THE WEREWOLF BRIDE * A strange marriage, sealed with bites, and some blood. Don't try this at home. In the comic, Tristan and Kaim aren't lovers, and not even homosexuals. But I own the characters, so I'll write what I want of them, oh! For the many people who don't know the characters, Tristan is a werewolf apprentice mage, Kaim is the son of an elf and a dragoness, and can turn himself into a 20 meters long blue dragon. Based on a dream I had on the night between 14 and 15 april, 2002. I added many naughty particulars, by the way (I can add naughty particulars ad infinitum, you know). Rating: absolutely NC-17. Contains: mild violence, M/M sex, body fluids, other icky things. God bless Timmerryn ( for correcting the grammatical errors, and making it readable (a God of her choice, or more than one, if she wants!). God bless also Lavanna ( andFallen Angel ( for the yummy illustrations! (note on VCL version, illustrations are available here: * Turin, one day in July, Kaim's house. It's late evening. A wonderful scent of freshly-baked bread floats in through the open window. Children are screaming and laughing outside in the street. Kaim and Tristan sit on the couch; on the table, a big bottle of transparent liqueur with red markings on it , a couple of glasses, another bottle (now empty) of scented red wine. The light is sweet and bright and the day is hot, but not excessively so. The two friends are talking of nothing much. Sometimes one of them laughs. It’s clear they’ve been enjoying the wine. Looking up, Tris sees a photo of a woman, half hidden on the mantelpiece between pots of spices and other things. It’s in black and white, but he can easily see that she has wonderful light, clear eyes and dark hair. She's sensual. 'Is that your wife, Kaim?' The half elf looks at the photo, his only eye slightly dimmed by the wine. 'Yes, that’s Melissa,’ he says. 'She's so beautiful... was she a sweet bride?' Tristan's voice is full of curiosity, like a child’s. 'No', says Kaim. 'She was cruel, aggressive and evil. It wasn't easy being married to her...' He smiles, strangely. The mage seems puzzled... 'I've never heard anyone talk about their mate like that... Forgive me, but if she was so nasty, why did you stay with her so long?' Kaim looks into Tris' eyes, and his expression is a little disquieting; like when a cat stalks you in play, and you feel ten centimetres high. 'She loved me, and I loved her. More than that... she owned me, totally. Even if I never see her again, I'll never have another mistress.' He takes a sip of the liqueur. 'Because a Dragon can have one, and only one Master in his life...' He turns his head slowly towards the werewolf. Tris gulps. '...but many slaves, if he chooses.' Kaim's eye is black and shines like polished onyx, locked with Tris' yellow eyes. 'Don't you think,' says the dragelf 'that this wine is a little bland?' 'Just a little,' nods the werewolf. 'And you know why?' continues, Kaim. 'Because you've got to drink it hot. The heat releases its scent and taste...' he licks his lips. 'I know a perfect way to warm it, Tris... do you want to try it?' Tristan nods, but he seems a little worried. Kaim takes a mouthful of the wine from his glass, then grabs Tris' head tightly. The glass falls to the floor, but doesn't break. Tristan drinks from Kaim's mouth, a big sip of liqueur, and yes, it’s really tasty now, and the alcohol's scent rises up his nose. Then he almost chokes, and coughs, but Kaim doesn't release him. His tongue's caressing the werewolf's, hungrily, indecently. Wine and saliva drip from their mouths. Finally, Tristan frees himself from the dragelf's iron grip, and his breath is short, his eyes are wide and a little shocked. 'Look at you, Tris... you're a mess now!' says Kaim. Grabbing his friend's shoulders, he starts to lick the dripping wine from his mouth and chin, then down on to his throat. The werewolf starts a little. 'I don't...' says. 'You don't what?' whispers Kaim, but doesn't receive an answer... He pushes Tris down on to the couch, and unlaces his friend's shirt impatiently with his long fingers. The shirt flies across the room. Kaim surveys Tristan’s exposed skin. It’s white and seems very delicate. There are no scars on his muscular chest or flat belly. Soft and almost invisible hairs tickle his nose as he brings his face close to the werewolf’s body. It makes him almost... hungry. Tristan shivers: the dragelf's suddenly a predator, sniffing his neck, licking his chest. He knows how sharp Kaim’s canine teeth are, even in human form... and then, without warning, there’s a sharp pain on his belly: Kaim's biting him, hard and ferociously! He screams, and feels his lupine side surging to the surface... but he reins it in, because, even in animal form, what could he do to Kaim's second skin? His eyes start to water. Now he's really scared... Kaim removes his teeth from Tristan's belly, an arc of red signs like a crown now carved into the skin. He smiles, and licks his lips. 'Why did you bite me?' asks Tris, as tears runs down his cheeks. 'No-one could see your delicate skin and not want to leave a mark on it...' growls Kaim. 'Why are you shivering like that? Are you afraid of me, Tristan?' The young werewolf nods, his big honey-coloured eyes are desperate. Kaim rises onto his knees, his long black hair a mess. There are many white streaks in it, though he's only five years older than Tris, only 29. Now he looks severe, and Tristan grips the edge of the couch nervously... 'How many women have you fucked, Tristan?' asks the dragelf gravely. 'F-five, or six...' answers Tris, his voice trembling. 'How many of them did you pay?' 'Three', says the werewolf, as tears blur his eyes. ‘And you were never afraid of them, were you. Or were you?' Kaim’s voice has risen and his expression is feral. 'N-no... but... they've never bitten me...' 'And so...' hisses the Dragelf , 'you’re saying you’d trust harlots before me? I'm really disappointed, Tris...' Kaim sits back on his ankles, and sighs. ‘In fact I’m hurt. I thought you understood that I’d never do anything seriously dangerous to your body.' Tristan’s soul staggers... He’s really upset Kaim, he can see it. And the last thing that he wants is to see Kaim saddened because of him. He knows how cruel life has been to the dragelf. And how strong is their... friendship? 'No, please, Kaim...' he shakes his head 'No, I-I never wanted to hurt you. You took me by surprise, and... your teeth are so sharp! I-I...' The young werewolf rises from the couch and puts his arms round the dragelf's strong shoulders. The bite on his belly hurts, and this causes more tears to flow down his cheeks... 'I don't want to hurt you,' he says, hugging him tightly, rubbing his forehead on Kaim’s neck. Kaim scratches the back of Tristan’s neck with his fingers, gently. 'I was only joking, you big pooch!' He caresses his friend's cheeks, removing a lock of blonde hair which has caught itself on the delicious mouth. 'Don't chew this, it will give you hairballs!' he says, laughing softly. Tristan sniffs, and dries his eyes with the back of his hand. Something about his desolate, childlike appearance, turns Kaim on... Slowly, he licks his friend's neck and ear. 'I love you, Tristan. Do you want to marry me?' Tristan smiles. 'I'm not joking, Tris', says Kaim gently. 'What are you saying?' asks Tristan, puzzled. 'Look at this,' the dragelf pushes off his shirt, and shows his upper left arm. A black crown of thorns is tattooed around it. 'This is my wedding ring', he announces. 'I'm afraid I don't understand...' ‘Melissa and I weren't married under the name of any God, you know... We sealed our mating by carving a crown of thorns into our bodies. Thorns can be painful and cruel, but they keep you safe and hurt your enemies...' Tris is fascinated. He’s never really thought about love as a painful experience before today... but with the pain, he also feels emotions he’s never felt before: fear, fascination, an incredible excitement. Perhaps he’s never been in love before today? 'If you really want to join your soul to mine, Tris,’ says Kaim, 'etch a sign into my body with your teeth.’ He gently pushes his friend down on his ankles, until Tristan’s head is level with his belly. Kaim's skin is darker than his, olive hued. Many scars run across his body, shimmering thin lines, like rivers seen from far above. His side, indeed all of his muscular body, looks so hard that no bite would leave a mark. Tristan takes some of Kaim’s skin in his mouth. ‘You call that a bite?' nags Kaim. 'Aren't you a wolf, and proud to be? Sink those teeth into my flesh, deep as you love me!' Tris gulps, then clenches his teeth on Kaim's salty skin, hard, until he hears it popping as it breaks under his bite. He tastes blood, and again his animal side howls to be let out, rip the meat off the prey, feed on its precious life. But suddenly he remembers that he's not the predator in this game. Slowly, Tristan's jaws open. He looks up, and his yellow irises seems bigger now. His lips are stained with blood. Kaim smiles, he doesn’t seem to notice the pain, though his side's bleeding. 'Good, you're very good, my wolf...' purrs Kaim. 'Now, I’ll ask you to use your mouth another way..' His eye shimmers with malice as he grins like a demon. With his pointed ears, ruffled black head and pointed teeth he looks like a majestic hellhound. He knows that this could be dangerous, especially now.... Tristan's panicking a little. The bite reflex is still strong in him. How can his lover be so careless? To let a werewolf give you head after he’s bitten you? He really doesn't want to hurt Kaim. But most of all, he doesn't want to be killed afterwards... Kaim unbuttons his leather trousers and Tris pulls them down, revealing his well sculpted groin, covered in dark soft hairs. A rose is tattooed on the left side, it seems that Kaim likes thorns... in the place of the flower, over the stalk, there's a skull with empty black orbits. Tristan kisses the skull. He brushes his friend’s penis with his lips. It's hard like iron. He pushes it down his throat, brushing the tip with his tongue while sucking at it. Kaim's breath gets faster and he grabs a handful of Tris' hair, almost painfully. Fighting against the urge to bite, Tris keeps playing with the member in his mouth, which is soon filled with saliva and pre-cum liquid. A thin rivulet starts dripping from his chin. Tris swallows, but almost gags. 'Don't choke yourself,' laughs Kaim softly, 'and you’d better stop now. I want to keep a little something for later...' Tristan pants, his eyes are almost all yellow, now... he looks at Kaim with a mixture of bliss and fear. 'Now it's your turn, my wolf,’ says his friend, pushing him on to his back, down on the couch. Soon all the rest of Tris' clothes follow the path the shirt took on its trip across the room. 'You're better endowed than me and I must say I'm mildly envious!' laughs the dragelf, raking the werewolf's naked figure with his predatory eye. A breeze is beginning to blow now, but they’ve both been sweating, a lot. Tris' skin shines like silk. 'You’d never know if he was going to fuck you or eat you,' thinks Tristan. Kaim starts to work on his groin. Oh, God! It's like when he sucks himself! (he tries this sometimes, in his wolf form..) It's like his friend knows every bit of his skin, and the sensations it can give! With his long and slender hands, Kaim grabs Tris' buttocks, scratching them a little. The werewolf whines in pleasure. Then one of those long fingers starts to slip into Tristan's most secret entrance and he shudders. 'Have you ever been fucked, Tristan?' 'No! I'm not sure I-I like this!' he whines. 'This is a marriage, my love. It's our marriage night (or evening, rather), and I'll be the first one, for you. Your purity is a precious gift... Isn't that wonderful, my virgin bride?' As always, it's impossible to tell whether Kaim is serious or joking. It feels to Tristan like there’s something wrong inside his body, something very troublesome and also a little painful, but when Kaim finds and caresses his prostate, he starts to like it. The dragelf tries to slip in another finger but the boy's really tight! 'Please, Tristan. relax, I'm not trying to kill you!' He licks his fingers to moist them, and this time Tristan takes both. Finally tired of the foreplay, Kaim rises on to his knees, catches up Tris' legs, and raises them over his shoulders. 'It’s time for me to take my bride, love...' he growls, his onyx eye glowing with pleasure. Tristan grabs the couch behind his shoulders tightly. 'Try to relax,' he thinks, 'or it will be worse!' His eyes are watering again and he feels a little sorry for himself... but, then, it’s not so bad really, is it? It's painful, very painful, but not as much as he was expecting. Kaim is able, it’s probably not his first time... Tris' body is writhing, at once trying to reject the thing that’s digging into him and to take it in to his very heart. Some blood drips on to the couch. He whines again. 'Am I hurting you?' whispers Kaim. 'Yes, but... I like it, please! Keep going...' The dragelf smiles, his ferocious sharp teeth shine. 'I've got a naughty bride! I'm a very lucky man...' he hisses, and bows to kiss Tristan's lips. Tris wraps his arms about the dragelf, though with Kaim's heavy body on his own, the pain is stronger. 'I don't care about the pain,' he whispers, and softly bites his lover's chin, the severe mouth.. 'Just don't let me go... keep fucking me, please, Kaim!' and his nails scratch the dragelf's tattooed back. Kaim’s imposing saturnine body torments the lunar sweating Tristan. Until... 'Come, Tristan! I can't go on for much longer...Come!' orders the dragelf. The werewolf starts in pleasure, violently, as a white boiling gush stains his belly and chest, and that of his lover. 'Good, now I'll fill you, my bride...' Kaim inhales the powerful scent of their sweating bodies, mixed with the one of his mate's semen, and this raises him to the final heights... Now the light is lower, reddish and sweet. The mothers have called their children for dinner and the only voices that can be heard outside are those of passers-by. The scent of bread has relinquished the street to those floating up from the little restaurant under Kaim's house. It will be a quiet night. Tristan looks at his bruised belly before relacing his shirt. 'Have you ever noticed how many colours a bruise can have? They're beautiful, in a creepy sort of way,’ he says. His is now several shades of purple, lighter at the edges, darker near the tooth marks, almost black. 'Let me see...' says Kaim. He's still naked and lies lazily on the soaked couch, smoking. Tris approaches him. 'On your skin, it’s like the most beautiful paint,' says the dragelf, kissing his belly once more. The bruise on Kaim’s side is of a dark blue with shades of orange surrounded by thin lines of dried blood. 'I think I'll have a bath now too,’ he says. ‘Then we should go out and get something to eat, huh? I'm really hungry...'