One More Has Fallen “Flare!” Sensami dashed through the woods, running as fast as her feet would carry her. She felt like she could almost fly, trying to find her lover in the deep foliage. All she could see, was green plants and insects going about their own little lives. She stopped in the middle of a large clearing, feeling two strange eyes watching her. A black mewtwo morph slid through the foliage, a tight pair of blue jeans around his legs in perfect condition. He didn’t have a shirt on, all his muscles were rippling from the constant struggles and fights he had. He jumped into a high tree, climbing swiftly looking down at the girl, his sky blue hair swirled slightly around his face, his cerulean eyes seemed so hurt and so sad... He drew out his dagger and prepared to pounce on her. “MYOU!” “What!?” He turned around to face a small green flash, in an instant his dagger was knocked from his hands. The swirls of green danced across the foliage, disappearing before he could focus on the form. “Stop it!” The mewtwo swiped a hand at the green object, catching the sharp end of it’s tail. “Argh!” He held his hand n growled, the blood trickling fourth from between his fingers. The small green thing disappeared in a small burst of light. He looked down, the Eevee girl was gone... Damnit. A swift shadow passed above him, the rustling of feathers was heard as a darkened cloak swirled above him. A girl dressed in a black cloak, with her forehead and mouth covered, so only her fiery orange eyes showed, watched the small MewTwo morph. He looked up, knowing someone was there. “Father....?” he shook his head in disgust. No...his father wasn’t there to save him the first time, why would he come back...? It was his job to seek revenge on his beloved ones who were lost that horrible day. Her wings spread wide, reds greens and yellows reflecting slightly on the leaves. She took off into the sky, feathers falling down through the air as she took flight. Her form disappeared into the sun. The young teenager looked up after her. When she was gone, he hurried off into the brush. ************************************************************************ Flare jogged through the early morning dew, back up Silver Mountain. Despite the warnings from Pyre, he still headed up there trying to find any trace of the people he had lost many nights before. All hit by Blades powers were put into comas...for three more years. Damnit! He didn’t want to sleep his whole entire life away! But, as Pyre had was a mountain and everyone had fallen from the top of it. It wasn’t pretty. Flare jumped and caught onto a rock, he started to climb noticing blood stains forever scarred onto the desolate stones. He sighed and continued on, it was already nearing winter around the mountain region. He jumped again, knocking a few rocks loose. He lost his footing and fell, hitting his elbows hard as he hit the ground. “Damnit!” he growled and gritted his teeth. Opening his eyes, he found, on a closer inspection the old legend Dark Storm had once read to him. “Me...a hero...” he snatched at it, yet it held its shape and never let him close. It floated and shifted into the form of a key. The key was golden with a design on it, and around it, a ruby holding its place in the center. He shrugged and pocketed it, heading up the mountain again. Strong arms picked him up, pulling him into the air. “H-Hey!” he yelped. The strength was of Blade...Blade was here to kill him!! “Oh Flare...chill out!” the soft relaxing voice spoke to him. Halfway up the mountain, she let him drop folding her Ho-oh wings onto her back with grace. “Who are you?” he asked with a small growl. “You don’t remember me!? I’m Fire Light!!” She protested at him. She scolded him, pointing her finger accusingly. “Silly boy!” “Boy...oh yeah I remember why I hated you...” he grumbled. “Hmph...well see how you fare well against Blade without me!” she puffed out her chest proudly. “Eh...I’ll manage.” he started climbing back up the rocks. She picked him up once again. “Oh come on...Flare...I’ll help you! I always do!” she smiled warmly. As she flew, the cloak came off from her head showing a pale green complexion with honeyblonde hair dropping across and down her shoulders. She was so pretty. “Do you know where Metallic Mountain is?” he looked up at her, her arms clutched around his wrists as she took him to the top of the mountain. “Yeah...I know where it is!” she smiled. “I’m happy to see you again Flare....” “Ditto.” he smiled. She stopped and set him down. “It’s too cold here, I can’t possibly fly to the top.” “It’s okay! Thanks!” he took off and jumped the boulders all the way to the top. “Wait up!” she ran after him. He stopped as he approached the peak. “Nothing...” he sighed and sat down hugging his knees. “What did you hope to find...? Gold?” she smiled cheerfully. “No...but I did expect to find you two imbeciles up here!” a voice crashed into both of them like an avalanche. “Blade!!” Fire Light and Flare yelled together. He smirked and for the first time clearly came into view. He was so, deformed, so hideous of a creation, he was so unpleasant to look at. He wore no shirt, only dark leather pants that nothing could penetrate. His abs were rock hard, his eyes were almost little slits, always pure red...a constant red. He flicked his tail powerfully behind him. “What happened to India!?” he stepped up to Blade, so he was face to face. Flare was very scared, but he loved his friends more than anything else. “She was...disposed of. Quite easily actually for such a weakling...” “Admit it only separated us because we had enough power to beat you right then.” “So? A true king, a truly evil king, knows how to face the cards opposing his own hand, so in the end he is victorious no matter what.” he snarled. “Now I was supposed to kill you twice before...this time I won’t fail.” Flare reached onto his back for his sword, remembering painfully it was lost in the battle before. He stopped and looked at Blade instead, sighing softly. A new twisted sword, glowing with ominous light rose from the evil kings cape, the glow was a pale green, darkening the world around them, all that they could see, was a pure black. One step meant plummeting from the mountain to their death, yet it meant getting slashed in half by that...sword. Blade rose it up above his head, poised, ready to attack but indulging in the moment. A few pebbles on the mountain started to move...slowly, they levitated. Blade’s eyes widened and his attention was caught by the floating pebbles. The ground begun to break away, when he noticed, a little too late, a stream of pure blue energy was sent his way. Light against Darkness, Fire Light and Flare, free of their spell stopped and watched in surprise as the dark king fell down the mountain, hitting a rock and stopping, blood gushing from a wound in his head. “Aeroblast...” She whispered softly and grabbed onto Flare’s shoulder making him jump in surprise. I’m here to help. Dark Illusion landed, spreading his wings wide and embracing the warmth of the sun. He stepped and nuzzled the two happily. He had missed his partners incredibly much. “Illusion...what happened that day?” Flare’s eyes paled somewhat, as if going into a trance. The spell, put us all into a coma...only the anthros I mean. Siren and Amethyst escaped easily, along with the Arbok. I stayed to fight Blade...but even I couldn’t keep him from doing harm to all of you. In the end, I was almost slain, and I fell to the bottom of the chasm after a fierce chase. I’m sorry for not being able to protect you.... His nose pressed against his friends shoulder again. “It’s” She’s are her friends. “Then all of that blood...?” Every being on that mountain was wounded. “Okay...” Fire Light blinked. “Guys....Blade’s not down there anymore...” “What...?” The twisted sword fell between them, Blade shortly after. Dark Illusion flew to the sky, taking to the air in a furious beating of wings. Blade headed after him. “You flying lizard! You have interrupted my plans for the last time!” An orb of light formed in Illusions mouth, slamming into the king, another Aeroblast. They pressed against each other, moving rapidly through the air and higher from the mountain top, Illusion flew. Blade followed. His sword slashed air, over and over as the much bigger creature avoided his attacks. He snapped, catching Blade’s leg and tearing into it, blood falling onto the rocks below. “NEVER AGAIN!” the twisted sword caught the animal off guard. With widened eyes the sword landed directly onto his chest. Illusion fell with a cry from the heavens. His unsteady wings carried him back up directly into the evil one. Over and over blows were exchanged. GET OUT OF HERE! “Flare come on!” she pulled on his arm. “Let’s go!” He stood looking to the air watching them fight, he couldn’t pull himself away from the scene of the battle...not now. “Flare!” Her frantic voice pulled him from his trance. “Huh...?” “Come on...let’s go!” she started to head down the mountain. “Yeah....” he continued to watch, but pulled himself away and followed her. They quickly headed down the rocks, jumping onto sturdy patches of dirt and grass, catching their footing and continuing on. The Lugia’s tail spikes slammed into Blade’s chest, gashing him again. Blow after blow, more blood was spilled. Illusion snapped again, Blade growling in anger, getting more powerful from each passing blow. The Lugia’s eyes widened, showing the swift form of the blade crashing down upon him. He fell Right into the rocks at the base of the mountain never stirring. “DARK ILLUSION!” Flare screamed out, almost running after him. “Flare! We need to go!” Fire Light pulled at his arm continuing to drag him down the cliffside. With shock, he let himself be pulled down. Blade laughed and hovered above the mountain, he turned to finish off the other two. They were no longer there. “DAMNIT!!!!” he slammed to the top of the mountain, shockwaves pulsating through it. Each stone started to separate, the whole mountain collapsing. Fire Light and Flare reached the bottom of the mountain. They looked up, fear spreading across their faces as the stones fell from above. “Run!!!” They both turned and ran as fast as they could, boulders slamming inches behind them. With fury they turned towards the woods, as more and more rocks fell. Flare’s legs pumped, they burned with pain as he moved. They both jumped as the mountain fell, crushing everything below it. They slid on the grass, and stopped, both looking back. “There’ way he coulda survived that....” “Come on Flare...” Fire Light pulled him again towards the sanctuary of the woods, his orange eyes focused on where the mountain once was and where his comrade had fallen moments before. He was the only one that had a chance to beat what...?