Written in 2007 FF+/m Anthropomorphic Vixen-based Faeries/quadrupedal dragon, bondage, orgasm denial, magic, plant, tentacles, consensual/reluctant/non-consensual Choices Nyl checked and re-checked the figures meticulously inside his head. Everything appeared to be in order, but he ran down through the checklist for his spell one more time. He would be bound helpless in the position he chose for exactly four hours, during which time nothing he did would release him nor would he be able to access any magic whatsoever. While trapped he would be carefully teased by a tiny air being he designed, somewhat like a non-sentient air elemental; the construct was created specifically to not cause him to reach orgasm. If at any time his life came into danger, to his knowledge or outside of it, he would suddenly be fully freed in order to defend himself. Nyl took a deep breath and sighed, stretching his lengthy quadrupedal body out in preparation. The bronze dragon had spent several weeks planning this and it was to be the first test-run of what he hoped would be a long and beautiful friendship with his new combination of enchantments and conjuration. Finally Nyl felt ready, settling into place. He planted his chest down on the moss bed; he had picked this location out thanks to the soft natural bedding, though it helped that being so deep in the Lyan Wood would give him as much privacy as he could ask for. With his chest, neck and head comfortable, his forelimbs tucked down so his forepaws were pressed close to his neck and lower jaw, Nyl lifted his rear into the air. He was already erect as he had been daydreaming about this situation for so long that the last ten minutes leading up to it had proved quite mentally stimulating. The dragon spread his hindlegs out as far as he comfortably could in his pose, tail flipped up over his back so that its tip touched between his tightly furled wings. Situated as he had planned, Nyl then closed his eyes and took several steadying breaths before he started mentally reading from the board of notes he had laid out before him. He built threads of magic in the air as he went, unconsciously swaying his rear end back and forth in the air. The threads tied into impossibly complex knots as the dragon neared the end of his work and then they all noiselessly disappeared at the same time Nyl closed his eyes. After one more deep breath Nyl suddenly tried to stand up... success! He was immobile! The bronze quickly leaned this way and that, most of his joints haplessly bound, his hips unable to properly roll at all, his chest and head staying where he had placed them on the ground, wings remaining furled. His tail had more movement than most of his body, though its base was much more stiff than usual and the tip refused to pull free from between his wings. Nyl tried to reach out and enact even the simplest of magic, trying to make some of the moss before his eyes lift up into the air, and when that failed he tried harder and harder until he gave up with a quiet moan. Nyl found that his self-bondage had the intended result, causing him to get very aroused, though despite his eager state of mind he still couldn't hump at the air like he tried; that inability only made him want to more. At the two minute mark into his bondage he heard a quiet pop, knowing that the spell had enacted the next step and summoned his little air-based "friend." It had appeared out of sight behind him but Nyl could feel its swirling body lightly touching along his inner thighs, slowly reaching forward... Then it disappeared all at once, the quiet sound of rustling leaves that had accompanied it cutting off as well. Nyl squirmed and bit his lower lip, wondering if he had designed it to tease too well, though that theory was disproven when he heard a voice whisper directly into his right ear fin. "I promise none of us will in any way endanger your life," it said immediately before a fairie appeared before him and landed on his nose, grinning at him. "Oh no..." he thought to himself with a shudder, eyes taking in the mischievous facial expression spread across the faerie's face. This particular species of faerie appeared as tiny, naked foxwomen, all perfectly formed specimens of anthropomorphic vixen as Nyl could see as about a dozen more proceeded to swarm into view. Faeries aren't simply living beings however--they are literally magic elementals, similar to other elementals but living and breathing the forces of magic on Mynul. With this connection to magic they could do what few or no other races could, editing others' magic as if moving a digit, understanding complex spells intuitively even as children. By promising not to endanger Nyl's life the faeries were now free to do whatever they wanted to the poor bronze, and while most elementals never seem to cause physical harm to anyone who doesn't threaten them faeries were well known to be particularly mischievous. "Ordered it not to let you orgasm, huh?" the apparant leader asked with a giggle, wiggling slightly on Nyl's nose. "Don't worry, we won't either!" She lifted off then, smirking down at the wedge shaped head before her. As soon as the dragon's snout opened in preparation for speech an invisible, rather phallic-shaped extension of force pressed Nyl's snout further open, filling his maw quite full even as more bands of magic pressed down around the outside, muzzling him securely. The block of gagging magic wasn't particularly solid, giving somewhat under Nyl's gripping jaws, but not enough to let him speak at all--even his shouts now came across as quiet moans. By that point almost three dozen of the tiny humanoids had arrived, low twigs and branches carrying some while the moss made a bouncy landing strip for others. The leader looked around herself, took a mental headcount, and then motioned her arm toward Nyl. "Charge!" she playfully ordered, the sound of leaves tumbling in the wind filling the air as many sets of wings propelled the small army of faeries at the immobile dragon. He closed his eyes and tensed instinctively, though rationally it was needless considering each faerie weighed barely enough for him to notice their mass at all. Several faeries landed on Nyl's back and began to look around themselves from the new perspective, though they proved to be the least intrepid explorers as others flew directly underneath their new plaything and looked about. What they found was that Nyl was dribbling pre-fluids at a prodigious rate, obviously turned on by this turn of events. The faeries proved to share some sort of mental communication because the leader, who had never left Nyl's line of sight, mentioned offhandedly, "Happy to see us? Ever since the second time you came here we've been discussing how to capture you for a while but you're too strong for us. How kind of you to not only trap yourself but indicate to us what you're into!" The leader kept right on grinning, dropping down to pat the dragon's nose gently before flying toward his rear; he groaned and squirmed fervently, still as helpless as ever. The first touch of soft, minutely furred paws touching to his wing leathers caused Nyl to shiver and close his eyes, wings trying to spread out into the attention without managing to do so at all. It was but a mild distraction though, so that when the first touches arrived on his inner thighs he squirmed in surprise and tensed the muscles beneath his hide. Sets of paws appeared on his calves, moving as if to massage him, while only four faeries were touching his thighs, obviously flying to reach higher and lower as they traced small designs in their playful explorations. "They're teasing me... Yup, this is bad," Nyl though to himself as his cock surged, a few giggles emerging from behind him at the sight. They teased indeed, several more "landing" upside-down on Nyl's stomach, caressing and rubbing their tails along his hide as they moved about, others landing on his rear and cheerily kneading the sensitive flesh at and about his tailbase. The tail fidgeted uselessly as hands strayed relatively close to the draconic tailhole nearby, though they seemed to ignore it even as the faeries between Nyl's legs slowly worked closer toward his crotch without quite reaching it yet. The attention became all the more teasing as many of the tiny tormenters began to nuzzle and lick at whatever hide they were nearby, others rubbing their whole bodies up close. The faeries kept this up for a good while, at times getting so close that even their small physical strength was enough that his balls or sheath shifted slightly in place, though his random, repeated tensing and relaxing of his malehood caused more of that than the faeries did. The moss in the dragon's shadow had a significant damp spot which continued to grow and deepen, Nyl wondering how long this horrible tease was going to last each time the faeries avoided his penis so close that he could feel tiny puffs of wind from their wings against his damp cocktip. He began to quietly whimper now and then, the first escaping him without any intent to let it, though his embarrassment at begging in that way did not last long. Finally, after what Nyl was sure had been at least an hour, the faeries began letting some of their body to touch intimately. It started very slight, amounting to the tip of a tail gently stroking along the back of one of his testes, then a few moments later was compounded by the graze of the back of a paw along the side of his sheath. The new focus also was very slow in growth, only two faeries granting any of those ministrations for the first few minutes. The breaking point came when two of the winged vixens began to lightly trace the tips of their tails back and forth along Nyl's balls, flicking them about, purposely trying to tickle along with their teasing. The attempt worked, the dragon squirming harder and giggling muffledly, his shaft bouncing as he was simultaneously getting the most stimulation he had yet received and getting teased more than he had ever been in his life. After several minutes of watching and enjoying the sight of squirming male draconity the two ticklers stopped and turned around, now unabashedly cuddling up to Nyl's testicles as if they were lovers. He clenched his eyes and fidgeted lustily as soft, warm fur was stroked all over his sac, arms and legs, face and tail, hands and tongue, all attending to him. Another faerie decided to cuddle up to his sheath then, nearly as large as the length of it, nestling up close to it and squeezing as if taking solace in its company. Nyl moaned and tried to hump all over again, panting more audibly as he curled his claws against the moss. It felt great, he couldn't deny that, though it was far from enough. That need for more only increased as one of the faeries landed next to Nyl's head and reached into his mouth as if the magic gag wasn't even there. She stroked her hand across his tongue, letting him feel how damp it was. "Some ... 'nectar' for you," she said, flying out of sight before Nyl could possibly identify which faerie it had been. It was but seconds before his tongue began to feel warm, the sensation spreading at a steady pace through his body until a full minute later his tailtip was warm as well. The effect began to seep into him then, and Nyl understood with a mixed growl and moan; the faerie's sexual fluids were a potent magical aphrodisiac! Soon he was grunting and moaning as he tried much harder to hump at the air, faeries giggling all around him as they watched and personally helped to make the situation even more frustrating, more faeries appearing from out of nowhere to stroke at his sides, face, belly, legs and paws, all ignoring his cock altogether as his balls and sheath got way more attention than they deserved. The dragon lost track of more and more time as the teasing continued, the most sexual stimulation he was allowed being the single feather-light touch of a fingertip, a tail, or even an ear along a centimeter of his malehood, occurring at random every few minutes. Nyl was much more teased than his custom air elemental would have been able to manage, not having considered how desperately he could be made to wish that someone or something would give his shaft even a single thorough stroke! The best that Nyl was given came even later, one fingertip resting at his cockbase and then stroking the entire length of his shaft's underside, as if measuring it, appraising it. It was gently tapered, smooth and reddish-pink, the tip ending in a wedge that was framed by a slight ridge, an approximation of the cock-head that some other species of dragons have. Despite the fact that it wasn't a full head the ridge and tip were still Nyl's most sensitive erogenous zones, and thus what he longed the most to be touched. The leader came back to sit on Nyl's nose over two hours after the dragon had been caught, asking, "So, are we having fun yet?" The dragon's grunting and pointless neck wriggling made her giggle sweetly. "We've been discussing what to do with you. We have been scouring your mind too, listening to your subconscious and reading your memories. We've come up with three courses of action and we're leaving it up to you to decide which you want. "The first choice is that we leave you alone and you will be released in four hours, a little behind schedule but no worse for the wear. The second choice is that we will help you orgasm, but I promise it will be very unfulfilling. The third option is that we'll give you the biggest tease you will ever have in your life but will follow it up with the most satisfying orgasm any dragon has ever had. "So, Nyl, look directly at me and blink your eyes the number of times for the choice you have made: 1, 2, or 3?" Nyl didn't want to just be left alone in his current state of arousal, he was pretty sure of that, and he almost went with the second choice without thinking any further. He was terribly aroused and yet his mind was in enough of a rational order for him to consider his plight beyond what his body wanted. The thought of experiencing the most exquisite frustration he could imagine made him tremble in anticipation, and knowing that it would end gloriously made it all the sweeter. It was hard to give up un-delayed gratification but with mixed worry and lust Nyl blinked his eyes three times. The faerie clapped her hands and giggled. "Oh goody!" That would have worried the dragon if he hadn't been so needy. The faeries all lifted off from the dragon and maneuvered around him so they were at approximately equidistant locations from each other all along his body, touching almost everywhere on his body aside from his lonely dragonhood. They then closed their eyes and worked their little minds in unison. Nyl felt magic swelling up around him, unable to look behind him and eye the knots of the building spell that would tell him what was going to happen to him. Even as it continued to build he felt some of it being redirected into his body, making him feel somewhat swollen with the power. It lulled him into a sense of stillness despite his mental state, lying dormant as the faeries worked, the dragon unaware of anything actually happening aside from random, unidentifiable swirls of sensation moving through his body. When Nyl's vision disappeared suddenly the calming of the spell broke all at once and he tried to squirm reflexively. When he couldn't budge at all he tried even harder, grunting... or rather, mentally grunting; he no longer could make any sounds, unable to even bite down on the gag in his snout. All the questions swirling in his head were answered simultaneously as a faerie rapped on his side with her knuckles, a quiet, hollow ringing sound coming from the dragon's insides. He had been turned into a bronze statue of himself! He couldn't even feel that rapping on his side, his hearing the only sense left. Even without touch the bronze was still very aroused, and not being able to move even the tiniest bit of his body made him hornier than ever. "Now now, we can't have you hollow! You might be a statue but your presence is still here, and that's what's required to make your pre-cum the only ingredient in the world that will allow the precious Lilium annelida to flourish." Nyl was aware that draconic fluids were useful in many alchemic and magical reactions, but he had never heard that there was a plant that specifically fed on dragons as well. The only reason he wasn't panicking by that point was that he was quite certain that he'd be having a rather lovely orgasm within the next few hours, as promised. Nyl listened mutely as what he assumed was his own pre-cum filled him from his toes to the highest raised section of his tail, eventually falling still inside of him. "Good, the tiniest, itty-bittiest hole is at your tip now, too small to let any of the pre dribble out of its own accord. One more thing..." A soft nudge at his testicles let Nyl know that they had been returned to a flesh state, feeling to him just as if they were attached to a fully biological body. Some gentle probing and squeezing by the touching faerie let Nyl know they were very, very swollen, and significantly more sensitive than before, but his mentally framed moans had no vocal cords to give them voice. "There, now the spell will keep you producing more and more!" A moment later the faerie stopped touching him even as something else did, four or five fibrous, tentacular appendages wrapping around his balls and squeezing lightly, stroking over them randomly with tips and blunt edges, tugging down on the entire assembly every few seconds. For minutes this was all that Nyl could feel, a sensuous massage that made him want to fuck anything he could wrap his paws around if only he could move. A voice piped up nearby, too quiet for him to hear, and then the leader laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry, you can't feel that can you? Duh, how silly of me... here!" The dragon felt his balls quite well, but that wasn't what she was referring to, as he soon discovered. It was still solid metal, but somehow the faeries imbued his cock with a sense of touch, though they gave it much more sensitivity than what Nyl naturally had. He could quite intimately feel the smooth, wet petals of the flower that had wrapped itself around his shaft, every texture and strain of the plant registering distinctly. His length was engulfed all the way to the base, the plant shifting back and forth at a slow, leisurely rate. Hundreds, possibly thousands of tiny tentacles, each as soft as a rose petal, inside of the "maw" of the plant were wiggling and grasping at him, especially at the ridge near his tip, making Nyl's mind mentally cry out for him to fuck this stimulation hard and fast. Thanks to the way the plant had developed it could actually form a seal with its leaves, secreting a lubricant that allowed it to move freely while maintaining the semi-vacuum. It wasn't to be though, and soon Nyl was approaching orgasm, all the faeries watching mentally as the seeming inanimate statue got more and more worked up. The flower changed pace without warning, suddenly moving back and forth at a rate faster than once per second, and the dragon started to build up even faster. His mind whirled and his claws tried to rend at the moss underneath them, his mind glazing over slightly. Five seconds later Nyl was trying as hard as he could to whimper at the faeries desperately; he was unable to orgasm! "Statues can't cum, silly," the leader said rhetorically, the dragon's balls only swelling larger as it produced in magically induced overdrive, tugged and squeezed more emphatically by the plant as its suction was just enough to wring the tiniest bit of pre from the tip every thirty seconds or so. Only magic gave it the metabolic energy to continue working so hard, keeping the plant alive while the dragon's pre-seed was fed to it to help it attain growth it otherwise could not manage. Nyl, for his part in this scheme, was trying his damnedest to writhe, the urge to reach down and suckle his own shaft overpowering even as the plant produced much more pleasure than that would cause. The plant kept changing its tactics, sometimes moving so fast that the tentacles inside of it couldn't grasp, only cause extra friction, other times only moving an inch at a time as the tentacles alone kept Nyl on the edge of orgasm by teasing and tormenting his oversensitive cock-ridge. "We will be back in the Fall to harvest the Lilium, Nyl, so keep it happy! Take care!" With several metallic raps some of the faeries patted the dragon statue goodbye and flew away, not even mental squeals of need escaping the statue as the purple-petaled plant underneath it bobbed at a feverish pace. Copyright Glee Silverwind 2007