My Poetry: Mail me with your comments.....warning....kind of dark and moody, and morbid * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^* ***************************************************************************** Anorexic Angel Defiled She is fallen She is beaten She lies bleeding on the ground Defiled Shamed Reviled The sacrosanct humanity has violated her; The illusion of real beauty has emaciated her. She does not partake of the force life-bringing. She will not enjoy that act of creation. An exile A devil An anorexic angel Her mother earth disowns her Her father sky wants her dead Her brother humanity lies bloody on the ground His lifesblood dripping off her blade to mingle with her tears The mother cries The father screams Her pain has numbed her mind Her own brother Who has forced on her himself She has now repayed in kind. The anger of the father causes lightning in the skies He smites a blow; the mother cries The blood runs down along the ground And so the angel dies. ***************************************************************************** Macabre Summer Butterfly, flies, bees and beetles Clouds graze like fluffy white sheep In the blue pasture of the sky Green grass beneath me My unseeing eyes glazed Grass grows through me Feeding the worms I lay in the field Unseen Unliving Dead Who put me here? How did I die? I do not know the answers I just watch the sky Just watch.... Watch the sky.... The blue sky.... Watch the sky on this summer day Just another summer day in my macabre summer. ***************************************************************************** Victim The stares..they look at me ..See the freak?.. The glares..they hate me ..Kill the freak!.. The crowd who thinks they are so cool ..Shun the freak.. Those who don't understand ..What a freak!.. Those who all they know is rage ..The freak is just another victim.. A dark alley A crowd Faces impassive stone Afraid, am I? My blade it flashes Blood spills Coats my hands Bodies on the ground Not me not me Tell me tell me WHO is just another victim? Not me not me ***************************************************************************** The Lover A kiss so sweet Our lips, they meet Our eyes, they gaze My mind's a maze Do I love him? Or is he one of Them? Shock registers in his eye The pain he feels I can't deny Sharp blade flashes light Blood invisible in the night Scared, guilty, I begin to run Oh, My God, what have I done? I go to the water who is my mother I wash off the blood of the other I clean my blade off I hear voice scoff I see behind me the other For he is my immortal lover ***************************************************************************** The Lover II Oh, my God, my immortal lover I swear I'll never love another Hold me, my darling, For I feel like I am falling Why is your skin so cold As if you are aeons old? I look into your emerald eyes And I hear all your victim's cries You finally turn to me I finally begin to see Your lips part a leering grin I realize your blood runs thin I see your fangs through slitted eyes The weapons which are my demise You begin to lean in near My brain has become numb with fear Sharp ivory breaks my skin I feel a gorgeous pain begin My blood runs down onto the ground There is absolutely no one around When you're done, you've drained me dry Softly, quietly, I start to cry I tell you I don't want to die You look at me and ask me why I tell you I don't rightly know You laugh at me like I'm a show You give me back my own blood My hands dig runnels in the mud As painfully I start to change My visual spectrum ups its range The sun is rising, we must go And for once I already know We leave this now accursed place Running our eternal race An open vault beside your brothers You and I climb in, immortal lovers. ***************************************************************************** Wishing The silence born of desolation, The madness born of despiration. Scream aloud the rage and pains, Scream until no voice remains, The lancing of the silver knife, To take away a rotten life. The falling of the crimson blood, That stains the awful ochre mud. Before thine eyes an azure light Removes the blackened, inky night. The bitter taste of misery black, On thy tounge dost flavor lack. Water to wash away the red, That stains thy bloody wedding bed. A play is written for thy hurts, Mocks what happened to thee first. A shambles, farces, silly jokes, They always ends before thou chokes. It makes the wish that thee wast dead, That pounding of thy charcoal head. When thou canst take it anymore, Thy heart hast become more than sore. Pick up thy blade again, With one sharp blow it all will end. And when it does, remember this, Thou hast really got thy wish. ***************************************************************************** Earth, Air, Fire, Water She feels the pain of love defiled, He knows the rage of love reviled, They know what it is to be exiled. Earth, Air, Fire, Water Blue sky Green grass Wind blows sharp Earth, Air, Fire, Water The pain of our rejection, Aids the natural selection, An provides for false protection. Earth, Air, Fire, Water Fire burns Wind blows Water deep does drown Earth, Air, Fire, Water The awful crimson bloody rain, That falls when e'er we slice the vein, Ne'er does much to heal the pain. Earth, Air, Fire, Water Earth shakes Water falls White-hot beauty of the flame Earth, Air, Fire, Water You and I together die, While onlookers start to cry, And never bother to ask "WHY?". Earth, Air, Fire, Water So mote it be. ***************************************************************************** Feast In a pool of blood I sit, Gushing from a jagged slit. Forever I am all alone, Crunching on a broken bone. A victim's screams and cries, From someone who believed my lies. In time the body becomes gone, And I lift my voice in song. Calling for my scattered pack, In the silence pain does rack. Anti-christ has broken free, Anarchist won't let me be. In my corner, silver bonds, Hidden by the golden fronds. Growing from an emerald plant, Whose noxious fumes make grown men rant. In my hazy prison cell, I try to cast an evil spell. Puny mortals peer inside, In lust, the females I do ride. Crushing bone and rending flesh, A sacrifice makes my sigils mesh. The spell works and I am free, In the full moon I can see. The mage-light starts the change, So that I can run my range. Those poor unsuspecting fools, They never knew who really rules. And when my hunger is abated, And my thirst for blood been sated, I break down the walls of my jail, And in the moon I start to wail. I break away without a fight, And dissappear into the night. ***************************************************************************** Of Good And Evil The dark, swirling misery Confusing colors clash The blinding light Drives forth the dark But only for a short time The white hot flames That burn the pyre And the icy cold Of water deep Are opposite and enemies Enemies together Forever, and eternal Both are good And both are bad To end the life is both The essence of humanity Is genuinely evil The truly good must work hard The truly bad just be themselves And neither ever win There are those whose very nature Contains the essence of humanity And there are those whose naure Contains the essence of neutrality And rare indeed are those of good. ****************************************************************************** Me, The Contradiction Through hazy mist And blinding light I try to find my way Forever I am all alone Forever I will cry Forever plus a day Crying Dying Sobbing Hurting Raging Loving Wishing Hoping I do none of these ****************************************************************************** Sex The supercosmic pleasure From union with another Clothing gone Soprano song Of man and woman Man and man Woman and woman Two who care Or two who don't Strangers passing in the night Or two who love; And are bound by heart and head and band of gold Come together for pleasure Memories to treasure But like all things good There comes the bad Rape Disease An unwanted life You have had your pleasure Now you pay the price ****************************************************************************** You N' Me If I died would you notice? If I died would you care? If you did I would. Why wouldn't you? ****************************************************************************** Snowflakes They're pretty aren't they? The snowflakes, I mean. Each so beautiful. A beautiful, fragile, delicate, crystalline wonder. Each one crafted to be unique. They mill about In the dark sky. They swirl in the eddies and thermals of the air. All of them slowly, inevitably moving down to end its own existence on the concrete pavement or in the hair of the sad girl standing in the streetlight's glow, crying. The sad girl is me. And those snowflakes are rather like us, don't you think? ****************************************************************************** Ode To Perfection I couldn't have known that perfection had a name, But ever since I met you I haven't been the same. I watch you move acrosse the floor in a rather fluid motion. My mind begins to entertain a rather shocking notion. The sounding of your dulcet voice is music to my ears. It calms my mind's own turmoil and assuages all my fears. You've got such a body like a perfect sculpted statue. I simply must restrain myself from flinging myself at you. You laugh so often, and tell jokes; you are so very funny. If I had you I wouldn't trade for any sum of money. When I take a look at you I feel a flutter in my heart. I've felt this way about you from the very start. *Sob* *Cry* *Heart breaks* *Screams in anguish* ***************************************************************************** Vampyre The crimson fluid Fills my mouth Bringing life To undead flesh My sister feeds beside me Gorging on mortality To feed our immortality And sate the awful Thirst A curse and blessing both This undead life That we must always hide From the sun's light I watch the years roll by And watch family age and die Off into the night I fly And utter an inaudible sigh Yet I don't regret the day When I left the lighted way To walk the Devil's Path For mortals tremble at my wrath ***************************************************************************** Vampire In shadows I avoid the light, Choosing now to live at night, A pale waif, an undead wight, Innocents shall ne'er feel my bite, No one here can match my might, Nor will they know my plight, The Dark Gift has hightened my sight, I see Things while in bloody flight, As I take you, scream and fight, But my strength will hold you tight, Your death is taken as a blight, Because your family has run in fright. ***************************************************************************** Mirror I look in the mirror and what do I see? Who is this person that stares back at me? Sometimes I just don't know the face; and the expression something I can't place. The face is the same, And so is the name, But the person's not me. Who could she be? ******************************************************** True Lady A Lady grand Roams the land From mountain tall To desert sand She caused the fall Of many a wall Without a tear That gorgeous doll The Lady causes men to fear Every time that she draws near A porcelain doll with golden hair Her crimson mouth a twisted sneer The gown she'll wear It has a tear From the swell Of her belly there She is from the little dell Where boys all fell down frozen well They all turned so very blue Because she cast an evil spell Tounge of Wizard Chicken gizzard Boiled in the pot With leg of lizard She is not A drunken sot With her power A throne she got ******************************************************** Untitled Darkness deep A soul to keep A body lies In Eternal sleep A sepulchre of evil ways Holds predictions of the days Of darkness coming Or so he says Through the night Avoid the light Cringe away To avoid a fight ******************************************************** Wiccan blessed be says she and he in the tree by the sea he and she and me makes we blessed be a golden key by the tree on the lee blessed be bend on knee so mote it be says he and she and me blessed be ******************************************************** Once Upon A Time In a forest deep An aelf does sleep And a frog does leap While you do creep The castle yonder Makes folk ponder And stare in wonder Lillith's blunder Lillith's crime was love For one above She created a dove And wore a glove She sent bird to sky People thought, "Why? It vanished; she cries A liar's lies!" Hark! The dove will lope It carries hope To him she'd elope But...he said nope But he thought again Her heart would win His anti-sin Heart knows naught of men Lover boy goes down Into that town; People gather 'round; Calls her his own As the kiss and hug and wave goodbye And dissappear into the sky ***************************************************************************** Sheltered On a dark and dreary day In a land so far away A tower stood, against a storm, Made of marble; always warm The creatures came by land Such a sodden, motley band They also came by air and sea And jagged holes in reality Twisted, dark, misshapen; they. From the light they shie away Slithering through house and dorm For them and theirs there is no norm The master's gnarled hand Calls them from the sand They come in lines of two and three Past the gnarled, twisted tree Past a green, polluted bay To a place where they can stay There is the man who keeps the form Of that mountain shelter warm The man; a wizard: of a good band Helping creatures shunned by man Ends his spells, "So mote it be!" He even has a place for me... ***************************************************************************** Ode to ~, ~, ~, ~, ~,~,~...... Such a loss, a rancid waste The body turns to soggy paste Tiny soldier barging in Brings the fall of many men Woman too, death collects There is no one that this thing rejects One by one, the white ones fall In this red place's deathly pall Infiltrator opens a way For the death not far away This thing is growing as a storm No one sees its evil form It isn't what you're thinking.. Ha! Now you sit there blinking It isn't war..not exactly Deal with it matter-of-factly Think you know? Guess again! It's thier deadly secret, friend! ***If you can guess what this poem is about, good for you! If you can't, feel free to e-mail me and ask me*** ***************************************************************************** 2 My Best Friend 4ever Standing silent on the hill Movement gone; the shadow still Can you tell me what is wrong? Would you dare lift voice in song? Can you send it up to sky? The voice is a honey coated lie. Make sure to hold me tight Before you leave, say goodnight. Having fears, kill the pain Wash away into the rain Walking round a spired cliff Looking down a jagged rift Do be here to calm the fear Wipe off their faces: slimy sneer Wing away into the air I can fly because you care. *Thanks Keala! I love you girl! You are truly my other half!* *****************************************************************************