Minions of Darkness Flare snorted and walked up the small dirt pathway, coming face to face with the Umbreon. He grabbed his ax, violently, ferociously, and sneered muscles heaving as he tossed the heavy object into a small pool of water nearby. He pushed the Umbreon to the side, and started up the stairs. The man blinked. “Don’t make me kill you...” he growled again, assuming a powerful stance. “With what?” Flare smirked. As if in response, the Umbreon pounced, yet stopped, a spear going to his chest and across his throat. “Kiou...urgh...” he growled, looking as the spearhead placed itself neatly by his neck. A pale green muscle bound figure stood, brown cloth around his waist, hiding a bit of him. His hair was green, and wild, folded up to look like a leaf, up or down. Gems surrounded his neck, glowing in the sunlight. A Chickorita... “Kiou...why are you back again.” he pushed the spear away. “Because, I wanted to destroy the fighting ones.” he lowered his spear, the dark brown of the wood was deep in comparison to his pale skin. A dark triangular cut rock was tied firmly around the end of the large pole. He motioned a hand towards Dark Storm. “So, he was the one who gave you trouble?” “For many years Yukikureru.” “Call me Kureru.” “Okay.” “So what was the problem.” Kious spear went to Dark Storms throat. “Him, attacking the tribes in the jungle searching for some...mew girl.” he withdrew his spear and leaned on it half heartedly. “Hum...a mew girl. Don’t see many of those around much anymore.” “Not one in hundreds of years.” Flare blinked and took a mad dash for the stairs, running as fast as he could, almost tripping up on his own feet. The new noise attracted the two fighters. Their eyes widened, grabbing their weapons of choice they ran after him. He was 39 paces ahead of them, reaching the top and sliding into the darkness before they were even there. His hands felt the wall, a thin carving showed the path, he memorized it and just ran, their thundering footsteps behind him. He broke away into a cavern of pure white crystal, a sword laying on it’s side, an enchanted casing around it. He balled up his fists, stretched out his arms, and smashed downwards, both fists landing in the middle of the casing at the same time. It shattered. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Stripes upon stripes, on a rich light caramel brown, darker brown stripes over that. The poisonous barbs on the head fins and back fin-wings. Much resembling a lion fish, two darkened ocean blue eyes snapped open. She pulled herself out, with a lash from her fin-tail, the seal broke. The mew fell into Sokuro, both mewing in surprise and nuzzling each other soon after. Linara was free...5 down, 13 more to go. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- The shards of magic casing flew. The Umbreon and Chickerita came into the room, to find him reaching for the sword. The Black blade, and golden hilt, rubies embedded all over it’s handle, carvings of rune in it’s shone with pure light. “DON”T TOUCH IT!” Flare’s hands grabbed onto the sword, and everything lit up.