Some Like it Rough By FuzzWolf This story is of an erotic furry nature, featuring a hard spanking and a rough M/M anal yiff. It hurts, but it's all in good fun. Also, this tale is Trevor's second encounter with Sinclair. See Sexual Predator for their first meeting, but this story works as a standalone also. >Hey Lewis. >This is gonna seem like a weird request. Tonight is the night I'm >meeting a fur at the Motel Sex for some fun like I told you about. >I just wanted to let someone I trust know where I am and what >I'll be doing just in case anything should happen. >I'm pretty nervous, but I think this is a part of me I should >really explore. I'm attaching a file with all the info I have on >the guy, and the number and address of where I'll be. >Thanks for watching my back buddy. I'll take you out sometime >to make up for this. :-) >Your pal, >Trevor ***ATTACHEMENT*** Lewis gulped a little as he read his e-mail. He knew his friend Trevor had a lot of kinks that he was beginning to explore, and he was worried for him. He only hoped his friend, who was maybe a bit too trusting, was safe and knew what he was doing. "I hope they're meeting in a public place at least," Lewis muttered to himself… *** "I should have insisted on a more public place," Trevor half-whimpered to himself as he pulled his car into the rather beat-up looking parking lot of the hotel he and his rendezvous had agreed on. The young fox leaned his head back and sighed deeply. He was nervous. He looked over at the lobby, its bright light welcoming and safe, but still somewhat unsettling. This was it, he thought. He had to go get the room now, then wait for the inevitable. Trevor gathered up his courage and stepped out of the car, making the short walk to the lobby. The middle-aged shrew behind the counter gave Trevor a long look up and down as he entered. Trevor could see in her eyes she knew exactly what he was here for. He wondered if it was in the way he was dressed, or just his nervous manner. Truthfully, it was just that kind of motel, and she'd seen a lot weirder than this shaky looking young fox in his tight, leather pants. Trevor was even nervous about getting the room, especially since it was all too obvious what he was going to be using it for. He's always thought of himself as a pretty clean-living fur, and now he felt a little dirty about getting a room for this. At least he wasn't hiring a prostitute, he thought and felt a little better. The clerk barely spoke as she checked him in and handed him a room key. "Thanks," he mumbled and quickly made his way back to his car, nearly tripping over his feet. Once in his room, he tossed his jacket over one of the chairs around the little table near the door. He used the restroom, adjusted his fur several times and paced a bit before he decided the pacing was making him feel worse and he settled onto a bed to call Sinclair as he had promised. With a shaking paw, he made the phone call to Sinclair to tell him the room number he was in. The conversation was short and to the point. The wolf said he'd be on his way in a moment. He still had thirty minutes before their scheduled time to meet so he tried to be as comfortable as possible in the meantime, and so he settled back down onto the bed for now. He reflected on how he had gotten here. He had first met Sinclair about a month ago on his first night out alone. He had gone to a neat looking Goth and S and M club downtown that he had seen advertised in the local gay guides. His first night there and he had been near-raped, but Sinclair had stepped in and the situation had turned out okay. In fact, it was a really new experience for him and he had really enjoyed exploring himself a little more. He had turned out to have a bit more top in him than he had thought previously, but knew he was still a submissive at heart just as Sinclair's calling had been to be more dominant. At the time, he had seen Sinclair as his knight in shining armor who had stepped in and saved him. The two had started talking over e-mail, about their various interests, and now he was here. One of Trevor's big kinks was spanking, and he blushed at the mere thought of that. It was a little embarrassing for him to talk about, and it had taken a lot of trust to even bring up the topic with Sinclair. The big wolf had asked him what his interests were, and what he'd like to try and explore that he hadn't much of a chance to yet. Trevor had taken this opportunity and bore some of his desires. They had discussed many fantasies and kinks they had interest in over the course of the last month, and had eventually decided to meet again in the fur. They had agreed on a little spanking fun. The hardest part had been done now. Trevor had opened up and talked about his hidden desires that he'd held a long time with no outlet. Once that part was over, the next couple e-mails had flowed. The time and the place had been agreed on quickly, and now the night had arrived. Trevor thought he'd been safe, but still had lingering doubts. He trusted Sinclair after the night at the club, and he seemed sincere in his e-mails, but how much did he really know him. He had even taken the wise precaution of telling a close friend exactly what he was doing and who he was going to be with. That alone was quite embarrassing, but Lewis was an old friend whom he cared about and found he could trust. Lewis wouldn't make fun of him about this, and he'd be there in case anything…bad should happen. Trevor could see the sheen of his leather pants in the mirror, and he thought about the e-mails he and Sinclair had exchanged. >>>What should I wear? >>::grins:: Definitely wear those yummy leather pants you wore to the club. >Um, okay. What about, err underneath? ::chuckles:: Doesn't matter to me, wear what you would like. You won't be wearing much for long anyway. :-) On the top, Trevor had just chosen a regular t-shirt, white with the logo of an annual furry party on it. He looked over at the clock on the nightstand. Only fifteen minutes now. He stretched on the bed, spreading out to his full 5 foot 4 inch height. The slim fox suddenly jumped up and began to remove his shoes. He figured it was less to do later, and he liked to be fully prepared. It was also another way to kill a couple of minutes along with taking a sip from a glass of water and pacing the room another few times. Twenty more minutes passed and he saw car lights just in front of his window. He instantly felt the butterflies rise up in his stomach. He could hear the driver's door slam shut, and the trunk open. He made his way slowly to the door; paw shaking as he reached for the door handle. When the knock came, Trevor whipped open the door quickly. Sinclair stood there, his fist still raised at where the door had been. Trevor was silent for a moment before squeaking out a "Hi" and going silent. Sinclair smiled and stepped inside, holding a large suitcase. Trevor knew what was in there, all the implements the big wolf needed for a fun night. Sinclair firmly shut and locked the door behind him. "Hi again, remembered to wear the pants, I see." Trevor blushed and stepped back nervously as Sinclair set the case down in front of the bed. He popped it open and began to place several items on the edge of the bed. "This should be enough to us started," Sinclair said as he looked back up at Trevor with a smile. Trevor smiled back nervously, hoping the wolf wouldn't notice the bulge that had started to form in his tight pants. "Nervous, huh?" The fox just nodded. Inside he was half-terrified and half incredibly excited. He wanted this, or at least he thought he did. In his mind, his fantasies were always wonderful. He dreamed often of being bent over the knee of a big, strong male like Sinclair, but he still had the jitters. He hadn't been spanked like this before. He had no idea how it would feel in real life, and his mind was full of questions. 'What if it's not like I thought it would be?' 'What if this goes farther than I want to?' His biggest worry was disappointing his new friend. He worried that he wouldn't be able to take all that Sinclair could give, and the wolf would look down on him. "It's okay foxie," Sinclair said as he stood up and approached Trevor. He looked into the scared vulpine's eyes as he spoke, "I've been doing this a long time, and I can tell how much a boy can take. I won't go too fast, and I'll respect your limits. Do you trust me?" Trevor had dropped his eyes for a second, feeling too scared and submissive to really look the imposing canine in the eye. He now looked back up, feeling slightly better now. He was still nervous as hell, but was ready to get to it. Whether it was a hurry to get it over with, or excitement, he couldn't quite tell. "Yes," the fox almost whispered. Sinclair leaned down and locked his muzzle with Trevor's. The fox melted in his arms as the deep kiss went on. Sinclair reached down and fondled the lump in the front of Trevor's pants. The fox moaned around Sinclair's muzzle as the wolf squeezed his trapped cock. Now that Trevor appeared to be a bit more relaxed, Sinclair slowly pulled Trevor with him as he sat down at the foot of the bed. The big wolf was very gentle, even caressing the fox's face softly, as he slowly pulled Trevor over his knee. The fox sighed as he settled into the position he'd longed to be in since he was a kit. Sinclair held the fox's back with one paw while slowly stroking his tail with his right paw. He stroked the bushy foxtail for several moments till Trevor relaxed even more. Now, Sinclair began to caress the fox's leather-clad rear. The tight pants outlined every curve of Trevor's ass perfectly. Sinclair could feel his sheath thicken at the sight of it, and the thought of plunging his cock under that lovely tail sprang into his mind. He dismissed it for now; perhaps later he'd have that chance. Trevor knew the wolf was about ready when he felt the paw on his rear stop moving. Sinclair held it still against the lower curve of Trevor's rump. It was a comforting weight there. Sinclair gave Trevor a moderate tap with his palm. The fox jumped a bit out of instinct before realizing it didn't hurt at all. In fact, he could barely feel the wolf's paw through the leather. Sinclair lightly slapped the leather-protected rear repeatedly with the same intensity. He alternated from right to leave side, from just below the tail to the lower cure of the butt. He very slowly edged his way up a bit, and kept up the rhythm. Trevor noticed the minor changed in intensity and cooed under his breath. He was starting to enjoy himself, and he was relieved that Sinclair was taking this so slowly and carefully. Sinclair was a very astute observer of his spankees, and could tell the young fox was ready for a little more. He took the intensity of his slaps up another notch. His paw now made a much more audible slap against the leather each time. Trevor moaned a little, he could feel more now. The wolf's heavy palm felt great against his upturned rear. He could feel his cock throbbing against his pants again, and he realized he desperately wanted to feel Sinclair's strong paw against his bare fur. The fox whimpered a bit as Sinclair began to spank him a bit harder again. This went on for several minutes as Sinclair gradually worked Trevor up to a relatively hard spanking. Trevor whimpered and bucked in Sinclair's lap. He could feel his butt beginning to get quite tender. His cock was fully hard now, painfully held prisoner in his clothes. Sinclair stopped for a moment, and the pair breathed for a second. The wolf's heavy paw gently patted the warmed leather under Trevor's tail. With a grin, Sinclair undid the snap above the fox's tail. Trevor reached down and hastily undid the lacings at the front of his pants. His fingers worked with desperation until he could feel the leather waist become loose. Not a moment after he had undid the front; Sinclair began to pull his pants down. Trevor raised himself up a bit as the wolf pulled. He was ready now; Sinclair had warmed his butt and worked him up slowly. He badly needed to be spanked hard now. "Oh my," Sinclair chuckled to himself. Trevor blushed furiously. He had forgotten what he'd chosen to wear under his pants. He whimpered as the large wolfpaw gently caressed his rear through the thin girly panties he was wearing. He'd developed an interest in ladies underwear not long ago, and since Sinclair hadn't had a preference to what he wore tonight he figured he'd enjoy two kinks at once. Being spanked in panties was something he found very arousing. His cock throbbed with need, tenting the front of the thin panties and bumping against Sinclair's leg. "Is it…okay?" Trevor asked in a timid voice. Sinclair smiled as he continued to stroke the lacy, red panties that covered the fox's beautiful rump. "It's perfect," he replied. Trevor sighed in relief, and then gasped suddenly as the strong wolf spanked him again. "Ohhh," he moaned as Sinclair worked his butt over thoroughly. His rear had already been turning a light shade of red under his fur before his pants had come off. Now that red was beginning to show more around the edges of his panties. He whimpered. Sinclair had picked up with the intensity of the spanking where he'd left off. He hadn't gone any easier on Trevor's tender rear now that it didn't have the leather pants to protect it. He spanked hard for several minutes, making sure to cover every inch of the fox's cute rump. Then, he started all over again, only harder. Trevor clasped his paws and held onto Sinclair's leg as the spanking got harder. The panties felt great against his tender skin, and drove him wild as they rubbed against his dripping cockhead but they provided no protection. The spanking hurt now. Each hard smack stung, but Trevor loved it. His butt felt like it was glowing, close to burning, but he still wanted more. Each impact on his tender backside sent a shock through his body that went straight to his cock. His full balls bounced back and forth as the spanking rocked his body. Without a word, Sinclair yanked the fox's panties off. Trevor gasped as the cool air finally touched his foxhood. He felt so vulnerable, so exposed. His reddened bottom stuck up, making an easy target. He loved the feeling. Sinclair gripped his tailbase and held his tail up. He licked his lips at the fully revealed vulpine rump. He began to spank Trevor again, hard and fast on his bare bottom. The fox cried out as the long spanking continued. Sinclair stopped for a moment and pulled the fox's legs wider apart. His cock throbbed in his jeans at the sight of the fox's full balls dangling, but he kept on working. He now spanked up and down from Trevor's tail to the middle of his thighs. The fox squirmed and whimpered on his lap at this new pain. Suddenly, the powerful wolf began to slow down. After another minute, he ended the paw spanking with one final slap directly under Trevor's tail. The fox jerked a little as Sinclair held him like that for a moment. "There, I think you're nicely warmed up now." Trevor panted and sighed happily as Sinclair stroked his reddened rump. "Now, you're ready for a real spanking," he cooed at the trembling fox. Trevor found himself nodding enthusiastically. Being bent over a big, strong male's knee was what he had always wanted, and the hard spanking the wolf had given him with his paw had felt wonderful, but he still wanted more. He needed more, and Sinclair was going to give it to him. It scared him a little, and he didn't know how much more he could take. He hugged the wolf's leg, and realized how safe he felt now, even bent over and exposed like this. Sinclair slowly stood up, moving Trevor to a standing position with him. He smiled at the little fox and then turned to get the bed ready. "Why don't you look in the mirror, little fox? And see how well you're doing," Sinclair said as he gathered up the pillows in the center of the bed. Trevor turned to look at the large mirror in the room. He quickly stripped off his t-shirt, shamelessly tossing it to the ground near where his pants were, and turned so he could see his back in the mirror. He held his breath in anticipation, and lifted his tail. Inwardly, he sighed with satisfaction. He could see how red his skin was even through his red fur. The white fur that run up his inner thighs and between his cheeks made it even easier to see his rosy skin on those areas. Trevor was almost finished admiring the wolf's handiwork when Sinclair came up behind him. A flash of red caught the fox's eyes, and he looked down to see the wolf was naked now. Sinclair's long, thick cock was fully extended from his sheath. "Hope you don't mind, I got a little more comfortable," he grinned. "Now then, what have we here," Sinclair took hold of Trevor's painfully swollen and dripping foxhood. Trevor moaned as the wolf's strong paw enveloped his maleness and began to gently stroke him. "Looks like this naughty fox enjoyed his spanking, hmm?" "Oh…uh," Trevor gasped, looking up at Sinclair with pleading eyes, "Yes, sir." "Well, then," the wolf leaned down and whispered in Trevor's ear, "looks like I'm going to have to teach that naughty bottom of yours another lesson." Trevor moaned as the wolf's breath tickled his ear, and the large, strong paw pumped his foxhood. "Pleeeease," he moaned. "Get on the bed, fox," Sinclair ordered, his voice like steel now. Trevor quickly obeyed. He scurried over to the bed, past the row of spanking tools to the pillows that were piled up near the middle of the bed. Instinctively knowing what to do, he bent himself over the pillows so his reddened rump was in the air, and he could lean comfortably on his arms. He opened his legs invitingly, knowing that from this angle Sinclair would be able to see his full balls along with his willing rear. The naked wolf walked up to his side, sitting down next to him and gently stroking his back. Trevor couldn't see the row of implements now if he wanted to, and that was partially the point. He liked that, having no idea what was coming. Soon he felt something cool and smooth against his tender backside. The cool sensation moved around his rump from cheek to cheek and under his tail, just rubbing against him. Suddenly, it was gone. SMACK Trevor jerked instinctively as the first strike came. Sinclair made an effort to keep him from moving too far. The wolf looked at the black leather strap in his paw. He smiled. The strap was always effective. SMACK SMACK SMACK And Sinclair gave the little fox three more with the strap. Trevor had jumped a little each time, squealing just a bit. The fox loved it though. Trevor didn't know what felt better, the hard bite of the leather into his tender skin, or the stimulation to his cockhead as each time he jumped forward it was pushed into the soft pillows under him. Sinclair worked his charge's butt over good with the strap. He wasn't keeping track, he just had the instincts for this. He stopped just as he knew Trevor had reached his limit for what he could take with the harsh leather, and then gave him one more spank with the strap beyond that. That last one made Trevor yelp and jerk forward even more. The pain seemed unbearable until his cock buried itself between the pillows, then the pleasure was overwhelming too. Trevor whimpered and cried a bit, his whole butt felt as if it was on fire. He worried that he was reaching his limit. He didn't want this to end too soon, he wanted to show this strong wolf, whom he admired, that he could be a good little fox and take a good, long punishment. Luckily, Sinclair knew just what he was doing. He spent a minute gently stroking Trevor's rear and telling him what a good boy he was. But neither male was ready to stop yet. Next, Sinclair picked up a thin, round piece of plastic. It was about a foot long, and made a perfect little switch. He swished it through the air experimentally, and grinned at the satisfying sound it made. Trevor jumped a little at the sound, not quite knowing what to expect next. The strong wolf held his naughty fox tightly by the base of the tail with one paw while he gently caressed Trevor's rear with the other. The fox moaned softly. Sinclair smacked the fox's upturned rump hard with the switch. Trevor gasped and jerked forward, but was held in place by the firm paw on his tailbase. The switch had left a single red stripe across the middle of the vulpine's tender rear. Trevor cried out each time the wolf whipped him with the switch. Each time the switch touched him, it left a blazing streak of pain across his butt. As the intensity of the spanking continued, Sinclair's tight grip on his tailbase got harder. The fox buried his head in the pillow as much as he could as the switch struck him in rapid succession. He knew he couldn't take much more, and was on the verge of begging the wolf to stop when- "That's enough of that, I think," the wolf said to himself as he laid the vicious switch back down on the bed. Sinclair liked to use the switch in short measures like that as no one could take it for very long. It was great for softening a fur up for more fun. Now he could tone it down a bit, and then bring the fox back up… and beyond. "You're doing very well foxie," Sinclair softly cooed as he stroked Trevor's back. "Such a pretty fox," the wolf whispered as he began to caress the scarlet rear before him. Next, Sinclair went for a favourite among spanking tops, but one every naughty boy dreaded…the hairbrush. He made a couple of practice smacks in his palm, satisfied that the old brush was still a great tool. The brush had been doing this longer than he had, and who knew how many needy rear ends it had touched. He started on Trevor's left cheek, near the top, and gradually worked his way down. Each strike was hard, and right on target. The strong wolf made each one count. Every hit overlapped the last one so some small areas got a hard smack twice in a row as he slowly worked down one cheek at a time. The last spank to the left side was just on the fox's upper thigh. Trevor sighed a little now that Sinclair had finished that side. He then bit his trembling lip a little as the wolf started on his other cheek. Trevor moaned, gripping the pillows tightly, as the long and thorough spanking continued. His cock, once a respite from the pain, was now another extension of his torture. His thick cockhead was now incredibly sensitive, as it had been gently teased by pushing into the pillows for the last half hour. It now felt over sensitive, and was still painfully hard. He needed to cum desperately, but he knew he'd better not till Sinclair told him he could. He still wanted to hold on, and show the powerful male how strong he could be too. The fox breathed in relief when the brush finally hit the top of his right thigh. Thankfully, it was over now. He knew he couldn't take much more of the brush. SMACK Sinclair started over from the top, this time much harder. SMACK Another hard and heavy blow from the hairbrush just a bit lower than last time. Sinclair continued. This time, each spank was quicker after the last one, and also closer together. Trevor cried at the pain out loud now. The pain built upon itself as the spanking continued. All he could feel below his tail was a blazing hotness that wouldn't die down. "I…can't" SMACK "Ahhh, please I" SMACK Trevor whimpered and tried to speak. SMACK Sinclair finished up on the left side again, before he continued, he leaned in close to Trevor. He got almost on top of the little fox, sliding his hot, dripping cock just under Trevor's tail so it rested against the tight pucker. Trevor whimpered fearfully as felt that thick cockhead pushing against his opening. Sinclair voice was raspy and lust-filled. "You don't really want met to stop, do you little fox? You know you've been a naughty boy." "yes," Trevor timidly responded, lowering his ears submissively. "Now, I'm going to spank you harder than you've ever been spanked before," and Sinclair put his lips right against the fox's ear, "and then I'm going to fuck just as hard." Trevor knew he was in that time again, the time when he could stop everything and say no if he really wanted to. Past this point, no matter what he said, Sinclair wouldn't stop until they were done. He could stop now if he wanted to…if Sinclair pulled away and the moment was passed. Trevor squeezed his eyes shut as the wolf began to harshly work his right cheek again. SMACK "Ah!" SMACK "Oh!" SMACKSMACKSMACK in rapid succession. "Ah fuck!" Sinclair held the foxtail tightly and began to smack very quickly up and down directly in the middle of Trevor's butt. He yanked up on the fox's tail, lifting his rump up a bit with it. The brush furiously attacked the tender area right under the vulpine's tail. "Ahhh, please stop!" Trevor almost screamed, tears streaming down his muzzle. A shot of pre burst from Sinclair's raging cock as Trevor cried out. The fox was really really good, he had to have him right now! He tossed the brush to the side, and let go of Trevor's tail for a moment. The fox dropped back down onto the pillows, exhausted. His tail ached, his butt was on fire, but his cock was still furiously hard and dripping. He had never felt such pain before, but he loved it and found he really needed what was coming next. The wolf gripped Trevor's tailbase and lifted it, exposing the bright red rear. He doused his cock in lube, and then tossed the bottle carelessly next to the pile of used spanking tools. Trevor parted his legs invitingly. "Please be gentle…" he whispered. Sinclair grinned, touching his cockhead to the tight, pink opening. Trevor sighed, relaxing a little at the familiar feeling of a thick maleness slipping under his tail. Sinclair's fur gently teased his tender rear as he pressed against him. The wolf gripped his tail tightly in his strong paw, and thrust forward. The fox squealed as the powerful lupine buried his member balls deep inside him. He didn't wait a second before holding the fox tightly in his arms and beginning to jackhammer his organ in and out of the stretched anus. The wolf's powerful thighs pumped hard, and smack against Trevor's reddened, tender rear. Trevor could only hold on as best he could. He'd never had it like this before, so hard and savage. The fucking was brutally animalistic. The wolf took him like he was nothing, and had no regard for his comfort or pleasure. He treated him like a toy, and he loved it! It was not long before the wolf's knot began to form. Trevor knew the feeling of having a knot lock inside him and he was prepared for it, but he didn't know that the wolf had no intention of tying with him. The knot went in for a moment, and then quickly popped back out. It was only a little thicker than the wolf's shaft now, and not nearly fully formed yet. Trevor gasped anyway as it stretched him just a little more than the wolf's thick shaft already was. The knot popped back in a few thrusts later, a bit bigger this time and stretching the fox even more. Sinclair carefully watched his knot grow with satisfaction. It was almost ready. His knot was about the size of a ping-pong ball now, and took a little effort to tug it out of the fox's tight rear this time. He continued to pump his thick cock in and out of the tiny passage. Soon, Sinclair's knot was the size of his fist and very close to full size. He popped it into the fox on one hard inward thrust. The fox quivered and moaned beneath him, and then he pulled his cock almost all the ways back out. His knot tugged at the tight anus for a moment, then popped out. The knot went in, the wolf's cock plowed deeply into Trevor's guts before the wolf dragged it back out again with another wet popping sound. Trevor's tailhole ached from the knot's repeated entry and he was beginning to wonder when his top was going to finally tie with him now that it felt like the wolf's knot was ready. Sinclair leaned up, gripping the fox's rear tightly, and continued his deep, hard thrusts. He continued to pop his knot in and out of the willing fox, yiffing him hard with it. The squeeze and sudden release on his knot as he popped it in and out of the fox felt so good, even better than just tying and cumming. Trevor was now realizing that Sinclair was planning to yiff him to the end like this. He moaned at the little pain each time the knot popped in him, stretching him wide, and the tugging at his tender opening to pop back out. He began to thrust back as he got used to the feeling. He began to love it, he thought he'd loved being mounted by a thick cock, but now he loved the feeling of the softball-sized knot penetrating him over and over. His rump was still glowing from the harsh spanking, and now his tailhole ached with the fullness of Sinclair's knot pumping into him. "Oh…yes," Sinclair gasped, the pleasure of Trevor's tailhole on his sensitive knot now overwhelming. Sinclair continued to thrust, his knot now fully engorged and stretching the tight fox wide. "Here it comes foxie," the wolf gasped as he felt the surge of pleasure as cum rushed up his long shaft. Trevor squeaked as the full knot opened him up again, bigger than ever now. He then moaned happily as he felt the flood of wolfcum fill him up. Sinclair dragged his full knot out again and quickly thrust back in, pumping another long stream of seed deep inside the fox. The wolf filled the fox up with four more long spurts of cum. He groaned as he emptied his balls in his vulpine lover. He leaned up and breathed heavily, holding his knot gently just outside Trevor's tailhole. The little fox shivered with pleasure as Sinclair slowly pulled his softening member out. Trevor leaned down and sighed happily, he could feel a bit of cum dripping out of his stretched tailhole. He could feel his rump still glowing warmly from the spanking fun. He suddenly gasped as he felt a strong paw slip between his legs. "Aww, the poor foxie still needs to cum," Sinclair said as he teased Trevor's foxhood. The wolf leaned close to Trevor again, and then nibbled on his neck for a moment, the little fox squirmed in his grasp. "Does the good little fox want to cum?" "Yes, sir," Trevor whimpered as Sinclair softly squeezed his member. "Good boy," the wolf said, "then come over here." Trevor allowed himself to be led by the paw so he was on all fours in front of Sinclair. The wolf covered his huge paw with long-lasting lube and took hold of Trevor's rampant erection. Trevor gasped as the cool, slick lube covered his cock. Sinclair gave him a little squeeze, smiling playfully. He picked up a piece of wood, the last of the spanking implements. It was slightly wider than a ruler, and very smooth. Sinclair had used it in the past, it made a good stinging spank without being as heavy as a thicker paddle. "Now, here's what we're going to do. You're going to hump that beautiful foxcock into my paw while I spank. I'm going to spank that butt of yours very very hard, and I'm not going to stop until you cum." Trevor gulped, his rear still felt very tender from earlier. He had thought that had been the hardest spanking ever, and he wasn't sure he could take much more. But, he needed to cum. He had been aroused all night, he felt like he could burst at any moment, but he needed Sinclair's help. He wanted the wolf to get him off. "Ready?" Trevor swallowed and nodded nervously. "Good boy. Now raise that tail nice and high for me." Trevor did as he was told. Sinclair smiled at him. Before another second passed, Trevor felt the sharp smack of the paddle against his exposed bottom again. He cried out, he was so tender from being spanked and then massively stretched open. Sinclair had spanked him three times with the hard paddle before he remembered he was trying to get off. He could feel the wolf grip his member, his hold slick with lube. The fox began to pump his whole length into that strong paw. The fox gasped with pleasure now as his cock finally got some attention. The pleasure after so many hours of arousal nearly made him cry with joy, just as the constant rain of spanks on his red backside made him cry with pain. Trevor leaned forward slightly and began thrusting madly. Sinclair's paw made a tight, slick hole for Trevor's thick member to fill. He thrust deep and fast, feeling that tight grip on all eight of his inches from the thick head till his balls bounced off of Sinclair's fist. The wolf coordinated his paws very well. The one on Trevor's cock squeezing him every now and then in just the right way, while the other mercilessly paddled the fox's ass till it was blazing red again. "Ah…oh..ahh, it hurts," Trevor whimpered as he pumped hard, desperate to cum. "Then be a good boy and cum foxie," Sinclair grinned, squeezing the foxcock a little tighter and spanking Trevor a lot harder. "Ahhhh fu-," Trevor groaned and slowed almost to a halt as a long stream of cum blasted from his cock. Sinclair gave him a hard smack as he slowly pushed forward, the slick paw teasing his tender cock as another huge spurt erupted from his throbbing cockhead. Trevor pulled back till the tip was inside Sinclair's paw and thrust forward again; the wolf delivered another heavy smack to Trevor's rear and the fox came again. Sinclair put the paddle down and gathered the fox up in his arms, slowly stroking Trevor's member as he did. He held him close and pawed him the rest of the way. Trevor finished his climax held safely in the arms of the strong wolf. Sinclair held his cock gently, slowly stroking up and coaxing the last of the cum from his shaft. Trevor whimpered slightly and nuzzled into Sinclair's chestfur. "That was…wonderful," he gasped as the wolf continued to softly tease his member. "Yes, you are," Sinclair replied and softly nuzzled the top of Trevor's head. Sinclair shoved the toys off the bed and dragged them both under the covers. He quickly wrapped his arms around Trevor, holding the fox close to his chest. Trevor's rump was sore, his tailhole still hurt from being stretched more than ever, and he felt completely happy and safe. "Can I see you again?" Trevor timidly asked as Sinclair clicked off the light near the bed. "Anytime," the wolf replied as he gently took Trevor's muzzle in his paw, turning the fox to face him. And they kissed.