2008 Gren Drake In a cave beneath the ruin of what might have once been a church, a woman sat on a damp rock beneath the glow of phosphorescent fungi. The glowing fungi seemed omnipresent, something she was grateful for, since the small flashlight she had once carried had died long before. As she sat, she was slowly ate one of the large, flat and thankfully edible mushrooms. She was glad that they were edible, both because she had trialed them by sampling one, and because the single chocolate bar she had had with her had long since gone the way of her flashlight. Hearing a noise, the woman paused in her meal. Strange noises were not uncommon in the cavern, but she still held hope that she would be rescued before a diet of mushrooms caught up to her. The noise was repeated; it sounded drilling, or mechanized digging. She stood, walking in the direction she thought the sound was coming from (although this could be hard to tell; sound did strange things in that cavern). She had no worries about getting lost as she had been in the cavern long enough to have a pretty good idea how to get around. The noises stopped before she reached their source, but she continued in the direction they had been anyway. If someone had re-opened the entrance she'd come in through, the end of the noise might mean that they had made it through. A brilliant light shone on her face and she froze, squinching her eyes shut. Dropping the mushroom she still held, she took a couple small steps to the side of the cave, placing her hand on the wall. "Madam?" A voice said. It was very heavily accented. She didn't recognize the accent, but she'd never had a chance to travel; many accents were unfamiliar to her. She thought it was male, though. Regardless, it belonged to her rescuer, so it was guaranteed to be good. "Madam? Are you all right?" "I'm fine," she said. "Its just a bit, ah, bright." "Lets go inside a bit further. The light won't be so bright there. I don't want to risk anything knocking over my supports. Even a strong shout might be enough." The woman worked her way back into the cavern, keeping her hand on the wall and taking little steps. She stopped when she was able to open her eyes and looked around without being blinded by the light. Only then was she able to see her rescuer, who had followed her into the cavern. He was not what she expected, but she had no complaints. Anyone would do. He had a powerful ursine body, and she could see the muscles flexing beneath his short fur as he settled onto his haunches, his eyes darting around in what, to him, must be near total darkness. A tail swished gently behind him, the tuft of fur stirring up clouds of dust. He was one of the au. "You cannot imagine how glad I am to see you," the woman said. She put a hand on her rescuer's shoulder, taking in the feel of his soft fur. She had been trapped in the cavern so long it felt so good just to feel the touch of another person. In a sudden outburst, she wrapped her arms around her rescuer's neck, hugging his head against her chest. If he'd been human, or at least humanoid, she might've made love to him on the spot. It was like falling in love, seeing him open the cave. "Ah, yes, well, I hadn't expected to find you here," he said. "I'm actually looking for the missing books of Darvid, who had lived in the now ruined building above here." "Those musty old things? They're just a bunch of nonsense if you ask me." The woman leaned against the au's back as she spoke, pressing her breasts against his soft fur. In turn, his fur brushed against her nipples with every breath she took. "You don't think they exist? I had not realized more than a couple people knew about them." The woman shrugged, causing her bare breasts to rub against the male's back. She could feel her nipples becoming hard with the stimulation; she never wanted to leave with her hero. "I've never heard of the guy, but I've been stuck in here long enough to find quite a few things." "You found them?" Excitement was clear in his voice and the way his swishing tail picked up speed. "You want to see them? I can put up with being in here long enough for you to see them, as long as I'm not alone." She rubbed his shoulders as she made the offer, gorging herself on the feel of another living creature. "Yes, very much so," he said, standing. "They're this way. Its a bit of a walk. I hope they don't disappoint you." With the occasional spoken word, or a guiding touch on his back, she lead him through the catacomb-like cavern. "Don't human women usually wear clothes?" her rescuer asked as they walked through the darkness. "You forget how long I've been down here," she said. "They wore out quite a while ago." The au glanced at the woman briefly before returning his gaze to the cave ahead of them. "Actually, I don't know how long you've been in here." She laughed. "Nor do I, really. Long enough to wear out my clothes. I've been living off of fungus and spring water for far too long." "You look good for having such a restricted diet." "Thank you. Left at this next branch and mind the ledge. Its quite the catacomb in here, but I've had goodness knows how long to get used to its twists and turns. You'd probably just get lost." "True," the au agreed, nodding his head slightly. "Right here, right again. The floor should slope downwards--yes, it is--left, then another right. Here we are! The books are on the table there." The au shivered as he walked over to the table. "Chilly down here," he said as he sat back on his haunches. With one forepaw he brought one of the books near him and opened it. "Cold and dry," the woman agreed. "You probably don't want that one; its the fifth. Try this one here, I think its the first." She pulled a different book out and set it before her hero. She stood then behind the au, watching over his shoulder as he read the book. She wrapped her knees around his waist, and her arms around his neck. It felt so good to have something warm and soft against her body, especially in this cold cave. She lacked the au's fur, so it was worse for her than for him. "Do you mind?" he asked. "That's rather distracting." "Sorry. It's been so long since I've seen anyone else, I just want to touch you and hold you and feel you all over and never let ago. I keep thinking this is a dream, and that if I let you out of my sight, you'll disappear." The woman stood up, getting off of her hero's back, although she left her hand on his shoulder. Waiting until he was deeply involved in the book, she ducked under the foreleg holding it open and pressed her back against his chest, rubbing herself against his fur. She felt something bump against her buttocks and turned her head to see what it was. "Having fun?" the au asked. The woman didn't answer. She was looking at the furry sheath and balls that hung between his legs. A part of her mind was horrified and thought the au was far to animalistic to consider such things. It was a small part, however, and caused nothing but a moment's pause. She reached down between her legs, reaching behind them and stroked her hero's sheath and balls. "Well-" he was saying, but stopped when he felt her touch. "What do you think you're doing?" The woman looked up at the male's head, seeing mainly the underside of his snout. "I would have thought it rather obvious. I'm sure that if you had spent ages trapped inside a cavern alone, you'd be thinking much the same too." She rubbed her pussy against his sheath, feeling his cock begin to emerge from its hiding place, rubbing against her buttocks. "Sex would not be the first thing to come to mind." "No," the woman said, agreeing with a nod. "No, that was touching and holding." She twisted around so that her head was near the rapidly expanding organ, reached out with her tongue and licked it. Bracing herself against the floor with one arm, she used the other hand to hold the au's cock steady as she began to bob her head along it, playing her tongue along its surface. Her hero let go of the book he was reading, returning his forefoot to the ground so he could stand up. The woman's mouth followed his cock is it rose away from the ground. The au sighed. "Who am I to complain if you want sex so much?" The sensations from her actions must have reached his brain then, because he finished the question with a moan and his hips bucked, thrusting his cock entirely into her mouth. She almost chocked, but didn't object. She had been alone too long to say no to him. Soon his hips were thrusting fiercely against her face. From the way his forelegs started to move then stopped every few seconds she suspected that he was having a mental battle; instinct would be telling him he was mounting a female and should be clasping her waist, his mind telling him he could not. The woman stopped as suddenly as she had started and backed out from under him. It was so sudden that for a moment her rescuer was humping the air, his cock bouncing as it was moved back and forth. She got onto her hands and knees a couple of feet in front of the virile male au and looked back at him over her shoulder. "Take me," she said. "Fill me!" He needed no encouragement and by the time she finished speaking his forelegs were clasped around her waist, his cock thrusting against her buttocks, missing her pussy a few times before sinking deep inside of her. She gasped as he thrust hard against her and could feel her body building up to an orgasm. "Oh!" he said. "I-" his body shifted to the side for a moment. "I feel-" The woman could feel his legs grip her waist tighter, pulling her onto his cock. Not that she needed the help; she had been thrusting back against him for a while, and already his thrusts were going deep into her, his balls slapping against the back of her legs. He roared, the sound echoing through-out the cavern. She could feel his body tense, and his cock throb as he filled her with his seed. Her own cries where lost in those echoes, disappearing without a trace. Then somewhere in the distance there was a crash and a rumbling. He pulled out of her and was half-way to the door before she managed to stand, but she soon caught up to him. They arrived at the entrance quickly, but nothing was said, there was nothing to say. They could only stare in despair. The nose of their climax had caused the entrance, held up by crudely enplaced boards, to collapse once more. It was her hero who broke the silence. "Ah!" He shifted his weight, then vigorously scratched at his shoulder with one hindfoot. "Cursed itch," "You have someone that will look for you?" the woman asked. "I'm not expected back for a few days, but at least they know where I went." The woman put an arm on his shoulder. "Then perhaps we should go find some mushrooms and, I don't know, introduce ourselves?"