Written in 2003 F/f Anthropomorphic Swan/anthropomorphic dragoness & physically non-morphic chocobo, bondage, consensual/reluctant/non-consensual (?), orgasm denial This story involves sexual content between two non-human creatures, one anthropomorphic and the other physically non-morphic, but still sentient and able to speak. Some may consider this close to bestiality, and if they do, they shouldn't read any further. Unless they like bestiality. *shrug* =p The main characters in this story are "me," one of the forms I take MUCK-side, and Faithry, someone else's character. She fully supports this story, and personally edited her own lines in the story. But, of course, Faithry is (c) Faithry. Duh. Oh, and it was Faithry's idea to actually write this story, not mine. I would never write a story with myself as a main character. >.> This story is obviously dedicated to Faithry. She deserves it. ^^ Birds of a Feather Dropping down from the sky and unfurling her wings at the last moment to break her fall, the silver dragoness landed upon the circular drive directly outside Faithry's estate, adjusting her jeans and T-shirt for several moments until they were comfortable. She usually didn't get the call to come visit on weekdays, but Glee didn't quite mind. After all, what better way to start a Monday than to visit a friend before work? Glee didn't know what Faithry had in store for her, but they both knew that the dragoness had to be gone within a quarter-hour at the most. As Glee had said once, "Some of us have to work." "I don't think I'd work, either, if I had all this..." she thought to herself, looking over the near-perfect grounds of the mansion, shaking her head as she stepped up to the door and rang the bell. She always found it amusing that the bell, for such a massive place, sounded just like any other. As usual, the double-door opened within less than three seconds and she stepped through the portal, which closed silently behind her. The swan was revealed from behind one of the two doors, dressed in a customarily translucent and alluring nightgown, moving to give a gentle hug to her friend. "Oh, hello, hon. I'm so glad you could make it this morning." Glee returned the hug and smiled brightly. "So'm I! I was wondering where you were this weekend. Usually you give me a ring just to tell me why we can't meet on any particular week." She glanced over the foyer, without much attention to its details, already quite familiar with the setting after having been there regularly for months. "Oh, yes. Well, let us not waste any time in discussing the matter with your responsibilities rushing up to meet you." Faithry lead the dragoness through the door at the base of the semi-circular stairs that framed the foyer, into a small, comfortable library. The two took their normal seats, a pair of armchairs facing each other. The swan offered a cup of tea to Glee, which was declined with a shake of the head. "Did you realize today is the one year anniversary of our play together?" Faithry asked with a sip of her own teacup. Glee blinked, then smiled and shook her head. "No, I didn't, and I can't decide if the time has flown, or if it's felt longer than it really was." Glee teased lightly. The avian laughed quietly. "A little of both, I assume. We did play with sensory deprivation a little, yes? That can cause some distortion of one's sense of time." "Yeah, yeah." The dragon stuck her tongue out with a giggle. "Happy Anniversary, then. I wish I'd remembered, I would have brought some sort of small present for you." "You did, don't worry." "I did?" Glee asked with a slight tilt to her head. "Yes, but let me show you your present first." She reached around behind the armchair and produced a short leather box, handing it over to the eager dragoness. "Wow, thank you. Really, next time, I'll bring something. I'll have to think about what to get," she rambled as she pulled the white ribboning off the box, opening the top and stopping mid-sentence to look upon the plain silver collar inside the box. At first she was disappointed, considering she'd worn collars before when playing with Faithry, but then she looked close at it and thought about Faithry's fortune. This was most likely something special, some work of technology. "That, hon, is a Power-Transference Band, this particular specimen being in the shape of a collar. Go ahead, try it on, it doesn't do anything until you yourself give it permission to." Glee raised it to her throat, humming as she examined the unassuming insides of the collar, not seeing any sorts of electronic, or even magical, symbols upon it. Without much hesitation she pushed it to her throat, where it immediately closed in place and shifted in size to perfectly adorn her throat, comfortable and skin-tight. "This one has been designed, by my specifications, to transfer one's ability to change their shape over to another. This meeting is so that we can test this out. Come over here and put your hand on my shoulder." Glee nodded slowly and rose from her chair, stepping over to her friend, thinking for a moment to remind Faithry that she had to be going in less than ten minutes, then deciding she could risk being five or ten minutes late. As her hand alighted on Faithry's shoulder the swan spoke. "Now, say this, hon: 'I willingly submit my powers of transformation to Faithry.'" Glee licked her lips nervously, knowing how much more helpless this would make her feel in one of the bondage situations Faithry was sure to use this in accordance with, and was more than willing. "I willingly submit my powers of transformation to Faithry." There was a tingling and then nothing more, to which Glee blinked. "What were you expecting, fireworks? Go ahead, try and change into anything." Glee closed her eyes, giving herself full attention, going through the half-second ritual of dispelling distractions and most of her sensory input, preparing for the change... and nothing came. She opened her eyes. "It works. I tried to turn into a ferret, and nothing." "Good! Now, we test my side of the bargain." Glee opened her mouth to question, then found herself changing shape rapidly, thankfully as painlessly as her own natural shifting, her skin turning a bright yellow, arms retracting inward and back, her wings shrinking, becoming feathery instead. Just as her own changes, Faithry had her clothes morph into her body during the transmogrification. She closed her eyes as they swam, her ocular system changing as well, and when she opened her eyes she wasn't even a foot shorter and slightly less heavy. With a turn of her head she looked back upon herself with an eye. She was a feathery yellow biped, structured in a way similar to an ostrich, though much cuter if she did say so herself. Her wings were also larger than said bird's, and most likely would allow limited fluttering. The now-avian opened them, flapping them several times experimentally. "That worked quite well, almost better than I could have imagined. You, by the way, are now a chocobo. I saw them in a game and thought you would look rather adorable like that." "Yes, I know what a chocobo is." Glee responded with a chirpish voice, giggling at the sound of it. "I even sound cute. If you wanted me to take this form previously you could have always asked, like usual." "Yes, but then I would have ruined the surprise of it being used today." The swan circled Glee, trailing downy fingertips along her body, the yellow bird closing her eyes and trilling quietly at the sensation. Faithry inspected her wings, opening them and examining with careful touches, then down along her back, crouching to check her legs and talons. "Two toes on each foot, good." Glee just stood there and enjoyed the touches. She was shook out of her reverie quickly when Faithry drew the backs of her fingers up along the crease of her sex, her tail feathers giving a twitch behind her as she turned to look back. She couldn't quite see what was happening, not around her own hips, though Faithry was starting to lightly tease her by giving minute massaging with her fingers directly against her vent. "And, um, what do I have back there? It feels more avian than mammalian. Which makes sense." She shifted her weight slightly from foot to foot as Faithry continued to tease her, starting to feel slightly dampened. "Yes, it's a modified cloaca. I planned the shape of your change ahead of time, which included less feathers directly around your vent, giving me easier access." The swan slowly pressed a fingertip into the slickened depths, which produced a slight squeeze and another chirp from Glee, who was breathing noticeably more quickly now. "Yes, I see. But, you know... I think I should be going to work. If you could just..." She paused naturally, then gasped at the feeling of Faithry pulling her finger out and replacing it with two in one quick movement. "I think you should stay today. I can obviously replace your pay for a day's worth of work." "I-I have a meeting today. It's in an h-hour." "And are you prepared for it like a good Glee, hmmm?" "Y-yes, I am. Nnh... But.." "You can stay for another forty-five minutes at least, then." She rose and clipped a leash onto the singular D-ring in the collar Glee wore. For her part the chocobo closed her eyes and tried to relax a little after the probing, though she wasn't allowed to as Faithry tugged the leash gently. "Down into the play-room, sweetie." The swan touched something that Glee could never seem to see, even after a year, and one of the bookcases moved toward the room and off to the side, exposing a set of stairs. Thirty-two circular steps later and the two entered the stone-walled dungeon, almost typical in its design, though Glee knew better. There were rings in the floor, walls, and ceilings, spread to mathematical precision, several chests and tables with toys of all shapes and sizes strewn about, X-racks and tables and a dozen other types of furniture... She could still remember the first time she saw it, shivering as she was lead to a set of two rings she had almost known she would be experiencing. Glee stood in place submissively as Faithry stepped to retrieve a set of leather cuffs, bending to attach one to either ankle, and without any further ado locked them to the rings in the floor with the shortest chains she could use. This caused a deal of leg-spreading for Glee, of course, though her large talons allowed her to remain balanced. It didn't help her arousal, though. She hoped Faithry wouldn't send her to work this needy. A little moan escaped her beak as a hood was spread over her head, blocking out all sight and slightly muffling her hearing. "Now, where were we?" Two hands came to bear on Glee's cloaca, immediately beginning to use multiple fingertips to knead and rub firmly to the pink flesh, making her lower her head and pant in arousal. For several minutes this is all that she was given, including short periods where Faithry would stop the massaging just to trail two knuckles up and down the crease of her sex, making her squeeze down on the emptiness inside of her, the fan of her tail feathers bobbing heedlessly. "I was thinking about how fun this year has been, how willing you have been to let me experiment upon you with each of my lovely toys. And the times we've role-played, taking on the role of tormentor and prisoner, have been most enjoyable." Glee was listening and nodded quickly, agreeing, fairly willing to agree to almost anything at the moment. Thankfully a wide, streamlined vibrator was introduced to her sex, and quickly spread her open, very easily used considering her level of arousal and natural slickness. She held her breath and bit her beak down at the sensation, but as it started to slide out another moan came forth, hips twitching as if they wished to churn backwards against the toy. Soon it pushed back into her and her wish was granted, a slow, building rhythm of thrusting inside of her sex, towards which she began to roll her hips. Faithry kept a hand directly under her vent, at her lower belly, Glee knowing that was where the white avian judged the level of arousal within other birds. She had been in feathery forms at Faithry's behest before. The now completely soaked vibrator continued its movements, both of those in the room knowing that Faithry had a great deal more strength and stamina in her arms than anyone would have thought of a swan. With almost machine-like precision the thrusting was gathering speed over the course of minutes, the arousal-building slowness becoming a medium pace which was starting to drive Glee toward climax. In a remote way a part of her mind took note of the way her new sex spasmed and clenched the toy, a little more spasmodic than any she'd assumed before, but more sensitive as well. Soon she wasn't thinking of anything at all, peering at the whiteness behind her tightly closed eyes, getting rather close. As Glee had expected, but didn't want to admit, Faithry pulled the toy out of her within seconds of her orgasm, then simply sat back and watched as Glee's hips writhed and bucked at the air, the chocobo unable to hold back whimpers and chirps of frustration. She had stopped herself from self-pleasuring the entire weekend in case Faithry had called her over sometime late on Sunday, and hadn't had time that morning to fulfill her needs. By this point she was rather hot to trot. Combining the need to go with a plea for what she needed, Glee asked, "Faithry, I really have to be at that meeting..." She paused for a moment, still recovering her breath. "Could you just... just get me off? I need to go..." Her vent clenched down powerfully, again just upon the air that brushed against the dampness. "Do you really have to go? What would you think if I just kept you here, hmmm?" Faithry's fingers returned to her, a quiet groan coming from Glee at the touch, though she went quiet, aside from panting, as Faithry continued speaking. "Those thoughts I had, about our fun, led me to considering keeping you on a permanent basis. After all, it's not like you have any choice any more." Those fingers kept stroking, kneading, keeping Glee from fully coming down from the arousal she had been put through previously. The two had come to this theme many times before in their role-playing, Faithry finding or acquiring Glee in one of her forms, keeping her and training her to be her own personal toy, mount, slave, or any combination thereof. The prospect indeed aroused Glee, however she really didn't have time to be playing right then. "Please, Faith-nnhh... Please! I have to go..." Glee sounded like she really did want to stay for the day, and she her body and heart said she did, but her mind told her the truth; there's no way she'd get that promotion if she missed a meeting as important as that day's. Faithry had this knack for interrupting Glee's thoughts however, the one being devious and the other thinking too much for her own good, this coming to bear on Glee once again as the vibrator was slowly wedged back into her sex. The thrusting started anew, of course beginning back at the horribly slow pace it had begun at previously. "Shush, little Glee." Faithry chided, stroking her other hand along Glee's underbelly. As Glee noticed the pace of the thrusting not increasing at all, not yet, she decided that Faithry had finally stepped a little too far by interfering with her weekday life. She sincerely hoped that this wouldn't cause any hardships between the two friends, but steeled her nerves. She took a deep breath, then said, "Safeword," the request for unconditional and immediate ceasing of the situation they were in. Soundlessly Faithry did stop, and Glee sighed out a soft exhale of relief. "Now, please, let me turn back and I-" Faithry hadn't just stopped, though, the swan having picked up something from a nearby table, and before Glee could ask to be released far enough to masturbate herself to climax before work a thick strap of some sort wrapped around her beak and cinched down, preventing any understandable vocalizations on the chocobo's part. "I told you to hush, hon. Now do you understand?" Glee just stood there in stunned silence. Faithry had entirely ignored safeword. She couldn't even imagine what to do at that point, looking the swan in the eye soundlessly. "Good girl!" Apparently, her silence had earned her praise, and as Faithry moved behind her she also earned five fast strokes of the vibrator before it returned to the slow pace it had been at before. However, as the thrusting continued, Glee started to panic, thrashing in her bonds, jerking as hard as she could upon each of her legs in turn, nearly falling forward and being stopped from such as Faithry grasped her on either side of her hips. As her ability to writhe was further reduced she started making garbled grunts and warbles through her beak. Faithry suddenly removed the vibrator from her entirely, and the movements stopped. Finally, Glee was going to be released, or so she told herself. What actually happened was a thicker, ribbed dildo was forced up into her, one that Glee had only experienced once before, weeks ago when it was tested on her for the first time. She had day-dreamed about it since, but not in this sort of situation. As it was forced in the shape of the toy caused each of the ridges nearest the tip to graze over her g-spot, causing shudders and twitches through her body and tailfan, and when it came to a stop a ridge was nudged directly against that locale. "As I'm sure you realize, toy, the prize within your vent is the 'Preventer,' as I've come to call it. The sensors within it will gauge your arousal, heartbeat, and other bodily levels, pleasuring you near to climax, and then stopping before you can actually reach your goal." As Faithry spoke these words it began to vibrate rather firmly, all through the entire shaft, and to make sure it wasn't expelled the swan was strapping a harness around the yellow bird's hips. Glee started to thrash again as she felt the belt being put around her hips, but it was too little too late, and soon she was grinding her hips at the air. She wanted to think that she could stop herself from being so entranced by sexual pleasuring at that point, but the situation seemed to be making her need it even more. Could she really just serve as Faithry's pet? But what about her job? Wouldn't they look for her? She couldn't seem to concentrate on the questions she asked herself. The vibrations were almost causing the toy to thrust within her, becoming more forceful, bringing her up to the level she knew it could, slowing down at a steady downward pace which was still getting her even closer, bringing her to some precipice of arousal she'd never knew possible before... and then catching her before she could fall off that cliff, stopping dead. With heartfelt dismay Glee threw herself against the bindings as powerfully as she ever had, to no effect except the raising of Faithry's crest, an avian smile. "Oh! And one more thing: what I never told you before is that the toy learns. You'll be brought closer and closer every time the pattern is repeated. Eventually the Preventer will have enough knowledge to keep you at the edge of climax indefinitely. After it has this level it will, every ten repetitions do this for a full five minutes." As Glee shook and made piteous sounds, tears of frustration in her eyes, Faithry leaned to give a firm lick to her new pet's vent. "You will learn to need me, hon," the swan said, her warm breath rushing across the sensitive pink flesh, "...Every second of your waking hours." At that Faithry stepped up the stairs, leaving Glee behind, where she writhed in surprise as the vibrator started up again, seeming to be concentrating more on her g-spot than the time before... I can't forget to mention that Chocobos are (c) to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Squeenix, or whatever they are calling themselves today. Anyway, time for my normal plea for attention. If you liked this story, mail me at gleesilv@nycap.rr.com and I'll be happy. Really. ^^