Taryn's Tail by HiruYume ************************************************************************* * All characters portrayed in this 'story' were created by the sick and twisted imagination * * of the author, Yume. Any resemblance between these characters or occurrences to any * * person or occurrences in the 'real world' are purely coincidental (this means that if you * * think I wrote this about you, your character or something that I heard happened... well... * * you're probably on crack or something, because it's all in your head) The title of this * * 'story' should clue you in as to what the 'plot' is... basically it's a little exercise in * * writing to see how sick and twisted my imagination can get... (my boyfriend put me up to * * it... he wanted to read a story by one of his friends, that he didnt just 'find on the Internet * * or something') OK... standard disclaimer time, THIS STORY CONTAINS GRAPHIC * * DESCRIPTIONS OF SEXUAL ACTS BETWEEN TWO CONSENTING, ADULT MALE FURRIES * * (ANTHROPOMORPHIC ANIMALS) IF YOU ARE BELOW THE AGE OF 18 OR MIGHT BE OFFENDED * * BY THE CONTENT OF THIS STORY, PLEASE GO BACK...now that we have that out of the way, * * let's continue, shall we? * ************************************************************************* Jared woke up early that morning... he didn't know why, he just felt like being up at... gods... 5:15. He groaned softly to himself and padded downstairs, being quiet so as not to wake his roommate, Kumo, up. Sighing he turned on the TV and tuned it to that brainless music channel while he rummaged around in the pantry for something to eat. The muscular young rottweiler padded down the five stairs into the pantry and flipped on the light, looking around at what it had to offer to the little demons in his rumbling stomach. Suddenly he smiled as he saw one last can of 'beany weenies', "Ah," he growled to himself, "the great god of I'm-Fuckin-Hungry is good to his followers..." he grinned slightly at his own sense of humor and wished Kumo were up to laugh with him. As he turned back toward the stairs, Jared heard a small giggle behind him, almost muffled, as if the owner were trying to hide from him... Startled Jared turned and growled, "Kumo? That you?" No answer... Jared whined and put the can back on the shelf, then dropped to all fours and began sniffing around, trying to find some scent to tell him who might be in his pantry with him. When he finally found a slight scent it was no one he recognized, a male lepine scent, and fairly interesting, but rather worrying as Jared didn't know him and there was only one way to get into the pantry... He stood slowly and padded backward toward the door, waiting for some sign that the rabbit whose scent he had caught would follow him. Nothing... he reached the door and bolted through, slamming and locking it behind him... then realized that he had left his weenies back on the shelf. Cursing roundly at himself, he padded over to the phone and dialed the local law enforcement. It took them about a half hour to respond to the call, of course... (what else can you expect from police?) and by the time they had finished looking through the pantry for the rabbit Kumo was awake and asking questions of his own... Finally the police left, not finding anything and telling Jared that it must have been his imagination, "We didn't even smell anything down there, sir..." Sighing Jared went back to bed, not wanting to deal with the rest of the day. The next two weeks went like that... Jared waking up at ungodly hours of the morning and seeing or hearing or smelling that same strange male rabbit that he could never catch or get a good look at... That Friday, however, things changed... Friday morning... Jared awoke at 4:50, "Not again," he groaned to himself, and planted a pillow firmly over his head... that was before he heard the giggle again... When he heard the giggle the pillow practically flew from his head as he looked around to see if he could finally find the culprit (after two weeks of this he was getting pretty tired of it and was prepared to tear the house apart to find him if need be) He had to blink twice when he saw the little rabbit sitting there at the foot of the bed, smiling at him. He looked the young rabbit over critically, noticing his nearly purely white fur, constantly active ears and his cutely wiggling little pink nose... "Hello," the little rabbit said quietly, "my name is Taryn." he smiled softly at Jared. Jared, of course didnt know what to say besides, "Ummm... hello, Taryn... I'm Jared..." "Oh, I know," Taryn almost purred, "I've been watching you for the last two weeks, just to see if you were what I thought you were..." Jared shook his head slowly, wondering why he wasn't on the phone right then, calling the police again or something, but then simply decided that if the Taryn hadnt done anything to him yet, that he probably wasnt going to. "And what might that be?" he asked, "nothing bad, I assume or you wouldn't be sitting here talking to me..." Taryn giggled softly at this and shook his head, and using that same semi-purr he whispered, "oh... let's just say that you haven't disappointed me and leave it at that, shall we? hmm?" He stood slowly, and turned, winking back at Jared and motioning to him with his finger, "Why don't we go downstairs so we don't wake your friend..." Jared looked over at the sleeping form of Kumo there under the blankets beside him and smiled, then stood and wrapped his robe around himself. He padded slowly down the stairs after the cute little rabbit, smiling to himself as Taryn's tail bobbed and wiggled only a foot or so in front of him... When they got down to the bottom of the stairs Taryn padded over to the den and sat down on the sofa, winking cutely at Jared and patting the cushion next to him. Jared smiled and hopped over the back of the sofa and into the 'reserved' seat beside the little bunny. "So..." he said softly, "what's on your mind, Taryn?" He crossed his legs to try to hide the half erection he'd gotten from watching the little tail wiggle in front of him. Taryn giggled, "Oh... not much... oh, gods... no one ever tells you how to go about starting it once you've found the one." he sighed and looked over at Jared, "I don't know how to do this, so I'm hoping you have a pretty good idea of what you're doing. I've watched you with your friend upstairs... I've seen the way you dont just... yiff... you actually make it mean something... something special... gods help me... I dont know how to say this... ummm... Jared... I've never done anything like that before... and..." Here Jared broke in, "And you'd like me to help you with that?" "Ummm..." the little rabbit whispered, "please?" Jared stood up and chuckled to himself, "Let me get this straight... you break into my house, you eat my food... you make me look like an idiot, no... a lunatic, you halfway make me believe in ghosts with all your sneaking around, then one day, two weeks after you get here you expect me to simply forget all of that and make love to you? Ok... now answer me this... why should I?" Here the little rabbit became obviously more nervous and began wiggling in his seat, "I'm sorry, Jared... I had to find out what kind of person you were... I had to know... I'm sorry I scared you... I didn't even mean to let you notice me until now, but this is my first time doing anything like this..." He stood up and turned from Jared slowly, "I should probably leave now, huh?" Jared blinked, "What do you mean your first time doing something like this?" The little rabbit turned back to him and cocked his head, "I mean that it's my first time doing anything like this... do you think I break into people's houses and ask them to do this for me on a regular basis?" "Ummm... well... I had assumed so, since you seemed to be pretty good at it to me... you still havent noticed what that little tail of yours does to me, have you?" Taryn giggled and looked back at his tail, "Ummm... no... what does it do to you?" Jared chuckled softly to himself and slowly untied his robe, showing off his muscular young body, his sheath hanging heavy and full from thinking about the little rabbit's cute fluff ball of a tail, "This is what it does to me." The little rabbit blinked slowly as his eyes grew larger and he whispered, "That is the most absolutely beautiful thing I have ever seen..." he moved almost in a trance over to where the rottweiler stood and reached out hesitantly, almost touching it, but not quite, and looked up into Jared's eyes, "May I?" Jared smiled softly and nodded his head, shrugging his shoulders slightly and allowing the robe to slip from his shoulders to puddle around his feet, "If you want to, little one..." The rabbit's paw came forward slowly, brushing against the soft fur of the rottweiler's sheath, causing him to shudder slightly and gasp as the tip of his shaft poked out into the cool air of the den. Taryn's eyes were as big as saucers now and he began toying with the hem of his pants, as if they were becoming slightly uncomfortable. Jared looked down and noticed Taryn's fidgeting, "What's wrong, bunny? Your pants getting a bit tight? You want me to help you take them off?" Taryn stared up into Jared's soft, brown eyes and simply nodded. Jared picked him up and carried him over to the sofa again, slowly laying him down and began slowly undoing the buttons holding the rabbit's pants up around his slim hips. He smiled gently as Taryn's vest fell open, exposing all that silken white chestfur. He moved his paws up slowly to rub at the rabbit's chest, smiling to himself as Taryn gasped and arched his back, pushing his chest up slightly into his paws. "So you like that, huh?" Jared growled softly, "Just wait, little one... just wait." He went back to the rabbit's buttons, watching Taryn's face and smiling to himself as the rabbit gasped and moaned softly at the feather light touches of Jared's paws against his sensitive fur. He finally reached the last button and snapped it open, slowly pulling the tight pants down over the rabbit's hips. He smiled as he saw exactly what he expected to see, the little rabbit's silken sheath, swollen and heavy, a little of his shaft poking out into the air. He growled softly and traced a claw slowly up the underside of the young rabbit's sheath, licking his lips slowly as a few more centimeters of rabbit cock poked out. "Now... what to do with you..." he whispered to the little rabbit, moving his head down to nip at his ear softly. Taryn cooed softly and pulled his knees up to his chest, moving his paws down to pull his pants off. He meeped in surprise as Jared caught his knees in the crook of one elbow and his wrists with the other paw, "Here's an idea..." the rottweiler growled softly into his ear. Taryn closed his eyes and murred softly, turning his head and relaxing as Jared licked gently at his ears. He tensed slightly as he felt the large rottweiler's shaft bumped against his tailhole, then relaxed again as it pressed slowly against him. Jared looked up at the little rabbit, and smiled at the look of ecstasy on his face. He growled low in his throat and pressed his cock gently against the rabbit's virgin tailhole, closing his eyes and squeezing Taryn's wrists slightly as the head of his shaft slipped into the tight young hole. Taryn gasped slightly as he felt the sharp head of Jared's shaft slipping into him, tensing reflexively and squirming as his virgin tailhole was invaded. Jared noticed the tensing and squirming of the young rabbit beneath him and gently hushed him, pressing his lips to Taryn's sensitive ears and whispering softly, "Just relax, little one, push out against it... I won't say it won't hurt a little, because it will, but if you tense up it will be much worse." He slowly began rocking his hips, moving the tip of his cock back and forth gently in the outer rim of the young rabbit's tailhole until he felt him start to relax again and begin to push out against the invading shaft. He smiled softly at Taryn and began pressing himself slowly into his tailhole again, stopping every inch or so to rock himself slowly in the tight hole, moving slowly as Taryn's muscles became used to having something inside of him. Finally, after about five minutes of pressing himself slowly into the young rabbit's tailhole, Jared had pressed himself all the way in up to his thick knot, growling softly at the tight warmth around his seven inches of thick dog cock. Then, he pulled Taryn's legs around his waist with one paw and pinned his wrists above his head, against the arm of the sofa, groaning softly and rocking his hips slowly in and out of the warm hole, watching as the little rabbit beneath him moaned and thrust his hips up to meet his own. Jared grunted a little as the little rabbit forced himself up on his cock, bumping up against his knot and causing him to begin leaking his thin precum into Taryn's ass. He leaned forward and wrapped his jaws around the bunny's throat, pressing gently against the soft fur there with his teeth and growling softly as he began humping a little more insistantly, grinding his knot against Taryn's tight anal ring. Taryn arched his back and opened his mouth wide as if to yell out in pleasure as he arched his back and pressed against the thick knot, feeling it begin to slide into his tailhole, but nothing came out. All he could do is lie there and buck his hips wildly as he started to tense all over, his small pink cock dripping precum all over his belly as his furry balls began clenching, "Oh... gods..." he mannaged to gasp just before his balls tightened and his cock began spraying his thick cum everywhere, all over his belly and up onto his chest. When Taryn began to tense up Jared had just poped his knot in behind the rabbit's tight ring, gasping loudly and bucking his hips rapidly, growling as the young rabbit's muscles tightened around his now spasming cock. He felt the Taryn's orgasm and groaned as it caused the little rabbit to press himself against his crotch tightly, forcing his knot even deeper into the tight tailhole. The next thing he knew, his own balls were tightening and he was flooding Taryn's gripping ass with his cum, gasping as wave after wave of orgasm hit him... Jared awoke a few hours later to the sight of his roommate, Kumo standing over him, arching an eyebrow and looking at him worriedly. "Are you OK, Jared," he asked quietly, "I mean... I know that the last couple of weeks have been a little rough on you, but I didnt expect you to start sleepwalking... And what's with you lieing here naked on the sofa, with your robe on the floor all the way across the room and," he paused to sniff the air, "why do you reek of sex?" Jared simply looked up at Kumo and smiled, "Nevermind, hon," he chuckled, "I dont think I'll be bothered by ghosts again for a while..." ************************************************************************* * OK, OK, typical end of story thingy here... constructive criticism welcome, bitches, raves * * and flames you can shine up real nice, turn sideways and shove directly up your rooty pooh * * candy asses (thank you Mr. Rock) send anything you want to send to me to * * HiruYume@sunrise-sunset.com. And just so I dont get anything about spelling or anything * * stupid like that, let me just say that I have a spell checker program within range and I use* * it frequently... thank you for giving my little project a chance and have a nice day =^.^= * * * * ~Yume, the DayDream * *************************************************************************