This story contains sexual interaction between, you guessed it, a male dragon and something that would be best described as Other. Oh, and there's a lot of teasing, too, and some of it isn't welcome. So, don't read if you don't like adult things or things with disgruntled dragons in them. Other/m Something/quadrupedal dragon, mud, bondage, reluctant/non-consensual, orgasm denial Bogged Down in the Details Kydren had never known how good a mud bath would feel until he finally tried it one day. Warm, bubbling mud, natural currents carrying it across his scales, supporting his weight and letting him relax, warmth soothing his muscles, the soil perfectly molding to his body... He had grown a fetish around it actually, and was spending time now looking for the perfect mud bathing location. The dragon wanted it to be smooth, constantly cleaned of rocks and bugs, thick enough to make it an effort to pull himself out, but not deep enough to be dangerous. It took him a few days to come across the realization that the river deltas that lead into the sea nearby were perfect, and he began on a solitary journey, down the coast, just searching for the locale to suit his new needs. Several different bogs were tried, some turned down because they were too stinky with sulfur or other minerals, others because of stagnant water attracting brooding insects, and another that was almost perfect but was much too deep; his tail couldn't reach a thickness that felt safe at full extension into the muck. Finally, though, after three days of travel and multiple half-enjoyed bathings that were ruined by future expectations, Kydren was circling a likely locale. It was about an eighth of a mile away from the actual outlet of the river into the sea, and the only reason it actually attracted the silver's attention was how it was a piece of land seeming to be framed perfectly by the trees around it. He landed near the edge of the bare land, the tip of a wing nearly clipping several branches as he settled carefully to all four paws and approached the slightly bubbling land before him. There was no smell to the air, one check on the list taken care of, and from what he could see there wasn't a single piece of flotsam on the surface or even nearby. Stepping closer, he turned around and inserted his tail down into the mud. He could feel the currents of it, moving enough that it almost felt like the barest of touches caressing the limb constantly, and his tail actually touched solid rock at almost the perfect height. Knowing that if he fully extended his legs he would be able to just push his shoulders out of the mud, he fearlessly hopped in with a grin on his face. It was a perfect sensation, sinking down as he wiggled his haunches and forelegs about, tail slithering slightly along the surface as his hunkering body slowly slid into the mud, straight down. His paws and legs had all but disappeared entirely with the first hop, and soon his belly was gone as well. Still wriggling, he managed to get his rear completely underneath, legs curled slightly so he wouldn't feel the rock beneath him, and worked on his chest and forepaws. Using his head and neck for momentum, along with jerks of his body that he had used previously with other, less thick locations, Kydren finally managed to get only his neck and head exposed, at which point he pulled down on his head until only his nostrils and lips were exposed to the air. Relaxing slowly, working from nose tip to toes and tail tip, Kydren concentrated on letting each part of his body loosen and unknot. He had not yet achieved the internal peace that a dragon twice his age would have, but he had learned quite a lot about controlling himself over his last hundred years, and this was one process he prided himself on picking up quite naturally. Soon he was just floating in the mud, and concentrating on how it felt against his scales, slightly between them as the stuff seemed to enjoy slipping closer to his body. Sliding along his tail to its base, caressing up between his hind legs, stroking his neck out as if with gentle pettings, this mud was all but alive with how it was both soothing and rousing Kydren. He chuckled quietly as he felt himself stiffen down below, the tip of his shaft emerging from his slit. This happened often, but not usually this quickly, and he shivered at how nice it felt for the mud to swirl around and across his arousal. This was part of his fantasy in the perfect mud puddle, the part he was about to try now. He was fairly sure that any mud that would fulfill his fantasy would be almost impossible to escape due to thickness, but it didn't stop the dragon from daydreaming. Once fully hard, Kydren pulled upward on his hips and then rolled them back downward, and gave a quiet moan in surprise, eyes almost opening in shock underneath the mud. Indeed it felt how he had hoped, almost like a tight suction was around his entire cock, tightening down as he pulled backwards, then sliding silkily across his head and shaft as he ground back down against it. Starting to pant in anticipation, Kydren couldn't help himself; he began to slowly gyrate his hips, pulling back and forth, eyes clenching more tightly closed in stimulation. He was careful to not work too quickly as he didn't wish to upset the mud to the point of losing its thickness, as well as he didn't want to sink too low and have to interrupt his work by forcing himself back up out of the mud. He started to feel the bubbles now, all of a sudden, as if his work had redirected how the bubbles in the mud traveled through it. They were almost tickling him as they rose between his legs, danced across his belly and chest, across his thighs, glancing across his shaft and several nudging across his slit teasingly. He chuckled again, wondering at his luck at finding this almost mystical pit, and began to thrust slightly faster as his lust increased with every few moments. The faster he moved and the further he thrusted the better it felt, and he couldn't stop himself from thrusting as fast as he could, just starting to feel that he was working toward orgasm. He couldn't feel his pre emerging as it disappeared into the soil, but it didn't matter considering he definitely wasn't in need of lubrication. Faster and faster he gyrated until he was going as fast as he could within the mud, which seemed to have loosened up quite a bit near his hips to allow a lot of movement, but wasn't churned up enough to disrupt the feelings on his shaft. Under normal circumstances, Kydren would have noticed something so odd, but as he was approaching orgasm, it was a bit difficult for him to realize. He began to tense up, on the edge of orgasm, ready to give several last jerks and fill the mud with his seed, except the mud froze up suddenly as if he was in a perfectly formed cement block! No matter how he moved or jerked, which his hips desperately tried to do, he couldn't get one iota of sensation on his shaft, and he grunted loudly in frustration as he strained harder. As his orgasm slowly slipped away it struck him suddenly, not the lack of fulfillment, but the fact that the "puddle" had suddenly become a solid brick. He froze, not trying to move, and then testingly attempted to pull a forepaw upward. To his curiosity, it actually did move straight upward, just as if he was pulling against the same thickness of mud he put himself in. Chuckling at the strangeness of it all, wondering how he had just daydreamed himself trapped for a moment when he was wide-awake, he moved to walk out of the mud. He noticed, however, that while he could pull his paw upward, he couldn't actually move it forward at all. Gasping slightly through his nostrils, Kydren wriggled again, this time shifting his weight left and right, trying to make any of his paws, or his tail, move how he wanted. His tail was trapped along the surface of the mud, as if between two tight membranes, unable to lower or lift from that particular height, though given full motion of swinging side to side. His paws could pull up toward his body, or extend all the way down, but they couldn't move in any other way, and the rock beneath his feet seemed gone entirely. His neck and head were both completely trapped in place, so he couldn't lift up and look back at himself, but he definitely couldn't extend his wings out either, and no matter what he did, Kydren's body didn't break the surface. He hadn't noticed, but right as his orgasm was denied him, the swirling of the mud and the bubbling of air beneath him had stopped, and all of a sudden it turned back on, surprising him. His shaft had gone half-flaccid with worry about his predicament, trying to figure out how the mud had changed so suddenly, but without his hips being able to thrust at all he felt what was reminiscent of two giant lips wrapping about his shaft's base and strong suction repeatedly coaxing at the flesh to stiffen and extend. Moaning quietly as his lust was forced to come back into his mind, he whimpered and realized suddenly that there was something mystical about the mud; some sort of being was controlling it, and with his eyes shut, his snout unable to open, and his body being stimulated to distraction, he couldn't bring forth any mysticism to protect himself. Those phantom lips began to slide up and down his cock, but the "inside" of them didn't feel like flesh, rather the same lovely mud, just with more tightness and suction around his flesh. He found after several moments of this bobbing motion he was trying to meet the lips with his hips, but the mud wouldn't allow him to move in that fashion, so he was left with just wriggling uselessly, blind and unable to complain. Two finger-like appendages formed somehow within the muck and began to gently trail up and down along the edges of his slit as the lips moved faster, coaxing out a groan, as well as precum. It felt very good, Kydren had to admit, and since it wasn't hurting him at all, he gave in to the mud for now, not considering this rape since the silver dragon had no reason to want to abandon such nice feelings. Worked fast and hard by the mud mouth, Kydren felt his orgasm rising again, hips reflexively bucking without any movement again as he prepared to fire... but yet again he was denied, the mouth disappearing at the last moment, his entire cock surrounded by the cement-like stiffening of the mud, blocking all sensation to it. He whined out his displeasure and wriggled his forepaws, trying to reach down and grasp himself, wanting to pump himself to orgasm, completely unable to. Just as he was starting to die down from his worst need, Kydren felt an unfamiliar sensation, that of the mud literally trying to flow into his tailhole. Stiffening, the dragon growled and clenched down with the ring of muscle, completely virgin to anything entering that particular orifice of his body. He couldn't fight it though, a thin stream of the mud entering him and then somehow stretching him open just enough to allow a constant flow, having formed a hollow, solid tube through which more of the mud began to flow in. Grunting at the odd feeling of warm slickness flowing up into his ass, the dragon kept trying to squeeze the stuff back out, hind legs moving up and down as he tried to jerk his hips away from that. Despite all this, his erection didn't die down at all, though whether from stimulation or a cement-like cockring one wouldn't be able to tell. Just as he began to feel a bit full, Kydren gasped at yet another alien sensation, that of something solid directly pushing against and stimulating his prostate. The mud chose that moment of surprised arousal to solidify all of the mud within him simultaneously and start to retract the now phallic-shaped mass, lubricated by a very thin coating of the very silkiest of the mud. As the faux-shaft pulled out and then returned to the "hilt," some special part of it constantly drew across Kydren's prostate like a series of textured nubs, making him give small jerks and pleasured whines. He was completely surprised that he had something that felt so good inside of his ass, and was again taken under the spell of the mud, willing to accept its whims. As if to reward his change of heart, his shaft was again enwrapped by those phantom lips. The rate at which he had approached orgasm the first two times had been remarkably fast to the dragon, but this time it was much more so. Kydren's inner muscles repeatedly clenched down on the mud malehood, his hips attempting to buck backwards to meet the thrusts just before trying to buck forward to push further into the suction. Actually, it was during this process of lusty squirming that Kydren began to realize that the mud was thickening up around his paws and tail, even more than before, starting to limit the already useless range of motion he'd been given. Just as he was on the verge of what he was sure was going to be an incredible orgasm the pleasure was denied him once again, but this time as he started to struggle, whimpering and growling in anger, he found that he couldn't move any part of his body even an inch. He wouldn't have even had a chance to count to ten as the mud, just starting up a rhythm that would make itself known shortly, started up again before Kydren could truly die down completely from the edge of orgasm. Gasping and groaning in a mixture of surprise and doubt that he'd be given release, his hips tried to buck ferally and met only with complete resistance to his motions. The mud stopped again, just before orgasm, counted to some single-digit number around five seconds in length, and then started up once more. Trapped completely immobile except for the relatively slight motions of his chest rising and falling as he panted through his nostrils, all Kydren could do was count the repetitions of this and growl, whimper, and even shout out his displeasure, all without it making a change within the rhythm. Within twenty times his anger was mostly replaced with hapless lust, his only vocalizations whines and grunts, as his hips kept trying to fuck the needlessly cruel mud. Kydren didn't realize it through his haze of lust but his body was actually slowly rising up out of the mud, drawn aside of it and set next to it. He appeared to be a clay-colored statue of a dragon, just slightly larger than himself in all dimensions, as there was a thin layer of the magical soil about his body to keep him at bay. The mud seemed to be learning somehow because it started a new program of tormenting Kydren, one designed to distract him 100% through transport. The silver was brought right up to the edge of climax yet again, but this time the muck, rather than stopping altogether, clenched down around his cockbase painlessly and then started to tenderly squeeze the last few inches of his shaft, right near the tip, where the most sensitivity to initial penetration lay. Simultaneously, the thrusting within his ass stopped altogether, but a single nail-like protrusion tenderly caressed his prostate back and forth, over and over. Kydren stiffened and grunted, whimpering particularly loudly, as the mud kept him right on edge, and he knew that even a breath of more friction would cause him to orgasm. But, the mud had no intention of giving it, leaving him to throw his body weight side to side in an attempt to move his cock even the tiniest bit. Summarily distracted beyond anything besides horrible teasing or severe pain could cause, the dragon statue rose into the air, just above the treetops, and zipped at twice the speed Kydren himself could fly, perfectly horizontally, toward the domain of the powerful wizard who had captured the lusty dragon. Story continued in "Collecting the Harvest." Copyright Glee Silverwind 2004