The Town Of Reunion With her slinky body moving through the crowd, Kataniya placed drinks by a bunch of unkempt men. Despite the cat calls she walked towards the bar ignoring them all. Dressed in a faded green cloak that reached the top of her knees, and somewhat baggy brown pants. A coil of white cloth was wrapped around her neck dropping down into a cape. Her Pikachu ears perked up, her white fur and the black ends listening intently. She moved a white paw through her lavender hair. Fixing a crystal that was around her neck absentmindedly. “Kat! You’re needed!” A gruff Charizards voice snapped her back into reality. “Sorry Pyre!” she picked up another tray and stepped across the bar to another table full of drunk and burly men. She sighed, raichu tail flicking behind her. He sighed looking at her. “Oh Kataniya...” he whispered looking down at the crystal around his neck. “So many of us lost, why keep hoping?” He leaned on the counter sighing slightly, his yellow eyes scanning the area at all of the unkempt drunken men. He didn’t like being here, not at all but it was the only way to earn money and keep a living. “Can I have a double scotch?” a small Eevee walked into the bar, dressed in the same blue dress with flowers threaded through the same teal hair. “Sensami. Long time no see.” he greeted her. She looked at him, for the first time noticing a crystal around his neck. She sat on a faded leather barstool and looked around the wooden place. Sawdust was scattered on the floor, and pine tables were stained from the alcohol as it spilled from peoples cups. He lay the small glass in front of her and for the longest time she just sat there, memories of Flare running through her head. “Pyre...?” she looked up at him. He looked up from cleaning up the bar a dirty rag clutched in his hand. “Yes?” “I need to talk to you...and whoever here who has a crystal around their neck...” she answered slightly. “Tonight, at midnight.” “Flare glanced at the sundial outside. “That’s in four hours.” “Yes.” “KAT!” his yell attracted her ears and she raced over to him. “Yes sir...?” “Get all of those drunks out of here!” she nodded and started to stop the beer flow. It took them around four hours alone to get the drunks out of the bar. All the kicking profanity and screaming hurt both Kataniya’s spirit and ears. As the last one was ushered outside and locked out there, she fell on the back wall. Sensami stood up. “I was gone so long because I was taking care of a man...” she explained looking at both of them. Both bartenders were on opposite sides of the bar, but listened closely anyway. “A man?” Kataniya asked. “Yes...he had a crystal around his neck. Just like you two. I followed him a little, and noticed he met another with the same crystal before I stopped and came here.” she looked at them. Pyre’s eyes widened. “Where did they go?” “Up Silver Mountain.” “Any girl with them?” Kataniya asked softly. Pyre nodded and Sensami felt angered. She figured that Kat wanted to make a move on him, but in truth they were both looking for their trainer. “No.” she snapped. Kataniya half growled leaning back again closing her eyes. “Come...and I’ll show you where they are!” she piped up. Pyre put his hand on the counter and jumped over, landing evenly on the ground with such strength. Kataniya stood up and moved forward, both long time friends stood in front of Sensami. “Lead the way.” Kataniya stood and opened the doors. Sensami walked carefully out, both following behind.