Why does this happen...? “Flare...come on give it a break.” Dark Storm sighed slightly, trudging along his friend in weary. Flare continued to climb tirelessly up Silver Mountain. “I’m not...giving up!” he pulled himself higher and higher. Dark Storm sat down on a rock, and watched his friend continue to climb. He looked back. “You coming?” “I’m going to rest, it’s been 5 hours of continuous climbing...” “Really?” Dark Storm nodded, Siren plopping down beside him scratching her ear. “I guess so...” he hopped down off the rock, sliding slightly and sitting down beside his friend. There was nothing but silence. Sirens ears perked up, she dashed to the nearest rock and hopped up onto it, howling an eerie howl through the night. “Siren?” Flare walked over to her to try and quiet her down. A familiar sound caught all of their attention, a song. A song of which Dark Illusion used to sing under the nights of the full moon, to show all was okay...and if not he’d be there to heal things. The song vibrated through every rock and pebble on the mountain, from up above a swift shadow, three swift shadows. “It’s just a fluke...” Dark Storm watched the three shadows sail on the ground, up the mountain. “No...” Flare’s ears perked up. He grabbed his pack and continued to climb, even more furiously now. “Flare....oh man I won’t even bother.” he laughed and followed his comrade up the steep cliffs, the Umbreon close behind them. ************************************************************************ “Ya know somethin...” Saber looked up at the full moon from under Silver Amethyst wing, shivering slightly from the intense cold at the top of the mountain. “The moon has always been full.” “Yeah.” Jesse nodded in agreement, sliding into a more comfortable spot under Mars warm feathers. India sat close to Illusions chest, welcoming the warmth that he gave off. Small snowflakes drifted down from the sky, chilly winds blasted across the mountain making all of the inhabitants shiver. India’s eyes and ears were alert, she felt someone there but she couldn’t put her finger on who it was... *********************************************************************** Blade laughed to himself, sitting upon a high rock, overlooking the three girls and their...pets. He smirked in disgust, stroking his twisted metal blade in glee, waiting his chance to attack. He would need to be, precise and very quick so as to kill all of them before any others would know what was going on. His wings folded up upon his back, slightly deformed. His eyes continued their hatred glow of red. He waited.... ************************************************************************ “India!” Flare ran to the top of the mountain, just a few more feet and maybe he’d find the one he was looking for. Her ears perked up at the faint call of her name. “Flare..?” “Indi!” he climbed to the top of the mountain, exhausted and looked up to find the three girls sitting up on the mountain. “I...” he blinked looking at them, not recognizing either of them. “Flare...?” India stood up and watched him as he stood up, Dark Storm and Siren following behind. Towards the other side, An Arbok, and a small Starpix girl followed a Pikachu girl and an Arcanine guy. All three looked around. “Sunburst! Pikachu!” Saber hugged the two in joyous reunion, both pokemon anthros laughing and hugging back. Jesse tackle hugged Starlite and her Arbok. “I missed all of you!!” India came and hugged Flare tightly. He cringed, and then relaxed. She wasn’t in the same form, not even nearly in the same form, but her hug and her spirit was the same, and he missed that closeness very very much. Dark Storm came up and hugged his trainer as well, all of the girls finding their lost companions on this cold night... ************************************************************************ Blades eyes widened, they were together...? Now it was his time to attack. He jumped into the air, cape flowing hellishly in the darkness, his twisted sword poised for the attack. He sailed in from above. Flare’s eyes widened. “Blade!” Dark Illusion saw the oncoming slaughter and slammed Blade against the ground with a swift smack of the tail. He got up and slashed the Lugia, only hitting air. “What the hell...?” India looked up to find her Illusion competing with someone else she had never seen before...a man with rippling dark muscles and glowing red eyes...he was evil...so evil...it... She was dazed... “Flare...it’s him again!” Dark Storm threw a psychic orb into Blade, it only bounced off, the evil king had improved his prowess. All three groups split up, crowding together. Illusion was forced to the ground, he slid his neck up and balanced on his feet, regaining his upright position then hissed horrendously at the evil one. “I should have killed you a long time ago!” The twisted sword was hurled at Flare. “No!” India jumped in front of him, the blade stopping centimeters away from her heart, her arms were spread to the sides, protecting her ‘family’. The blade erupted into flames, incinerated into ashes. Blade’s eyes widened. “He’s with you...they all are with you...nothing like this will ever be!” His rage erupted into pure evil energy, sending all to the ground even the much larger pokemon. The darkness illuminated his red eyes, his form was shadowed as he approached the fallen warriors with a dagger gleaming in his hands... *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Inside a large chamber, where blue spirits floated around freely in small orbs, and the waterfalls fell soundlessly against the black obsidian rocks, where 18 beings floated in the chamber, imprisoned against their own will. A small white face, two eyes opened, one blue eye, one green. The yellow ears perked up, it’s yellow nosed sniffed the air. She sprung from her trap. “Mew!” She floated in the air awaiting for the others to be free. Yoiko...had been released. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-