What Legends Are Made Of The Beginning “Come on you.” a gentle hand messed up Flare’s fur slightly as a girl walked past slightly going to wake the others. The Typhlosion yawned and hopped off her bed walking on all fours down the stairs and into the kitchen. From there he padded off to the porch. Pushing open the door with his nose he carefully stepped on the cold boards and sniffed the air. It smelled of dew from such an early morning, how they always started each weekend. He turned and heard giggling, watching Koji and Yoiko wrestle with one another. Kojis darkened fur and her brown markings still dark from the lack of the sun, the white mew with her yellow markings was a bit smaller than she, but still was a nice opposing match. Walking down the stairs he headed into the country field, not going too far, laying under a tree folding up his front legs into a comfortable position. “Breakfast!” India laughed and stepped out almost tripping over Sparkplug, the baby Pichu. She smiled and nudged him with her sneaker carefully. He smiled up at her. “Pi!” he ran up and jumped on the wooden railing. She set down platters of bacon, sausage, pancakes, eggs, a tub of butter, and knifes and forks. Flare rose and padded up, grabbing himself a plate and spreading the butter over his pancakes. He picked the plate up in his mouth and walked back to the tree, and started to eat. They were raised very well, and could do more than any other pokemon probably could. They were even trained in proper etiquette, and such a thing allowed them to be taken anywhere. Which was surprisingly fun. Kyojin and Avalar tore across the skies racing one another. Both mews flew up into the sun and sparkled with their prowess, allowing them to seem like they ruled that world. Jesse ran up along with Saber Sprite, their pokemon following them intently. Victoria dashed and tackled Sparkz, both Raichus nuzzling one another cheek to cheek. Dark Illusion and Silver Amethyst roaring at one another in a Lugia greeting. Saber hopped up onto the deck and sat down throwing her backpack into the corner as Rattatas scattered from the sudden movement. She smiled and pulled back her braid. “So whats up Indi!?” she yelped. India blinked and set more platters of breakfast on the table, both of the other girls tearing into them. “Not much...” she answered slightly looking around at the vast fields. “Mmm...this is a *crunch* good place to *gobble* have a *slurp* vacation!” Jesse stuffed her mouth full of food. India chuckled softly as Pika ZAP hopped onto her shoulder nuzzling her in a good morning. “PIKA PI!” she smiled. “Heeeeeey you!” India wrapped her arms around the Pikachu sweeping her off her shoulders and tickling her. Pika ZAP laughed small sparks shooting from her cheeks. “Yeah...but it was an expensive place to buy...” India rubbed noses with her yellow friend. Silver Amethyst snapped a pancake off Saber’s plate and grinned in innocence. “You’re glad I’m a Lugia lover!” she threatened the much bigger pokemon with a fork. Despite their talking, they didn’t notice a black hole emerge from the ground and start to swirl with purple smoke, it started from the back of the house, and grew larger. Sokuro and Saria dashed to the front, the other pokemon following in rapid motion. All three girls jumped up and blinked as the house was being pulled in. They grabbed their backpacks and cleared the pokemon from the deck and the house, falling to the ground seconds before it was vanquished into the churning hole. Winds swept across all of them, blasting their bodies to the vortex. All three stood strong holding whatever pokemon they could. The wind was battering them so much, they couldn’t move a muscle, just sit on their knees and wait for the hole to swallow them too. Mars Molzaparc, Dark Illusion, and Silver Amethyst, the biggest pokemon snapped their owners shirts in a flash moment before they were sucked in. India clung to Dark Illusions snout, Pika ZAP holding onto her shirt tightly. Saber grasped onto Silver Amethysts snout in the same way, Victoria wrapped in her arms. Jesse held onto Mars neck, Mally her Mewair clung tightly to her. Each pokemon was swept into the twirling void, as it got wider and deeper spreading across the plains. Dark Illusion tried to take to the air to get away, but kept getting pulled towards the ground. All three pokemon pulled their way through the winds. The mews floated freely despite all the harshness. “Hang on!” Jesse yelled to her friends. They all nodded in reply. A gust of wind and black smoke knocked all three from their safety, all three pokemon snatching them back up. Pika ZAP’s grip was torn away, she disappearing into the void. India blinked and pushed off Dark Illusions neck, diving in after her. “INDI!” Saber screamed tears brimming her eyes. “Wherever she goes...I go...” Saber jumped off into the swirling void leaving Jesse alone. “Well...if you can’t beat them...join them...” she jumped off into the darkness as well. Flare gripped the ground with his claws growling slightly. The two Lugias went wing to wing down into the void, the very chickenish Mars following behind. “Kyojin...what’s going on!?” Flare’s voice snapped into her mind. He was talking telepathically to her. “I don’t know...” the young mew whimpered as the others gathered in a tight circle, she joined them. Each magic mew disappearing in a flash of light. Flare gripped tightly, but was sucked in too..... ***********************************************************************