OK, welcome to my little section of Velar (which will eventually be a rather large section of Velar, but that's a ways in the future). Uh, let's see. Right now all I have is one poem I wrote, which is an expression of frustration at the fact that I give everything to people and get nothing in return. There is also the first chapter to the prologue of what will end up being a very large series of stories entitled "First Dance Eternal". Basically it's a furry-themed near-future technothriller in the grand tradition of Tom Clancy, though not anywhere near as good (since Tom Clancy is, after all, the greatest storyteller that ever lived). Oh, well. I'm done for now, hope you enjoy it. Feel free to send feedback (I love getting it even if it just says that I suck and should stop writing. I enjoy those because it's fun to send a response ), and if you should happen to be inspired by some of the writing feel free to draw something as long as you tell me before you post it. Bye for now! --Alec