The Birthday Tiger Story and character of the mystery fur's true identity are copyright, FuzzWolf. The character of Jerred is copyright to his player. This story features a long, hard spanking (Yay!) and M/M anal yiffage. Enjoy! Jerred stepped out of the bus and started his walk home. His boots made crunching sounds in the snow as he walked, his head down and collar up in a vain attempt to fight off the wind. Overall, it had been a thoroughly depressing day. Then again, any day he was still stuck in one place was going to be a bad one. His wandering heart longed to be on the road again, cruising the highways on his motorcycle with the freedom to go where he willed. His bike was currently being repaired. He could have fixed it himself, but it needed some new parts that had turned out to take a lot longer to order than he had thought, and they were going to cost a lot. He'd been forced to settle here for a bit, and had even gotten a job as a short-order cook at a local diner. He made his way up the rusty old stairs to the apartment where he was staying. This apartment was actually the only stroke of luck he'd had in all this. It belonged to a friend of his who was out of town at the moment. He'd agreed to let Jerred use it to crash for a couple days since he was in this part of the country anyway. The couple days had now turned into a couple weeks, and the tiger feared it would be longer if he couldn't scrape up the cash to fix his bike soon. At least he had a roof over his head for now, but he was still very down. He hated being all alone on his birthday, especially in a town where he didn't know anyone. He was by nature a very affectionate creature, and being by himself on this day was what was really dragging on him. Reaching the door, he saw an envelope sticking in the doorframe. He pulled it out to see that his name was typed in bold letters on the front. Strange, he thought. Who even knew he was here? He shrugged to himself and went inside, clicking on the lights as he did. He pulled out the note and read it, going from depressed to confused. My dear Jerred, I hope this note finds you in good health because you'll probably need it. I've arranged a little something for you for your birthday, but you've got to follow my instructions implicitly. First, get undressed and go take a nice hot shower. Not just any shower, a good long one and as hot as you can stand it. Now, and this is the important part, don't dry yourself. Go immediately to the master bedroom. Get on all fours in the center of the bed, be sure not to turn on any lights. I know this is asking a lot of trust on your part, but just go along with it and I assure you, you'll be grateful. Your friend always, FuzzWolf Very confused, but very trusting also, Jerred put the note aside and began to strip out of his clothes. He stripped naked right there in the hall, revealing his buff and beautiful body to the darkness of the apartment, and anyone else who might be hiding he thought. He padded softly to the bathroom at the back of the apartment. He resisted the strong urge to peek in when he passed the door to the bedroom. Trying to keep his mind focused on just having a relaxing shower, he proceeded to the bathroom and started up the water. He waited till it was steaming, nice and hot, before stepping inside. He mrrred to himself as the water begin to penetrate through his snowy white fur. He reflected that this would have been a good idea even without Fuzz's puzzling note. After being hard at work all day and walking home in the cold, he really needed a warming up. He poured an ample amount of shampoo into one huge paw and began to lather up. His showers usually took quite a time as it was. When you're seven feet tall and covered with thick, white fur you really need to have a thorough time bathing. After getting his chest all soaped up he moved farther down. He purred softly under his breath with pleasure as he cleaned the fur of his sheath. His purr turned to a little moan when he took his large balls into his paw to wash his heavy sack. He only then realized how incredibly horny he was. It had been some time since he had had any time alone with another male, and the heat of the shower had really gotten his blood flowing again. His mind came back to the task at hand once his tigercock had begun to peak out of the tip of his sheath. He realized he was getting carried away so he quickly finished lathering up, moving quickly down his legs and hindpaws. Next, Jerred rinsed off and stayed under the hot water for another twenty minutes at least. He wanted to make sure he stuck to what Fuzz's note had said after all. He ignored the towels on the rack as he walked out of the bathroom. He cautiously entered the master bedroom. Looking around, but not seeing anyone there he did as he had been instructed and climbed up on the bed. He stayed there for a moment before he realized how warm it was in the room. He had expected to be shivering by now, dripping wet as he was. Instead he was very warm and comfortable. Suddenly, the door slammed shut, cutting off the light from the hall. Jerred began to look around. Someone came up close to him in the total darkness. The dark figure began to stroke his back as it spoke. "Sssh, don't worry sweet tiger." He said. "I need you to close your eyes now." He waited for Jerred to comply before continuing. "Now, just do as I say and you'll be happy you did." The voice was soft, sweet, but definitely male. "Lean down on your arms, spread your legs just a little, and raise that lovely tail for me." Jerred did as he was instructed. He felt a familiar thickening beginning in his sheath as he did as he had been instructed. He was in a very vulnerable position. The tiger's heartbeat began to quicken as he contemplated what would happen next. He was half scared but he also very much enjoyed the feeling of being in control of this dark stranger while in the classic 'fuck me' position, dripping wet and naked. Jerred twitched a little as he felt something behind him. Something cool and smooth was placed against his exposed butt. It was removed, he felt a rush of cool air and then SMACK! The tiger gasped and cried out at the unexpected sensation. "One" the voice said, "now, count with me love." He commanded. He gave Jerred a moment to recover and maybe figure out what was happening before continuing, but not too long. With a joy-filled grin, he reared back and delivered another strike to the tiger's bare butt with the leather paddle he held. "Two" Jerred gasped, his body rocked with the blow. His still wet and very warm butt was now throbbing just a little and getting warmer. Jerred's thick tigercock began to slip from his sheath, filling rapidly. The next three hits came close together. One to the left cheek "Three", next to the right "Four", and then another to the center "Five, oh gods!" Jerred gasped. The paddle on his wet bum stun, his rear was now throbbing more. "Oh yes" the spanker squealed gleefully. "And how old are you this year, love?" Jerred breathed a sigh, now knowing what this was. "Twenty eight" he sputtered out, his voice choked with arousal. "Hmm, a nice high number. I'm going to enjoy this." The spanker began to go at Jerred's vulnerable bottom for real now. The blows from the paddle came hard and heavy, covering every inch of the exposed tigerbutt. Jerred's body rocked with each smack, his heavy and full balls swung back and forth with the movement. He kept up with the count as best he could. As number fifteen landed on his red and throbbing bottom his long, barbed cock reached its full hardness and began dripping a little precum onto the bed. "Fifteen!" He cried out. The water from the shower had helped the initial paddlings sting much more than normal. Now that the water had dried off, his poor bum still had no reprieve, as it was now tender enough that even a little slap stung considerably. And he still had thirteen to go! At this point, Jerred's unknown guest stopped and leaned down to examine his handiwork. He oohed in satisfaction as he could see the skin had reddened very nicely under the tiger's white and black fur. He leaned close to the warm butt and blew softly on it, causing Jerred to shiver slightly. He noted the tiger's firm and dripping erection. He grasped it tightly, stroking the wet tip. "I see the tiggy likes this." Jerred only whimpered in response. The spanker leaned down and gave Jerred's ample sack a long lick causing the tiger to moan and spread his legs even more. Jerred desperately wanted this to continue, he raised his tail and rear even more, begging without saying a word. The spanker smiled and selected something else to continue with. He didn't want his subject getting too used to one sensation. Jerred didn't know about the change in instruments until he heard the different, higher swish through the air. He definitely knew about it when he felt the harsh switch against his blazing red skin. He barely caught his breath in time to squeak out a "Sixteen" before the next blow came, leaving a second red stripe across his backside. Jerred received five strikes with the switch in all, creating an overlapping of red stripes, which were raising slightly over his rear. "Twenty" came out of Jerred as a whispered squeak. His bottom ached and throbbed with pain, but he loved it like that. It had been far too long since he'd been given a good spanking. He found himself sorry that he only had five to go. And then what, he wondered. Twenty-one, twenty-two, and twenty-three were delivered with a thick leather belt. Then, for the last five a riding crop was chosen. Jerred jumped each time the harsh tip made contact. Twenty-four struck in the center of his left cheek, twenty-five reddened an identical spot on the right. Twenty-six got the sensitive upper part of the tiger's left thigh. The next one again matched that spot on the right. Twenty-seven was delivered at an odd angle that made it strike between Jerred's abused cheeks, spanking his tight tailhole. The tiger jumped at this new pain. Twenty-eight hit a little lower than that, at the sensitive area between the ball sack and tail hole. Jerred sighed a bit with relief; it had stopped just in time. If he had gone any lower… "And one to grow on!" and that was when the crop swept up and slapped the underside of Jerred's fuzzy sack, making his full balls jump and bounce. A little spurt of cum shot from his cock as he whimpered. "Stay right there, just a little bit longer" Jerred could only crouch there and quiver with pain and extreme arousal as the other furson moved around. The room became a little more illuminated, candlelight it seemed. Jerred could now see that there was a mirror in front of him. He'd never been in the master bedroom before tonight. He had been using the guest room down the hall. He could now see the one who had delivered his birthday spanking with such diligence come up behind him. He recognized the small, white dog from photos he'd seen. He was Valentine, a good friend of Fuzz's. Now, the albino Shepard came up behind Jerred. The birthday boy knew what the cute pup had in mind and he wanted it badly. Val mounted Jerred quickly, slipping his doggie cock into the tiger's tight tailhole. Jerred groaned in pleasure as he felt the dogcock invading him deep. The act of spanking Jerred had had Val extremely aroused for some time. It wasn't long before Val's knot had formed and was pressing against the tight ring under Jerred's striped tail. Jerred purred blissfully loving the feeling of being fucked so roughly while Val's thrusting thighs slapped against his tender red butt. The mixture of pain and pleasure was intense; especially once Val was able to thrust his thick knot fully inside, bringing the two furs bodies together. Jerred moaned as he was opened up fully to take the thick canine knot, it hurt but the feeling of being filled felt so good. Val's tongue lolled from the side of his muzzle as he enjoyed the feeling of humping the tight tiger, he leaned in and pumped madly. The dogcock invaded Jerred deeply, the tiger squeezed down on it at the apex of each thrust, causing Val to gasp and moan. He slipped one paw down below the quivering tiger to grasp Jerred's thick tigercock. Jerred took in a sharp breath as he finally felt the contact on his painfully hard member. His barbed maleness throbbed so hard it hurt, needing attention desperately. Luckily, Jerred's cock was also freely flowing with precum by now, giving Val something slick to grasp. He started to pump Jerred in time with his own rapid pounding of the tiger's ass. The two began one pumping pile of fur, moving rapidly and filling the room with sounds of moaning and smacking as Val's body impacted Jerred's spanked red cheeks with each inward thrust. The pain and pleasure as the spanking sensation continued and the dog's pounding cock massaging his prostate was too much for Jerred. He cried out as he came hard, his orgasm rocking his body and long streams of tigercum shooting from his flared tip. As Jerred came, his body squeezed down tight on Val's maleness. The nearly exhausted Val cried out as he too came hard. Val rapidly pumped Jerred's ass full of his doggiecum before collapsing on the tiger's strong back, tied and exhausted. "That was wonderful." Jerred purred. "I'll have to thank our mutual friend for sending you here for my birthday." Val smiled and replied, "I'm not the only one he called hon." "Hmm, what do you mean?" Jerred sounded a little worried now. "Well, he wanted to celebrate properly and figured you'd need all the fun you can stand so I'm only the first of the magic twenty-eight. One yiff for each year of your life, and each will give you your birthday spanking too" Val giggled. Jerred didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Could he take twenty- eight furs in one night, he wondered. Knowing that it was all in good fun, and he could stop it any time if he really needed to, he decided to give it a shot. He'd just have to be sure to pay his good friend back in kind on his next whelpday. He smiled to himself as he started to plan for Fuzz's twenty-fifth next year. Then the doorbell rang… The End till next year anyway, hope you enjoyed your birthday tiggy ?