Draconic Affairs (C) 2003-4 Gren Remoz (gren@bk.ru) http://www.outfoxed.net/~gren Note: This story contains material that is not suitable for all readers. If you are under 18, or if sexual content offends you, do not read this story. Jason was walking through the forest north of the Trade Center as he often did. Spending a week or two away from the bustling business of the Trade Center always felt good; the stress seemed to pour off of him. Part of the reason it relieved his stress so well was that nothing ever happened; never had he encountered another sapient being in these woods and he'd seen few animals (though he'd heard plenty). This time started out no different. He moved along, setting up his tent every night. It rained too often to sleep in the open, but not enough to disturb his relaxation. When he woke up on the eighth day, the day he turned around and started back again, this pleasant pattern was broken. As he walked into a clearing he saw a large form curled up in the sun. At first he thought it was some kind of animal (he hadn't seen many and wouldn't recognize them), but as he got closer he saw it was a dragon. Now, admittedly, this was not the first dragon he'd ever seen. They periodically visited the Trade Center, but it was the closest he'd ever been to one. The Trade Center had special staff that was trained to deal with dragons; he wasn't. He had no idea how to interact with dragons without getting eaten and was thereforth just as happy that this one was asleep. As he walked by, within a couple feet of the dragon, he had an urge to touch the dragon's hide. He resisted and walked by the dragon. As he passed the head he noticed that its eyes were open and that they were following him. Once he was passed the dragon it lifted its head and looked at him. "And who might you be?" "Ah, Jason?" He hadn't been prepared for the dragon to talk to him. "I am Val Salr," the dragon told him as it got to its legs and walked over to Jason. "Nice meeting you?" Jason said. It was his uncertainty about what the dragon considered 'polite' that caused it to become a question rather than any actual intent. "It certainty is. I was just starting to get a bit lonely; my companion was supposed to meet me here a couple days ago, but had to cancel," the dragon paused to nuzzle Jason chest. "His partner found out about our affair and was apparently quite upset. I was so looking forward to meeting him again, too." The dragon nuzzled Jason's chest again. "You come here frequently then?" Jason asked. Considering he has come this way every couple of months for the past few years, he was surprised he'd missed a couple of dragons. "It was to be our first time here; he had gotten the feeling our old spot had been discovered and so we moved. Seems he didn't get the feeling soon enough; poor me, I never felt a thing." "Ah, right." Jason was at a loss for words, because he had no idea what the dragon wanted, nor what he was expected to say. "But no worries; surely you can provide me with a bit company; I won't keep you long. You can stay, can't you?" The dragon nuzzled his chest again then looked him in the eye. It looked like the dragon would burst into tears if he said no (that is, if it could; Jason had never seen a dragon cry, but that wasn't something many humans did at the Trade Center, either). "Of course," he said, hesitating only a moment. He didn't really want to; he wasn't used to dealing with any non-humans, let alone large carnivorous ones. He hadn't even dealt with he sakian and they practically lived next door compared to dragons. "Oh, I'm so glad!" the dragon said pouncing on him and clutching him against its chest. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but it was considerably better than what had gone through his mind when he saw the dragon jumping at him. Not only was the position uncomfortable, but the dragons grip was making it hard to breathe. Jason's vision was limited to the dragon's chest and so he was rather surprised when, moments later, the dragon released its grip and he found he was on top of the dragon, which was laying on its back. Its wings were spread outward, presumably to avoid being flattened by its weight. Then, before he was able to catch his breath, the dragon ran its tongue up him, leaving saliva over his shirt and face and giving him a large dose of dragon's breath at the same time. "Ugh," the dragon said. "You clothes taste terrible; here, let's get you more comfortable." The dragon removed his pack and started removing his shirt before he was able to protest that he could do so himself just fine. At the dragon's prompting he removed his shirt and shoes but was reluctant to take off his pants. "Ah, come on. You hardly need them here; its plenty warm enough and its not like anybody's going to see you--I know how you humans are about being seen that way--besides I'm not wearing anything, so why should you?" Once it finished speaking, it nuzzled him again, almost seeming to try to get its snout inside his waistband. Rather than have his pants ripped apart by this, he reluctantly slide them off and set them aside. "There, now isn't that better? We're more equal now." Jason sat up on the dragon's chest with one leg on either side. He hoped that they'd be moving on to something else now, but no, the dragon seemed to have taken a distinct interest in his nakedness. It reached up with one finger and poked at his crotch. "And you're male, even if you're a bit small, eh?" The dragon grinned at him, playing with his penis. He could feel it become firmer and started to get an idea what the dragon might be after. When the dragon pushed him so he was lying on his back on the dragon's stomach he thought he knew the dragon's intent perfectly. The dragon gripped his now firm penis in one of its forepaws. "If we're to have any fun, I'm going to have to fix you a bit first, aren't I?" "Ah," Jason said. 'Fixing' was what they did to animals to control the breeding population. He rather didn't want to be 'fixed' himself. The dragon held on tightly to his penis with one forepaw and placed the other on his crotch, the base of his penis between its index finger and thumb. Then it said a few words he couldn't understand. This was followed by a tingling in his crotch and penis. The dragon removed the forepaw from his crotch. When he tried to sit up to see what the dragon had done, this paw pushed him back down. Then the dragon started playing with his penis and it informed him everything down there was working perfectly. Jason began to wonder just how the dragon had 'fixed' him. The dragon continued playing with his penis until he orgasmed. The dragon laughed, running its tongue across his crotch. After this the dragon sat up and Jason slid downwards so that he was sitting on the base of its tail and it was looking down at him. Although he would have appreciated warning, this did give him a chance to see what the dragon had done. His penis, though still quite present, had only a resemblance to before. It and his crouch were now covered in thick hide much like the dragon's, and his pubic hair seemed to have disappeared entirely. What shocked him the most, however, was that his balls had disappeared; his penis seemed to just stick out of his crotch by itself now. That, and he now had a tail. It was currently resting against the dragons upraised chest. The dragon was smiling at him, "Humans are so wonderfully simple to magic; and now we can have some real fun." Jason didn't respond as he was still recovering from the shock. He did, however, shift positions so his newfound tail was behind him; that way he at least didn't have to see it. This left his penis laying on a slit between the dragon's legs, one that he quickly realized was the dragon's vagina. As this realization sunk in, a gentle forepaw was placed against his back, just touching the base of his tail, and it pushed him forward so that his penis slid into the dragon's vagina. Then it laid back down and pushed him into a laying position of its stomach. He was surprised at this point that he was feeling quite aroused. His tastes had always run for human women. Dragons had never seemed particularly attractive before, but now this dragon's very scent caused his body to tremble. Slowly he pulled his penis outward then thrust in again, repeating this simple action over and over. As he did this a distant part of his mind was remarking that he was having sex with a dragon; not something people normally did. This distant part of his mind was drowned out by the pleasure the act was bringing, though. When he finally climaxed and his seed entered the dragon he relaxed limp on the dragon's stomach and chest. At this point the distant voice managed to break through; you've lost your virginity to a dragon, it told him. Although he acknowledged this as being very true, he wasn't sure he really cared. It was a wonderful (if perhaps a bit strange) experience and he was eager to repeat it. "You seem much more relaxed now," the dragon said, "you were so tense before you seemed like you'd break if anyone so much as touched you." Jason mumbled a reply, but since he wasn't sure what it was the dragon undoubtedly didn't know. He just didn't feel like speaking at the moment. The tension had all run out of his body now, leaving only a light, happy, satisfied feeling. This lasted only moments as the dragon rolled onto its feet, dumping him unceremoniously on the ground. At first he thought the dragon was leaving as it walked away. It stopped once it was no longer over him, though and lowered its chest to the ground, causing its rear-end to stick up in the air. Jason could see its vagina facing him, at just the right height for him to get his penis in. It was clear to him that this was an invitation. Since he didn't immediately jump on, the dragon looked back at him, the look on its face clearly a come-on-and-do-it look. He shrugged, walked up to the back of the dragon and thrust his penis into it. Reaching forward, he wrapped his arms around the tail that was sticking almost straight up. He slowly pulled his penis out, then rammed it in once more. He repeated this a second time; a third. Each time he thrust faster, loosing himself in the pleasurable sensations that seemed to be taking root in him like some monstrous tree (not that the sensations were monstrous). As he continued, he rubbed himself against the dragon's tail. He knew he was getting covered in the dragon's scent, but this only got him more excited. It didn't take long before he climaxed once more and he filled the dragon with more of his seed. As he stepped back from the dragon, he could feel his arousal slide away. He still found the dragon's scent pleasurable, but not in the same way. It didn't cause him to become aroused or amorous, just made him feel content with the world. He felt a pang of regret that he hadn't been able to take her like a male dragon would have (properly, his mind was trying to tell him), but this feeling last only briefly before disappearing into his general feeling of contentedness. The dragon turned around and rolled on her side, pulling Jason against her breast like a toy. Although he knew that he really needed to be getting back to his journey, her scent made him feel so content and relaxed that he put off worrying about how much time he'd lost and snuggled closer to the dragon's breast. He was surprised to wake up some time later. The dragon had disappeared, leaving him curled around a small bundle of cloth that smelt strongly of her; a smell he still found comforting. He stood, feeling water run off his body. It had clearly rained, but it didn't seem to bother him as much as normal. Searching the clearing, he found his clothes scattered about and soaked through. The shirt would just make him colder if he wore it, but the pants were a necessarily. He started to pull them on, but stopped, finding that not only had the dragon not reversed its changes to his groin, the limp penis he was used to seeing had been replaced with a sheath. Furthermore, he still had a surprisingly long tail (it was about three feet longer than his legs), and because of this his pants no longer fit. He wondered briefly why the dragon had left him like this, deciding that it had probably thought he was better looking like this, more draconic. He gathered his clothing together along with his pack. Setting his clothes to dry, he took advantage of the moment to cut and secure a hole in the back of his pants for his new tail to fit through. When he got back to the Trade Center he'd have to buy all new pants--but they dealt with enough different species that they'd likely have something that would fit half-decently. It was when he was putting on his modified pants that he discovered something else; his legs had changed as well. His thighs were larger, his shins shorter and he was standing on his toes (and, he realized almost simultaneously, his feet were sore from doing so). It appeared that his entire body below the waist had been modified to resemble that of a dragon. This resulted in his having to modify his pants once more. He also tied his shoes to the bottom of his pack, since they no longer fit on his feet. Hopefully they'd have some better footwear at the Trade Center as well. With his clothes on once more (with the exception of his shoes) he set out for the Trade Center. He forced himself to move at a brisk pace, being a day behind schedule. He was going to have a lot of explaining to do when he got back, but at least he had several days to figure out what he was going to say. - GR2003