2008 Gren Drake --- A note from the author: Kory, the narrator of this story, is the character in my avatar and was originally created for an entirely different story I might actually write some day. In lieu of a tedious physical description, I shall point out this picture (http://lysozyme.deviantart.com/art/Character-Layout-Kory-53117930) that was done a few months ago. Thanks for reading! --- It was going on midday when we reached the small pond. Although I call it a pond, it was really more of a small lake, upwards of two hundred feet across. The shore was lined with the omnipresent ferns, shaded by trees that leaned over the edge, trying to get as much sunlight they could. By this point, the fur on my snout was thoroughly matted down and icky; my semen had dried there and on my horns. Although recent events had convinced me I had great need of a bath, making me eager to get into the water, I waited for Angela to remove the heavy back from my back. I neither had the desire to be dragged to the bottom, nor to ruin any of our supplies. The back slipped off my back quite easily, and Angela let it slide to the ground near the edge of the lake. I looked out at the water, not without some trepidation despite my eagerness. I had not been swimming since the renegade mage Rupert had transformed me. Angela had cleaned me somewhat with a sponge back at Lord Druman's estate, but, as I had later discovered, that made very little difference. "I'll wait for you," I told Angela and sat on my haunches and looked out over the water. "No need," she said as she started pulling of her clothing. After our shared experiences with the mage Rupert, neither of us had any modesty around the other. Admittedly, I no longer had any modesty at all; there wasn't a tailor alive that had made clothes to provide modesty to a beast. Angela tossed her clothing on the top of the pack and stretched. I looked her over. No part of her body was unfamiliar to me, but that didn't mean I didn't enjoy looking. A leonine tail hung loosely behind her, the only noticeable legacy from the renegade mage's spells. Her legs were hairier than most woman I'd seen, but we had met because of the mage Rupert and he'd already cursed her at that point; for all I know they were always like that. I grinned, panting slightly. "You look good." Her body was covered by trim, toned muscles that came from living on the road. Neither of us lived an easy life. "You lecher," she replied, but she smiled while she said it. I had been, before. There weren't many opportunities anymore, however. The number of woman interested in bedding well-built young men is rather larger than those interested in bedding unnatural beasts. Angela walked over to me, putting her hand on my neck. "Let's get clean." We walked into the water together. We stopped when the water was even with my shoulders. Angela immersed herself in the water, running her fingers through her hair so the water could flow through it, taking the dirt and grime with it. While she was doing that, I ducked my head under the surface and tried to wipe the semen off with one forefoot. I didn't have much luck at it and was still trying to get it out when she finished cleaning herself. Angela's fingers worked through my fur. I let out a low growl of pleasure as she did this; the feeling of her fingers stroking through my fur was sublime. The pleasure was all too brief. Angela did not linger in any place, but steadily moved from my tail, across my back and finally to my head. She took special care there to make sure she got all the semen out, splashing my face and having me dunk my head in the water. "If you'll roll over I'll give the rest of you a massage as well," she said with a grin. I moved into shallower water, then rolled so my back was braced against a couple of submerged stones; this raised my shoulders enough that my head was above the water. The best massage in the world wouldn't make up for drowning, after all. My back was raised enough that my mane shifted in the water, at least the parts not caught between me and the ground. Those bits would probably need washed again to get the lake-grit out. I faced the shore, our goods clearly visible to me. Angela knelt over my tail and started massaging the bare flesh of my chest. Although not the sublime experience from before, it was still very pleasant. I relaxed, once more making a growl of pleasure. My head rolled back, resting on a bit of the rock, my eyes closed to the sun. Her fingers worked their way across my chest. Although she started at the base of my neck, her fingers roamed so widely that they reached were my fur began, her nails brushing my nipples, then over my stomach. One hand worked its way back up, teasing at my nipples, as the other continued downwards, its fingers wrapping around by balls, rolling them. I put one forepaw on her shoulder, then brought the other to her chest, teasing her own nipples with the back of one of my claws. I nuzzled her neck, my tongue slipping out, running across it. I curled my tail back around, slipping it beneath her. Guided by the feel of her thighs against my tail, I slipped the tip of it into her. "Wah!" Angela jumped up, grabbing at my tail. I grinned sheepishly at her. "Kory," she said, drawing the word out. Her tail was lashing in slow motion, its movement hindered by the water around it. "Yes?" I looked up at her, doing my best to look innocent. "Just what do you think you're doing?" "Nothing much." She shook her head, kneeling once more. "You should warn a person before doing that." "What? And ruin the surprise?" She snorted. "You and your surprises." Smiling mischievously, she reached into the water. I felt her hands wrap around my tail, plunging it into her. Her body tightened around it as she pumped in and out of her a few times. Then, as she let go, I took over the motion. With the back of one forepaw I carefully stroked around her clit, gently stimulating it, and I looked her in the eye. She continued to smile, and without taking her eyes from mine, she reached down and took my sheath in her hand, slowly stroking it. A low growl formed in my chest as I partially closed my eyes, caught between enjoying her ministrations and focusing on my own efforts. My penis slowly slid out from its sheath, throbbing with my desire. Angela's hands slipped up onto it, their movements firm and sure. Her fingers massaged my member, working at it with an eagerness that belied her earlier nervousness. I could feel my heartrate rising, that organ pounding in my chest in time to my ragged panting. My motions were becoming erratic, my limbs jerking slightly. Although it distracted me from the pleasure, I didn't stop pleasuring Angela. I continued working my tail in and out of her, and teasing her clit. All too soon my body reached its climax, a wave of bliss flowing over me for a moment. I paused in my ministrations then, feeling only the pulsing sensation as my seed shot into the water. I opened my eyes, looking deep in hers, and resumed the motions of my tail. I stopped teasing her clit, though, instead I wrapped my forelegs around her, holding her to me for a moment. My still hard (but softening) member was held between our torsos; my seed, a cloud hanging in the water, flowed away from us, carried by the slight current in the lake, as we both looked at it. "There goes that," I said. "Yes." Angela sound out of breath. I turned my attention back to her. For a moment I just looked at her, but remembering my experience of not a day ago, I got an idea. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with air. Then I bent double, closing my eyes as I submersed myself completely in the lake; surely if I was able to reach my own member, I would be able to reach the end of my tail! I put my forepaws on her hips, gripping her both to hold her steady and to find my way with my eyes closed. When my nose bumped into her stomach, I opened my mouth and started exploring with my tongue. After a few moments I found my way and my tongue started brushing and rubbing her clit, gently working it. I smiled as I felt her trembling under my paws. It felt like only a few moments, but it seemed much longer as I pleasured her in darkness, my actions guided only by touch. I felt her vagina contracting against my tail, rhythmically squeezing it just as I was running out of breath. I unbent, my head breaking the surface, immediately gasping and taking in as much air as I could. There was a man standing on the lake shore. He was wearing partial armor and was accompanied by a couple of donkeys. A long spear leaned up against a tree and it appeared that a sword hung around his waist. "Angela," I said, constraining my voice to a whisper. "Look behind you." She turned her head, gasping as she saw the man very obviously watching her. "Do you often watch women bathe?" she asked. "I apologize, madam," he said, and he sketched a short bow. "I had not realized you where here until after I had lead my animals here." He paused. "When I saw you I wanted to call out. You weren't moving at all." "So?" "I thought you might be unwell." "If you will do me the favor of looking away, I shall get dressed and we can discuss this in a civilized fashion." "Quite right, madam," he said. He started to turn, then stopped, noticing me as I stood and started stepping around Angela. "What's that?" "That," she said, "is Kory. He is quite useful sometimes." "Useful?" I whispered. Although I was indignant, I was not sure I wanted this stranger to realize I could speak. Not until I had some idea why he was here at the least. Angela scratched the base of one of my horns in apology. The armored man bowed again and turned away. Angela quickly exited the water, pulling on her clothes in haste. I followed at a more sedate pace; I had no modesty to protect and nothing to do it with anyway. By the time I reached the shore, Angela had already gotten her pants on. The waistband was tucked under her tail, that errant limb flowing over the top to lash fiercely, knocking the ferns covering the ground around quite badly. "So," she said, pulling on her vest, "perhaps now you'll explain why you were watching me?" He turned back around, starting as he saw her tail. "As I said madam," he said, recovering from his shock quickly, "I had not noticed you were there until after I'd brought my animals here." One of the donkeys, finished with the water, stepped over to and sniffed me. I ignored it, focusing on Angela's conversation with the man. That conversation, however, seemed to be over. Angela picked up our pack and started buckling it onto me once more, pressing my damp mane down against the fur of my back, no doubt making a mess of both. "Say," the guard said, "You don't seem to be armed. How do you defend yourself against bandits?" Angela didn't look up from fastening the pack to me. "I have Kory with me." "An animal? That's it?" He looked dubious, so I bared my teeth and growled. "Nobody should travel alone, especially a woman." Angela shrugged; I glared at him. There were disadvantages to being thought of as an animal. The man, however, seemed to really see me for the first time. "Gods! What is that?" His eyes went from my teeth to the large claws that adorned my toes, perhaps thinking of how much damage they could do. "Kory," Angela said simply. "Which way are you going? I should like to inquire further about your beast." "We are on our way to Lord Breston's manor. And, I might add, we are expected." "You? Lord Breston's manor?" "I bear a message from Lord Druman." "One of the accursed a messenger? This gets stranger every moment. It is easy to solve, however." The man smiled as he spoke. "I am just on my way to Lord Breston's manor as well. I am sure that he can sort this out." Angela glared at him for a moment. "I guess you expect us to travel with you, then." "I would appreciate it if you would do me the curtsey." "Very well. Come Kory," Angela put a hand on my shoulder, "we will travel with this man. Tell us, stranger, who are you to travel alone while telling others not to?" "Madam," he said, bowing once more, "I am Vance, tax-collector of Lord Breston. Even bandits fear the taxman." The man's smile grew as he said the last few words. Then he gathered his donkeys to him and we set off towards the manor.