No Escape In The Dark “You okay...?” Flare’s voice snapped into Dark Storms head and he blinked, regaining his steadiness on his feet. He passed out from his injuries, and his friend caught him. “Yeah...” “Zap is gone...” “Damn...” he pulled his hair back with his hands and let the strands stay wherever they fell. “Where are we?” he walked a few steps over to a ravine and looked around. It was a sloping mountain, the gray rocks shimmering in a secret dim light, he blinked and stared up into the moon. The rays of moonlight hit the ravines water, allowing it to shimmer like diamonds. He smiled softly and looked to the peak of the mountain, fog surrounding it as if it was a warning not to come close. His strong hands plunged into the water and he took them up, dashing the water about his face and scrubbing the dirt off his cheeks and chin. An eerie howl pierced through the night. A high pitched sound caught both of their attention. It sounded like one of India’s mews. If it was they would be in luck, for its prowess unlike any other, could help them through. Flare jumped up, leaving his sword behind and followed the sound. A dark form swept across the mountain rocks, his cape billowing in the wind slightly. His Aerodactyl tail swept behind him in elegance. He hissed and moved again as Flare’s eyes scanned the area. “Soon...” a glimmering fang snapped the moonlight in its grasp as the heavily build man hissed. Heavy muscle bound wings spread from his shoulders, a gray color. His nostrils flared as he moved once again staying in the darkness. “Anyone here...?” Flare moved again, looking all around him. He walked a few steps into a clearing, surrounded by rocks. It began to rain, the first few drops scaring him as his body was so tensed up from this fright. He blinked and looked around again, his eyes scanning the dimly lit area. The darkened figure slinked up to a higher platform of rocks. He heard a soft yelp coming from the thickness of the bushes. He turned and pushed through them, a small Umbreon stuck under a collapsing of rocks. He looked at its broken front left leg and smiled slightly noting the crystal around its neck. “Hey Siren.” he looked at the Umbreon, both recognizing one another by the crystals around the others neck. “Bre...” she whined. “Hang on...I’ll get you free.” he picked up a top rock and started to work. Many heavy rocks were set upon the small creatures paw. Unknown to both of them, the figure slinked up and unsheathed his sword. Flare’s ears perked up as he heard a soft sound of metal against leather. He turned swiftly. Lightning flashed, rain poured. A body fell to the ground across the rocks, blood being washed down them. “BREON!” Siren launched herself at the attacker growling but getting snapped back by her paw. “Stupid thing...” a black boot slammed into her chest sending her whimpering onto the rocks. She growled still. “PSYCHIC BLAST!” orbs of blue light slammed into the cloak figure, stripping him of his armor and cape. He turned slightly, his twisted sword dripping blood. He growled. Two orbs of light enshadowed another form, Dark Storm walked up with his eyes narrowed invertedly in anger. “Who the hell are you...” he demanded raising his glowing fists closer to his face. “Foolish creatures...My name is Blade.” he bowed. He was met by an angry glare. A figure raising up behind Blade, a shadowed form of his friend holding his chest. His eyes widened and went back into the glare as he started to advance on the attacker. Blade jumped, his rippling muscles surrounding his body as he did so, his gray rock hard skin landing with a thunk as he touched rock. His swift kick sent Flare flying, being sprawled at his comrades feet, a huge gash across his chest as the blue light from Dark Storms fists unveiled. He stopped his attack, going back into darkness as he crouched by his friend. “Can you hear me...?” he asked slightly. “Kill him...” it was a whisper full of agony and pain, making the MewTwos heart wrench in anger, he wasn’t going to loose his friend...he already lost his family. Anger boiled through his bloodstream. The figure laughed a hearty laugh. The mewtwo looked up, tears rolling down his cheeks as he stood silently in strength. The strands of silken black hair falling over his eyes as he growled and as rain poured. Lightning flashed once again, showing a brief glance at his attacker. He was huge...much larger than himself. Huge muscles, and an Aerodactyl snout and tail, MewTwo ears and Charizard wings. A hybrid, possibly only created in a lab. His skin was as hard as rock, and looked like it. He had red glowing eyes upon closer inspection and an evil fanged sneer. “Who are you...” The mewtwo took a step over his friend, getting into a protective stance, his fists glowing blue again. “Stupid creatures can’t remember.” he laughed heartily so assure of himself. “Blade...I will kill you all...” he sneered. “Why...?” A scroll tied with red string rolled to a stop at his feet. “That’s why.” he turned and fled across the mountain plains. Dark Storm running after him only a few steps in concern for his friend. He blinked and looked down, glowing spots attracting his eyes. Siren? He smiled slightly and took off the remaining rocks quickly, freeing the injured Umbreon. She hobbled over to Flare, licking his face repeatedly. “Hey...stop!” he batted her away. Strong arms took both ground ridden creatures to the air. Dark Storm walked up the mountainside, a sword on his back, Flare’s sword. He walked for a few minutes till he found the cave he spotted this night. He set both down and gathered some damp wood. “Ember...” he hissed sending a spark of fire from the red jewel on Flare’s sword. A fire ignited instantly, being kept as an everlasting protective flame throughout the night. He crouched near his friend who was sitting up and watching the flames. “You okay?” he asked slightly. Siren rested her head on his knee sighing softly. He scratched her behind the ears. Flare half nodded and took off his shirt, soaking it in a pool of water and bringing it up to the light to reveal a huge gash through it. He sighed and looked at his chest, caked blood around his deep gash as it spread from the top of his right shoulder down to his left hip. His crystal was glowing gold, healing his wound but leaving a scar, ever so slowly. “I never knew there was anything to this crystal she gave us.” he took it between his fingers. Dark Storm took his own crystal between his fingers. “Neither did I...” They sat in silence. “I miss her.” Flare started. “Who?” “Indi...and her friends. Along with the other pokemon.” “Really?” the MewTwo’s eyes focused on him. “Yes...” he laughed. “I even missed the sneak attacks when I was trying to take a nap.” Dark Storm laughed as well in remembrance. “Well those Pichus didn’t get you with a bucket of blue paint!” Both of them laughed. “Sorry to be so much trouble...” Flare admitted. “No helped me.” “What happened to your family?” “Murdered in front of my eyes...I tried to stop them...I really did...” his heart wrenched in pain again. Silence. “What if India is the same way...” he breathed a sigh brushing a brown strand of hair away from his face. “Then heaven help us...” “What about that scroll?” “Since when did you become full of questions? Didn’t you LIVE the past 10 years we’ve been here?” “I was unconscious all that time...” he blinked. “Ten years!?” “Yes...but all who were caught by the black hole, have aged differently. We’re all different, even the girls are. My kits were five years old, they aged slowly.” “So I’m about...10?” “In human...about 23 now. We all got older.” “The scroll?” he asked again. “Tells of a legend. Where a mewtwo saves the day with a small mew against a horrible creature. Others were there but disappeared. Has a Typhlosion in it and...” he stopped in thought. He looked back down as it was spread across the floor and read it again. “It has all of us...” “All?” “Yes....all of us...even Saber and Jesse in’re the hero...” “Me!?” Flare blinked. “No way!!” “We all get through with teamwork...and we meet a lot more pokemon that we know...” “!” Flare smiled. Dark Storms shook his head. “What I want to we go back to our old lives with the deceased reborn in their forms before the black hole incident.” “You miss Hurricane a lot don’t you?” “More than life. I wanted to die so bad, but as long as I had India still here...I might as well try. She and her friends are the key to our survival.” “How so?” “ family was killed right? But look here...” he pointed to an image and some faded ancient writing on the scroll. Flare couldn’t read it, must be a mewtwo thing. He studied some of the pictures though, recognizing a bit but not much. “The orbs in a circle, each a mew. The group below, a monster, a portal. Doesn’t this say something to you?” he looked up at Flare. “ doesn’t...not to me...sorry.” he closed his eyes and leaned back. Siren falling asleep against his chest. “Yeah...sorry...” Dark Storm leaned against the cave wall on the opposite side. It was a small cave, very dark except for the small fire with stalactites and stalactites everywhere if you went a bit further back. He sighed, He missed his family unbearably much, but as he studied that scroll, he knew that hope was within. That his trainer would still be out there, that he needed to hang onto her. At least her. Maybe they could all go back to their present time, with Hurricane and his three kits. He closed his eyes and slept.