Portrait of the Artist Name: George Nelson DOB: 8/8/85 Occupation: freelance television studio worker A little bit about me: I’ve been on this site since August 2002. I really wish I had more time to draw and post stuff. And while I’m wishing, I wish I could draw better, ink better, and have a bunch of great art/coloring programs that I could utilize to the fullest extent possible. Anyway, I live in the great US of A; Virginia to be exact. That’s right, the USA – taking the “u” out of “labor” since 1776. Okay, that last sentence didn’t exactly come out right. If you have any questions, comments, art tips, or critiques on my work, or if you just want to discuss current events, movies, life in general, or some stand-up comedy routines, just type and send. Also, don’t use my characters/stories/body without prior permission. After all, I want to see the stuff when it’s done, and how am I going to know about any of the great work out there unless someone contacts me? I’ll probably alter this document as time goes on.