MMM+/f Various Anthropomorphic Males/anthropomorphic skunkette, bondage, spanking, teasing, non-consensual/reluctant (?) Tailpipe Ceta looked around the construction yard from her seat on a pickup's hood and took a deep breath. It wasn't exactly the most beautiful of locales but getting out of the house and going for a late-night stroll had raised her spirits. Checking her watch she saw it was almost five in the morning, definitely past time for her to go home and get some rest. After all, she had more Spring Cleaning to tackle before the weekend was over. She wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea but she knew that the sooner it was done, the sooner- The skunkette's thought was interrupted as she noticed a faint glimmer from a pipe, halting her mid-stride. There were six pipes piled in a pyramidal stack, all strapped down onto a large wood pallet in three places, each about 12 feet long. The middle pipe in the bottom layer seemed to have something inside of it that just barely glinted in the illumination from the single light that had been left on overnight. She got down onto her knees and peered into the pipe more intently, black and white striped tail twitching behind her. "What's that?" she whispered under her breath, then raised her head up and looked at the pipes as a whole. They were black rather than the grayish shade of metal, and on touch she realized they were lined with rubber both inside and out. She didn't know much about construction so it didn't bother her. What did bother her was that the other pipes were all sealed on the ends, while the one with the mysterious glint inside was open on both ends. She couldn't help herself and took about three seconds of deliberation before she thrust her hand inside to try and grip at whatever it was that was shining. Unfortunately the object was further away than her arm was long and she realized that the only way for her to reach the object would be to wiggle a little into the pipe. Taking a close look at the pipe she decided she'd have no problems fitting all the way inside if she had to. First, though, the skunk stood up and looked around. She wanted to take her sweater off, a recent gift, in case the middle of the pipe had something icky in it. Re-assured that the area was still empty she slipped her sweater off over her head and set it down on top of the pipes. She wasn't wearing anything under the soft garment and wasn't looking forward to getting anything messy on her fur either, but... Her curiosity forced her back onto her knees, where she put both of her hands out before her and slipped her shoulders into the pipe. The skunk had no difficulty in doing so, the pipe almost half a foot wider than her shoulders. Twisting back and forth she used her elbows to pull herself forward, the rubber giving her enough friction that it wasn't that difficult. Her nipples stiffened a bit at the touch of cold rubber but she just giggled at herself and ignored it, shuffling further forward on her knees. They nudged up against the pallet, then as her thighs touched to it too her fingertips brushed her goal. "Finally!" she murmured, moving just a few inches further forward, then placing her fingers around the object. It was an odd little square box, the size of a box you'd find an engagement ring in, but it was a solid block of wood with little bumps on it, which felt like glass or rhinestones. With a flash of realization she realized it was there just to shine and get someone's attention, but it was too late, for she had moved the box. Within a half-moment she heard a click, and a light thrumming of some sort of motor. Before she could start to wriggle back out there was some hissing sound and the pipe started to shrink inward! No, she soon realized that the rubber was inflating around her, and within five seconds she couldn't twist her abdomen more than a smidgen, the thick rubber holding her tight just above her hips. The inflation stopped soon after and she took a deep breath, shaking her head at how she let herself get caught in this situation. After a few tugs she soon saw how stuck she really was, the rubber having conformed to the shape of her figure from hips to shoulders. Kicking her legs and twitching her tail she cursed under her breath. She had to wait through a few uneventful minutes and all sorts of horror-stories crossed through her mind. "Maybe I'm going to be sold into slavery," she thought to herself, "or... what if I'm just going to be raped?" She shook her head and gave a little whimper, struggling hard for a few desperate moments before going limp and panting slightly. As she stopped she heard a soft chuckle behind her. "Wow, what an ass," was all she heard before a strap was fit over her right thigh, just above the knee. She pulled against it, and just as she was about to kick outward with her free leg it was grasped with two strong hands and forced down, then strapped in place as well. She immediately started to struggle harder than before but the leather that had been fit over her legs didn't even creak at the stress. "Stop that!" the male voice commanded, a swift smack on her ass causing the skunk to freeze. Her captor chuckled again, not with a tone of cruelty, more of a playful child who finally got the toy he's wanted for a year. Her tail was nabbed the same way her leg had been a few moments before and her tail was forced up, also strapped out of the way. She hadn't seen any straps before but she was more interested in what was going to happen to her now completely helpless body. "Hold still, I don't wanna to cut you," spooked her but she held quite still, a small knife inserted into the tailslit of her jeans, cutting down along the seam of her right leg. Within a half-dozen strategic slices her jeans were removed entirely from her rear, the skunkette's cheeks revealed for her captor's eyes. They shuddered lightly as she quaked in fear, but that didn't deter him. "Oh, yes, quite nice, mmmh..." she just barely heard, which made her squirm slowly again, ears laid back against her skull. She felt one hand, then another, lightly trailing the backs of dull claw tips along her fur, making her curls her fingers and toes up as she squirmed. She finally spoke. "No! Don't touch me! Let me out of here!" Her voice sounded muffled even to her own ears but the male groping her indeed heard her, giving her ass a pinch. "Now, you be quiet, or I'll plug up the other end of the pipe. I'll let you go in, oh... six hours." He started to stroke again, but when she gave a little whimper and tried to pull her legs together he gave her ass a quick slap. She gasped and shivered, and he felt it where he left his hand on her. He was going to tell her to be quiet again, but then he chuckled. His hand wandered lower without any warning, cupping her mound and using his middle finger in an experimental stroke. "Oh, look at this. You're more than a little damp, are you? What a find... not only sexy as hell, but it looks like you're going to enjoy this as much as me!" She whimpered again and was vaguely thankful that the male couldn't see the intense blush that colored the insides of her ears, but she knew that she was getting a bit hot from the situation. She had had fantasies based around the concept of being tied up during a robbery and played with but had never really considered the thought of anything of the sort ever happening! What really embarrassed her though was the tingle she felt up her spine each time she got one of those slaps... The male didn't stroke her much longer, unzipping something large, perhaps a duffel bag. "I brought a few toys with me, I hope you don't mind." She heard a snap, then another, her ears perking in morbid curiosity. Ceta wasn't left wondering for long as a cool, slick finger was pressed against her tailpucker. The male had slipped a pair of latex gloves onto his hands, lubed up the fingers of one hand, and was now applying more of the lube to her insides. As the first finger was joined by a second she bit her lower lip to stifle a moan, her ass remaining unclenched by sheer will. "Mmh, nice and loose. You've had practice, I see. What a kinky little slut I've caught!" he chuckled, Ceta wincing inwardly again. He was right, she had practiced that, and much more, the thought of a duffel bag full of toys making her think of her own back home, including restraints for self-bondage. The exploring fingers within her brought her back to the moment as they curled and twisted, then popped back out. She thought that she might have a short respite but they worked themselves back inside, more of the cool lubricant on the digits. They pressed in to the last knuckle and again twisted, spreading out away from each other, curling to rub at her insides. Again she had to bite back a moan, feeling herself getting more aroused by the moment as this stranger pushed all her buttons. As the fingers popped out again the male stroked her ass again, the only way she realized he had taken the gloves off considering the way sound was muffled for her. She squirmed again as she felt a cold nose lightly nudge one of her thighs, feeling more than hearing some snuffling. "Mmmh, yeah, such a fine catch." He seemed to know that would make Ceta squirm, using it as an excuse to give her ass three quick spanks in a row, one on each cheek, then across both at once. "Sit still!" Before the slight sting from the blows had fully disappeared the tip of a familiar-shaped rubber toy nudged at her tailhole and she reflexively loosened her muscles again. She had experience with relaxing to accept a butt-plug, though she'd never felt one pressed into her by another before. This one was slightly larger than her own and she was starting to tense up a bit at how it continued to stretch her. Fortunately it popped into place, though that wasn't the only reason she gasped. This buttplug had some sort of texturing around its base, such that it lightly scratched at the edges of her pucker. When her assailant grasped the base and twisted it Ceta couldn't help but moan out loud. "Oh, yes, that feels nice, doesn't it?" He didn't stop at just twisting it, but used his grip to angle it about inside her, stroking as much of her insides as he could. When he pulled it slowly toward himself, almost out, then pushed it back in to the hilt she twisted her hips and started straining at the thigh-straps again. She realized that meant another slap or two, but instead the male gave her rapid swats for at least thirty straight seconds, all around her ass, her cheeks warm and tingling before he was even halfway done. The butt-plug's base was apparently not large enough to interfere as long as he was careful, and Ceta only squirmed more, legs twisting. The last smack was apparently intended to brush against the toy inside her considering how his bump against it was more than a glancing blow. Despite how that made her jump he finished then, but Ceta wasn't going to like the reason... "Hey guys! I told you it'd work! And look at that ass... alright, you know what I said when I set this up, 20 bucks for five minutes! But no penetration, remember, that's reserved for me." Ceta lay stock-still as she heard the male speak, then other voices behind her as men opened wallets and murmured excitedly amongst themselves. She didn't know if these were construction works, friends of the first male, or some other guys that had been given advanced warning of this event, but it didn't matter to her. She struggled hard against the straps and the rubber about her. "Let me out! Please, help me, let me g-" She was cut short by a sharp crack across her ass, not by a hand but by a paddle of stiff leather. A chorus of snickers and chuckles sounded behind her, of at least a few voyeurs. "Now, dear, you don't want me to seal up the other end of the pipe, do you?" he repeated, this time for his audience. She didn't think he would, but she knew there was enough air in the pipe to give her time to worry if he did close it. The skunkette whimpered softly and held still. That earned her a soft stroke along the curve of her ass. "Good girl." There was a short exchange behind her, and the voice of her captor saying, "Thanks for the business," before she felt larger, rougher hands squeezing her cheeks. They stayed there for a few seconds, kneading into her, then one pulled back and applied an inexperienced but heartfelt swat. Another followed this, from the other hand. Ceta was soon slowly tugging at her legs as this fellow didn't stray from this activity for his whole five minutes, slowly learning how to angle his hands to catch as much of her flesh as possible with each swat. He had started fairly slowly and light, but he didn't take long before he was smacking her every other second, alternating which cheek he struck and where as well. When he learned that swatting the underside of the curve of her cheeks made her squirm harder he stayed there for almost the last full minute. The male who had caught her helpfully told him, "that's called the sit-spot. As you can see, she really likes getting it there. Time's up in... 10 seconds." Ceta learned that she would rather have not had the male get any notice, because he took those last moments to swat her as quickly as he could, until she was sure his hands must have stung almost as much as her ass did. She doubted the insides of his thighs were as wet. There wasn't much time for the skunk to recover, but she had halfway caught her breath when she felt a breath against her inner thighs, with the warning, "Don't push too far into her, I don't want her cumming." A cold nose softly snuffled there, taking in her arousal, causing Ceta to try and strain forward away from him. It didn't get her very far, and a rough tongue suddenly grazed over her sexlips. She could help but cry out softly in pleasure, the obviously feline tongue repeating the slow, languorous lick, not pressing into her. At that moment she lost her wish to escape and started to try and angle herself to get that nose a bit closer, so that the tongue could press up, find her clit, and pleasure her much more efficiently. It wasn't to be however, and the tongue slipped away from her sex to slowly lick along her inner thighs, nearly to her tailhole, the male's snout lightly bumping the butt-plug within her. The licker took hold of the toy in her and slowly twisted it, then increased the attention as Ceta quietly moaned. Her captor explained to her current pleasurer about the textured bumps and ridges on the butt-plug as it was twisted, jerked and moved within her. She thought that this guy must have been getting done soon, though not with any realization of the time, only in desperation to find someone who would go back to her sex with his tongue. Ceta wasn't disappointed, but it wasn't after the males had changed. Rather, this one found a switch at the base of the butt-plug and it began to vibrate harshly within her ass. As soon as it did that tongue was back up between her legs, slowly and teasingly stroking over her labia, until the snap of fingers behind her announced that time was up. She bit her lip to stop herself from whimpering as the tongue pulled away at the same time as the vibrator ceased. The next hour, or hours, passed as a blur of lust to Ceta. Even years later she'd never be able to remember the entire time, or list the events in coherent order. One male would use his fingers to skillfully massage her labia, holding them between fingers and slowly moving the digits in small circles. Another would take the entire time to spank her, alternating with quick little thumps against the back of the butt-plug. Yet another, this one with a smooth tongue, would lick her again, this time cheating and pressing just an inch or two up into her. And then it would all start over again, because a male who had already had a turn would pay another 20 for one more. And one more. And one more... These males all seemed to know what to do that would only keep her hot as Ceta was sweating, panting, gasping, moaning... but not orgasming. There were times she couldn't bite back her whimpers, and as the last male pulled away, again that one with the skilled feline tongue, she whined loudly and thrashed. She had been within perhaps five more licks of climax, despite a lack of penetration. The powerful vibrator in her ass was again turned off. She heard a few disgusted sounds as men left the area, sent away because they no longer had any cash, and she realized she was alone with her original captor again as she was given a short respite. The cheeks of her face were slightly damp with tears as the spankings had left her ass hot and stinging, and the cheeks of her ass were damp as one of the males had decided that tonguebathing her rear was fun. He'd only had enough for two visits, but she'd actually been thankful for them, as his tongue had been a small comfort. Soon though the original male came back to her, a finger touching to her sex and slowly slipping in to the last knuckle, gently twisting. "Well, how did you like that, my little sexpot? You sure did moan a lot. I think you even begged for more a few times. Next time I do this I gotta rent a camcorder." She listened, though only with half her mind, the other half slowly gripping and relaxing on the finger inside her. She didn't think it was a construction worker's, as it was smooth and gentle, nothing close to a callus on it. It soon pulled out of her and was replaced by the tip of something warm, hot, and phallic. "You're gonna love this, skunky." Her fingers curled into tight fists as she was hilted into by the male's cock with one slow thrust. He held it right there, letting her squeeze down on it, hips squirming slowly from side to side. One part of Ceta was disgusted that a male was now raping her, but the larger part of her was begging for him to begin thrusting. Again the skunkette wasn't disappointed as it was slowly drawn from her to the tip, then jabbed back into her in a quick instant. Ceta groaned loudly, hips arching to press back against the thrust, but she was met with nothing as the male had pulled back. Apparently all this time watching her getting played with had turned him on as well, though not likely as much as her, considering his thrusts weren't fevered with intense need as her own would have been had she been free. He turned on the butt-plug in-between thrusts, immediately slowing to take his time, feeling the vibrations through the thin membrane that separates a female's anus from her sex's inner walls, drawing himself out lazily and then using his weight to press back into her, balls lightly jostling against Ceta's fur. He was very well hung for his stature, and the skunkette didn't have to wait long to achieve that orgasm that had been pent up in her as the male began to lightly manipulate her clit while rolling his hips. As the skunk jostled and jumped in her bonds, sex spasming, Ceta's captor just continued to slowly use her, his own pre-cum helping to lubricate her already sopping wet cunny. As Ceta approached a second orgasm, never having had time to relax from the first, she felt a knot at her tail-pucker. Her second boyfriend had been a fox and as such she recognized the feeling, and was looking forward to it, even with the knowledge of the discomfort of actually getting it into her. She was stretched a bit already by that point, as well as more damp than she'd ever been, and as the canid male's thrusts became more forceful she braced herself... With an inaudible pop the knot forced into her and she heard a muffled growl behind her as the male quickly pumped into her, knot unable to escape as the cock spasmed and began to spill seed deeply into her. It was altogether more than enough to send her crashing into a second, more intense climax, one that made everything look white before her eyes as she crunched them down so hard, straining once again in struggles. The male didn't have much room to thrust in, nor did he continue to work his hips for a great deal longer, though she could still feel small jets of cum as the canid's reproductive system continued to work its magic. As she came down she felt the male leaning against her rump and tail, his snout lightly nuzzling near the tip of her tail, apparently relaxing in the afterglow as she herself was as well. She was full of cum and cock and knot, her breath was still coming in pants, she had just been tormented, teased, and raped for the past ... time period. And yet she was extremely sated, pleased, and not the least bit vengeful. She realized later that she must have passed out as she slowly woke back up, lying on the floor of the construction yard, the sound of a large truck pulling in just past dawn having waked her. Standing up quickly she looked around, but didn't see the pipes that had been her home for that short period of time. She was re-dressed, and for a moment she wondered if it had all been a fevered wet dream... but her inner thighs were a mess under the thin nightgown that had been 'donated' to her, and her sweater, under the nightgown, was misshapen. She quickly returned home, trying to ignore the looks of curiosity the newly arrived construction workers gave her, and upon stepping into her apartment she threw the nightgown off over her head. In the pocket of her sweater was a large wad of twenty-dollar bills and a little slip of paper with an address and a time on it. She quickly went to the phone, considered calling the police, then sat down on the end of her bed and stared at the address. It didn't take her long to decide to go to the "appointment," wondering if it would be someone's home, another set of pipes, or a new, ingenious trap. She shrugged and decided it really didn't matter which. They all sounded entirely too appealing. Copyright Glee Silverwind 2002