Vulpine Dream A yiffy fantasy by FuzzWolf **This story was written for a good friend of mine. Noop is © his player. Please send comments to** ‘What am I getting myself into?’ the purple-furred fox thought to himself as he opened the creaky old door of the most haunted house in town. Noop was a happy-go-lucky foxie. He bounded here and there around his small village but he got bored easily. He longed for adventure and to travel to the large cities. In a desperate attempt to find adventure, he’d decided to explore the huge mansion on the hill, a house that was supposed to be haunted. Now, he was wondering if this had been such a good idea. He gulped and stepped inside, his paws made the ancient floor creak as he walked. A gust of wind came from nowhere and slammed the front door firmly shut behind him. The fox gave a little whimper and timidly continued inside. Noop explored the bottom floor for over an hour, cautiously peeking around corners and tip-toeing down hallways. He couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching him. He wiped his brow nervously and wondered if it was a ghost perhaps. Another hour passed and he’d gathered up the courage to go upstairs. The second floor landing was dominated by a huge, impressive oak door. ‘Ooh, this looks promising’, Noop thought as he pushed it open. “Wow,” he said aloud. True to his vulpine instincts, Noop had found the master bedroom. It was so huge he could barely see the walls. By this time, it was twilight outside and quickly getting dark. It was such a long walk home and this wasn’t so bad a place as he’d thought, perhaps he should take a little nap here. He looked at the ornate four-post bed. The sheets looked amazingly clean. He pulled them back and saw that the whole bed was clean, pristinely fresh. He kicked off his shoes and climbed into bed. He wondered to himself why he felt so comfortable here as he drifted off to sleep. *** “Ooh, he’s cute.” “Such a pretty foxie.” “I wonder if he’ll like us…” Noop stirred awake, “Wha-, who’s there?” The fox’s voice sounded timid and small in the enveloping darkness of the master bedroom. “Ssssh, he’s awake,” and the whisper stopped. The little fox huddled up into the covers and looked around. He sat like that for several minutes, peering into the darkness, before assuming he was just hearing things and settling back down. He sighed happily as his laid back down. He began to drift to sleep again. His body felt very relaxed. He groaned in his sleep, dreaming of being given a massage by a strong fur. He couldn’t tell who or what was massaging him, but he knew it was something big and strong, like a panda or bear. Noop moaned happily, feeling paws rubbing his shoulders and then down his chest. He murred happily, giggling a little as the paws tickled his belly. “Ooh, uh,” Noop grunted a little as his dream was turning rather erotic. The unseen fur had slipped one paw down his overalls and was teasing and massaging his foxie sheath. He moaned as he felt his foxhood getting hard. “Does that feel good foxie fox?” The voice had come from nowhere, but was right in his ear. Noop slowly stirred, waking up a little. “Who…said that?” “Oooooh,” he moaned as something gave his thick shaft a firm squeeze. This aroused him fully and woke him up. He opened his eyes to see two ghostly paws reaching around him. “Hey little guy, how about a hug?” “Aaaaaaaaah,” Noop cried out in a panic, scrambling to get out of the bed. He fell to the ground and looked back. There was a strange mist on the bed, it came together into the rough shape of a person, obviously a fur as he could see the vague outline of ears and a large plume of mist indicated a tail could be there. Noop couldn’t tell what kind of animal the mist looked like though. It was like looking at a shifting cloud and trying to see a shape in it. The form sighed, his misty shoulders sagging. “No one ever likes me,” he whined, his voice seeming to echo from all around Noop’s head. “I’m sorry,” the fox replied, “You just scared me.” Now, he was curious about the ghost, whatever it was. “Um, what are you?” The form giggled, “I’m a ghost silly, can’t you tell?” “Yeah,” Noop grinned, happy that this appeared to be a friendly ghost. “My name’s Noop, what’s yours?” The shape smiled, “Noop? That’s so cute. My name’s Whisp.” Noop could almost see a hint of a smile on the ghost’s face. “Wanna play with me foxie fox? I get so lonely here.” “Um, okay, but what do you want to play?” Noop asked, having forgotten about his erect foxhood. Noop barely blinked and the ghost was no longer on the bed, now it was all around him. “Oh, wait…I,” he gasped and muttered as Whisp surrounded him. It felt like a hundred paws were caressing him all at once, all over his body. He moaned as they rubbed at every muscle, every aching joint. He felt skilled paws everywhere; the ones working up and down his foxhood and squirming under his tail made him whimper and moan with arousal. He opened his eyes long enough to see first one button on his overalls pop open, seemingly by itself and then the other one soon after. The air felt cool on his bare fur for only a moment as his overalls were slipped smoothly down his body, but it quickly warmed up again with Whisp’s all-over embrace. Noop looked down at himself, his lean purple-furred body was now naked and exposed. He saw his eight inches of thick foxhood was no fully free of his sheath and dripping with arousal. White mist surrounded his upper thighs and he felt ghostly paws on his rump as he was lifted into the air. “Oh um…I didn’t know you wanted to play like this!” he shouted out. “It’s okay little one, you’ll love this, I promise,” Whisp’s echoey voice rasped into the fox’s ear. Noop’s overalls dangled from one footpaw for a moment before dropping to the floor as he was lifted several feet into the air. He hovered about three feet above the bed, feeling totally weightless. Suddenly, his maleness was surrounded by a wonderful feeling of warm, firm pressure all over. Every inch from tip to knot felt as if it was being squeezed. Noop whimpered and humped up into the empty air, his tip drooled more precum as he was massaged by the mist surrounding him. He was so lost in the pleasure of the best pawjob he’d ever received that at first, he didn’t notice that his legs were slowly being parted. Noop panted as he now felt soft, gentle caresses on his dangling balls too. “Oh! Oh that feels so good,” he moaned lustfully. “That’s not all I can make you feel, little fox.” Suddenly, a gust of air came out of nowhere and blew up between Noop’s legs and under his fluffy tail. His body stiffened as the air was very cold, his tail bristled out and he thrust his thighs forward, earning him more teasing caresses and squeezes on his turgid member. “Did you like that?” “Ooh, that was cool,” Noop chuckled, the sensation had been odd but strangely alluring also. “Then you’ll love this,” the ghostly voice whispered. Noop felt his cheeks being pulled gently apart as his legs were spread further and a he felt a cold wind blow under his tail which sent a shiver up his spine. “Oh, oh my,” Noop gasped as he slowly bent over in midair, his vulpine instincts causing him to raise his tail wantonly. He panted as he felt the cool air caressing his exposed tailhole and blow gently over the backs of his hanging balls. Next, he felt pressure against his opening and on his back. The air seemed to become solid and he could feel something rock hard probing under his tail. “W-wait,” he whimpered as he realized the position he was in. “I don’t know if I can…I don’t think I can do this.” “Sshhh, little fox. You want this.” “But but, I-ohhhhh,” Noop was cut off by the air growing tight around his hard shaft once more, even tighter than before and with little whisps of air blowing over the slit of his cockhead. Hot air nuzzled up his neck now, making him lean his head to one side. “I know you can do this,” Whisp whispered into his ear. “Just keep your eyes closed okay?” “Okay,” Noop sighed. Something was happening, something was different about Whisp now. Instead of just air pressure around his shaft, Noop could now feel a distinct paw there. The paw felt warm, unlike before. He gritted his teeth as the pressure under his tail increased. He leaned forward and raised his full tail higher. The pressure at his entrance felt hot and slick now. “Oh gods, uhh,” Noop moaned as he felt his tailhole being stretched open. He hadn’t been mounted in a long time and it was taking a little getting used to again. He felt his hole being stretched wide….wider….wider still. “Oh, ow, mmmmm,” Noop felt a little pain as the now-solid member under his tail seemed to grow bigger and bigger as it slipped in. That pain was quickly replaced by overwhelming pleasure which made his cock spurt more precum. The fox whimpered again, clenching his eyes tightly closed as the pain grew a little more. “Oh please, you’re too thick,” he squeaked as his tight little hole was spread wider than ever before. “Hushhhhh,” the ghostly fur whispered. “I know exactly what you can take, little one. Don’t worry. I also know just what you need. And right now, you need more than you can take.” “Ah! Ahhhh,” the little fox cried as the thick length widened by another inch and plunged deep into his back passage. His body was wracked with pain for a split second before being completely overwhelmed with pleasure. Noop’s cock shivered once for a moment before firing long shots of foxcream onto the bed below him. The soft, warm paw around his shaft continued to milk him. “Oh, oh, oh gods it’s not stopping,” Noop gasped in pleasure as his climax continued. He began to feel the impossibly thick length thrusting in and out of him now. On every inward thrust, Noop’s cock fired another shot of his seed. Every time the ghost fur pumped into him, the fox’s body was filled with pleasure and he came again, his orgasm was seemingly never-ending. “Ah, ahhh,” Whisp cried out from above him. Noop suddenly felt himself being filled up. Whisp pumped him full of his cum, making the little fox feel even more full. Noop continued to climax until Whisp was done. “Thank you,” Whisp murmured in the fox’s ear. The fox felt warm paws wrapping around him in a tight hug. “You’re we-waaaaa!” “Oof, ow,” Noop rubbed his head a little and realized he had just landed on the bed, face first into a massive puddle of his own cum. “Ow, what happened” He asked as he opened his eyes for the first time in an hour. “It worked, you did it,” Whisp’s voice came to him. Noop couldn’t see right away, his vision was still blurry and distorted. He closed his eyes a bit to clear his sight. As he did, his breath was taken by a furry muzzle planted against his own. He moaned as Whisp took him in a deep kiss. He wrapped his paws around Whisp’s back, realizing that he could hold him now. “Y-you’re not a ghost anymore?” Noop asked in awe. “Thank you,” the other fur replied as he kissed his lover deeply. “I’ve been waiting two centuries for you. Only the touch of my one true love could make me real.” The little purple fox closed his eyes again and returned his new lover’s deep kiss. “You’re perfect,” he sighed, realizing that the ghost had taken the shape of his heart’s desire. And they lived happily ever after. :-)