Ray of Light White light, spread through the caverns, lighting every torch up, lighting the whole structure up. Each structure of crystal started to glow, in wonderful essence. The light darted out, sweeping across the steps, across Dark Storm, whom had to crouch down on one knee, shielding his eyes from the brightness. The light swept across the jungle, everything glowing around it. Noctowls and Pidgey sprang from their quiet sleeping, noisily filling the air in groups. A tribe of Chickoritas, had to shield their young and their eyes by running into their small huts. The light spread, faster and faster. It swept, over the land, over the dark areas, which the minions of evil were vanquished back to the good, forgetting their hurtful past. Up, until it reached Silver Mountain, or, it’s remnants. There it gathered, and sunk into the ground, wakening the guardian. A voice pierced hard in his head, the sword being lifted into the air on it’s own will, the light blinding each man in the room, to a point of pain. “Look at it...” Flare struggled his eyes open, and stared as the light dimmed in an instant, settling in the bottom ruby on the hilt. He poised the sword down, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. Kiou and Keruru both covered their eyes, opening them slightly as the light died. Everything spread, back to darkness, but with the strange light destroying evil from that area, it was better off. Flare sheathed the sword, after turning it to admire it’s beauty, he pushed past the two temporary blinded warriors and started to walk down the steps. “Wait!” Kiou ran down a couple steps, frantic. “What?” “It...didn’t kill you.” he blinked in amazement. “No...” “What am I missing?” Dark Storms voice projected high. Flare smiled and bounded down the steps, resigning his place back in front of his friend, the girl clutched in his arms. “The sword killed many.” Keruru looked towards his friend, Kiou, both smiling slightly. The Umbreon pushed the tip of the ax into the ground, so the top was stuck slightly. He leaned on it and looked at the two strangers. “Not me.” Flare smirked. “Then you are the chosen one, the old sages wrote about.” “Maybe.” “You are.” “Don’t call me, a prophet or a hero. I’m tamed, I’m a fighter, I care for my friends and...family.” he looked at Dark Storm with a small smile. Family, that’s who and what they both were, when everything else was dark and dreary, family never pushed them away. Kiou looked towards Keruru. “Okay...” he looked at the three travelers. “Will your young friend be all right?” the Umbreon motioned to India. “She’ll be fine.” Dark Storm smiled and crossed across the clearing, stepping into the small pool of water, and walking towards the edge of the jungle. He stopped, waiting for Flare. “I’ve got to go...thanks for everything.” he waved cheerfully and headed off into the jungle with his friends. “THERE YOU ARE!” a girls voice shocked both warriors and Kiou was tackled roughly to the ground, a blade to his throat.