The Golden Light ~by Ilith Oreclatea (aka Iliana Castillo) Part I of V The tavern was called The Elixer, and was full of people talking, both human and non-human alike, this was a place where all could gather and there was no real distinction between the races. That was when she entered, everyone noticed her because she was not just a furre, she was of a different race altogether; she was a dragon. Because she knew what everyone was thinking and how they had reacted from her entrances before, so now she took another form, and this time she gave no notice of anyone's reaction and went right to the bar. She did not expect to be given any service, she liked to sit here and watch everyone else; it was what she did best and had the best viewpoint in the tavern. One male wolf glanced at her and was immediately intrigued by her form, she paid no attention to this one because she was already mated to another, even though he was not at her side at the moment she was not the type to tease males just for the fun of it. He continued to watch her and noticed every small detail about her; she seemed to just give off this aura of confidence and power, almost like a golden light that seemed to envelope her even if there was no actual light to be seen. She had hazel eyes, which seemed to just go on forever and he wished deep in his soul that she would turn and look at him with those knowledgeable glowing orbs, he felt attracted to her in an instant. She wore just a red loincloth as he could see that her black fur covered the rest of her, only her fur shimmered golden in the dim light of the tavern, a black-gold wolfess that looked more mystical and godly than an actual furre. The way she walked in had so much grace he could swear she glided in instead, it seemed almost like a dream to him to gaze upon this female, should he go and talk with her? No, everyone advised him not to be so foolish, she was different and she was already mated...but what could it hurt to just talk with her? He got up from his seat at a card table and slowly made his way to the bar, to this goddess he had no hopes in having for himself, once he was before her she turned her gaze upon him and looked at him inquisitively. "Yes, may I help you?" She just has the voice of an angel, he thought. "I saw you walk in..." "Yes?" "I thought you looked a bit lonely, sitting here by yourself, can I buy you a drink?" "No, thank you." "Well, do you mind if I sit with you?" "Not at all." She motioned to a stool next to her and she turned her gaze from him to watch the crowd. He took the seat and after a moment he cleared his throat to get her attention, but she didn't move. "So, um, what is your name? Mine is Rikin." She looked at him now and he could tell she was turning the question in her mind, whether or not to answer him or to just ignore it completely. "Mine is Ilith," she answered after a moment's pause. "May I ask you a question?" "Sure, go right ahead." "Why are you talking with me? I come in here every other night and no one speaks with me, they keep their distance." "Well...because I find you interesting." "How so?" "I'm not sure really, just something about you...I'm surprised all of these other males aren't gathered around you, just wanting to grab your - attention." Rikin smirked. She watched him for a moment before returning her gaze to the rest of the tavern. "You should probably get back to your game, I can hear your friends calling you." He turned and could see a couple of humans and a tiger waving him over, then he turned to look at her again. "I was losing anyway, all they want is my money." "I see, but I think you will win this time if you go." He watched her curiously after what she said, then nodded and got to his feet. "It was a pleasure talking with you, Ilith." She nodded and watched him go back to his seat, then she quietly got up and left the tavern.