TIME OTTER! THE CELTIC EXPERIENCE EPISODE 2: Written by Razor Razor hurried down the hall, rushing as fast as he could towards the war room. Fenor dropped behind, his old body not able to keep up with the younger otter. Razor stopped and waited, offering his staff to the old bear. Accepting graciously, Fenor nodded to a closed door. 'That is where our storerooms are. Luckily we still have plenty of building materials. Tell me Razor, what is it that you are planning?' Razor paused, turning to face the bear, a wicked grin spreading across his muzzle. 'Well Fenor, I thought that I might just ask the gods to shower the rat hordes with flaming rocks. You wouldn't happen to know of an element known as magnesium, would you?' 'Why yes milord, we have it in ample supply. But how is this metal going to help in getting the gods favour?' The bear grinned, knowing that there was more to this otter than just a druid. 'Well, under the right conditions, magnesium will ignite, and burns with a searing flame. Given that Jordan is trained in the ways of fire, he should be able to set the metal on fire. As for delivering the stones to our enemies, I hoped to get you to help me with that.' Razor turned and continued on down the corridor, not bothering to explain the rest. It would all be obvious soon. As he entered the war room, closely followed by Fenor, the other furs fell into silence. Grinning wildly, Razor looked to the lord of the castle. 'Lord Blitz, I think I may have just stumbled on a rather interesting idea...' 'Well, by all means, do tell it to us, lord Razor.' Razor looked to the hyperactive scout. 'Michael, what would you evaluation of the troops outside be?' 'Well milord, they are pretty amateur. Most of them are superstitious peasants...' 'EXACTLY! They're undisciplined. If we can make some sort of show of strength, they will surely desert their leaders.' 'And what sort of show would that be?' Lord Blitz enquired sceptically. Turning to the old bear, Razor posed a question. 'Do you have some paper and writing tools, Fenor? I want to show you all something, and we will need a solid copy of it.' The bear scratched about in the mess on the table, finally finding a few sheets of blank paper. He nodded to Raz. Razor took a deep breath, not because he was nervous, but because he hoped that what he was about to do wouldn't shock the other furs too much. He lifted his robe, and pulled back his sheath, exposing the green ring of his recaller. He knew from the gasps that echoed around the hall that they were all watching him. Slipping the ring off, he laid it on the table, and covered himself up again. He looked up into the staring faces of the furs standing around him. 'Is there something wrong, gentlefurs?' 'No, no, nothing's wrong!' came the united response. 'Good. Then I can continue.' He pushed a few buttons on the ring, accessing files he had stored on it. A hologram flickered into existence above the table, showing the plans for a sixteenth century catapult. Again, gasps rang around the stone room. Fenor stared at the image for a moment, and then suddenly started frantically scribbling notes. Once Fenor had finished, Razor picked up the ring, turning his back on the watching furs, and quickly slipped it back on. Trying as hard as he could to gloss over the event, he busied himself with talking to Fenor. 'Right, this is what we'll need done. I want one of these constructed for each of the towers of the castle. It'll need to be done in secret, so construct them inside the courtyard, where they will be hidden from sight.' He turned to the fox captain. 'William, can you tell me what the food situation is looking like?' 'Well sir, I think we should be able to stretch it a few days, but not much further than that. At a maximum, three days, but that's pushing it a bit.' This troubled Razor. They would need food to survive. Water wasn't a problem, he could organise that if necessary, but food was quite another thing. He certainly didn't want the inhabitants of the castle to start returning to the predator/prey state of mind (especially since he would fall into the category of prey amongst present company). He wouldn't be able to get it from L.E.G.I.O.N., since the bubble generators would still be recharging from the trip Jordan had made. That left only the outside, and that would prove fairly perilous. Even if both Jordan and himself worked all day under cloak, they would scarcely be able to collect enough food for an entire castle. No, they would have to come up with another solution. He turned to Michael again. 'Tell me Michael, how is it that you and your scouts enter and leave the castle without being detected?' 'Easy milord, there is a tunnel which emerges to the east of the castle, into an old quarry. The tunnel was built so that stone could be easily transported to the castle, while it was still under construction.' 'Is there any danger of it being discovered?' 'No milord. The outer door is solid stone, and can only be opened from the inside. We have someone on guard at all times, and he will only open the door when he hears the right signal.' 'Good, we don't need those vermin crawling up our arses while we are trying to defend the walls. I want Fenor to have all the help that he needs, regardless of rank or class. There will be NO petty squabbling. Oh, Michael, one other thing. Is there still some rock in that quarry?' 'Yes milord, plenty.' Razor smiled, his plan finally coming together. 'Kerrigan, do you have any other badgers under your command?' 'Yes Lord Razor, I have five other knights in my squad.' 'Great! We'll need your strength. I want you to go with Michael to this quarry, and start mining the stone. We'll need it for ammunition. Make each piece about the size of one of your fists.' (This was slightly misleading, since Kerrigan's fists looked like boulders in any case.) The badger looked slightly miffed about being reduced to a common labourer, but bowed graciously nonetheless. 'Of course Lord Razor. I will follow your orders with perfection.' Satisfied with this response, Razor moved on to Blitz. 'Ah, lord Blitz. I wish to congratulate you on your choice of companions. They are indeed a great assembly of talent.' 'Thank you Razor. Is there anything that I can do to aide this plan of yours?' 'Not at the moment, but I fear that soon we will all be kept busy enough.' 'Yes, I agree. The hordes seem to be getting restless.' At this point Michael piped up. 'Yes, and my scouts still haven't been able to figure out what Weevil is up to in the north. But one thing is sure, it can't be anything good.' A solemn silence fell on the war room. Razor decided he had done all that he could, and so excused himself from the room. Within a few minutes, he was back in his room, lying naked in front of the warm fire. Jordan was still asleep, and Razor closed his eyes, listening to the slow breathing of the wolf. In time, his own breathing slowed to the same speed, and he quietly drifted off to sleep. He was woken by the cold. The fire had long since gone out, and it was pitch black inside the room. Shivering, he checked to see that Jordan was still sleeping, which he was. Razor was amused by the way that Jordan had managed to miss out on the first day of his first time trip, so typical of his cool nature. Crawling into the bed, he snuggled up to the wolf's warm body, hoping that Jordan wouldn't mind too much. Razor was too cold to even think of anything yiffy, his fur felt like it had frozen. He lay there silently, letting the blankets warm him up slowly. Jordan started yipping quietly, engaged in some wonderful dream that Razor wished he could be a part of. He sighed, and for a moment he felt a bit sad. It was only a moment though, because he soon felt the pull of sleep tugging at him, and he did nothing to resist it. The early morning sun woke him, it's bright light falling gently on his closed eyes. He rolled over, stretching out his arm to put it round Jordan, but he felt nothing. The bed still felt warm, so he hadn't been gone long. He had barely opened his eyes, when a grey blur pounced on his chest, knocking the wind from him. It proceeded to lick at his face. Slowly his eyes adjusted to the bright light, and Jordan's grinning muzzle came sharply into focus. 'Mornin' Razzy!' He rolled off Razor's chest, stretching out next to the confused otter. He busied himself with smoothing down his morning-fur. Razor just stared at the wolf. When Jordan finally noticed the confused look he was getting, he grinned again. Snuggling up close to Razor, he rested his head on Raz's shoulder. Looking up from this position into Razor's eyes, he smiled gently, allowing his tongue to loll out mischievously. 'I had a great dream last night Raz'.' 'Oh? Well come on, do tell me about it.' Jordan ran his paw through Raz's chest fur, floofing it affectionately before carefully smoothing it down again. His paw strayed slightly, coming to rest on Razor's firm stomach. He smirked sheepishly, his white fangs glinting in the sunlight, as he rubbed his paw in circles on Raz's tummy. 'Well, I don't remember all the details. But I know one thing for certain. It was all about you and me, and about a decision that I've now made.' Razor gave Jordan a surprised look, quickly taking hold of the paw that was massaging his tummy, carefully moving it higher up so that it didn't rub against the developing hard-on that he was trying to hide. 'You mean...' Deep within him he already knew the answer, and his heart was soaring through the air far above the castle. By now the bump in the silk sheets was quite pronounced, and Jordan chuckled as freed his paw from Raz's grip and slid it right back under the blankets. 'Yeah Raz, I'm gay!' Snuggling even closer, the wolf threw his arms around Razor. 'And you know what else Raz? I think I'm in love with you.' He locked his muzzle onto Raz's, giving him a long kiss. Razor felt a slight pressure on his side as Jordan's penis started to harden and emerge from its sheath. Every nerve in his body screamed, telling him that he should just slip under the blankets and suck the hell out of it, but something stopped him. Instead he just lay there, passionately returning the kiss. He was overjoyed by the decision Jordan had made, but he still didn't want to rush this thing. When Jordan finally released him from the muzzle-lock, Razor hugged him tight. 'I love you too Jordy.' He sat up, swinging his legs out of the bed. For a moment he hesitated, but then stood up, walking over to the fireplace, staring down into the burnt wood. The wolf's eyes followed him, roving over his body. Jordan found himself revelling in his new-found freedom. He no longer had to feel guilty about being attracted to a guy. 'Oh Razor, come back to bed...' He whined whimsically, patting the sheets next to him. Razor looked up from the ashes of the hearth, giving Jordan a weak smile. 'I'm sorry Jordan, but I can't...I...I never thought I'd say this, but its too soon. Give it some time, okay? Let your feelings settle down a bit. I'm sure you must be feeling so great right now, but...just give it a little time...' Jordan leapt off the bed, bounding softly over to him. 'Whats wrong Raz'? Are you okay? I better give Feara a call, you must be sick... turning down a yiff isn't like you...' He reached for his cockring, but Razor stopped him. 'No Jordan, I'm just fine...Just take some time to think things over, okay? I would feel like I'm taking advantage of you if we yiffed now. I know how you're feeling right now, I've felt the same way...' The wolf looked down at his footpaws bashfully. 'Okay Raz', I guess you're right...' A sudden knock on the door surprised them both and they hurried to pull on their robes. Razor reached the door just as it started to open. Hurriedly jumping backwards so that it didn't crush him against the wall, he tripped over his robe and fell into Jordan's arms. The door creaked open to reveal the grinning figure of Michael. The rabbit's smile widened when he saw Jordan holding on to Razor. 'Oh, sorry... didn't mean to interrupt anything...important.' Razor grinned playfully back at the rabbit. 'No problem old chap... we would have invited you to join us, but I don't think you're quite in our league, hmmm?' Michael stuttered slightly, taken off balance by this remark. Jordan helped Razor upright, before walking up to Jordan and patting him on the shoulder. 'Oh, don't worry about Razor. I've put up with his advances for a really long time.' He grinned at Razor, '...anyway, he's normally as gentle as a kitten.' He lowered his voice and whispered into Michael's ear, '...if you don't mind the claws too much.' Michael swallowed nervously, his usual playful manner leaving him in the lurch. Jordan and Razor just grinned at him. It took him a moment to realise they were playing with him. He relaxed visibly. 'Hah, oh very good you two. Had me going for a moment there... Um... Razor, here are the maps you asked for. I would have dropped them by last night, but the door was shut and I didn't want to...wake anyone up.' He looked fiendishly at the two. 'Thank you Michael. Come in, let's take a look at them. Come on Jordan, I had better fill you in on the situation.' The rest of the morning was spent looking at the maps and planning where the best attacks options would be, interspersed by nibbles on food. Toeroot scrambled through the forest, trying to move as fast as he could. Visions of what Verax would do to him if he failed filled his mind, and he distractedly stumbled over a stone, smashing his nose into a low branch. Standing up painfully, he continued to hurry through the wood. He had to get this message through, if he didn't Verax would have him skinned alive. He reached a small clearing, completely empty except for a bright red apple in its centre. Toeroot glanced around to see if there were any furs following him, his stomach growling loudly. Without a second thought, he darted out into the clearing. All too late the thought suddenly struck him that there were no apple trees in this region. SNAP. Toeroot's head rolled to the other side of the clearing, blood smearing the green grass. His body hung limply from a pair of metal jaws that had sprung up out of the ground. Verax was starting to get exceedingly angry, and was prowling through the ranks trying to find someone he could vent his fury on. The messenger had still not returned, and Termin was nowhere to be seen. He kicked out, knocking a cooking pot off its stand over the fire, and spilling boiling water all over the nearby rats. He howled in laughter as two rats ran in panic towards the moat and were shot down by the archers on the battlements. Verax turned away from the castle, stomping off in the direction of his tent. Inside it was cool, the morning dew still clung to the cloth. He sat down in a high-backed chair, lazily moving his eyes across the battle-map laid out before him. His plan couldn't fail. As soon as Weevil got back, he would take castle Felur, and make it the base for all Vermin of Damocles operations. He lounged back, flexing his gauntleted claws, listening to the quiet ping they made when he tapped them on the table. 'MILORD! MILORD!' A black furred rat rushed into the tent, carrying a bag. Not very happy about being disturbed, Verax roared at him, kicking over the table. 'What do you think YOU are doing!?' The rat cringed, expecting death to come at any moment. When it didn't he opened his eyes and began to undo the knot in the bag. Upending its contents onto the floor, he stood back, out of range of Verax's claws. The rat leader just stared in disbelief at the disembodied head of Toeroot. A mere moment later he recovered. 'WHO DID THIS!?' he roared in outrage at the rat, 'NO ONE kills my messengers and gets away with it. Who!?' The rat cringed again, drawing back. 'I...I don't know, Milord. We found his body caught in some sort of trap a few meters away from his head. He shuddered, remembering the bloody mess it had made. 'WHAT SORT OF TRAP!?' Verax snapped vehemently. 'Uh... I dunno milord, it...it was like...these big teeth...' Verax smacked the rat hard, then dismissed him, realising that he wouldn't get anything out of him. Slumping down in the chair again, he sat pondering the death of his messenger. This wasn't right. Traps weren't L.E.G.I.O.N.'s style. They preferred full frontal assaults. But if it wasn't L.E.G.I.O.N. then who was it? 'No no no, you don't do it that way, here let me show you... No you idiot, not there!' Feanor's voice could be heard clearly above the loud rabble that was going on below. Razor and Jordan watched from the battlements, laughing at the antics of the old bear as he scurried around the constructions, smacking furs on the head with the rolled up plans he carried. Razor's gaze wandered to the workers. Mostly rabbits, a few foxes and quite a number of mice, as well as the occasional more exotic creature. He thought it was strange not to see any otters around, especially considering the ample water supplied by the springs surrounding Felur. He was pulled from his dreams by a high tinkling voice. 'Razor, Jordan, nice to see you up and about. Sleep well? I'm sure you couldn't have, these castles are so cold and drafty.' They both turned towards the origin of the voice, seeing the beaming Tiera running along the battlements towards them. Razor lowered his head, mumbling to himself. 'Oh gods, give me strength.' Jordan nudged him sharply. 'Shut up Raz', unless you want Blitz kicking your arse again.' Razor readied a reply, but held it back, giving Jordan's words a second thought. He grinned at the tigress. 'TIERA, my dear, you're looking ravishing today, do tell me, how do you do it. *woof*' Jordan clawed him sharply in the side, and then scowled at him. 'Oh gods I can't win can I? ' Raz thought to himself. 'Why thank you Razor, do I really?' She admired herself, showing off her long legs to the pair, sighing when she got no response out of them. 'Oh dear, I guess I don't have a chance with either of you, do I?' Jordan grinned. 'Nope, sorry Tiera. Razor is my man now.' He put his arms around the otter. 'You mean you've decid...' Tiera stopped mid-sentence, not wanting to give away to Jordan that she'd been eavesdropping the day before, even though it wasn't necessary, since Razor had already told him about it. She saw the playful smile on Jordan's muzzle, and realised that she'd been had. 'Oh you two!' patting at their chests, 'I'm happy for you. Just be careful, okay?' Razor and Jordan glanced at each other, surprised by this change in tone from the tigress. Razor spoke first. 'Why Tiera? Is there something we should know?' Tiera hesitated, glancing nervously around, checking to see if anyone was watching. Taking them both by a paw she led them into the main castle. She seemed to make a very complicated series of turns, before she finally led them into a magnificent library, locking the door behind them. Seating herself at one of the large oak tables, she indicated that they should do the same. 'Your lives are in great danger my friends, and it comes from within the castle, not from outside...' ______________________________________________________ Dadadum! Great you managed to get through it. You can email me at: Yiffball@hotmail.com Or you can send me a message on ICQ: 78640210 Every now and again, I get onto Furrymuck. If you're on it too, add me to your watchfor list if you like. My character name is: Razwolfy