Think Before You Fight He charged, blood boiling his tempo speeding up, his speed going at an accelerating rate. When he was so close to piercing the dark covered one, it moved to the side sending him crashing into a pedestal. His sword split into several pieces, and dissolved within the floor. The being turned and swiftly kicked him directly to the center of the pedestal. He blinked. “Read.” It demanded. He turned over on his stomach, for he had landed on his back and read the engraving. “For whom so ever taketh this blade, Than be heavens fire, or lightning’s raid, For the power of evil, the cost shall be great, Don’t mistake the guardians, that be your fate, Only pure of heart and soul may take, A future of dark, that one will hope to break.” He blinked twice. “Oh...” “You have become very cold of heart Flare, while the mews have awakened periodically one by one they have stopped, by your foolish actions only. I despise you holding them back from getting the lost ones home.” The person turned, its black cape flowing in the fluid motion. “Who are you...” he glared and tore after the being. A new blade from a hidden sheath behind his cape. He got up, and charged jumping with his blade outstretched. The person turned, eyes widening as he drove the blade across the beings chest. Everything froze up, to his world and to his eyes as...blood...not red, but golden was stained across his blade. His eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly in sudden fear and realization of what he had done. He turned quickly, sword dropped looking for the being, only a splash of golden blood was staining the ground. The girl was gone... He took off after her, running even faster than he ever could before, tearing through the caves to find the one that he had struck. India...