2008 Gren Drake --- Kory discovers the benefits of self-love. (Hybrid, Human, Solo, Autofellatio, Forest, Medieval, Fantasy) 'Kory', the narrator of this story, is the character in my avatar and was originally created for an entirely different story I might actually write some day. In leau of a tedious physical description, I shall point out this picture (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/494497/) that was done a while ago. --- It was a good day to be about. The sun shone through the branches of the trees, creating beams of light that seemed to highlight specific ferns out of those that covered the ground. Water dripped from leaves above, left from the rainfall the day before. I walked through this with Angela. We had been companions since the Council of Civilization had dealt with the renegade mage Rupert a few weeks earlier. Although Rupert would no longer bother anyone, the Council had hidden behind the ban on magic, refusing to undo any of the magics the mage had cast on us. Angela was lucky; the only visible remnant of the mage's effort was the leonine tail the split over the top of her leather pants, swishing enticingly as she walked. I was not nearly so lucky. Rupert had concentrated his efforts on me and it showed. I walked beside Angela, but on all fours. I looked like someone had taken half a dozen animals, dumped them into a pot and mixed them up. That was, after all, pretty much what Rupert had done. Angela ran her hand through my mane as we walked. It had been a lot easier for her to adjust than it had been for me. She, at least, was clearly human. Anyone who looked at me saw only an animal. It was only because of an illegal spell that I was even able to speak. I used that illicit ability then. "I'm thinking we should have lunch soon," I said, having begun to feel my stomach rumble some time earlier. "I am getting hungry," Angela answered. She looked upwards for a moment, as though her eyes would be able to pierce the ceiling of leaves above us. "Do you think its getting around noon?" "How would I know?" I replied. I couldn't see the sun any better than she could. "Maybe if you hadn't been so eager to avoid the road we would be able to tell." I used my snout to gesture in the direction of the road, which was a couple hundred feet away from us. "This area is no less conservative than it was yesterday. The people here would scorn me; spirits help us if they knew about you." I looked away from her, staring at the ferns covering the ground. Sometimes I managed to forget the complications of my 'condition'. Being reminded was not pleasant. "Well," I said, "if you're hungry the food is in the pack. You'll have to get it off." Having no hands, I could not even get the heavy pack off of my back without considerable effort. Angela leaned over me as she unstrapped the well filled pack from me and hefted it over her shoulder. "Shame that there is nowhere to sit around here." "Speak for yourself," I said and I sat on my haunches, flattening several ferns beneath me. "There is a fallen tree over there-" I gestured vaguely towards a mossed-covered log partially hidden by the surrounding greenery with a forepaw "-if you're interested, and its even further from the road then we are." Despite the vagueness of my gesture, Angela must have spotted the log because she walked over it it, and dropped the pack onto it with a heavy thud. "Good enough," she said as I moved over to where she was sitting. From the pack she withdrew the blanket, and spread our meal of bread, cheese and fruit on it. The bowl and cup soon joined them and these were filled with the watered-down ale that we had gotten from Lord Druman. I ate mostly fruit, but Angela did tear off some pieces of bread, and cut a few slices of the cheese for me. While I could tear chunks out of either with my teeth, I would leave the remainder with saliva on it. The ale quickly followed everything down my throat; for as embarrassing as it was to drink from a bowl, with neither hands nor lips a cup was not worth the effort. Before long, the meal was eaten. Angela placed the remains and the pair of dishes back into the pack and folded the blanket on top of them. I laid down in the ferns, flattening them beneath me. I could hear the ale slosh in my belly and was inclined to give the meal a bit to settle before we carried on. "Its good to have fresh food for a change," I said, licking my lips. "There'll be more once we get to Lord Breston's manor." "More for you," I corrected. Lord Druman had given me the servant's scraps-all that an animal deserved. Unfortunately, much as I looked the part, I was not quite an animal. Angela shook her head. "You're the one who insists on pretending you're an animal. Anyway, we should be on our way. Lord Breston is expecting the message." "Its easier being an animal than a victim. I don't want their pity," I said. It had only taken me a couple of days before I had had enough of the pity I got from the folk in the town I was raised in. And it hadn't taken any stroke of genius to see that they went out of their way to avoid me. "Besides," I said after a moment, "We're nearly a day ahead of schedule and the message is hardly urgent." Angela gave me a look that made my hackles rise; it was like she was trying to see under my skin. "How would you know?" I looked at her, and I almost smiled. Would have smiled had I the lips for it. "I was there, remember?" I had forgotten that Angela had never seen me read or write; she had no reason to believe I could. "He wrote the message out in the stable just before we left. I read what parts I could as he wrote it." I gave my tail a single wag. "I didn't realize you knew your letters." "Barely," I replied, a bit modest. I gave my tail another swish, then rubbed it against Angela's leggings. "I really wish you'd aspire to more than being an animal," she said. "You're an intelligent person." I shook my head, though not in disagreement, before wrapping my tail around her leg, playfully pulling at it. "I tried being human. It doesn't work anymore." I was always trying to forget what it'd been like to be human; thinking about what I no longer had was depressing. Angela knelt neck to me, and she put an arm over my shoulders. "There are others than in this world than humans and animals." "Good for them," I told her. "but I'm not any of them, either." Angela scratched at the base of my horns. "There are also plenty of people who don't belong to a specific species." "Not that you'd know it looking around." Most of the people who had been cursed one way or another went to the far east; the area there was even named after them: 'Exile Home'. I rolled onto my side, exposing my belly to her. I was feeling a bit randy at that point and not at all interested in a philosophical conversation. I wrapped my tail around her backside, gently pushing her in my direction, hoping that she would get the idea. "At least try; I worry you'll forget to think one day." "No worries then," I said. If I forgot how to think, I wouldn't be worried about it. "Fine then," Angela shifted backwards so she could lean against the fallen log. A mischievous grin formed on her face and I couldn't help but wonder what inspiration my comments had given her. "You want to be an animal. Fine. But you have to act the part right. I've seen many animals do things you have not." I raised an eyebrow, tilting my head slightly. "Like?" There where several things animals did that I didn't and I wondered which she was thinking of. "Lick yourself." "Lick myself?" Did she want me to groom myself like an animal? I gave my foreleg a long lick. My tongue grated against my skin, pulling at it. I looked up at Angela; was that what she was thinking of? "Not there," she said. "Further down. Between your legs." I looked at my crotch, seeing my sheath and balls there. I was not unfamiliar with them, even in their changed state. She wanted me to lick them? "That's..." I trailed off, not sure how to finish the thought. "Bestial?" Angela suggested. "Not possible, I was thinking." I had tried that once, when I was human. It hadn't worked. Angela didn't reply, however, but just stared at me. I was going to have to demonstrate, then. Slowly I curled up, realizing as I did so that I was considerably more flexible than I had been. I stopped when my snout was next to my sheath. There was an unexpected pungent smell and I almost pulled back. Instead I held my breath as I gave my sheath a quick lick, discovering as I did so that I tasted lousy. "There," I said, taking my head away from my crotch, "I licked myself." "Barely," Angela said. "Do you want to be an animal or not?" "I smell!" I protested. I really didn't want to smell myself that long. "You finally realized. Maybe next time you won't complain so much when I tell you to take a bath." She had that right; next time we were somewhere appropriate, I was going for a long bath. "Well?" she asked. I sighed, then gave myself another lick. The smell didn't seem quite as bad this time. I was glad now that I only had fur on my upper body; I didn't want to be having a fur-ball. I licked myself again, keeping an eye on Angela in case she changed her mind. Surprisingly, I became used to the smell quite quickly, although not to such a degree that it changed my mind about getting a bath the next chance I got. It certainly didn't feel bad, this self-licking. It also didn't take long before my penis began to emerge from its sheath. I was caught off guard at first, having been thinking so much about the licking that it hadn't occurred to me that would happen. I had been feeling randy, though, so I guess it was not unexpected. It wasn't long before this 'not bad' became 'pretty good'. I stopped keeping an eye on Angela, focusing entirely on the shaft of flesh now deep in my snout. My tongue wandered round the organ, the rubbing of my tongue against the organ providing a most stimulating feeling. My penis was almost long enough to reach my throat, but thankfully not. I was able to take the entire thing into my mouth. Even the feel of my teeth as they accidentally bumped against it simply made me hornier. As my tongue explored parts of me it never had-and until recently couldn't have reached-the rest of my body was also starting to react to the sensations I was feeling. My hips bucked, trying to force my penis deeper into my mouth; a futile effort as it was already as deep as it could go. My balls bounced against the end of my snout, unexpected, but soon forgotten. I could feel my penis throbbing under my tongue, and I could feel my heart pounding harder and my mind increasingly focused on a single objective: reaching my climax. I resented the effort I had to expend to keep my hips from bucking too hard, but I didn't want to impale myself on the horns on my snout, especially in the midst of such an incredible, and novel, experience. My orgasm came suddenly, and quite by surprise. The world faded for a moment as I achieved the all-too-brief moment of bliss I'd put so much energy into achieving. The world returned just as I felt something hitting the back of my throat. I jerked my head pack, only realizing what it was as the remainder of my semen splattered over my face and horns. There was not especially much, but it managed to cover my head. I blinked a couple of times then looked up at Angela as I ran my tongue over as much of my face as I could manage. My semen had a strong, but entirely favorable, flavor. "Happy?" I asked. Although I was not angry, or even irritated, I did not want to admit to having totally given in to her suggestion. The experience had been both more possible and more pleasurable than I had expected. It was unlikely I would ever do it with anyone other than Angela watching, however. "Quite," she replied, and she wiped a bit of semen from one of my horns with a finger. Grinning, she continued, "you should probably be more careful, though, unless you wanted to make a mess of your fur." I could feel my semen drying in my fur, an experience far less pleasant than producing it had been. "Lets get going," I said. "There is a pond just a short distance out of our way, and not far from here." We both stood and Angela buckled the pack onto me once more. "Just make sure to think about what I said." She ruffled my mane and we began to walk once more. As we walked, I crossed my eyes, trying to see the semen I could feel drying in my fur, and I wondered if it was as visible as it felt. Although some of my thoughts were on what Angela had said, most of them were concentrated on hoping we encountered no one before I was able to thoroughly bathe.