I Don’t Know Where I Am... Flare coughed and sputtered rolling to the side, blue sheets clung to each muscle tightly as he did so. Brown hair fell into his face, his eyes snapped open. Each bright orange eye scanned his surroundings. He coughed again hard and harsh. “Welcome back...” a soft voice made him jump. It was a girl, but...an Eevee? What? It was a very delicate and beautiful girl, dressed in a blue dress with flowers threaded through her teal hair. “Where am I?” his voice projected sharply, scaring him so much so he jumped up into a sitting position on the bed. He noticed the sweat soaked sheets, and rubbed them between his fingers. His...fingers? He blinked and looked at his hand. Arm, Legs...he was human!? The Eevee laughed. “It seems like you were far far away from your home.” “How long have I been out?” he blinked and looked at her, a surprised look on his face. “Three months, but father found you unconscious before, so we have no idea if it was a longer time.” She poured some water into a bronze cup. She handed it to him, he took it and eyed the shabbiness and simplicity of the melted bronze. Nothing like the glass cups India had in her home. He was out three months...so where was India!? He was worried, and that was the truth. He had always protected her in battles, and tried even at his weakest, they had an incredibly close bond for pokemon and trainer. He got up and slipped on torn brown pants, and a green T-shirt. He blinked again and took the crystal from around his neck. It was on a black cord, the crystal glimmering in the dim sunlight, showing a small rainbow. He held it for a moment, remembering that India gave this to him, and her mightiest warriors. With love... He turned to find a way to leave. “What about your sword?” the Eevee asked softly. He blinked and turned around, a shabby looking shoulder strap with a faded brown leather sheath. A sharpened sword, which was a tarnished silver, and a black handle, intricately modeled for wonderful handling. A fiery gem was buried deep inside the grip. He blinked and put the sheath on, almost instinctively. “What’s your name..?” he felt bad for not talking to her, after all her kindness and patience with him. “Sensami...” she replied. “Thank you for everything...” he moved a hand through his hair. Oh man, this was so weird being human. How did those girls manage it!? “You’re leaving...?” her soft voice struck his back as his hand touched the doorknob. “Yes” he didn’t turn around, just wanted to get out and find the others. “Oh...” she nodded and handed him a small faded leather pouch. He took it. “What’s this?” “Herbs...healing herbs. In case you need them on your journey.” he turned around and nodded a thanks. The crystal catching the rising sun shining it slightly. “Oh my gosh!” her hands covered her mouth. “What...?” he asked in confusion. “You’re owned!?” she pointed to his crystal. “Yes.” he opened the door and walked out, closing it firmly behind him. Sensami took a step back and fell onto the bed. He was owned! Wow....He was soooooo fine too. All the months she had taken care of him, she fell for him. She loved him deeply, and it pained her to see him go. Flare was more than glad to get out of there! Odd person she was, kept looking at him lustfully. He walked on surprisingly sturdy legs, thinking he’d be stumbling around for being a human creature. It wasn’t too hard after all, he was in deep thought as he walked through the hallway, past a shocked old man, and into the yard. He headed past the bushes and the daisies. “Pika? PI! PIKA PI!!” a yellow Pikachu jumped from its resting place under a bush. He looked behind him as it followed, its left paw wrapped up tight in a white bandage from almost getting detached from her body. He kept walking hearing the creatures fury of yells. “SHUT UP!” He kicked it, sending the small creature back. Immediately he regretted doing so, but kept walking. “Pika...” the Pikachu ran up to him again. “Pi!” “I TOLD YOU TO STOP!!” he turned around pivoting on his heel facing the small Pikachu. Instantly the creatures eyes watered and she started to cry. He felt bad, so he picked her up and she hugged his hands crying. He moved the tuft of hair away from her eyes, noticing her split tail end and the familiar stripes across her back. As she moved, a chain caught his eye. He blinked and took the charm in his fingertips, a small lightning bolt, worn and faded from years of fighting barely hung onto the faded golden chain. He recognized her in an instant. “Pika ZAP?” he blinked as the Pikachu nodded hugging him close. Instinctively he put an arm around her and carried her with him. Zap closed her eyes and fell asleep huddled close to his chest. He kept walking silently, all day, and all night down the same path. He noticed some signs that mentioned of the Silver Mountain. Deciding he should go up there, he started on his long journey.