About Me (c) 2004 Gren Remoz (gren_remoz@yahoo.com) http://www.outfoxed.net/~gren/ Hello! Brief descriptions of the stories and copies with HTML formatting can be found at my homepage (http://www.outfoxed.net/~gren/). Those stories that I have put on display at Elfwood also include comments by the readers. Please do not alter any of my stories. Also please don't remove my name from them or claim them as your own. You may, however, share the stories around with your friends. If you repost them somewhere on the net, please send me an email with a link. Do not post any of my stories where people have to pay in order to see them, nor publish paper versions with my explicit permission. If you are interested in adult stories written by me, visit the URL http://www.outfoxed.net/~gren/adult.php to enable the display of adult content. As a final note, I enjoy it when I receive messages from people that have read my stories telling me what they thought, good or bad. Please feel free to send such a message. Enjoy! (last modified August 19, 2004)