor neglected cock, now beginning to soften a bit. He could see the wolf’s balls were significantly swollen, full of cum just begging to be released. He began to softly paw the wolf’s tender ballsack, eliciting a painful little whimper from Ray as he did. He looked up at Sinclair. “I think he has.” Sinclair smiled at the fox, seeing how softhearted and kind the little fur was. Trevor got an idea for how he’d like to help the poor wolf finally get some relief. He was so turned on now from all that had happened that he didn’t want to stop yet anyway. “Let him up.” He told Sinclair, who complied silently, letting the little fox have the show now. Sinclair pulled his throbbing wolfhood from Ray’s tired muzzle and waited for Trevor’s next move. Trevor made an indication of what he wanted to do so Sinclair helped him flip Ray over onto his back so that he was now lying on the stone bench. At this point, Ray was too tired and submissive to really care. He let this pair do whatever they wanted with him now. Trevor, mischievous foxy grin on his muzzle, climbed up onto the bench, coming up between Ray’s legs. He started by gently licking the sensitive spot between Ray’s furry sack and tail hole. Ray tried to stifle a little moan as Trevor continued to move up, licking and sucking on the wolf’s full balls. Trevor smiled as he saw Ray’s cock had begun to stir and harden again. He let a swollen wolfball drop from his muzzle as he moved onto his next target, Ray’s dripping cock. Sinclair looked on with interest as Trevor licked and sucked Ray’s wolfhood to full hardness again. He smiled as he saw what the fox had in mind when Trevor pulled his muzzle off of Ray’s cock to leave it very wet, dripping with saliva. Trevor moved up Ray’s body, crouching over him. He shuddered a little as he felt the wolf’s hard cockhead rub past his hanging balls. He looked down into the wolf’s half curious, half frightened eyes as he took the dripping cock gently in his soft paw and placed it at his tailhole. With a smile and a wink he slid back, allowing the slick wolfcock to penetrate him. Ray moaned and involuntarily thrust upwards, hilting himself the rest of the way in the little fox. This got a pleasurable squeal from Trevor as his recently used prostate got a nice bump from Ray’s cock. He decided to give the wolf a little something back for that by squeezing his anal muscles down as hard as he could, causing Ray to buck and moan beneath him. Now Trevor began slowly moving up and down the long wolfcock, riding him slowly. Sinclair looked on for a bit longer before realizing that watching the pair in action was causing his already hard cock to throb painfully. He cocked his head as he continued to watch, deciding whether to join in or not. His paw moved by itself to begin slowly stroking himself. He moved around behind the other furs, his paw still slowly working his thick cock as he did. He leaned down between Ray’s spread legs and moved his muzzle forwards till he could see the point where Ray’s cock spread open the small fox’s tailhole. Extending his long wolf tongue, Sinclair began to lick both furs here. He lapped at the base of Ray’s wolfhood, then moved up to rim Trevor’s stretched hole. Both furs moaned and gasped at the additional sensation as they kept up their movement, Trevor now fiercely riding the wolfhood that was deep inside him. Smiling at the reaction, Sinclair moved down again to lick Ray’s full balls. His tongue bounced the white-furred sac up and down, lapping the wolf’s swollen balls that were so badly in need of release. At this point, Ray’s knot had swollen up rather quickly. It was now fully hard, and Trevor’s hole bumped against it on each downward stroke. Seeing this, Sinclair held Ray’s furry thighs down and began to lick and suck at his knot. This was not only very stimulating for the wolf, but allowed Sinclair to make sure Ray would not tie with Trevor and risk hurting the little fox again. He was surprised that he was really starting to care about the yiffy fox. Trevor grunted and gasped, Ray’s cock had thickened more inside him and he could tell the wolf was not far from finally cumming. He was still quite yiffy himself between the really great experience he’s just had in topping and all the prodding that was happening to his prostate right now. He was creating a good rhythm with stroking his foxhood, which had grown to full hardness again, and riding the hard wolfcock under his tail. The feeling was really overwhelming as he was in control to ride it at his own pace, and use Ray for his own pleasure in a slightly different way. Below them, Sinclair’s cock demanded attention again. He decided to grip Ray’s cock at the base to hold it down with one paw so he could paw himself off with the other. He continued to lick and nibble at the soft fur on Ray’s ball sac as he frantically worked his thick, hard wolfhood. After several more minutes of riding, squeezing, pawing, and licking, the first one went off. Sinclair gasped loudly as cum fired from his thick tip, coating his paws in white streams of wolfseed. As he came, he clenched down on Ray’s knot, holding it tightly. This was what finally put Ray over the edge. The wolf almost passed out as he came at last. The orgasm was over-powering. He shot two loads worth of cum at once since he had already been forced to suppress a near orgasm earlier. He filled the little fox so much he could feel it dribble back down his shaft and over his knot. Naturally, being filled to the point of bursting with wolf cum brought on Trevor’s orgasm too. He shuddered and gasped as his fox cream shot from his overly sensitive organ. He couldn’t stop himself though, he kept stroking till his balls were empty again and he had coated parts of Ray’s chest with his load. After a few minutes of panting and trying to regain some strength, the three spent furs separated from each other. They looked around to see that all around them, cocks were spurting and cum was flying in all directions. They smiled, seeing the effect they’d had on the voyeur crowd around them. They exchanged pleasantries and went their separate ways for the night. They all agreed that despite the darker beginnings they had all had a great evening out, and they had all learned something new. Trevor had learned he did indeed find it arousing to be taken forcefully, but also how wonderful topping was. He endeavored to do that again. Ray learned that being taken in the tail hole isn’t has bad as he thought it would be, and despite wanting to be the alpha male he secretly wanted to be taken like that again. Sinclair could only smile and hope to see the two furs again. He knew that versatility was fun, and was looking forward to the time he could show those two that once more. He also discovered that watching was quite arousing too. Although they went their separate ways, they exchanged numbers and made plans to see each other again. The End, for now…