It was late at night, twelve or even past one, Jimmy really didn't know, or care. Sneaking out of the window of his bedroom was easy, his new friends were outside waiting, all five clad in black, and so was he. Jimmy and his friends were going out on an initiation, to initiate him into their gang. While this was merely a suburban gang, their initiation test was different from inner city gangs, all Jimmy had to do was break in to someone's house, and mess the place up. He didn't know who's house until his friends led him there.

They led him to the house at the end of his street, near the state highway that led into the city beyond. Since this place was suburban, there wasn't much to hide behind, so they all dived behind the two cars parked in the houses drive way and crouched low. Jimmy gulped, swallowing some anxiety, his gaze traveling to the highway as a semi- truck sped by. He took a moment to gaze at the sage brush and dark blue lightless sky beyond, until someone's voice turned his attention back.

"Now Jimmy," began Conner, the official gang leader, "All you got to do is go through the front window, and trash the inside. Destroy whatever weird shit that guy has in there." Conner was twice the age of Jimmy, Conner was actually an adult, but since he had no job, he still lived with his parents.

Jimmy shivered as Conner handed him a knife and a can of spraypaint. He wasn't nervous about trashing someone's house... just not this house. Everyone on the street talked about it. They knew some guy, around in his thirties lived in there, the neighbors saw him come out at least once a week, but that was all. The rest of the time he stayed in doors, no one ever could see in his house, huge drapes, probably made from blankets, were draped in front of anything that was glass that led to the outside. Some people had see him outside, doing things like yardwork in his back yard, but he never spoke, just growled at whoever tried to talk to him. Mostly it was the single females that tried to approach him, he was, after all, very athletic and well built.

"Are y-you sure I have to trash this house?" asked Jimmy, more than a little scared. "Why not the old guy a block down?" Conner gave Jimmy a angry look, like he couldn't believe he could ask such a question.

"Because I picked this house." snapped Conner. His voice calmed as he spoke again, "Besides, aren't you curious as to what kind of stuff that guy has in there? Or even what he dose?" Jimmy nodded, he was curious, actually. And besides, Jimmy saw that guy once and he creeped him out, he watched him walk down the street, and the guy turned and glared at him, then smiled. Jimmy shivered again, remembering that smile.

"So what are you waiting for?" asked Conner. He gave Jimmy a push up in the direction of the house, "Get in there and bring us back something." Jimmy let out a quiet grunt of disapproval as he was pushed up and onto the well kept front lawn. He turned back to the others, a look of reluctance still on his face.

"Don't worry. If the guys tries something, just stick him with the knife I gave you. Besides, we're still be out here if you need us, or don't come out in half an hour." spoke Conner to Jimmy. Jimmy felt relieved, and a surge of courage ran through him. Yeah, he was going to trash that freaks house and even kill him if he tried to stop him.

Keeping low, he strode across the lawn to the front window. The window was very large, like most of the house in the area. It spanned most of the wall that indicated the living room, giving and idea of the space inside. He came up to the side of the window, where one of the sliding sections and screen were. He set down the spraycan, took the knife, and pried away at the rubber strip that held the screen to its frame. He gave the strip a quick tug, pulling up the screen, easily removing it.

He stopped to look behind him, the other were still behind the cars, peeking around them, watching Jimmy's every move. Jimmy turned back to the window, and place his palms firmly against it. He pushed inward and to the side at once, and the window slid open, just enough for him to get his hands in and open it completely. He pushed aside the drapes, they were heavy and think, indeed blankets. He took a peek inside. It was totally dark, he couldn't see anything. Jimmy gulped again and shivered, hesitating, that guy who lived here could be right in front of him, and he wouldn't know it.

He turned back to the others, now they were glaring at him. Conner was making hand gestures to Jimmy, waving his hands forward, signaling for Jimmy to go in. Jimmy nodded back, with his back still turned to the window, he propped a foot onto the low set sill, and pulled himself on top of it , his back and rear pushing aside the blanket drapes. That was Jimmy's mistake.

With his back to the inside of his house, he couldn't prepare for what happened next. He heard a soft hiss, almost in his ear, and hot breath on his neck, and the sound that sounded like what one make when they like their lips. Jimmy gasped and froze, for a split second, but then his courage grew. He gripped the knife in his hand tightly, and was about to turn and thrust, when an arm wrapped around his mouth, and another wrapped
around his body, and grabbed the hand that held the knife.

Jimmy let out muffled cries and tried to fight who grabbed him, but who ever it was was very strong, and held Jimmy tight, and began to drag him into the house. Jimmy watched as the other turned and ran in fear as Jimmy passed by the blanket drapes into the totally dark house. He tried to pull out his knife wielding hand from the grip of the man that held him, it could only be the owner of the house. But his finger tips curled inward to Jimmy's wrist, and what only Jimmy could guess long fingernails dung into his flesh.

Jimmy let out a muffled whine of pain, increasing as the guy beat his hands against his larger side. Jimmy dropped the knife, wishing he had remembered to pick up the can of spraypaint, it might've allowed him to escape somehow. Jimmy flipped his head back and forth to try and shake his head out the the guys grasp. His Arm was very abrasive, and it scratched and cut at Jimmy's mouth. The guy soon lifted Jimmy up, and he began to kick, but even this was stopped when something thick curled tightly around Jimmy's legs.

"Well well, what do we have here?" came a soft voice, that breathed into Jimmy's ear, "A young intruder. Mmmmmm. how nice." The guy hissed softly, not like a loud aggressive hiss, but a creepy, cheerful sounding hiss. Jimmy struggled more, even though it was pointless. He opened his mouth to try and bite his arm, but he found it hard and cracked, though it was more like it was plated: like scales.

Jimmy whined, as the guy licked his cheek. Jimmy was confused as well as terrified, who could this guy tie a big rope around his legs, why was his arm so hard, why could he only feel his tongue and not even breath or his lips, and mostly, what was this guy going to do to him. The guy switched his body around, holding onto Jimmy's legs by pinning the between his own, and the rope thing uncurled from his legs.

A dim light switched on that illuminated the room, just enough to let Jimmy make out some furniture when his eyes adjusted from the total darkness. He couldn't see the light itsself, but he could tell it was coming from a low position, like from a coffee table. The room was very normal, nothing creepy, or, weird, or unusual was anywhere, the place looked like a normal living room. Jimmy looked down to the guys arm, the light made it appear solid black, which Jimmy knew was wrong, for the guy was white, realistically it would be a pinkish gray in this light.

"Well, ya' like my living room?" asked the guy. Through the back of his head, he could feel his throat vibrating, a few seconds later a deep murrring sound followed. "Cause you're going to stay here a while." he finished. with just the strength of his arm, he pulled Jimmy's face to his right, so he could get a glimpse of the guy that held him. And then he saw what this guy kept so secret in his house.

He wasn't even human, or at lest not at this moment. His face was that of an Iguana's, with spines sloping off the top of his head. His eyes were set appropriately in the side of his head like a lizard. The reptile guy grinned, showing off his sharp teeth, and his long tongue set into his maw.

"Guess what kid?" the reptile guy said. He wasn't waiting for a response, he just continued, "I'm not a human like you, I'm a dragon. But I bet you already figured that out. "His licked his lips with his long tongue, and murrred again. He slid the hand of the arm that restrained Jimmy's Left arm, scritching it with what now Jimmy figured were claws, not fingernails. "And your going to be mine until I let you go."

Jimmy let out a muffled yelp, and glared at the dragon-man. There wasn't any way he was going to let this thing do anything to him, not like he could fight him if he tried anything. The dragon-man just smiled at Jimmy's glare, and licked his face in response. He let go of Jimmy's mouth for a second, but before Jimmy could scream, the dragons tail: the thing that jimmy had though was a rope, flicked up something into the dragon-mans hand, which he immediately crammed into Jimmy's mouth.

It was a ball gag, and a large one at that, or at least intended for full grown adults. The ball easily probed out Jimmy's mouth, making his jaw burn with pain. He bit down on its soft surface to relieve the strain on his jaw as the dragon-man fastened it in place with a strap around the back of Jimmy's head. Jimmy shook his head back and forth wildly, finding the ball almost impossible to breath around. He switched to his nose, which he hadn't use since he was dragged into this house, which meant it was clogged slightly.

Now with an extra hand, the dragon-man, fastened a pair of small shackles to Jimmy's wrists, pulling his arms sharply behind his back. Still surprising Jimmy's legs with his own, and one hand still holding onto Jimmy to keep him from trying to escape, the dragon-man slid a hand up Jimmy's shirt. He scritched lightly at he stomach, running his claws over his firmly packed abdominal muscles.

"Ooh, nice. You got 'ripped" abs." the dragon-man said, "well I can honestly say I haven't seen someone your age with ripped abs, what a treat." he scritched Jimmy's abdominal muscles in small circles, moving into larger ones to scritch Jimmy's chest. Jimmy grunted angrily, shacking his body around to try and pry away from the dragon-man, not at all in the least wanting him to touch him in such a manner,

The dragon-man stopped his scritching, and snarled. The claws of his hand jammed themselves deep into jimmy's chest, causing him to shriek in pain. Jimmy tried not to move, the sharp claws dug themselves so deep, that any movement made them burn with incredible pain. The dragon-man growled lowly into Jimmy's ear, as a tear of pain rolled down Jimmy's cheek.

"Too bad I don't like humans." the dragon-man snarled to Jimmy. "But don't worry, I'll fix that." he said with a cheerful tune to his voice. Jimmy didn't understand. What did he mean, what was he going to do? Jimmy whined as the burning pain of the dragon-mans claws spread throughout his chest, moving down into his abdomen, slowly spreading all over his body. Jimmy cried out from behind the ballgag, pulling instinctually at the shackles that held his wrists, trying to pull free. Then Jimmy began to change.

He could feel his whole body changing. He felt his tail bone grow out of his body and down a pant leg to become a tail. He could feel his face stretch, and spines grown out of his head and down along his spine and his new tail. He could feel his skin harden and crack into scales. Slowly the burning stopped as he was turned into a dragon himself.

"Mmmmmmm, now aren't you sexy." the man dragon said, forcing Jimmy to the floor. He pressed jimmy's head flat into the carpet, but pressed him down in such a manner as his rear was forced into the air, and his legs bent at the knees under his body. "I'd show you a mirror, but I'm sure you already know what you look like. You look like me, like your my little brother." the dragon-man finished, kneeling on Jimmy's legs and leaning over his body.

Jimmy yelped, as the dragon- man came down not only on his legs, but on the new tail as well, which sent a indescribable pain into Jimmy's hips, seeing as he never had a tail before. He snarled at him as he breathed into his ear again, struggling about underneath his body. The dragon-man pulled off Jimmy's socks and shoes, then slapped something on either one of his exposed ankles. It was tight like a belt, at first Jimmy thought he was putting more shackles on his body, but when he spread his legs apart and fastened another strap to his other ankle, Jimmy found he could no longer close his legs, not because the dragon-man was kneeling on them, but because each strap was attached to the end of a rod, that kept Jimmy's legs apart, at a rather obscene angle.

The dragon-man undid Jimmy's pants, then torn them off, while cutting at the fabric with his claws. He shredded Jimmy's underwear too, which was a relief to his tail, seeing as it was no long pinched in his pants, but now his rear was exposed to the dragon-man. Jimmy could hear him murrr, and could feel him rub a claw over his tailhole. Jimmy growled and tried to move, but the dragon-man kept a hand on his back to subdue him.

"Well don't you got a nice tailhole, brother." the dragon-man said, gripping his tailbase and pulling it up. Jimmy fought still, but couldn't get away, but desperately wanted so. The dragon- man tore at Jimmy's shirt, until all he wore were strips about his arms, where he couldn't tear them away without removing Jimmy's shackles. "I always wanted a little brother I could play with." said the dragon-man, Jimmy heard the sound of a zipper being unzipped, and knew what was coming next.

The dragon-man rubbed his already hard cock against Jimmy's tailhole, the members length sliding over his hole, the tip jamming into his tail. He leaned over Jimmy, pressing his warm, and fully naked body against his, taking no care as he crammed his dragon cock into Jimmy's unstretched hole. Jimmy shrieked and cried as the dragon-man to slowly take Jimmy's ass, moving it in and out, sending waves of pain into Jimmy's hips, and along his tail.

"Ohhh yeah!" the dragon-man groaned, starting to fuck Jimmy harder. Though it didn't take long for Jimmy's hole to stretch, the dragon-mans cock was still large, and it probed painfully, and deeply into Jimmy's body.

"Well little bro, do ya like being my little whore?" he asked, giving Jimmy a deliberately painful ram as he said 'whore'. Jimmy cried tears of anger and pain, his hatred toward the dragon-man growing.
The dragon-man's pre began to fill Jimmy's passage, as he moaned and rammed his hard cock farther into Jimmy's ass, making him whine in pain. "Well I got more plans for you tonight, my little male bitch." hissed the dragon, breathing his insults into Jimmy's ear. The dragon-man roared softly, digging his claws into Jimmy's bare hips, breaking past his scales as he pulled him into his powerful thrusts, wanting to fill Jimmy with his cum.

Jimmy closed his eyes, his tear already soaking the carpet. He squeezed his hole, trying to force out the cock, not realizing it only stimulated the dragon-man closer to his climax. The man dragon roared again, his thrusts becoming short, but still powerful as he cummed into Jimmy's passage. Jimmy groaned, the warm seed quickly turning cold is it filled his unwilling ass up, sending sharp, cold pains through his body.

The dragon me finished quickly, his cum shooting out in one huge wave. He pulled his cock from Jimmy's hole with the same speed he rammed it in, his cum covered cock dripping its coating of dragon seed to the carpet. Jimmy sighed with relief, glad the penetrating member was gone, the pressure of his ass be lessened as the cum dripped form his still stretched hole.

The dragon-man paused a second, keeping a hand on Jimmy's back. After a few seconds, he grabbed Jimmy's shackles and pulled him back. He tossed him into the only couch in the living room that was only a few feet away, making Jimmy sit up against it. Jimmy could see the dragon-mans whole body as he hovered in front of him. He was massive, well formed as very muscled like a body builder, much bigger than he remembered seeing him in his human form. Still, this knowledge of his size didn't scare away Jimmy's anger towards him. The dragon-man smiled, and took off Jimmy's ball gag. Jimmy was glad to feel the soreness of his jaws relax, but it didn't last long as Jimmy spoke his mind the the dragon-man.

"You sick faggot, how dare you--" yelled Jimmy, he could have yelled move, but the dragon-man snarled, and brought his huge hand down across Jimmy's face, silencing him, and tossing his head to the side.

"Never call me that!" the dragon yelled, landing another blow to the other side of Jimmy's face, with enough force to cause some of his scales to crack and break off. "And I'll do what ever I feel like to you! I'm you master now, you'll do what ever I say!" he roared into Jimmy's face, then gave him another blow to the side of his head.

Now Jimmy was sobbing, like someone half his age, his tears mixing with some blood that was pooling around his broken scales, carrying the mixture down his neck. The dragon-man grinned, rather sadistically at Jimmy's tears. "Now apologize for calling me names, my little slut. And make sure you call me master or I wont hold back my full strength."

Jimmy gulped, and choked back his tears. He looked away from the dragon and tried to hide his anger as he spoke. "I'm s-sorry... master." he said, speaking the word 'master' as more of a mumble. He hoped the dragon would accept it, not wanting to feel what his full strength felt like. The dragon-man smiled, happy at Jimmy's response.

The dragon-man reached over to the table, and picked of a black leather collar. Jimmy squirmed and pulled away as he strapped it around his neck. "Now my little brother/slut," began the dragon-man, attaching a leash to the collars ring, "we're going to do something else." He gave the leash a tight tug, pulling Jimmy out of his sitting position, and unto his knees.

The dragon-man placed a hand firmly on he back of Jimmy's head, and pushed him down until his head was level with the dragon-mans cock, who was also kneeling at the moment. He gripped Jimmy's head tightly, so he wouldn't fall, or escape. He pressed Jimmy's dragon nose into the center of his large dragon sheath.

"Now lick it." the man dragon ordered, pressing his sheath into Jimmy's nose. Jimmy scoffed, he tried to turn his head away. The dragon-man squeezed Jimmy's skull, like he was going to crush it. "I said lick it! Do it or i'll crush you!" the dragon snarled. Jimmy whimpered, he didn't want to do it, but he didn't want to die, he knew the dragon-man would keep his word is he didn't do what he said.

He closed his eyes and flicked out his tongue over the dragon-mans sheath. It was hard for Jimmy to work his longer tongue, but he got used to it quickly, and he slurped over the dragon-man's sheath. The dragon-man moaned happily, thrusting up his sheath into Jimmy's tongue, as it began to swell.

"Now suck it." ordered the dragon-man. Jimmy did as he was told, fearing the worst if he didn't. He opened his maw slightly, just enough as to wrap his lips around the swelling member. The dragon-man moaned as his cock began to swell as Jimmy suckled the sheath. Jimmy felt the member rub against his nose, and he got an unpleasant Whiff of the sent of his cum. The dragon-man murrred, pressing Jimmy's head into his sheath as he pushed his sheath forward.

"Now suck my hard cock, brother. Be a good bitch." the dragon-man said, murrring softly. Jimmy stopped suckling the dragon-mans sheath, he grind his teeth together, then opened his maw and let the member enter his mouth. He closed his maw down around them member and gave it a hard suck. Instantly he got a taste of cum, and wanted to spit and pull the member out. But the dragon-man was already enjoying Jimmy obedience, pulling tight on the leash, and fucking slowly into Jimmy's maw while pulling his head into his thrusts via the leash.

"Oh, nice maw, brother." moaned the dragon-man, as he scritched the back of Jimmy's head and pushing it harder into his thrusts. "By how hard you were suckling, I'd say you were enjoying yourself." He said, taunting Jimmy, he knew he wasn't enjoying himself. Jimmy wanted to stop right then an there, but feared the strength and power of the dragon- man. Jimmy swallowed, now getting a taste of fresh, metallic tasting pre and sucked harder, trying to get this over with as fast as possible.

"Mmmm, good bitch. Your learning." the dragon-man said, cramming his hard cock deep into Jimmy's throat, almost making him choke on the tip. The dragon-man whined, simultaneously pulling on the leash, pushing on Jimmy's head, and fucking hard into his throat, slicking down Jimmy's already wet and displeased tongue with pre. Jimmy gagged at the taste, he dreaded the idea of tasting fresh cum, but couldn't stop, his captor wouldn't let him go. He slurped on the fowl cocktip, his tongue massaging the underside of the dragon- mans cock before he curled it tightly around it.

"Ooh, nice, you must really want to taste my cum." the dragon man moaned. Jimmy was just disgusted at himself for pleasuring the dragon-man, but he wanted this to be over as fast as possible. The dragon-man panted heavily, his spine arching as to cram more of his cock into Jimmy's as he held his head still and close, the dragon-man's ball sac giving Jimmy's face a firm slap.

The dragon-man hissed in pleasure, as his cum filled Jimmy's maw. While this wave wasn't as intense as the one that entered his tailhole, it was still large and came in quick spurts. Jimmy suck at the cock, the dragon-mans seed filling his mouth, Jimmy let it drool from the corners of his closed mouth, wanting to simply spit it out.

"Eat my cum, you slut." said the dragon-man. Jimmy let out a quick whine from his cum filled maw. He sucked on the cock and swallowed the cum. He gagged at its taste and how it slid down his throat. With every wave, Jimmy sucked, then swallowed, milking the dragon-man's cock as he was told, but not wanting to do it. The dragon-man let out a sigh of relief as Jimmy drained his cock. He let slack on the leash and took his hand from Jimmy's head, letting Jimmy pull back, and away from the member.

"Did you like your masters cum?" asked the dragon-man, speaking in an insulting baby voice, he kept a tight hold on the leash, not allowing Jimmy to sit up on his knees.

Jimmy looked up at the dragon-man, "No." he snarled. The dragon-man only smiled down at him, and shook his head.

"Well you must have, most males in your position would've bit my cock off. But no, you sucked it like a good little bitch. "the dragon said, speaking on a more mild form of the baby voice. The dragon-man leaned over Jimmy, causing his cock to press into Jimmy's nose. Jimmy grunted, and tried to pull his face away, but as the dragon-man leaned over him he tugged on Jimmy's leash, which forced up his head into his sheath.

Jimmy growled and still he tried to shake his head away, the urge to bite off the dragon-mans sheath was tempting, but he still feared his strength. Jimmy could hear the belts on his ankles being removed, and could feel them loosen as the dragon-man took them off. The dragon-man got off of Jimmy, setting the bar on the table. Jimmy tried to sit up, but he was stopped as the dragon- man pressed his hand back down on his spine.

"Did I say you could get up?" said the dragon-man, pressing down hard on Jimmy, forcing his head down to the floor. "You need to learn to do things only when I say you can do them." He said, grinning. Jimmy tried to push up under the dragon-mans might, but with his arms still shackled behind his back.

Jimmy struggled and hissed. "Just let me go!" he begged, tears once more filling his eyes. Hatred toward the dragon-man still burned in Jimmy's mind, but he was incapable of expressing it anymore except through just growling. The dragon-man snarled and dragged Jimmy to his feet. He pulled hard on Jimmy's leash until he was lifted off the floor and gasping for breath.

"You haven't got it yet, do you?" snarled the dragon-man, breathing into Jimmy's face "I'll let you go when I say you can go!" yelled the dragon-man into Jimmy's face. He let Jimmy down so he could breath, and raised his hand again like he was going to break Jimmy's face. Jimmy flinched and shrieked, closing his eyes and turning away, trying to brace himself for the blow that didn't come.

The dragon-man lowered his hand, but pulled tight on Jimmy's leash, dragging him off to some other place of the house. Jimmy tried to resist, but he was too strong, and pulling back just made him choke and gasp for air. The dragon-man dragged Jimmy into the kitchen and pick him up. With a flick of his long tail he opened the oven and pulled out the oven rack.

"I think its about time I finished with you." the dragon-man hissed, dropping Jimmy into an oven pan that was sitting on the rack. Jimmy freaked and screamed, he kicked about as the dragon slid him in and closed the oven. "You'll make a nice roast." the dragon called in after him.

"No, no, please!" Jimmy squealed. "I-I I'll do what ever you say like a good bitch and wont ask for you to let me go." he cried trying to beg for his life. He closed his eyes, trying to prepare for whatever the pain of being cooked would be. The oven opened, and the dragon-man slid him out and picked him out of the tray. Jimmy was sobbing, sniffling madly, glad the dragon-man had spared him, his hatred now turning into fear.

"Silly." said the dragon-man, licking away Jimmy's tears. "I wasn't going to eat you, you just so cute when you cry." Jimmy sobbed, looking up into the dragons face, begging him with said eyes to not be so mean. "I also think its cute your such a coward." the dragon-man said, "Most males would take death over being my toy. But you just go along with it, I'd almost say you're enjoying it."

Jimmy whimpered and whined, of course he wasn't enjoying it, the dragon-man was just torturing him. "Well I'd never cook a human." the dragon-man said, speaking calm and softly. Jimmy almost felt calm, feeling as if the dragon-man wouldn't hurt him if he disobeyed him, maybe even let him go home. That didn't last long, the dragon-man pulled tight on Jimmy's leash again, and snarled in his face. "But your not human anymore, are you?" he said, Jimmy sobbed and shook his head. "Well I'd have no problem eating you if you attacked me in my sleep, or tired to escape. Got that?" the dragon-man roared into Jimmy's face, tugging hard on his leash.
Do you know what would happen to you if i cooked you?" he asked, running a claw along Jimmy's face.

"No." Jimmy whines, too afraid to pull away from the dragon-mans touch at this point.

"Well," the dragon-man grinned "First your body would slowly burn, and you scale would fry or pop off like pop corn cornals. Then your organ would start to boil in there own fluids. And if for some reason you're still alive... your head would explode form your cranial fluid boiling and building pressure inside your skull. Now you don't want that to happen, now do you?" Jimmy winced at the thought of what he just described, and shook his head. "I didn't think so." the dragon-man said, nuzzling into Jimmy's still bleeding cheek.

Jimmy whined, his maw opening wide into a sad, dragonish moan. The dragon-man grinned, sadistically enjoying this new sound from Jimmy. The dragon-man reached around Jimmy's body, and started fiddling with his shackles. "Now I'm going to take you shackles off," began the dragon, "Now don't run or try to grab a weapon, you wont get far, and then I'd have little brother stew. Got that?"

Jimmy nodded, and the dragon-man took off his shackles. Jimmy sighed with relief, he gave his free wrists a rub, and pulled off his tattered sleeves. The dragon-man licked Jimmy's face tenderly, and began to scritch his chest. Jimmy grind his jaw, and tilted his head up, he stood perfectly still, and let the dragon-man do what he wished to him.

The dragon-man grinned, licking Jimmy's face at his new, fear induced, willingness. Farther down he scritched Jimmy's chest, running his claws along his bare, scaled stomach until he reached his sheath, and began to softly rub it with his palm. Jimmy whined, not enjoying the dragon-man touching him, but he did nothing but stand there. The dragon-man took Jimmy's sheath into his firm grasp and stroked it, his other hand sliding underneath to grope his ballsac. The sensation of the dragons touch caused Jimmy's cock to take on a mind of its own. He tried to hold back the pleasure it sent to his brain, but it couldn't be helped, slowly his sheath swelled and his cock began to emerge

The dragon-man murrred with curiosity, taking the cock into both his hands and stroked it firmly, causing it to grow fully erect and become hard. "My, my, look at your cock! Well you must be enjoying yourself, or I just have a feminine touch." the dragon-man said. He bent his head down. and took the cock into his maw. He sucked it hard with incredible power, and worked the underside with his tongue.

Jimmy shivered in fear, afraid and angry at himself, maybe he was enjoying it, but he didn't want to believe that. His cock throbbed with pleasure as the dragon-man sucked upon it causing his cock to release pre into the dragon-mans mouth, who quickly swallowed it. The dragon-man lifted up his head, but still held onto Jimmy's cock, stroking it.

"My your pre his yummy." he said, licking Jimmy's face and neck. Jimmy kept his head straight up, avoiding eye contact with the dragon-man. "I think I know what i want to do with you now." the dragon-man said with a grin. "Lie down." he ordered, Jimmy whimpered but did as he was told. He laid down on the cold linoleum floor, his gaze still tilted away from the dragon-man.

Jimmy could feel the dragon-man's weight on his crotch, and his cock enter his tight, warm hole. The dragon-man squeezed his hole over Jimmy's length and rocked his hips, sliding his hole around over Jimmy's cock, his tailbase rubbing against Jimmy's ballsac. Jimmy groaned, his claws scratching at the linoleum, the dragons weight almost too much to bare.

"Now fuck into me." the dragon-man ordered, lifting himself off Jimmy and letting himself crash back down. Jimmy whined, the wind almost knocked out of him, the dragon-man coming down made his crotch sore, but he did as he was told. He used his tail and spine for leverage, and thrusted up into the dragon-mans tightened hole.

The dragon-man groaned happily, rocking his hips down into Jimmy's thrusts upward, his hole now becoming even tighter around Jimmy's cock, almost cutting off the blood flow. "Harder." the dragon-man moaned. Jimmy tried his best just to get the ordeal over with. He found his dragon form had increased his strength slightly, and he used this to his advantage to pleasure his tormentor.

"Do you like fucking your masters ass?" the dragon asked, crashing himself back down on Jimmy, making him gasp for breath, and from the numbing pain.

"Yes." Jimmy lied, his lie making him feel sick. Though it made the dragon-man happy, and he pulled sharply on Jimmy's leash, using it to drag himself down and over Jimmy's cock. Jimmy let out a moan, his cock spasming inside the dragon-mans hole as he pleasured him against his will, betraying him. His cock throbbed and pulsed, wanting to dump out his seed.

"Cum in me." the dragon-man murrred, almost as if he could feel Jimmy's held off climax. Jimmy cried a dragonish cry of sorrow as he let out his cum. He seed filled the dragon-mans passage as he continued to fuck his hole. The dragon-man moaned, milking Jimmy's cock, enjoying the feeling of his cum inside his hole.

"Oh, your so hot, my little bitch." the dragon-man said, finally milking Jimmy's cock and pulling it out of him. Jimmy began to cry uncontrollably, the feeling of his cum leaving against his will, drained away any mental strength he had left, leaving him nothing more than a weak child, mentally. The dragon-man ran his claw along Jimmy's still wet cock, and gathered up some of his cum. He gave his cum-covered claw a lick, to taste Jimmy's seed.

"Oh very nice," he began, gathering up more before Jimmy's cock shrank away. He brought the claw to Jimmy's face, and pulled around his head until it was right next to his lips. "Come on, have a taste." the dragon-man said in a nice sounding voice, like he had no idea what he had just put the poor little dragon-Jimmy through.

"I-I don't wanna'!" Jimmy cried like he was now half his age. His crying turned into wailing as he realized he argued with the dragon-man. His eyes were too clogged with tears, but he could still feel his tongue lap at the claw, and the taste of his bitter cum entering his mouth.

* The dragon-man grinned, satisfied with tormenting a abusing poor little Jimmy. He got off and pulled jimmy to his feet. He licked away the tears from Jimmy's face, murrring deeply. The dragon-man flicked his tail around, the brushing of his tailbase causing Jimmy's cum to drip from his hole. The dragon-man spread his legs out a bit and he rubbed his pleased ass contently.

Jimmy sniffled, his eyes filled with tears to where he could no longer see the face of the dragon-man in front of him. When the dragon-man licked his face, he froze, he didn't pull away, still too afraid of what the dragon-man might do to him if he struggled.

"W-w-what ar-re you g-going to do to me now." asked Jimmy, fighting back his tiers as best he could. His
speech was broken, through his crying and the fact he didn't want to talk to the dragon-man after he just raped him multiple times.

"I think I'll keep you for a month or so. Your fun to use." he the dragon-man. He tugged on Jimmy's leash, dragging him out of the kitchen to the living room. "I hope you come to like it yourself, but it doesn't matter if you don't any. I'll enjoy anything I do to you myself." Finished the dragon-man, now dragging Jimmy down the hall that branched off from the living room, moving off to the rest of the house.

They past a closet and came to another door a little past. The door had a padlock on it, and a key hanging next to the door on the wall. The dragon-man lifted up the key and unlocked the padlock. He opened the door and in once motion he took off Jimmy's leash and forced him into the room. Jimmy didn't even turn around, he just listened to the padlock locking and he lead up against the door, and slid down to sit.

He brought up his knees and placed his head in his hands and cried. The feel of his face bothered him, but he was slowly becoming used to it. Poor Jimmy was too hurt to even take the dreaded collar off his neck. Slowly Jimmy calmed down a little, he lifted up his head and looked around the room. His first thought this place was made to look like a cage, or a dungeon, but instead it was pink and white, like the bedroom of a young girl.

"Hello there." came a voice. Jimmy turned a bit to his left and saw a girl, younger than Jimmy, standing next to a bed, only a few feet from him. She was obviously a female, and a dragon of the same species of the dragon-man, and Jimmy now was. She stood totally nude, she made no attempt to cover herself.

"Who are you?" Jimmy half hissed, half sobbed. The young dragoness walked up to him and knelt next to his side.

"My name is Ex-ax." said the Dragoness, pointing to herself. "I'm sorry for what happened to you." she said. Jimmy sniffled, but didn't say anything. "I could hear it through my door." Ex-ax finished. Jimmy still said nothing, sudden anger at the Dragoness boiled inside him, just from the fact she was there, kneeling next to him.

"I'm sorry." Ex-ax said again, this time a tier coming to her eye. "My daddy can be mean like that a lot."

"That jerks your dad?!" snapped Jimmy, at that instant he felt like biting off her head. He could picture ripping her apart just to spite the dragon-man for using him. But Jimmy never carried out the thought, not because he was afraid of what the dragon man would do to him, but because Ex-ax was now sobbing and Jimmy just remembered something. "I've never seen anyone but the guy leave this house. I don't think anyone else has." said he.

Ex-ax nodded "I'm his 'pet'." she said, with disgust behind her voice, "He dosn't want anyone to know I exist, so he can get away with raping me." She whimpered softly, sitting next to Jimmy. "It's just awful." she sighed softly. Jimmy felt even worse now. He had no idea the dragon- man had a daughter he raped. Jimmy put his arm around her shoulder, and pulled her closer. He kissed her forehead, unaware that he was actually doing it.

Jimmy felt like she felt better knowing someone else was here. Jimmy could easily imagine what it must be like for her to be locked in this room only to have it opened when her dad, wanted to do her.

Jimmy felt tired, and he could feel Ex-ax relax in his arm. Jimmy sighed and couldn't think of anything better to do but sleep. But the thought of what the dragon-man would want to do to either of them tomorrow frightened him. And filled his dreams as he fell asleep.

Below is the non-sugjestivly peodphilic ending to the above story, just start reading this when you get to the '*'. WARNING: this ending is really lame.

The room began to spin, and everything turned black. Jimmy couldn't see anything, but he could feel. It felt like his body was being burned alive, he could hear the sound of oil boiling around him, and the sound of crackling and popping like popcorn.

Slowly reality and his sight came back, and he sat up, panting. He looked around, the kitchen was gone. He was hot all over, sweat was rolling down his face. He touched his face, his scales were gone, there were no sores no his face from being beaten. He touched the front of his face, no maw, it was his normal, human face. Finally he touched his neck, no collar, it was free of any bondage.

"Where am I?" he asked himself, still confused. He looked about the room he was in. A open window was some feet away on the wall to his left in which light from a full moon shown through. Posters of rock bands hung lopsided all over his wall. A dresser and a closed closet were in front of him, a desk with a computer, clock, and desk lamp was to his right. He looked down, he was in bed.

It was a dream, and a crappy one at that. He breathing calmed as he through off the extra blanket that had caused the burning sensation in his dream. Jimmy contemplated for a few seconds the flaws in the dream he should've been abile to see: his friends were in no gang, neither was he. Jimmy cursed himself a bit, realizing in his sleep he was actually enjoying himself getting raped and dominated, up to the point it felt like he was being burned alive.

He shivered a bit, a little unsure of himself, but realizing he wasn't hurt at all. he curled back in bed, but didn't close his eyes. The house on the corner, and the creepy guy who lived in it were real, not a figment of his dream. Jimmy knew he might never walk by the house easily again, especially if that guy smiled at him again. After a while he closed his eyes, wondering if his next dream would be just as strangely fun, and if he really wanted it to be.