Plant/m quadrupedal dragon, tentacles, bondage, consensual/reluctant/non-consensual (?), forced orgasms This story is dedicated to Faithry. Thanks for the inspiration, Faithry! Spring Blooms Marin was glad that dragons designed their lairs to have multiple exits, since it allowed him slip out through one of the other, less obvious venues, to get away from home without his nest mates seeing his departure. He made good time as he took wing and moved low to the tree-line, even more glad that he had chosen that one particular swampy area for a quiet, thoughtful place. Even if he hadn't had much quiet or many conscious thoughts while he was there, he still had had quite a time. It was certainly the most memorable Spring he could remember having since his hatching. Not even a week earlier he had discovered the location of something he had never heard of before. He had been sitting up against a tree, listening to the sounds of the wildlife around him, when he spotted what he thought was a huge, beautiful flower. Marin's memories of the time were already getting to him as his youthful malehood started to spread his vent, causing the dragon to shiver as the air rushed over his length. Approaching it, he had looked over the oddly structured plant, circling it curiously. Up close, it had seemed like a giant flower with a half dozen petals, all of a different color, but in a pattern that blended beautifully to his eyes. The roots of the plant seemed to be above and below the ground, as he could see them sprawled out along the spongy forest floor. Marin had been terrified when those 'roots' had whipped around him in a moment of getting a little too close to the plant, and as he was drawn to the center of the petals, Marin thought he was a goner. As the giant bloom closed up around him, blocking off all sight and sound, he almost fainted--images of a venus-fly trap-like design, digestive fluids suddenly pouring in and dissolving him away, terrified him. Fortunately for him, in more ways than one, he found out that these were plants that fed off his semen, and the second, third, and fourth ones he had found proved some of the things had different styles of taking their meal from their victims. Over an acre's distance he had found a dozen of these strange plants, localized to this region alone, as far as he knew. And today, he was going to try his fifth, that lovely thought bringing up glimmers of memories from his past experience with the plants, images of his body squirming in it's floral bindings and his breath coming in shallow pants. Peering through the foliage the colorful pattern was easy to spot, even in his arousal and desperation to begin. He swooped down, billowing his wings out to catch air before settling in a landing that would have made him proud, if he wasn't horny as hell, his length throbbing in need. Looking around himself he made sure that this wasn't one of the plants he had already tried, his surroundings reassuring him of that within several moments. He took a deep breath, stilling any lingering doubts he had left about the complete safety of this recreational activity, and stepped far within the grasping range of the roots. Marin was rewarded with the feeling of a dozen tendrils coiled about him, several on each limb, a few lightly about his neck, more on his tail, and midsection. He didn't resist as the plant reeled him in, the edges of the petals curling upward as it prepared to secret him away from the outside world. Once he was placed at the center of the pod the petals slid upward, locking into place without the roots about him loosing, cutting off all sight, sound, and scent of the forest. Wriggling slightly, all he could truly sense was the slight shuffling sound of tendrils and the sweet scent each of these plants had in common. Now the plant changed his position, standing him on his hind legs and bracing his forelimbs up against one of the petals. His hind limbs were spread and his tail drawn upwards, the plant finishing it's preparations by twining tendrils tight around his snout, muffling all of his vocalizations greatly. Marin moaned against this floral muzzle, his cock already dribbling pre-seminal fluids as a great amount of arousal came to him just from being held like this. His dreams had changed in the last week to being filled with the sensation of being held spread and exposed, ready to be used however one of these plants felt using him. Marin had already started defining some of the different 'breeds' of cum-suckers; the first he had found had went for the direct approach, simply bringing him to a climax as quickly as possible, then releasing him. The second and third had been an interesting type that seemed to have somehow learned that teasing a cock for a while before milking from it would give a better meal. The fourth had been similar to the first, which had left Marin seeking for more like the second and third, or perhaps new breeds, as the 'direct approach' wasn't quite as pleasurable as a full coaxing of his load had proved to feel. Moaning happily, he found that this plant was also a teaser, as soft, almost silky leaves caressed along his length, a thin tendril nestling against his tailpucker and nudging against it without quite penetrating. Squirming in his green bindings, his hips automatically began to rock, attempting to further the friction on his needy dragonhood. But the plant didn't seem to have that in mind yet, leaf tips touching him with feather light contacts, drawing lines up and down along his shaft that caused him to shudder. When the little tendril started to lightly stroke and circle around his tailhole, combining with the sensation of the flat, broad part of the leaves being used to tenderly stroke his cock, he whimpered softly. It didn't help when the plant gently twined a tendril around his cockbase and used it to give small, rhythmic squeezes; it only caused him to want to thrust even more. Tugging strongly at the roots his mind mulled over the sensations that the plants had used to get him off before, now truly desperate to feel that, his shaft harder than he remembered it ever being. As the leaves pulled away, he knew the next step was at hand, and he was almost sad, knowing that he was to be set free within minutes. Realizing it was daybreak when he had left he thought he could perhaps squeeze two plants into his schedule that day. Maybe he could even find a new species, something that would titillate him more than anything he could imagine! The thought made him giddy, but was interrupted by the feeling of his snout being released. As he stretched his jaw a bit a thick, blunt ended root forced his maw open wide, filling it. His body arched in surprise as another tentacle wriggled it's way into his tailhole, not quite as thick as the first, but uncomfortable enough to make him squirm at first. As he groaned mutedly against the snout-filling root the thoughts of finding another species of lust-inducing plants caused his hips to sway, and it appeared the flora was ready to answer his need. He didn't quite know what the plants used to suckle on his length, but he supposed it was another flower-like arrangement, with petals that were wet on their inside that formed a seal to cause a slight vacuum. He was right, though he'd probably never really see for himself, sight not the most important thing on his mind as the tips of petals snugged up against his crotch, his length surrounded by tight, damp softness. He felt wetness pouring down his throat, causing him to gag slightly, the root in his mouth apparently pumping secretions into him. Marin didn't have time to contemplate as he felt his snout and ass both crammed tightly full of plant. The phallus shaped tentacles pulled back, only to thrust harshly into the dragon's maw and back end again. He would have yelped at the sudden pain throbbing up from his tailhole if the semen-collection pod hadn't begun to suckle, the petals loosening slightly as it moved forward, then tightening and squeezing as it pulled back. As the fluids the plant had dumped into his stomach began to enter his bloodstream his cock hardened further, filling with blood nearly to bursting. Marin's mind reeled as his arousal skyrocketed, his hips trying to thrust madly to the squeezing suction on his length, even though the tendrils wouldn't let him budge his crotch mere centimeters. He felt the fucking of his ass and snout speed up, his head tilted back by the tendrils so that the two faux-dongs were thrusting toward each other, moving his body as little as possible with the motions. The pain in his back entrance was starting to shift to pleasure as his pucker and insides were slickened by secretions of the plant, being squirted into him back there as well. Marin's pleasure was rising faster than he had thought possible, the blossom on his cock moving more quickly, thousands of tiny tendrils inside it sliding all over his cockhead. Marin's body arched and he screamed into the impromptu gag, feeding the plant his seed, a gift the plant received without any obvious approval as it continued to suck, coaxing his orgasm out further and further. As it finally ceased he collapsed completely into the tendrils' grip, unable to support himself, panting heavily through his nostrils. Normally, Marin would have been released several moments after this. This time, things were different. The sensations hadn't ceased and his body twitched and shivered as his oversensitive cockhead was tickled and caressed by the army of smaller tentacles. The bulb on his shaft was still bobbing, keeping the fast pace it had reached to get him off, his body still being fucked from opposite ends. A fleeting moment of conscious thought caused him to understand that this plant wasn't sated with just one load. He smiled around the plant-gag as he realized he had indeed found a new type of plant. He wouldn't be searching for more than maybe one other plant that day, considering another climax like the last would have him satisfied for half the day. His smile faded as a particularly well-angled thrust into his ass slid along his prostate, making him quiver and moan out loudly. The suction on his length increased in strength, stronger than a tight seal could cause, belying the fact that the plant truly was suckling upon him. The suction's stimulation was only enhanced by the sliding and squeezing of the petals on his shaft, his body quivering on the edge of his second climax. Marin shot his cum into the hungry bloom again, his claws curled up tight as he roiled in pleasure, yowling his lust in what would normally have been a loud shout. The dragon gasped noisily through his nostrils and wriggled as his cockhead's underside was rubbed frantically throughout his orgasm, which ceased as his spunk stopped flowing. The plant, however, didn't stop any of it's other stimulants one bit. His cock was suckled all the harder, his throat being bumped heavily by each of the mouth-tendril's thrusts, tailhole aching with the increased strength and speed behind the plant's motions. Fears rising again within the dragon, he struggled, only to have the tendrils tighten on him further, lessening his squirms to near complete immobility. And then he once again gave into the pleasure, the feeling of the tight, throbbingly squeezing tendril around his cockbase making him try to thrust into the tight seal all the more. Marin's mind blurred somewhere between the fourth and fifth climax, his last conscious thought leaving him terrified; this plant wasn't going to stop until something made it. His only real hope was that he'd pass out, though he didn't know that the secretions of the plant acted as a stimulant to both his reproductive organs and his ability to stay conscious. He couldn't escape, or pass out, or even claw his way free, his claws unable to damage the fibrous petals that encaged him. And the sun wasn't going down for another 14 hours. There is somewhat of a sequel to this story called The Capture of the Royal Gift. It doesn t have plants or tentacles, but does have bondage and some heavy teasing. Copyright Glee Silverwind 2001