Drakonian Desires (2/2) 2008 Gren Drake Judith made no pretense of stealth as she entered the tavern as she hit the door with her foot, making it swing shut with a loud thud. Considering the tavern's sole occupant was one of the drakonian invaders she wanted there to be no chance that she would be mistaken for an assassin or a rebel--especially since she had seen this individual attacked once already. She stopped when she was standing about ten feet away. That seemed like it'd be a safe distance. "Sir? What's going to happen now?" The drakonian raised his eyes and turned to face her. "You're now under the dominion of Seka and whatever is his will is what will come as will be carried out by the Seekers." He sounded more tired than controlling or dominate as he spoke; it was as though he had seen the same thing happen so many times that it had ceased to be notable in any way. With only a moments reflection, she realized that he probably had. She shuddered, thinking of the small hamlet becoming subject to the will of the god Seka. It was not a pleasant thought. She inched closer to him as he resumed speaking. "His Divinity is focused elsewhere at the moment; until He sees fit to focus here, His Divine Force, as represented by the Seventh Regiment, will maintain order." Hearing that Seka was distracted was delightful. The idea of having Him watching over her shoulder was undesirable to say the least. "Sorry; that's not really what I meant. What I wanted to ask was what the fate of this tavern would be. It's always been fairly busy; I worked for Robert and lived in one of the rooms upstairs." "Ah." He seemed to just stare at her for a moment. "I don't know anything about that." "Please, give me some idea, some hint. This place has always been my livelihood." Judith only stood about three feet away from him now. His tail lashed across the floor, nearly tripping her as it brushed over the floor. "What makes you think I would know? I've enough bloody problems already without worry about this damn place. The bloody imbecile with his bloody knife; what did he think was going to happen?" He swept his arms outward in aggravation, knocking his mug off the table, his wings also momentarily spreading some with the gesture. This was immediately followed by a wince as the gesture jarred his bandaged shoulder. "I didn't realize," Judith told him, but the words were a lie. Not only had she known, but she had witnessed the attack, though hopefully no one else knew that. He seemed to ignore her words, however, and simply continued with his tirade. "The Seekers here tell me my shoulder won't heal right without the attention of one of the High Seekers; it'll be months before Seka returns His attention back to this damned place. I'm going to be stuck in this Seka-cursed place, useful as a dead rat, and even when He returns He might not bother to actually do anything." Although she made an effort to school her features into an expression of concern, Judith was secretly delighted. Not only was her chosen drakonian not going to be leaving, but Seka would not be turning His attention on the hamlet for months! By the time Seka got around to Northford, the forces of the southern king would surely have arrived and the triad of gods that supported the monarch would surely be more than able to keep Seka out of a small hamlet. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Stepping beside the injured reptilian soldier, she put a hand on his uninjured shoulder and gently massaged the muscles with her fingertips. His scaled hide was rough and resisted her efforts, but she could feel the muscles relax some. As much as her aims were selfish, they required making the drakonian comfortable or at least as much so as was possible. He reached for her arm as he began to speak. "And why would you-" He stopped part way, wincing. She could feel his muscles tense up once more and he was silent for a moment as he returned his arm to the table. Judith continued her gentle massage. "Want to do that?" he finished. "Robert's dead--his head's the one on the spear outside--and without him I have nothing left. He was the one who made sure I had shelter and food." It was something of an exaggeration, but it wasn't like Robert would be correcting her. "Bah! The Seekers may well command you to run this place yourself. Military command will want somewhere for us soldiers, if nothing else." He made no further attempt to prevent her actions, instead slumping in his seat, sliding downwards slightly. Taking this as a positive sign, Judith applied both hands to his uninjured shoulder, expanding her efforts. "And what about you?" Much as he had stopped protesting her efforts, he also seemed to be slipping into a depression that wouldn't serve her purposes at all. "What are they going to have you doing until," she paused momentarily, uncomfortable speaking the god's name, "until Seka returns and can deal with your shoulder?" The drakonian waved his arms emphatically, causing himself to wince once more. "I don't know! But I'd almost rather he didn't bother, even if it was the death of me. His Divinity's gifts are very much two sided." Judith continued her ministrations, one hand still on his shoulder, the other having moved to the biceps of his wing. As her hands worked on his muscles, she stared at him. Fanaticism she had expected, or at least abiding loyalty. Disinterest and fear she had not. "Oh?" He slumped in his chair, his chest pressing against the edge of the table. "I've said too much of it already," he said before laying his snout on his hands. He spread his wings and used them to push her back. "Leave me!" After having heard him mention more than once that being healed by Seka was unpleasant she was not entirely surprised at his response. If being healed was bad, she didn't want to imagine what the god's punishments would be like. Taking advantage of the way his wings were spread, she stepped forward and rubbed his back, ignoring the hard, rough texture provided by the scales, her fingers running along the base of the wing-membrane where it joined the body, feeling its leathery texture. "If the priest's do put me in charge, I'll need someone to help me. I'm only a woman; I cannot carry heavy kegs or supplies." A lie if she'd ever told one; she was not only perfectly capable of carrying any of the kegs around, but she'd been doing most of the carrying for the past few years; Robert had told her that if she wasn't going to do a woman's job in the place (that is, sleep with wealthy customers), she could bloody well do a man's. She needed to make sure her chosen patron had a reason to stay at hand, though. He snorted. "Like the Seekers would spare someone just to lug around a bunch of barrels. Rather more likely they'd just send you for rehabilitation and set someone else to run the place." Judith stepped around his wing, standing so that it curled about her as though a fleshy cloak. "What if it were someone with a duty? Someone not useful otherwise, that they'd need to find a job for?" He looked sharply at her, his pupils narrow. "What makes you think I could carry one of those any better than you?" He gestured vaguely at his shoulder. She smiled; he'd caught her suggestion. Now she only had to convince him and she'd be safe. Running her hand over his arm, she allowed her fingers to explore the shape of his firm muscles. "You're a big, strong, ah, person. I'm sure you can manage better than this poor old woman." "Even accepting that, what makes you think the priests will go along with it? They'll hardly listen to you and they certainly won't listen to me!" Leaning forward so that her breasts pressed against him, she whispered in his ear, "Don't convince them. They won't object if they think it's their idea." He looked her over. "You have cunning, woman. I have my doubts about trusting you." She straightened. "What have you to lose? It's not like you're going to get much in the way of duties at the moment. Come, I think there are still some untapped kegs in the back-room. Why don't we go and see if you can lift one?" There was a moment of silence in which he stared at her. Then he nodded his ascent, stood and walked through the back-room door slowly, dragging his feet, as if he were nearly dead. Judith followed a couple steps behind him, keeping her head down and stepping over his tail when it swished across the floor. Once the lantern that hung by the door was lit, she gave the door a gentle kick, sending it swinging shut; should anyone enter the tavern now they would not be able to see what was going on. "There." Judith pointed to a mid-sized keg that stood alone on a rack. It had been separated from the rest because it was the only remainder of what remained of a really bad batch of ale--Robert had used the rest by mixing it with better stuff when the tavern was really busy--but that wasn't important at the moment. All she cared about was the size, and even that wasn't the most important part of her plan. He bent over the keg, wrapping his arms around it in preparation to lift it. As he did this, Judith stepped behind him, standing between his partially-outstretched wings, and crouched. As he shifted the weight of the keg over to his good arm, she reached around his waist, slipping her arms below the membranes of his wings. Her fingers brushed against his stomach before she found the drawstring that held up his pants. At once, he froze, the keg lifted ever-so-slightly above its rack. Her fingers undid the knot in the drawstring. Between not being able to see what she was doing and the trembling in her fingers it took her a couple of tries to get the knot undone, but once it was done, his pants fell to pool around his toes. She ran her fingers along the newly exposed flesh between his legs. Although she had seen a pair of naked drakonians earlier in the day their crotches had been the least of her concerns at the time and she was still not entirely certain what she would find. What she definitely did not expect, however, was nothing; her fingers found only the rough scales that covered his body. Then her eyes went large and she gasped quietly as her fingers seemed to slip inside of him, sliding between some of his scales. For a moment panic engulfed her mind; was he injured? Her fingers felt a soft, moist interior, slick with a viscous fluid. Then she felt something growing within him, expanding outwards and pushing her fingers out of him. Although it felt different than she'd expected she knew what it was even without seeing it. She pulled her hands away. They were covered in the clear, slick liquid from inside of him. Tiny rivulets ran down her arms, dripping onto the floor to join stains nearly as old as the building itself. Without hesitation she reached around him once more, slipping her fingers around his member. It was covered in the mucus she'd felt inside of him making it hard to keep a grip on it. Fortunately, getting a solid grip was the last thing she had on her mind. She ran her fingers along his length, fingertips dancing against his flesh. From how it felt, his member seemed to be a tapered shaft, shockingly thick at the base, but little thicker than one of her fingers at the end. It throbbed with his heartbeat and a couple of veins pulsed beneath her fingers. More notable were the three ridges spaced from halfway to a third of the way to the tip. Thinking about the organ being inside of her, Judith shivered. No doubt it would be entirely unlike laying with a human and she was glad she'd never lain with a man. Perhaps it wouldn't seem as strange that way. "Please," she said, endeavoring to sound both innocent and amorous at once. "I've never lain with a man and I'd like you to be my first." The drakonian looked at her over his shoulder, the expression on his face unreadable even for such an inhuman head as his. "No," he said. "If I do that you'll scream rape and I'll be facing the attentions of the Seekers. He dropped the barrel back onto the rack and crossed his arms over the top. "What?" She froze, her hands still against his exposed flesh. "They care about that?" "Of course. There are those that don't follow the rules, but the Seekers make quite an example out of those they catch." "I hadn't realized." As she spoke, she resumed her ministrations of his member, the thick natural lubricant covering it running down her arms, continuing to drip and form little pools on the uneven floor. She did nothing special; none of the 'tricks' she sometimes heard the tavern regulars telling each other that were supposed to be so good. The simple method seemed to be quite effective so far. "Besides," he said, pausing between each word, his breath ragged, "you seem to be handling that quite well already." "Glad somebody's enjoying themselves." One of her hands slid to the base of his shaft, fingertips exploring the union between his member and the opening it had come from. They slipped inside, penetrating about half an inch before they could go no further. "I don't-" His hips bucked as he spoke, a few droplets of semen scattering on the floor near the rack. "-think you really-" His hips thrusted more forcefully, splattering drops of semen against the barrel and the rack. "-object!" He thrust his hips forward so hard he nearly caused Judith to fall face-first onto the back of his tail. His semen shot out, splattering against the barrel, coating it with his white seed. His semen continued for a couple of seconds before tapering off and stopping. She could see him relax, feel it where her body touched his, and watched his body sag. As he stood up, she pulled her arms back; they were covered in the clear fluid he secreted. She sniffed one arm; the smell was not unpleasant. She Stood and took a few steps backwards as he turned around. As he turned, he slipped out of the trousers still pooled around his feet. Judith studied his face as he picked them up, trying to find some trace of emotion. It seemed blank to her as he gently tossed his pants onto the barrel and faced her. "So, what is this all about?" He didn't sound upset, rather he sounded more bemused than anything else. "Well, ah," Judith hesitated, unsure what to tell him. "I am by no means unappreciative, but I really doubt that you've become so enamored of my kind, especially since nearly half the population of your hamlet has been shipped off to distant Seekers." Judith stared at him; half the hamlet? Half the people she had grown up around, that she had known all her life? "Half?" "Almost half. Just enough to meet their requirements." "And what will these Seekers do with them?" The drakonian looked her in the eye. "I have no idea. I doubt it will be pleasant, though." Judith took a few steps backwards to lean against a worn table that had been stashed there a few years before, her mind frantically searching for a different topic; anything but the unknown fate of the people she'd known her whole life. "Why would I cry rape?" she asked after several moments had passed. "What good would it do?" "While they may not particularly care for anyone's welfare, they are jealous of anyone Seka has personally spoken to and they use any excuse they can to punish us." "Why don't more people say it, then?" "The Seekers have ways to tell if someone is telling the truth." She could see him shudder as he spoke. "They do not look far, but there must be at least some truth." Judith ran her eyes over his chest, stopping when she was looking at his still partially erect member. It looked neither as long nor as hard as it had felt, but she supposed it had probably been going flaccid for a few minutes. "I was at the mill; I saw you and your companion there." His member was mostly a deep, vibrant purple color, but it faded to red at the tip with tendrils of red running towards the base. The ridges that had felt so firm under her fingers were barely visible. "Ah, Nirad." The drakonian leaned against the table near her, leaving a few feet between them. He made no effort to get closer to her, or to touch her, and his wings were furled tightly against his back as he watched her intently. She did not watch him as he moved, letting her gaze turn to the semen-stained barrel. "After you left, he..." she trailed off, hesitating. "He..." Once again she couldn't bring herself to say what she'd seen. "Yes?" There was no impatience in his voice, no blame. "I heard..." She was being silly, she decided. If the drakonian was going to hurt her he'd had plenty of opportunity. She cleared her throat, and at last was able to tell him of the events at the miller's house after he left. He nodded, his very lack of surprise surprising Judith. "I've had my suspicions about him, but he's careful and there's never been any evidence. Seka's servants, however, have little use for someone who cannot obey even the most basic rules. The junior Seeker attached to our regiment will not be seeing anyone more today short of an emergency, but I can take you to him first thing in the morning. Nirad will be swiftly dealt with, I can assure you." Judith turned her head to look at him. "They'll just take your word for it?" "Oh no, they won't take my word for it; you'll need to tell them what happened and make absolutely sure you don't lie." She shuffled along the table-edge, getting a bit closer to the drakonian. She realized that her image of drakonians as the fanatical warriors of Seka had been shattered. The more she spoke to him, the less she disliked him; he was slowly changing from being a conquerer to being a person. Not inhuman, but merely nonhuman. "What did you do before you became a soldier?" He looked at her, confusion clear even on his face. "Before? I have always been a soldier." "Even as a child?" "I have never been a child. The first thing I can remember is awakening in a vast, empty chamber and hearing Seka's voice tell me to honor Him and to obey." Judith stared. It sounded as though the drakonians had been created by Seka, which would certainly explain why no one had seen them before the current war. "Have you never wanted to just leave and forget about soldiering?" "Change is as a poisoned well," he said, the words sounding like something learned by rote. "We were made as soldiers; Seka has no use for us as anything else." She moved next to him and put her arm around his shoulders. "Perhaps, then, this is the time to find something new." He shrugged, then winced as Judith's fingers brushed his shoulder. She quickly pulled her hand back. "It would end badly. All things end badly with Seka." "Seka is not the only divinity." She pulled the necklace she was wearing out from under her shirt and held it out so that the drakonian could see the pendant on the end. "But if the priests were to find out..." He watched the pendant spin as he spoke. "So don't tell them. Although we call on Azreth here in the north, the southern lands have lots of gods. When the armies of the south arrive, bringing their many gods with them, you may well be able to survive Seka's defeat." "I would not want to be the only one to survive." She gave him a pointed glance. "Convince others. If enough defect Seka will be weakened and if no one is protecting his Seekers I don't imagine they will last long. But this is something only you can choice for yourself." "Choice..." The word was spoken softly and Judith was barely able to hear it. She slipped the pendant back under her shirt, then offered the drakonian her hand. "Shall we find somewhere more pleasant?" He shrugged. "The furniture in the common room is rather a mess." "How about one of the rooms upstairs then? That's where my living quarters are." "You still trying to get me into your bed?" A blush warmed Judith's cheeks; when he'd been a faceless enemy soldier, seducing him had been just another chore, much like getting new kegs out from the storeroom, but now that he was a person... "We'll see," she said, speaking quickly. He put his arm and wing over her shoulders, the membrane spreading over her back like a cloak. They walked out of the back-room that way, pausing only so long as was needed for him to grab his pants from the barrel; as they walked he tossed them over his shoulder. His claws clicked against the floor; she would have feared for damage to it, save that it was already crisscrossed with old scars and gouges. It did not take them long to reach the second floor, the steps and floorboards creaking beneath their feet, warped and ill-fitting after decades of abuse. She started towards her chamber, but stopped at the door, hearing noises of people moving and speaking inside. "Thats my bedroom!" "It sounds like someone's borrowed it; probably Zik and Loka. They'll be off-duty at the moment and have always been overly fond of each other." Thinking of the pair of drakonians she'd seen in the main room earlier, Judith wondered if they were the same ones. She suspected so, but supposed that it didn't really matter. Her drakonian guided her to another one of the rooms, this one empty. "I will speak with them later if you'd like; I don't imagine they'll have problems using a different room." "I'd appreciate that," she said and they stepped through the doorway into a small room; one of the ones that Robert had kept to rent out to travelers. It contained a chair, a small table and a bed with a thin straw mattress. A squat window was located near the corner and a large hook was fixed to the wall near the door. The drakonian unceremoniously dropped his pants on the table, then sat on the edge of the bed, his tail curling around to droop off beside his legs. Judith pulled her shirt off, tossing it lightly onto the back of the chair, then sat on the edge of the bed, next to the drakonian. Bits of straw sticking out of the mattress poked her, eliciting a grimace from her. "Something wrong?" her companion asked. Although he was watching her strip, he seemed remarkably uninterested in the process. "My own bed is padded with a number of old blankets; I'm not used to the straw." She slipped her shoes off as she spoke, tossing them lightly under the chair. "The tavern-master didn't mind?" As he spoke, he slipped an arm around her shoulders as she squirmed slightly, pulling her pants off; they joined the rest of her clothing. "I never asked; besides, I only took the oldest and the most worn." She grinned and reaching across his belly, she rubbed her fingers against the small, pebbly scales of his crotch. It did not take long for her fingers to find the concealed opening there, and she gently pushed her fingers inside, feeling the tip of his member hidden just within. The moisture she'd felt in the back-room was still present. He leaned back, raising his snout to point towards the ceiling and slowly exhaled. Judith could feel his member begin to slip out from its hiding place and her fingers traced the edges as it slid out, taking in the deceptively small looking ridges that felt so firm beneath her fingers. She placed a hand around the base of his member feeling it expand as it reached outwards from its hiding place. He held a hand up and she stopped, turning to look at him. Lifting his legs, he swung them up and onto the bed, then laid back, his head on the thin pillow. He spread his wings wide, or at least as wide is was possible in the small room. Judith climbed up onto the bed and knelt over him. The touch of something against the small of her back make her jerk, but a quick glance revealed it to be the end of the tail. With a slow, smooth motion she lowered herself onto him, taking him into herself. As she ran her hands over his chest she could feel the rough texture of his scales and the gentle throbbing of him inside of her. His legs tensed beneath her as he tried to buck his hips upwards, but her weight held him down. Instead he reached up, caressing her breasts, running his thumbs along their sides as his fingers brushed against her nipples. One hand abandoned its breast to move downwards, brushing and teasing her body. His claws drug lightly against her skin, almost as though scratching an itch she had not felt. The roaming hand soon reached the union of their bodies and teased her flesh where it joined his, his thumb stroking the side of her clit, at first gently, then harder, more roughly. Placing her hands on his chest, she lifted herself. The feel of him slipping out from her was exquisite, unimagined. When she felt his tip nearing her entrance her hips began to fall as she allowed gravity to work on them and she felt him fill her once more. Then she began to raise herself again, slowly thrusting her body against his over and over. A shudder ran through his body even as his tail continued caressing her back, rubbing against her bare flesh. The fingers of the hand at their union pressed into her slightly as he thrust upwards against her, but the dark claws went unfelt. His thumb was stimulating her clit fervently now, eliciting shivers and trembles from her. The sensations being creating in her breast by his other hand, blunt claws brushing sensitive flesh, forced moans from her. She shifted position slightly, moving faster as she thrust herself against him. She could feel him thrust upwards against her as well, his hips meeting hers as he buried himself within her. "Oh, yes," she whispered. Her hands roamed up his body, stroking his neck, then caressing the sides of his snout. Shifting her weight to one hand, she reached towards their union with the other. The tips of her fingers brushed against the base of his member, pressing just inside of him. The throbbing of his heart's pulse could be felt in the veins of his member. His member was slick, his fluids mixing with hers. It would gave been impossible to hold onto it, had she any intention of doing so. Instead, she wrapped her index finger and thumb around it, stroking it between thrusts. She could feel the veins on his penis throbbing beneath her fingers and his legs, pressed against hers, were becoming firmer as the muscles within tensed. Her own, however, were not far behind. Pulling her hand from where it teased his member, she left a trail of sticky fluids up his chest. More spots of their mixed fluids were left on the side of his snout as she caressed his head once more. His hips bucked upwards, driving him deep into her, lifting her slightly. His back arched, his chest pressing against her, flattening her breasts between them. She could feel him pulsing within her, filling her with his seed. This was enough to bring about her own climax. She collapsed against him, her heart pounded against his, her mind empty save for the wave of bliss that overtook it. As he returned from the oblivion of her orgasm, she could feel his heart slow, though it still was not calm. He was still within her, though she could feel his member shrinking, pulling out of her and back into his own body. A sheen of moisture covered her own body, she realized, and she smiled, gazing at his cheek as her head rested next to his. Still laying on top of him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, even as she felt his own arms, and his wings, wrapping around her, holding her tightly to him. “When do you need to return to your barracks?” “Not for a while.” He rolled onto his side as he spoke, still holding her against his chest. She nestled her head against his neck, feeling a sense of safety she'd not had since the invasion had begun. “Stay with me,” she said. “I will.”