A Very Special Weekend This story is a little different for me. It was done as a special request for a friend. It features a M/M incest scene so if that isn't your cup of tea, then this is your warning. Features anal and oral sex. Characters and story are copyright to FuzzWolf. It was a very special weekend indeed. It was Will's sixteenth birthday, and it was the first time the whole family had been together in nearly two years. His parents seemed happy and content for once, and his older brother, Tom, was home from college. This was the first time Will had seen his brother since the summer after his graduation. Tom had gone off to school out of state, half way across the country, and had not been able to come home since. The two had been very close growing up, and Will had missed his big brother badly, more so than he admitted to anyone. As the lithe, young snow leopard blew out his candles, he made a silent wish that he and his brother would be able to spend a lot more time together, and that they would not grow apart as some families do. He caught Tom's eyes as he blew out his candles. Tom had seemed okay at first, but now he had a far off look in his eyes, like something was pre-occupying his mind. It worried Will a little, and he hoped he could get his big brother to open up to him a bit and let him know what was up. Perhaps they could talk tonight, after their parents went off to bed… Later that night… Tom took a deep breath of the cool night air and let it out slowly. He'd never realized before how clean and refreshing the air was here out in the country. He figured he'd had to go away and live in the city for a couple years to really appreciate it out here. He'd hated his family's unsophisticated life on the farm when he was stuck here, but now it was a really nice break from his busy life away at college. He sighed to himself as he thought, if only he could enjoy it fully but his mind was weighed rather heavily right now. He'd come home to get a big secret off of his chest finally, and he could only guess at how his family would react. Just at that moment, his younger brother came back outside with the sodas he'd run off to get. "Here ya go, bro" Will said with a big grin as he handed Tom the bottle of soda. Even the soda bottles are old fashioned here, Tom thought as he took the offered soda from Will. "Thanks" Tom returned his brother's smile a little hesitantly, then looked off into the distance again. Tom let out a big sigh as he looked out across the peaceful countryside. He realized how obvious he must look that there was something on his mind so before Will could get out a question, Tom proposed they go for a walk. They trudged through the night on a well-worn path through the woods till they eventually came to the small stream they had played in as cubs. They stood in silence for several minutes, watching the water, listening to the night sounds, and enjoying the gentle summer breeze. That was when Will took the initiative. Putting his paw on the older snow leopard's shoulder and turning him to look in his eyes, he asked his brother what was bothering him. Tom could never say no to his brother. When Will looked at you with those deep brown eyes that were so honest and sincere, you just felt more at ease and Tom found courage in his little brother's eyes. So, he told him what had been on his mind. After many nervous false starts that is. Tom was finally able to come to the point, and tell his brother what had changed in his life. He was gay, he knew that now. It had taken moving away from his small town roots and being exposed to a larger world where one could be more comfortable just being himself to make him realize what had been there all along. Tom looked nervously back at his little brother as he tried to gauge the reaction. Was that shock? Fear? Anger? He couldn't tell. His reaction, however, was shock when Will suddenly leaped forward and hugged him tightly around the neck. "Oh Tom, I thought I was the only one! Thank you, thank you for telling me this." Tom stood in dumb-founded silence for a moment before smiling and returning the smaller leopard's tight hug. This had definitely not been the reaction he had anticipated, and he had had no idea that his brother was also gay. Tom started to wonder if this kind of thing ran in his family. "Tom?" Will spoke a little tentatively now. "Yes, bro?" "Have you ever…um…been with another boy…y'know?" He finished a little hesitantly. Tom blushed a bit under his white and gray fur before responding. "Yes, I have. A couple of times. Why? Were you curious about something?" Will grinned, "I'm curious about what it feels like." "Oh!..Um," as Tom stopped to think how to respond, Will gave him his next big surprise of the night by leaning up and kissing him, quite hard, right on the muzzle. Tom had opened his mouth in surprise, giving Will the opportunity to slip his rough feline tongue in. Tom had to either gag or respond so he was surprised to find himself returning the long kiss, his own tongue fighting against his little brother's. Both snow leopards closed their eyes as they kissed each other for a long time. The held each other close, comforted by their body's warmth in the cool night. Each one felt a stirring in his sheath as the kiss endured. Will eventually stepped back, looking up into his brother's eyes. "That was…cool," he said softly. "Will…I" "Please show me more Tom, please." Will pleaded with his big brother, holding him by the paws. Tom tried to puzzle all this out. He loved his brother, he knew that much. He also knew that the deep kiss and warm closeness of his brother's body had turned him on tremendously if the throbbing in his groin was any indication, and Will seemed to really want this. What harm could it do? He pulled the younger leopard into a warm hug, nuzzling his headfur affectionately. "Okay, little bro. I'll show you some, but it's too cold out here and I'm a little scared of waking Mom and Dad." "How about the stable? Its heated, and its not locked." Will grinned. Tom had to smile; his brother was getting quite sneaky now that he was 16. The two walked, paw in paw, the short distance to the stable and crept inside. They could hear horse's moving about in the dark as they snuck to the rear of the stable. It was comfortably warm inside, and filled with a pleasant aroma of oats and horse. At the rear of the stable, farthest from the door was a stall that was unoccupied and was used mostly for storage. Tom lit the lantern here, keeping it just low enough so that they could see where they were. Tom looked around before closing the storage stall's door. He turned to see with surprise that Will was already getting undressed. He marveled at how eager his brother was for this as he watched the young leopard getting undressed. He could feel his cock straining even more in his clothes as he watched. He'd never really looked at his brother before even though they'd grown up together, but now he saw that Will was quite attractive. Actually, he was beautiful. He was thin, but not too thin. He had a nice layer of toned muscle, and was almost as tall as Tom was. He had an adorable face with a perfectly shaped muzzle. Tom gasped a little as Will slipped his pants off. He kicked out of them carelessly, not knowing the effect he was having on his brother. He left his socks on and stood facing Tom, expectantly. Tom realized he should be undressing too, and began. Soon he was naked also and turned to face the younger feline. Will stared with all the lasciviousness a teenager was capable of at Tom's crotch. His eyes were hungry looking at the erect feline member. Tom stepped across the room and took his brother in another tight hug. Will moaned as their warm furry bodies pressed against each other, this time with no clothing separating them. His paws roamed up and down Tom's back as Tom caressed and scritched him in return. He could feel the larger leopard's thick member pressed against his belly, and he shivered at its impressive size. Now that they were close and beginning to be intimate, Tom took the lead this time by kissing Will. The kiss was slower and less forceful this time, but no less passionate. Tom held his brother close with one paw, his other paw slipped down between them. Will moaned as best he could around his brother's muzzle as Tom squeezed his throbbing young member. Will was almost paralyzed with the pleasure of feeling another's touch on his maleness for the first time ever. He moaned and gasped at how good it felt as his brother's soft paw rubbed up and down his shaft, giving it the occasional squeeze. They stayed like that for several minutes, but Tom realized he would have to stop soon. Will's cock was steadily flowing precum, and, remembering what it was like to be that age, Tom knew Will would cum very soon if stimulated much longer. Tom broke the kiss, and took his paw from Will's steaming erection. "Did you like that little bro?" He asked Will with some concern; afraid he was going too fast. "That was…wonderful," Will smiled. "Let me try now." In a flash, Will's paw was around his brother's shaft, surrounding his ample thickness with a soft, warm embrace. Will leaned down to watch closely as he stroked his brother's cock up and down slowly. He was fascinated by the pulsing flesh, the drop of pre that had formed at the head, by how big his brother was compared to him. He had to be more than twice as thick as he, and at least seven inches long, if not more. Will wondered what stroke of luck Tom had been blessed with as they had the same parents and he was nowhere near as well endowed. Tom moaned as his brother teased his shaft and cockhead for an eternity. He was so aroused it hurt. How could Will torture him like this, surely he knew how good this felt. His brother was a natural for handling cock it seemed, and Tom had to fight to catch his breath as Will's gentle fingertips caressed and traced each individual barb on his cathood. Next Will gave the big cock a squeeze that made its owner whimper before gently beginning to caress the white-furred balls that hung loosely between his bro's powerful legs. Tom couldn't believe he had worried about Will cumming too soon because he now felt like he was going to explode any second from the slow, sensual teasing. He stepped back, his sticky cock slipping from his brother's torturing fingers. "Sit down here," he told Will, indicating a wooden workbench behind them. Will sat down on the edge of the bench while Tom got on his knees. Will just stayed quiet and let Tom lead the way. Tom put his paws on his brother's knees and slowly parted his legs. He leaned in between Will's legs and gave his young member a long, slow lick along its length. Will reacted instantly, his claws extending for a moment as he gripped the workbench, his body rigid with the sudden pleasure. Tom smiled at his brother's reaction, and went to work. He began by nuzzling Will's full balls with his nose and muzzle. Will began to purr as Tom's warm fur brushed against his sack, and his hot breath moved across the base of his erect shaft. Tom followed his nuzzling with a lavish tongue bath to the gray and white-furred balls. He massaged each ball thoroughly with his tongue before lapping again at the sack as a whole, his rough feline tongue cleaning the tender fur. The stimulation on his balls made Will's cock stream pre like a river. His eyes watered, it felt so good. Soon his brother was nuzzling and licking at his shaft, and he was in heaven. Tom lapped up and down his brother's length, paying particular attention to the sensitive tip. Will's cock looked just like his did, except shorter and thinner. Will was a little small for his age, but his cathood was more than enough to provide him plenty of pleasure, and Tom found he loved to suck on his little brother's member. He soon realized the advantage of Will's size was that he could take his entire shaft into his muzzle right down to the base and suck the entire thing at once. When he did this, Will felt like he was going to pass out. He saw stars as his brother sucked hard on his throbbing cock, and teased his barbs with his rough tongue. "Oh…oh Tom, I'm gonna-" Warm, salty liquid filled Tom's muzzle as he buried his face in the young leopard's crotch. He gave Will's balls a gentle squeeze as he came. Will's cum was thinner than his own due to his age, but it tasted quite sweet and there was plenty of it. Tom gulped down all the cum that was shot into his muzzle, then stayed there on Will's cock for several minutes, just warmly sucking and cleaning the kitty cock. Will's claws had made deep furrows in the wood of the bench he sat on. His whole body stayed rigid with pleasure until his orgasm passed. He gasped and breathed heavily, occasionally moaning as his brother stayed locked onto his cock. He knew he wanted to do something special for his brother now. Tom had made him feel so wonderful, so loved. Tom eventually pulled off his little brother's softening member and stood up so he could nuzzle his cheek. The two purred as they rubbed their furry cheeks together. Will knew what he wanted to do. He glanced nervously at his brother's cock. Tom could sense something was on his brother's mind again. "What're you thinking, little bro?" Will swallowed hard and looked into his brother's eyes. "I…um. I want you to…mount me," he said a little uncertainly. "Are you sure you're ready, Will?" Will squared his shoulders and looked certainly into Tom's eyes. "Yes," he said definitively. "I want you to mate me…um, please?" Tom smiled and took his brother in a gentle hug. "Well, only if you're sure…" Will nodded his head eagerly. "I'm positive. Just…go slow, okay?" Tom softly caressed his brother's cheek, he couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to have his little brother put so much trust in him. He leaned down and gave will a long and deep kiss. Tom broke the kiss and turned Will around. Will was only too happy to go along with this new position as he could now feel Tom's barbed feline member rubbing against the fur of his rump. Tom licked and nuzzled at Will's neck, occasionally giving him little nips. Will whimpered in the older cat's expert grasp. He felt himself go limp as he gave all his strength to the powerful male who held him. Will's tail lifted by itself a little, his body needing this as much as his mind did. With a grin, Tom bent his brother over at the waist. Will's paws came to rest on the wooden workbench that was before him. His shorter body left his rump and slowly raising tail in just the right spot for Tom, who was getting more eager about this prospect now. He covered his brother's body with his, holding him close as he licked and nuzzled the back of his neck. "Get comfortable bro, I want to make this one for you to remember." And with that, Tom gave the smaller feline a slightly harder bite on the back of his neck. Will whimpered and settled into a comfortable position for him. He parted his legs and leaned down on his forearms, presenting himself. Tom stepped back for a second to admire the view. His sweet and innocent brother was now lifting his tail and spreading his legs wantonly. Tom's cock throbbed as he took in the dangling, furry balls and the tight, virgin pucker nestled between two perfectly shaped cheeks. The older snow leopard stepped up and gently parted his brother's cheeks. He leaned down and began to run his rough tongue over the pink tailhole that awaited him. Will gasped again and his claws gripped the workbench, just as he had when Tom had first licked his cock. Tom worked the virgin hole for several minutes, spurred on by the mews and whimpers of pleasure coming from the eager recipient. He worked his brother's opening till it glistened with saliva before pressing his longest finger against the pucker and slowly pushing it in. Will mewled happily as he felt his brother enter him. It didn't hurt like he thought it would. Soon Tom was massaging deep inside him and he could feel his cock stir again even though he had just cum very hard. Next, Tom pressed another finger in to join the first. Will whimpered a little now, he hadn't been expecting that. Soon he realized that Tom was only using fingers. He got scared when he thought about how big his brother was. He gulped inwardly as Tom's fingers spread apart to stretch him a bit. "It's okay Will, I'm just trying to open you up a little so it won't hurt too much going in." Will nodded and began to purr a little. Tom was caressing his back with his other paw now and his fingers moved slowly in and out. After a few minutes, Tom slowly pulled his fingers out and stepped closer to his brother. The soft caresses and fingering had gotten Will hard as a rock again. When Tom asked if he was ready to take him, Will almost shouted for him to do so. While gently caressing his brother's back and talking softly to him, Tom placed his thick cockhead that was amply lubricated with precum against his brother's tailhole. He pushed forward slowly, his cocktip forcing itself against the tight pucker. He held Will around the chest and pushed forward harder. Will cried out as his hole finally gave and Tom's hard shaft slid in. Tom pushed himself in to the root and then held himself still as he stroked Will's fur. "Oh…oh gods it hurts Tom." "Sssh, I know. I know, Will. It's your first time, but it'll pass." Tom continued to talk gently to Will as the young feline bore out the pain of his first mounting. After a short while Will sighed as the pain had begun to pass. Tom shifted from side to side for a moment, and Will moaned as he felt the huge cockhead press something deep inside him. His whole groin filled with a feeling of pleasure that was so intense he thought he was going to cum again right there. Sensing that Will was ready for more, Tom began the slow process of pulling out. Will mewled like a feline in heat as his brother's long member left him inch by inch. Everything that wonderful cock touched inside him felt wonderful, even the pointed barbs hurt in a good way that added to the pleasure he felt. He didn't want Tom to pull it all out though, he wanted to feel it deep inside him again and have it stay there forever. Tom pulled at least six of his seven thick inches out so that just his cockhead held the tight pucker open. He stopped there a moment and moved slightly back and forth, teasing the opening. "Oh please Tom, mate me now!" Will cried out in desperation. With that Tom held onto the upturned rump before him and thrust his powerful hips forward to bury his shaft fully inside his willing brother. Tom didn't stop now. He began to mate his little brother with slow and deep thrusts. He kept up a steady rhythm that wasn't too fast and wasn't too slow. Just fast enough so his cockhead gave a pleasing pressure to Will's prostate, and just slow enough so Will felt every single barb scraping him gently on the way out. Will was in heaven. He had never felt anything like this before. The feeling of his brother mounting him was indescribable. His cock flowed precum like a river, giving a little spurt every time Tom thrust into him. He leaned farther down and soon realized that allowed Tom to penetrate even deeper. He cried out with pleasure and began to thrust backwards to meet his brother's inward thrusts. Tom had to catch his breath as Will began to meet his thrusts. He had only topped once before and it was nothing like this. This felt wonderful. Will was so incredibly tight, and he was obviously enjoying it so much. Tom felt good about himself every time Will cried or whimpered with pleasure. He wished he could make his little brother feel like this always. Soon the two were slowly speeding up, their rhythm in perfect sync. Will met every one of Tom's deep thrusts with a backward thrust of his own that drove the thick feline member ever deeper. Tom's paws ran up and down his brother's back, his claws raking through the fur. He tried to hold back, but he scratched just a little. Will didn't care though; the little shocks of pain on his back were the same as those he got inside from the barbs. He cried out, the extreme pleasure spiked sharply with a little pain was almost too much to take. Despite wanting this to last all night, Tom's body took over and soon his was thrusting rapidly. His cock pistoned in and out of the once-virgin hole, and Will cried out in need. He went as deep and hard as he could and still Will cried out for more. As Tom felt himself getting close, he hunched over his brother's quivering body to take his neck tightly between his sharp teeth. Both felines knew they were close now and Tom's hips were soon in a frenzy. Will cried out with a yowl as his brother took him totally, covering his body and taking him with a wildness he never knew Tom possessed. Will's young body could only take so much. The incessant thrusting of the thick, pulsing leopardcock into his tight passage, and the banging of that huge cockhead against his tender insides put him over the edge. He mewled long and loud as he came again. His cock spurted in long streams as his brother's cock milked the cum from his body. He was surprised to find his second orgasm tonight was even more overwhelming than the first and it made every muscle in his body clench down. Tom moaned as the already tight tailhole became like a vice on his thrusting maleness. He held on tight and whimpered with pleasure as he pumped his brother full of his seed. Will kept thrusting back into him and they both rode out their climaxes together. Tom pumped his balls empty before releasing Will's neck. He realized Will was so weak he could no longer support himself on his arms. Not wanting them to fall face first on the workbench, Tom pulled Will back up. Both felines mewled together as Will's passage tightened down as he stood. Warm cum ran out of Will and over Tom's balls, which were already wet with sweat. Tom held his brother tight, his arms wrapping around Will's chest as both panted. Tom began to gently lick the small flecks of blood away from Will's neck that were caused by his mating bite. The wound wasn't bad, not enough to leave a mark even, and was an inseparable part of feline mating. The two snow leopards stayed like that for a long time, till they had both stopped panting and gasping for breath. Then they spent hours cleaning each other with their tongues, licking off all the sticky spots and grooming their fur back to a presentable position. After another long session of kissing and holding each other gently, they could see the first rays of the sun peaking over the horizon. Panic struck as they quickly dressed and made their way back to the house, but not before both had expressed his enjoyment of the evening and a promise had been made to explore even more.