You Thought You Killed Me The Eevee mother erupted into a creature. As her skin morphed underwater new life was breathed into her. She surfaced, dark crimson hair was down to her hips. So dark it looked black. Her fiery yellow eyes observed the clearing she was in, a scar darting across her eye where she had collided with the rocks. She pulled herself up to the surface and swam strongly, grabbing onto the edge and jumping up. Her black skin was deep and gashed from the colliding with the rocks at the bottom of the falls, being healed over by her sudden transformation. They changed into deep scars. She looked at her hands and the circles on the back of them. She had evolved beneath the night sky. She glanced up, at the full moon floating in the darkness. She pulled her wrists and legs apart, snapping the chains sending them noisily to the ground. She shook off and started to wring the water out of her hair. Makurayami would never die. She growled and trudged into the woods, slinking to the path of the Silver Mountain.