Lost Forever Again...? Flare turned over restlessly in his sleep. His bright orange eyes snapped open to see a pair of yellow eyes staring back at him. Fear struck in his mind, causing him to jump immediately to his feet onto the cold wooden floor. Wooden...floor? “Welcome back.” Pyre smirked and tossed Flare a green tanktop, and faded blue jeans. “Where are my other clothes...?” Flare looked up at the Charizard. “Soaked in blood...” he sat down looking at the Typhlosion. The crystal shined brilliantly around his neck. Flare looked down at his own crystal, it was dull and lifeless. “Nice to meet you...” He looked at the Charizard again. “I’m sorry, India had too many pokemon...what’s your name?” “Pyre.” “Really?” “Yeah...I was the one she started with!” he beamed proudly. “You don’t seem that old...” “Shut up...I’ve been with her 4 years.” “That’s it...?” “Yeah!” Pyre snorted and tossed him his old pair of boots. “Some Sensami girl saw this golden blood all over your shirt, she was all freaking out sayin you were her lover and how she couldn’t let you go, or some shit.” he laughed, his gruff voice somewhat frightening. “Great...” Flare sighed. “That damn Eevee girl...wait...golden blood...? What about the other girls..?” “Girls?” Pyre raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Yes...India, Saber, Jesse, their pokemon...Dark Illusion...Silver Amethyst, Dark Storm...Siren....they all were with me when Blade attacked and...” “Woah! BLADE!?” He blinked and almost coughed in a fit of surprise. “Yeah...” his eyes sunk...”Blade...” “Blade!? The mighty evil king!? No way...wait....was India protecting you...?” “Of course.” “Thats her! Yes...I know her...she’ll put herself in danger more or less any of her friends or family. Is she okay? What happened to her..? Tell me everything!” He was almost ecstatic. “She’s...changed a lot....and I think it was because she came here but she’s so...different. She’s the same in heart and spirit though, and she and Illusion fought Blade but...I guess he was too powerful.” “A new form..? Maybe that’s why she isn’t as strong...we aren’t either you know? We’re weaker in new forms...with mal-nourishment and everything we haven’t adapted to yet. even these bodies can’t really function right, without pure sunlight and with the toxins in the air....” “Not as strong....?” Flare blinked. “Of course!” he thought to himself... “Indi would have bashed him in one hit if it wasn’t for something weakening her....” “Well...she’s lost now...and I think she may have been killed...” “Never.” “Weak or not...she could have been.” “LIAR! I’ll NEVER EVER stop looking and fighting for her! Absolutely NEVER!” Both of their crystals lit up, each one sparkling in a bright light...the chain of friendship and strong will lighting up within everyone’s heart who sought the way home... *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Two bright red eyes opened, the soft green body, and the pale green wings spread wide. A large Scythe tail slashed through the air. “Myou...?” The mew floated up to Yoiko in the air, both smiling at one another. They twirled around one another...both waiting patiently for another moment when another mew would be released...but now... Sokuro was free. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-