I’ll Never Let You Pass Flare almost flew as he hit the even ground, he ran breathlessly through the jungle looking for the wounded girl. She had run from him, abandoning her spot and figuring she had better hide and find help from the others before she took him on. She never wanted to hurt him. She didn’t either. He hurt her, against his own foolishness. Her blood stained some of the leaves and the ground, finally she took to the trees, climbing up furiously and hiding up in the lofty branches. Some small blood droplets fell onto the leaves below, hitting Flare’s forehead as he ran. He immediately stopped and whiped it off, noticing the glimmer on his fingertips. He felt like he was going to cry. His boots were audible as he walked, rustling against the ground plants. Something burning, white hot struck him from behind. Dark Storm was there, changed quite a bit. His eyes glowed the same hideous red as Blades. He wore only a cloth across his bottom half, a strip hanging down from his waist. A long scar stretched down his cheek. He pounced, precariously on Flare. They wrestled, Flare’s own sword being wrenched from his hands. The blade, rose and fell quickly slashing him down from his left shoulder, clear to his right waistline, splitting open skin and spilling blood. The MewTwo swiftly kicked his old friend to the ground, by healing plants which he didn’t know of. He turned and headed back into the foliage. Flare blinked in pain and surprise, grabbing the flowers and rubbing the flesh of them onto his wound. Almost immediately it healed, leaving quite a nasty scar. He growled and pulled himself onto his feet, looking at the high treetops as the MewTwo went to his next prey. The girl jumped, abandoning her cloak but keeping her long sleeved black silken shirt and black pants. Her fingers grasped tightly to the branch as she swung, in a full circle as he jumped at her. She rose and fell, kicking him across the area into another tree. She continued to climb, to the highest branch she could. Dark Storm rose in fury, blazing up the trees faster than she could. He jumped at her again, the stolen blade wielded tightly in his hands. She fell instead, drifting through the air until her hands caught upon another branch. In fury she pulled herself up and drew her blade, matching his own. He landed on a branch next to her, engaging in battle. She jumped agily from branch to branch, he was following with much more speed and stamina. Blades intersectred, sparks shot off. Both growled. She kicked him in the chest, sending him almost toppling off the branch. He came back slicing at her, a block was his only counter. He lunged again, as her anger rushed she became quicker in movements. He stumbled, leaning back and caught himself from the fall. She tried to escape, leaping through the foliage up the rough bark, yet his onslaught wouldn’t stop. He came upon her, from the top. He smashed into her, sending her toppling onto a sheet of lower branches. She blinked and grabbed her fallen sword, jumping back into the air. He had dropped to meet her, and blazed towards her in a flying fury, straight up. She jumped straight down, both of their swords were posed. As he hit her chest, she hit his, the others blade slipping into the middle of their hearts. India’s eyes closed, as she did so, and as she plummeted to the ground hitting branches at the top, and having her body rested there. Dark Storms eyes lost their red colour, as he fell landing into a crumpled heap on the ground right next to Flare. He worked quickly, pulling the sword from his friends chest and healing him. As this happened....two pairs of eyes watched from different spots in the jungle. “Dark Storm...” Flare looked down and blinked twice. The mans chest heaved with pain and exhaustion, his weary eyes blinking in frustration. His wound wasn’t completely healed, and blood dripped from the large hole. Flare’s eyes glanced to the top of the jungle trees, to the layer of branches. A sword, fell, in front of him. His attention glared towards it, then towards the treetops again, they had been lifted. She had left, without treatment. “Don’t be a fool...” Flare walked around looking up, staring, searching his fiery orange eyes glancing everywhere. As she stepped, the branch cracked, splitting open and apart sending a wave of splinters to the ground. She fell with them, landing hard and almost motionless on the ground. He took a step forward, then ran to her coming to a stop after about 20 yards. He was wide eyed, and confused searching for a way to help her. He could only pick her up, ever so gently with his strong arms. He cradled her body close to his chest and walked back to Dark Storm, he stumbled a little, his weakness finally getting to him. The MewTwo was already up, brushing himself off, and as he saw his comrade and master, he looked at Flare. “Let me take her...” he offered. Flare shrugged and handed her form over, Dark Storm took it in care, cradling her close to his warm chest. Her breathing was steady, as healing was already being triggered by her own body cells. He smiled faintly and walked through the jungle, just walking. Flare hurried up behind him. “What the hell happened to you?” he asked, following, almost jogging at the pace his friend was going. “Don’t know...” “Really?” “Really...” Flare blinked and stopped. “So what about the sword?” “Huh...?” his friends icy eyes focused on him. “Ya know, the sword I’m supposed to kill Blade with...” “That...” “Yeah.” “It was stolen and destroyed.” he moved on ahead. “WHAT!?” Flare was wide-eyed. “So....the universe is doomed?” “Possibly...” “Are you crazy!” He jogged in front of Dark Storm, and pressed his nose up to him, face to face. The other man just blinked. “Flare...get used to it. We might never get out of here...just forget it.” “Dark Storm...we....spent too much time here. It’s time to get out, and explore and get home! Home!! Where we need to be, where we want to be.” He looked down at the girl in his arms. “She’s changing back you know..? Back into what she was before all this happened.” Flare continued. “She’s more herself as the days go by. More and more, and you never noticed her, not even her name.” “I know this is India...I...searched and hunted her for a few years.” “Why?” “Blade’s control I guess...” “Wow...” “A lot’s happened Flare.” “I know...” They kept on walking. “Here it is.” Dark Storm stopped, looking up the long pathway of stairs to a crystal blue temple. The crystal shone many colors of purple and blue, the light gleaming off the top and the stairs. It was, a blue pyramid, that’s what it looked like, with endless stairs on all sides to a small cavern in the middle of the structure. “Go...” he pointed up the stairs looking at Flare. “Go and get that sword.” Flare’s orange else met his. The leather cape floating in the wind. “O-okay...take care of Indi for me...” he took off his cape and draped it around her form with a warm smile. “I will..” “Correction...I will.” A dark figure arose, pure white eyes, glowing, black muscles bulging everywhere, neon green spiked hair raising up his head, two black ears and glowing yellow spots. A very tough, very well armed, Umbreon. A heavy battle ax was wielded in his hands. “I’ll never let you pass...” he growled.