Heya everyone... well, for those of you that are checking this space regularly, I'm busy going through all my stories and updating my information in them, cos well, its a little out of date. I probably won't change the stories themselves much, because I kind of feel like its defeating the purpose of what I'm working for... I want to create worlds that people feel comfortable with... and if they keep randomly changing... well, thats not very comforting... *grins* anyway, check here soon (although 'soon' is probably relative to a number of factors) for a new story I'm working on (well actually I have a whole bunch of new ones... sci-fi and fantasy and all sorts... just have to finish them... and thats something I suck at doing) I've just gotten a furnation addy... so soon I'll probably have a web site up there... right now its pretty rubbish and unfinished. (which reminds me, if anyone has any ideas about what I should have on my site, gimme an email or message on my ICQ) Razor da wolfy P.S. I also fixed the justification problem on the text files when you opened them up in IE... I dunno about netscape, since I don't have it installed on my PC. (this fix seems to be dependent on refreshing the screen sometimes when you open the txt file)