Other/m Bipedal something/male quadrupedal dragon, bondage, orgasm denial, non-consensual This story is a sequel to “Spring Blooms” Dedicated to Mervin, my first Official Fan--many thanks, Mervin! The Capture of the Royal Gift Marin had been sore for half a week after the plant had released him, but it had still been the most pleasurable experience in his life. Every night he'd fantasized about that long, long day, the touch of fear in his mind at being caught in such a situation turning him on just as much as the knowledge that he would be helpless to escape such delicious torment. He couldn't stand it, and just two short weeks after getting free from the plants he snuck out again, taking wing toward the location of his favorite species of flora. The dragon was only in flight for a dozen minutes before feeling something wrong in the air. His race was close to the energies of their planet, and though he was young he knew that something not of his world was within his sixth sense's range. Marin gained altitude and looked down upon the forest, taking just a few seconds to spot the swirling purple and blue mist of an inter-dimensional portal, though he didn't see anyone near it. He was instantly wary of the air around him, realizing that the being or beings that had come through the portal might be able to achieve flight as well, perhaps even better than he, considering his lack of practice with it compared to a full grown dragon. As he descended he made sure to watch the forest floor as well as the air around him, so he didn't land directly into an ambush, or possibly land on a creature that was just an explorer on his planet and had no wish to harm anyone, let alone him. As his hind limbs touched the ground he gasped, a heavy weight striking him in the side, causing him to tumble and bump his head against a tree. He ironically he thought, "I hope I don't black out," as unconsciousness overtook him. Upon waking, Marin suddenly realized he couldn't move his toe claws. It was a disconcerting sensation, one he had never felt before, almost like his limbs were in mud that had hardened around them. Opening his eyes he blinked, wondering what the odd darkness on his snout was, reaching up to touch it. Unfortunately, he realized he couldn't budge his forelimbs one bit. It only took him a few seconds of squirming to figure out that he couldn't move any of his limbs, including his wings, which seemed to be trapped in a furled position upon his back. His snout wouldn't even open, that blackness upon it apparently an elastic and very clingy material that made him unable to open his maw more than a fraction of a degree. The biggest problem was that he was in a very exposed position. His chin and forepaws, along with the uppermost parts of his body, were along the ground, as if he was lying comfortably upon his belly. However, his rear end was up high in the air, his tail pointed straight up and unable to pull down from whatever it was attached to, his hind limbs fully extended as if he was standing up on all four limbs. It wasn't entirely uncomfortable, but considering his hinds were spread a little wider than shoulder-width, his genital slit and the pucker beneath his tail were both completely exposed. He could feel the points of pressure on his forelimbs, out of sight, and could actually see a black half-sphere of something over each forepaw, holding it tightly to the ground. As he started to struggle again, only having paused a few minutes to take full stock of his situation, a voice caused him to jerk in his bonds in surprise. "I wouldn't bother," it said, "those are improved earthlocks. 50 of you couldn't work them free of the ground." Something blurry stepped in front of him, something bipedal and completely impossible to make out aside from that. As soon as it stopped moving he understood why he was caught off guard. When in movement, the creature could be seen as a distortion in the sight of what is behind it, not invisible, though not easily picked out even in daylight. When not moving, it really was completely transparent. The thing then became visible with an audible click, not that there were many details to made out on it. It stood on two legs, had two arms, and aside from that, he couldn't figure out much of anything. Its body was covered in something he considered to be very similar to the black, shiny material holding him down. It wasn't even skin-tight, unless the species had little to no defining elements in their form. All he could really tell was that it walked on plantigrade feet, had five digits on each of its forelimbs, and breathed from somewhere in its head, as he could hear the exhales and inhales coming from that point. Around eight feet tall it wasn't even half as massive as he was since he himself was around twenty feet from nose to tail tip and his tail made up less than half his length. "It must be quite strong to have hit me that hard when I landed," he thought. The creature held still, to let its appearance sink in, before approaching him. The dragon immediately started struggling, pulling as hard as he could at the contraptions holding him helpless. Straining his limbs and making his tail ache was the most he managed to do after a full minute, during which his captor stood and watched him. Marin could imagine a smug grin on the face of the thing, which only made him struggle harder for the last half minute. Finally though, he stopped, panting heavily, causing him to realize he could breathe through the blackness, and fresh air at that. He chided himself for concentrating on such insignificant things and tried to think his way out of his situation. "Satisfied you're trapped, dragon? Good." Marin couldn't make out if it had a masculine or feminine voice, but it was obvious that the creature spoke his language fluently. The dragon didn't understand, nor did he care; he was more than a little afraid. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to calm himself, like his mother taught him. "A busy mind often finds itself making the wrong decision," she had told him. He finally understood what she meant, in more ways than one. The dragon tried to watch the ebony figure, but it slipped out of his sight, out behind him. He suddenly came to some sort of realization of why he would be trapped in this sort of position and started to struggle again, though he was still weakened by his earlier attempt at working his way free. He only kept that up for about ten seconds though, considering that he didn't feel or hear anything. He swiveled his ear fins slightly, trying to figure out where the black being went, but couldn't pick up any sound. His sixth sense, considering its inability to differentiate the direction of a nearby aberration, was also useless. He actually started to become bored after an hour of lying there, helpless, with nothing to see but the gate through which his captor had arrived in. It had been interesting to watch for perhaps ten minutes, but the pattern within it became rather repetitive. His mind wandered and he started to think about the whole reason he had come out here. Thinking became remembering, and remembering became fantasizing, to his dismay. Twenty minutes of such fantasizing and he was panting while shifting in his bonds. Marin couldn't believe his situation. He had gotten himself aroused by thinking about his planty 'friends,' then his helplessness had only enhanced his arousal. Normally after this long of thinking about the fun he had had with that one particular plant he would be in the throes of self-stimulation, either by the work of his fairly agile forepaws or by curling up and using his snout to suckle upon his arousal. Now all he could do was slowly roll his hips at the air and squirm in hapless lust. He nearly jumped out of his scales as he felt a nearly feather-light touch along the underside of his malehood, from base to tip, his hips giving a reflexive roll forward. "Oh, dragon, are you horny? However could you get so aroused by just being left alone in these earthlocks?" Of all things, he felt himself blushing. A sentient creature, even if it's someone who has him held against his will, found out his biggest secret. The being laughed at him, a laugh not hallow or callous, but with no pity either. It was amused and pleased. "Oh, thank you, dragon. You have made my job so much easier. I thought I would need to spend years conditioning you, but you are already into this naturally. You'll make a better gift than a completely trained slave." That last word made Marin tense. Slave? He was to become the unwilling servant of someone? But, he was a dragon; he couldn't be someone's possession! Then he realized he wouldn't just be a servant, he would be the sexual property of someone. Or something. Or worse. He whined and struggled at his bonds again, his cock dribbling precum. His captor laughed again, understanding that the dragon had gone over what would be happening to him, and knew it turned him on even more than his current situation. It couldn't help itself and stroked that single digit from the slit of the dragon to the underside of his cocktip, making Marin squeak softly and close his eyes, hips pushing forward again. "Yes, you'll make an excellent Royal Gift. Most excellent." Marin wasn't fully listening though, that finger hadn't stopping its teasing, sliding up and down his length, from base to tip, making him try to thrust and increase the friction. With his tail and hind limbs anchored as they were, and considering the fact he was humping to a single finger, it didn't work well. The finger paused and Marin whined softly, struggling again in lust. The creature behind him watched the dragon's helpless writhing and sounded even more pleased as it thought out loud. "Yes, a gift.. but a few weeks of "training" couldn't hurt. I would get to keep you for that whole time." The dragon tensed as a slick, smooth finger trailed over his tail pucker, causing him to reflexively tense and relax the ring of muscle. "A month. Yes, a month of training would do you good. And it will do me even better." Marin was in shock. He had planned on going out, meeting up with the plant that had tortured him last time he found it, waiting until midday and then climbing into it, and then returning home the next day after sleeping nearby, recovering his strength for the flight home. It was midday now, when he would have been letting the tendrils coil around him and drag him in, but instead he was trapped to the floor of the forest inescapably and was being molested, quite teasingly, by a completely black and unidentifiable captor who planned on keeping him for a month, apparently for its own sick pleasure, and then giving him away, as a gift to some noble.. on another dimension! He felt faint. Instead of blacking out again he was shocked back into consciousness by a sudden tightness around the base of his shaft, something thick and somewhere between a malleable solid and a liquid. "This is cock-ring. It will make sure you are kept hard. It's only made more efficient by the magicks upon it. Trust me, you won't be losing that erection until I take that off. You'll also be aroused that entire time, though not quite as strongly as you are now unless you're left without climax regularly. It helps in the training process." He could hear the grin in the creature's voice, but he found himself extremely turned on. It was like some sort of fantasy of his unfolding directly upon him. He was more scared than he had ever been, but Marin had never been hornier. The return of that single, soft stroking of his cock's underside didn't help lessen his need, the helpless dragon thrusting at the air wholeheartedly. The being behind him tittered a bit maliciously and pulled that touch away after using it for less than thirty seconds, again making Marin whine, pant, and struggle. "Oh, dear, you really are needy, aren't you, poor dragon. Let's see if you can earn a climax." Marin stiffened and listened, ears perking immediately. Finding out how to earn an orgasm was something very much interesting to him. The space under his cock, at the furthest edge of his slit, was softly rubbed and penetrated by that one digit as the being spoke to him, ensuring that he was stimulated at all moments. "You'll need to swear to me that you'll not try to escape me." Marin was already starting to nod, but the creature chuckled. "I'm not a fool, it's not just a promise. You'll make this guarantee while a Swearing Stone is pressed against you. You'll be incapable of trying to flee once you've promised." Marin tried to shake his head immediately, struggling yet again. The creature softly patted his flank. "It's alright, dragon. I'm very, very skilled at sexual torture. You'll promise, trust me." The black, warm, strong hand of Marin's assailant curled around his cock and he immediately tensed his body, trying very hard to keep himself from thrusting. He succeeded for moments, but as soon as the smooth grip started moving up, then back down his dragonhood, he couldn't help it, his hips thrusting forward, muffled moans emerging from his snout. That went on for a full five minutes, as best Marin could tell, his shaft throbbing and dripping his precum voluminously, his body tingling with his lust. As soon as the hand stopped he whimpered, louder than he had been moaning, in quite a plaintive and needy tone. "Swear." Marin swallowed and didn't move for a few seconds, then weakly shook his head. If he did that, he'd never see his home again! The hand came back and he was thrusting again instantly, teeth gripping shut tightly, his body trembling all over. The same amount of time passed, the entire period filled with nothing but the rhythmic, maddeningly unchanging pleasure, before the being stopped again, that event again punctuated by a massive whine. "Swear?" Marin didn't even form an answer, just lying there limply, whimpering softly with each exhale. The hand came back after 10 seconds of him being still, not letting him calm down much at all. This was repeated a half dozen more times, perhaps more; Marin couldn't keep count. He eventually nodded hurriedly when asked if he'd swear, panting very heavily, just wanting the torment to end. He thought he had been aroused before, but this almost felt nightmarish in intensity, even though it didn't hurt. The dragon realized he might even like this, but it was torture still, and it coerced him. He felt the binding over his snout get released, his shut eyes not seeing the details of how it was freed. Something hard and crystalline pressed to his side. "Go ahead." The words almost tumbled in his maw, but he got them out, cock throbbing under him, jerking and dribbling into the slowly increasing puddle of pre under him. "I promise I will not try to run away from you!" As soon as he said this the binding over his snout re-appeared, the hand of his captor placing something metallic and semi-circular over the top of his muzzle, which then very swiftly coated it with the same blackness that covered the being that had control over him now. He nearly cried with despair, then realized. This creature really was stupid; he had promised he wouldn't run away, but only from this one being individually. As soon as he was given away to as a gift he was free to escape, if only he could devise a way. He was distracted from such musings as the hand reappeared on his cock, something slithering into his tailhole. It felt quite like a tendril, like the plants had, but it was comfortably thin and smooth, apparently made of the same blackness that he had had so much experience with today. "Good dragon. Now you get a treat." His eyes shut tightly as the tentacular thing under his tail writhed and pushed further into him, filling him as it expanded suddenly, though only slightly uncomfortable, something which shifted to pleasure quite quickly. In its slithers and thrusting he felt his prostate massaged, obviously quite deliberately considering the strength of the touch there, making him groan tremulously. It was slow, though, however concentrated it was. The hand on his cock started to bob again, back and forth, making him thrust to it again, also making him thrust to the same rhythm of the object up his ass. It was slow, but not as much as before, and he could feel it increasing. He was impatient, and gave a breathless whimper, requesting that the creature work faster. He got only a chuckle in response and winced a little, deciding to go quiet, so as not to make the being angry with him. Marin needed this, and shuddered at the thought of punishment involving tortures of this sort, without release! Fortunately for him it appeared that the dark biped was going to let him cum, as the pleasure increased steadily, his climax approaching him swiftly despite the speed at which he was worked over. Moments from his orgasm the creature laughed softly. "I could stop now, right now, and you wouldn't climax... but I won't." At that moment the two centers of pleasure were worked over at half again the speed and strength they were just before. Two short seconds later, Marin's cock jerked and spasmed in climax, splattering against his chest, forelimbs, and belly, his breath held. He gasped heavily for breath as soon as his climax started to ebb off, realizing that he wasn't being stimulated anymore, opening his eyes slowly. After taking a moment to refocus them he saw the gate before him being altered by something in his captor's hand. It turned to him, walked over, and spoke a single syllable which returned all the earthlocks on him to its hand, a set of semicircular rings. He collapsed onto the forest's floor and was still panting, trying to recover his breath. Standing shakily he looked around, scenting the air, trying to find a source of water to clean himself off. The creature beckoned to him. "Come. A fresh bath awaits you." It was indeed quite happy with its catch, noting that Marin didn't even pause to consider the order as the two stepped in front of the portal, even though the dragon had never promised to obey all its commands. The Hunter was quite pleased that this one had only made a token effort to resist swearing; the Royal Family would get quite a fun toy in this one, to break in or just play with as they wished. It was well aware that the promise wouldn't hold after he was given over, but then, Swear Stones were outlawed in its dimension, even for use on slaves. They hadn't been there, on Avia, which made such a rule void, a beautiful point of such travel. The Royal Family wouldn't be reasserting new promises upon their newest possession, and a Hunter could make quite a bounty for recapturing the prized slave of the Royal Family itself. It looked over to Marin and nodded to itself. Yes, quite a nice catch indeed. This story has not been continued and most likely never, ever will. Sorry! Copyright Glee Silverwind 2001