Da Bunny and Da Chinchilla Rated PG-PG-13 Take your pick. If you are so innocent that you find nothing *wrong* with the story, than rate it PG (due to the *violence*), but if you are a *normal* human being, you of course will take this for a PG-13 rating due to the fem/fem dominance issues...:-D. Contains hidden meanings with adult connotations...sadomasochism....plus the traditional good and evil elements. TAKE THAT KEALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************************************************************************** Once upon a time there was a forest. Deep on the heart of the forest lived the two prettiest and cutest animals in the whole land. One was a chinchilla named Lynne and one was a bunny named Keala. The chinchilla was grey with short red hair and a red tail tuft. She was 15 and the nicest, sweetest animal in the whole forest. She was so sweet people called her Lynne the Good. Animals and people came to her for help and advice. She lived in a beautiful white and blue cottage in a sunlit glade and her garden was lush with flowering plants. On the flip side, the bunny was wicked and evil. She was 16, and had dark brown hair. She lived in a dark, overgrown thicket in the heart of the Haunted Forest. In the center of the overgrown thicket was her rotting and mouldering shack. Her garden grew naught but weeds and poisons. It was even reputed that she was an evil witch! She was so rotten that people called her Keala the Bad, and she was shunned by everyone but her mate (who ironically, is the perfect man, who in all actuality does not exist). The bunny sat in her ramshackle shack and watched the chinchilla through her scry-bowl, and felt an intense jealousy overtake her spirit. She raised a clawed paw and ordered her mate to go forth into the world of light to do her dirty work. He, being the perfect male, always did whatever she told him to. So he set forth to the chinchilla's sunny cottage to do evil. At the chinchilla's cottage, she was sitting on the front porch, hand-feeding baby birds and squirrels, when a beggar approached her gate. He was dirty and dressed in rags. Being the sweet person she was, she could not refuse this poor person, so she invited him inside for a meal, unaware that he was the nonexistent perfect male who was the mate to the Evil bunny. Once inside, he threw off his rags and stood tall, and exclaimed, "You're coming with me, whether you want to or not!" (Who knows what kind of *issues* this will create later when his concious catches up with him). The chinchilla, out of shock from the presence of a half-naked male combined with the shock of being threatened by that half-naked male did the only thing a virtuous person such as herself COULD do: fainted. The nonexistent perfect male picked her up over his shoulder and carried her off to the dark lair of the Evil bunny. When Lynne the Good Chinchilla woke up, she was lying down in the filth and squalor of the bunny's hovel. When Keala noticed that Lynne was awake, she sent her mate outside and closed the door and curtains. She then turned to the poor chinchilla and said, "Well, well, well... you have flaunted your goodness for too long! Prepare to be corrupted!" She then overpowered the hapless chinchilla and proceded to tie her up with a handy leather whip. She flipped the chinchilla over onto her stomach, sat on her back, and proceded to SPANK the helpless chinchilla. The chinchilla squirmed and fought back, and finally managed to untie herself. She overpowered that naughty bunny, and our good little chinchilla proceded to spank the bad bunny! She pushed the door open, and ran past the dumbfounded perfect male into the forest and escaped. After great trials, she managed to make her way back to her cottage, where the greiving villagers joyously celebrated her arrival. Things were soon back to normal... or almost normal. Once a week, the chinchilla locks up her cottage and travels into the forest to the bunny's cottage, where she and the bunny lock themselves inside for most of the day. To this day, no one can get the nonexistent perfect male to say anything about what those two DO in there all day, but there are theories....