The Werelings



                Jason stood at attention as the CO walked around him and the rest of his unit stood at attention behind him.\xA0 Jason stole a few glances at them.\xA0 They were definitely not your standard military types.\xA0 Though they all look like perfect soldiers, something in the pit of his being told him something was different about them.\xA0 Something that made them as different as he was.\xA0 For some strange reason, this made him feel at home, unlike his old unit that always made him feel out of place.\xA0 Try as he might, he had no idea why, and this unnerved him.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 The CO suddenly stood in front of his face and Jason resumed looking at a blank spot on the far wall.\xA0 The room was quite plain.\xA0 Large, square metallic plates lined the walls and covered the door at the far side, which made it almost impossible to see.\xA0 He still could not figure out where the light came from.\xA0 He saw no light source of any kind.\xA0 This only made the mystery greater.

The CO read the transfer papers once more, then held them behind his back.\xA0 Standing only a few inches from his nose, the CO said, \x93So, someone up there thinks you have what it takes to make it in this unit.\xA0 Says here you're a heavy weapons expert.\x94 He pointed to the largest and most muscular of his men.\xA0 \x93We got one already.\xA0 What makes you think we need another?\x94

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Jason stared straight at the CO.\xA0 \x93Because I'm the best, Sir.\x94\xA0 He knew it to be true.\xA0 He has yet met anyone in the military where they could out-use him, out build or out clean him in heavy weapons.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 The CO chuckled. \x93Cocky aren't you, son?\xA0 Well, your service record shows that.\xA0 Top of your class for heavy weapons.\xA0 It even says that you have a natural aptitude for them.\x94\xA0 He turned to the other heavy weapons expert.\xA0 \x93Looks like you got competition, Stone.\x94\xA0 The soldier simply snorted as if amused.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 The CO smiled as he turned to him.\xA0 \x93He's not intending on getting replaced just quite yet.\x94\xA0 He read the transfer papers once more.\xA0 \x93Well, even though these papers says these transfer orders are immediate, you still have to past my test first.\xA0 I get final say on who joins my unit, no matter what these orders say.\x94\xA0 Jason nodded but was a bit confused.\xA0 \x93This test will tell me if you got what it takes to fit in with the rest of my unit.\xA0 If everyone can fit well together, then they work well together.\xA0 At the same time, I'll get to find out if you're as good as you say.\x94\xA0

That made sense to him.\xA0 A unit that worked well together was a good unit.\xA0 That was the first thing thought in boot camp.\xA0 The CO turned to the rest of his unit.\xA0 \x93Get ready.\x94\xA0 He then turned to Jason again.\xA0 \x93Computer.\xA0 Initiate New Recruit Training Program.\x94

Suddenly, the lights turned off except for one shining right on top of Jason.\xA0 The sudden change in lighting condition blinded him.\xA0 The CO's voice echoed throughout the room.\xA0 \x93If you're wondering, you're being tested.\xA0 My unit has to be ready for anything, at anytime.\x94

Jason's training kicked in as he hunched himself down.\xA0 Not having any weapons on his body, he needed to rely on his hand to hand combat training.\xA0 Unfortunately, this was not his best skill.\xA0 Not taking any chances, he moved away from the light, using the darkness as his cover.\xA0 Not knowing what to expect next, he decided to wait to see where the first attack would come from.\xA0 He listened quietly for any sound that might indicate where it might come from.

He heard a soft growl to his left.\xA0 A growl?\xA0 Am I fighting an animal?\xA0 He carefully looked around for anything as his eyes finally adjusted to the darkness.\xA0 Unfortunately, he could only see a couple of feet in front of him.\xA0 The growling grew louder and much closer.\xA0 He wondered what they pitted him against, a lion maybe?\xA0 Whatever it was, it now circled around him, from the sound of the growling. He tried best to keep facing the growling sound.\xA0 Jason now figured out that the growl sounded like a panther, though deeper, as if a human growled.

Without warning he felt something rip through his back.\xA0 He screamed in pain as he instinctively turned, whirling his fist.\xA0 Instead of connecting, a hairy hand gripped his wrist.\xA0 No, a furry hand?\xA0 His eyes adjusted to a dark figure, covered in fur.\xA0 Its eyes shone bright yellow as it bared its white fangs to him.\xA0 What the hell is this thing?\xA0 This is a test?\xA0 Jason tried to pull back as fear took over but the figure held him tightly.\xA0 With a loud growl, a fist flew to his stomach.

Jason gripped his stomach in pain as he doubled over and fought to get air in his lungs.\xA0 Slightly disoriented, he tried to rise to his feet, only to feel claws grip his hair.\xA0 They jerked his head up painfully and he was one more face to face with the creature.\xA0 \x93I thought you'd have more balls.\x94\xA0 It growled which caught Jason by surprise.\xA0\xA0\xA0 This creature could speak perfect English.\xA0 What did he get himself into this time?\xA0 What the hell is going on around here?\xA0 This can't be a test!\xA0 The creature's free hand gripped his balls tightly and squeezed as the claws dug into his flesh.

Yelling in pain, Jason swung a fist at the creature's stomach.\xA0 It roared and loosened its grip on his hair.\xA0 Jason pressed his advantage and slammed his forehead on its muzzle and it released him.\xA0 Seeing the creature stunned, he landed an upper cut on its jaw, and it recoiled back, roaring even louder in agony.\xA0 Jason continued to press his advantage and he grabbed its shoulders, rolled on his back and threw it over him with his feet.\xA0 He saw the creature fly a few feet and heard it land heavily in the darkness.\xA0 Jason looked around as he breathed heavily, trying to figure out if the creature would counter attack.\xA0 He heard nothing.\xA0

Suddenly, an echoed click ran through the room as a beam of light shone down on another creature.\xA0 This time, it resembled a walking lion.\xA0 Jason took a step back as another beam of light shone down on him.\xA0 The lion creature smiled.\xA0 \x93Very good.\x94\xA0 It purred loudly.\xA0 \x93No one ever defeated him so easily.\x94\xA0 Jason took the time to look over the lion.\xA0 It stood on its hind legs slightly taller than he did.\xA0 Its entire body resembled that of a walking lion though it had a humanoid torso. The strange thing was that there was something familiar about it.\xA0 To his surprise, the clothing was of military style, and looked exactly like that of the CO.\xA0 If this is a disguise or a costume, that other creature sure felt real.\xA0 And how could the CO change his voice like that?

Suddenly, the lion-creature lunged at him, claws aiming for his throat.\xA0 Jason instinctively grabbed the paws and rolled on his back, throwing the lion over him with his legs.\xA0 He saw the creature smile as it grabbed his shoulders and rolled on its back, throwing him this time.\xA0 He flew a few feet as he tried to steer himself.\xA0 He managed to land on his feet heavily, shooting pain up his body.

The creature lunged at him again.\xA0 This time, Jason leapt in the air, and pushed himself over the lion's head, forcing the creature to slam its jaws on the floor.\xA0 Landing behind it, Jason stood his ground.\xA0 He waited for the creature to rise.\xA0 Who or what are these things?

The lion growled furiously and it glared at him.\xA0 Wiping the blood that spilled from its jaw, it slowly rose to its hind legs.\xA0 \x93I'm impressed human.\xA0 No human made me bleed before.\xA0 Now watch me make you bleed!\x94\xA0 With that, it reached for him.

Jason grabbed its paws with his own hands and pushed back.\xA0 Both were now pushing against each other, pitting their strength against each other.\xA0 Jason knew he lost the battle even before it started.\xA0 Obviously, this creature had the strength of a lion and maybe even more.\xA0 Slowly, his wrist started to strain as the pain shot up his hand, through his wrist and up his forearms.\xA0 Even with the pain, he would not give up without a fight.\xA0 Jason gained some grounds at first, which made the creature smile.\xA0 The creature growled softly and Jason started to lose the ground he made.\xA0 The pain in his wrist and forearms ripped though his mind like fire.\xA0 The more he fought back the more pain shot in his mind.\xA0 Still, he fought back.

\x93I'm impressed, human.\xA0 You're the first I've met who ever fought back for so long.\x94\xA0 He grinned and flashed his fangs.\xA0 \x93Give up.\xA0 I can smell your pain.\xA0 You know as well as I do that you can't win.\x94

Jason shook his head as he glared back in defiance and pushed with every last ounce of strength he had left.\xA0 Still the creature gained the upper hand.\xA0 His mind seared in pain and his legs slowly gave and he finally collapsed on his knees.\xA0 The lion towered over him, grinning.\xA0 \x93I told you human.\xA0 Your struggle is futile.\xA0 Give it up!\xA0 You can't win.\x94

Suddenly, the pain vanished as a new sensation filled his body.\xA0 He felt his strength return and to the lion's surprise, he rose back to his feet.\xA0 The lion's grin quickly vanished as it redoubled its efforts and growled furiously.\xA0

The sensation slowly spread throughout Jason's body and he felt a new strength awakening within himself.\xA0 He felt his body shift and change and to his great surprise, he saw the lion shrink.\xA0 No, he felt himself grow taller.\xA0 Not only taller, but also larger.\xA0 To his even greater surprise, his skin slowly turned to a light shade of grey as his hands grew and swallowed those of the lion's.\xA0\xA0 His body kept growing until he towered over the stupefied lion, which by now, stopped fighting.\xA0 Jason took the element of surprise and threw the lion aside, like a rag doll.\xA0 The lion's strength and weight meant nothing to him.\xA0 The lion's body vanished in the darkness, and he clearly heard it slump on the ground and groan in pain.\xA0 Not only was his strength augmented, so was his hearing.

Jason took the time to look himself over.\xA0 Looking at his hands and body carefully, he realised his skin was now thick and a grey white colour.\xA0 His new size ripped his clothing, as his military pant looked more like military underwear on him and his tank top ripped to shreds by his new size.\xA0 Looking further lower his body, his feet now resembled like that of an elephant.\xA0 He hesitantly touched his face and felt two large horns on his\x85 muzzle? Two Horns? A muzzle?\xA0 What the hell is happening here?\xA0 I'm a \x85 Rhino?

Jason hollered in pain as something slashed at his back.\xA0 To Jason's astonishment and relief, it hurt less\xA0 than the first time.\xA0 Turning around, he now faced a large bruin.\xA0 Jason tried to swipe at it, but his new size made him too slow and the bear nimbly jumped back.\xA0 Now, he felt the uncontrollable urge to charge the bear and he decided to go with it.\xA0 With surprising speed, he closed the gap between them and felt his head connect straight on with the bear's chest.\xA0 The bear flew in the air, slammed its back onto the wall and slid down, unconscious.

Another loud click echoed through the room as Jason turned to now face a huge horse creature.\xA0 It stood as tall as he did, and seemed as thick too.\xA0 Before he could charge it, a roar echoed through the room.\xA0 \x93Enough.\x94\xA0 The lion creature reappeared in front horse.\xA0 \x93This test is over.\xA0 Computer.\xA0\xA0 End Program.\x94\xA0 Light instantly flooded the room and blinded Jason.\xA0 After a few seconds, he was able to see again.\xA0

Now, all the creatures he fought stood behind the lion, all at attention, with the bear having the most problem standing straight.\xA0 Jason finally realised that all these creatures were wearing the exact same uniforms as the team he just met.\xA0 He had no idea what was going on anymore or what the point of this test was.\xA0 \x93What's going on here?\x94 He needed answer and he needed them now.

The lion moved in front of him and met his gaze.\xA0 \x93You passed your test.\x94

\x93Test?\xA0 What test?\xA0 What's going on here?\xA0 What did you do to me?\x94

\x93Nothing.\xA0 What happened to you was natural.\x94

Jason could not believe his ear.\xA0 \x93This is natural?\x94\xA0 He looked at himself.\xA0 \x93Turning me into a monster?\x94

The lion shook his head.\xA0 \x93Not a monster, but gifted like all of us.\x94\xA0

Now, Jason was totally lost.\xA0 \x93What?\xA0 Who are you?\x94

\x93Watch.\x94\xA0 The lion took a step back and roared.\xA0 The rest of them followed suit and roared or yelled.\xA0 Their bodies shifted as fur turned to skin, and claws and hooves turned to hands and feet.\xA0 To Jason's wide-eyed astonishment, they changed back into humans.\xA0 The horse and bear creature shrank considerably in size, while the last two stayed the same.\xA0 Finally, they stopped transforming, and now humans stood where once creatures use to.\xA0 This can't be happening.\xA0 I must be in the Twilight Zone!

The lion creature, now his CO, opened his eyes and stretched his arms.\xA0 \x93You never quite get used to the transformation.\x94\xA0 He took a few deep breaths.\xA0 \x93You're a Kindred, like us.\xA0 You're one of the Werelings.\xA0 Like the myth of the werewolves, you have the ability to change into an animal form, and gain its strengths and abilities.\xA0 In your case, you gain the abilities of a rhino.\x94\xA0 He pointed to the left.\xA0 \x93Take a look.\x94

Jason turned and a glass mirror materialized right in front of him.\xA0 A floating mirror?\xA0 Why not.\xA0 I just saw walking and talking animals.\xA0 He looked at the reflection.\xA0 He could not believe what he saw.\xA0 Where he stood, a large rhino like creature stared back at him.\xA0 He moved closer to the mirror, still not believing his own eyes.\xA0 \x93Is that me?\x94\xA0 The only things familiar in that reflection were the eyes.\xA0 His own eyes.\xA0 Everything else about that reflection seemed to belong to something else.

His new CO moved besides him.\xA0 He seemed so small compared to his size.\xA0 \x93Yes.\x94

Jason touched the face, and felt his hand touch him.\xA0 \x93How?\x94

\x93No one really knows.\xA0 All that we know is that it's a part of you as much as your human form is.\x94

Jason continued to touch his face, still not believing what he saw.\xA0 One minute he was a human and now, the mirror reflected a rhino creature.\xA0 He knew it was more than an illusion since the two horns on his muzzle felt quite real to his hands.

The CO looked up.\xA0 \x93I know it's a lot kid.\xA0 We've all been through it.\x94\xA0 He looked at the rest of the group.\xA0 \x93My name's John.\xA0 I'm obviously the leader.\xA0 Code name: Fang.\x94\xA0

The human-panther guy stepped forward.\xA0 \x93I'm Maurice.\xA0 Sniper and Infiltration expert.\xA0 Code name: Black.\x94\xA0

The bear-human simply nodded.\xA0 \x93Albert.\xA0 Explosives and Demolition.\xA0 Bruno.\x94\xA0

The Stallion-human smiled and looked him up and down.\xA0 \x93I'm Rick.\xA0 Heavy weapons like you.\xA0 Code name: Stone.\x94

They all stood there, quietly, waiting for him to say something.\xA0 He was at a loss for words though, as he looked at himself again.\xA0 He knew he was different, though he did not believe this different.\xA0 To his great surprise though, he felt somehow comfortable about this, as if he finally fit in somewhere in this crazy world.\xA0 I'm a walking and talking Rhino and I think the rest of the world is crazy?

John turned back to him.\xA0 \x93Before you answer, there's something else you should know about us.\x94\xA0

Maurice walked up besides John and wrapped his arms around him as both kissed passionately.\xA0 This took Jason by a total surprise.\xA0 \x93What are you doing?\x94

Maurice laughed.\xA0 \x93Kissing, silly.\xA0 What do you think?\x94

Jason stared in amazement.\xA0 \x93I though we weren't suppose to be open about that stuff in the army.\x94

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 John shook his head.\xA0 \x93We are a special, unit.\xA0 Very special unit.\xA0 So, we get a few liberties.\xA0 Like you, Maurice and Rick are gay.\xA0 Al and I are bisexual.\x94

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Jason blinked.\xA0 \x93How did you\x85 know?\x94\xA0 He made sure to be careful that no one could figure out he was gay.\xA0 Being in the army was hard enough, being gay in the army was nearly impossible.\xA0 He made sure he refrained from doing or saying anything that might peg him as gay.\xA0 So, how did he figure it out?

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 John smiled.\xA0 \x93I do my research.\xA0 Being bisexual myself, I know what one does to make sure no one else finds out.\xA0 The reason I'm telling you this now is I want to know if you'll be comfortable working with us.\xA0 If you don't, our team won't work well.\xA0 You're not the only one I've tested, but you're the only one to pass and might feel comfortable working with the rest of us.\xA0 That is, if you want to join.\x94\xA0 All eyes landed on Jason.

This was too strange to be real; but, the proof stared right back at him.\xA0 This was too real to be true, but, for some strange reason, this appealed to him.\xA0 For the first time in his life, he felt as if he belonged, as if he found what he has been looking for, as if he had a purpose.\xA0 This is way weird.\xA0 But, here I am, a ten foot tall rhino, talking to other were beings. And all of them gay too. There was nothing more to think about.\xA0 His mind told him this was not real, but his gut told him the opposite.\xA0 He decided to follow his gut.\xA0 \x93All right.\xA0 I'll join.\x94

John smiled.\xA0 \x93Good.\xA0 Rick will show you the ropes and help you in your training, since both will do the same type of job.\xA0 Take the rest of the day to get yourself familiar with the facilities, then meet us in the mess hall.\x94\xA0 He turned to the rest of the team.\xA0 \x93Dismissed!\x94

Albert was the first one to leave, without saying another word.\xA0 Maurice and John left together, arms in arms, Maurice giggling.\xA0 Only Rick and himself stayed behind.\xA0 Rick smiled as he examined him.\xA0 \x93You need help in changing back?\x94

Jason laughed uneasily.\xA0 \x93Ya.\xA0 I still don\x92t know how I changed in the first place.\xA0 It just kinda happened.\x94

Rick smiled.\xA0 \x93It's the same for all of us the first time.\xA0 You'll get to do it voluntarily with our training.\xA0 Don't worry about that.\x94

\x93Good.\x94\xA0 Jason hesitated for a moment and Rick looked back, seeing he wanted to say more.\xA0 \x93Rick.\xA0 What would have happened if I said I didn't want to join.\x94

Rick's expression darkened.\xA0 \x93Trust me kid, you don't wanna know.\x94

Jason took a deep breath as he saw Rick's expression.\xA0 The alternative seemed quite unpleasant.\xA0 \x93Well, I know I did the right choice.\x94

Rick nodded.\xA0 \x93I think so too kid.\x94

Rick spent the next few hours helping Jason revert back to his human form.\xA0 After many unsuccessful attempts, Jason finally managed to turn into a human again.\xA0 The next day and for the following two weeks, Rick helped Jason control his transformation.\xA0 Once Jason managed a reasonable control over his transformation, physical training started.\xA0 Rick pushed him hard, harder than any previous drill sergeants.\xA0 At the same time, Rick taught him the ins and outs of all the heavy artillery they used.\xA0 The training and learning left Jason with little time to do much else.

After the fourth intense training session, Rick decided to shower at the same time as Jason.\xA0\xA0 This was Jason's first look at Rick's, naked equine form.\xA0 Jason thought his naked rhino form impressive, but Rick was twice as impressive.\xA0 Muscles flexed and relaxed under the short black fur as he lathered himself up.\xA0 His tail draped over his round muscular butt.\xA0 His shaft, the largest shaft he ever saw, hung limply over his balls.\xA0 He had to restrain himself from staring too long and getting an erection.\xA0 Still, Jason took all the opportunities he could to steal a glance.\xA0 Even though Rick was gay, he had no idea if he was taken.\xA0 Jason spent the rest of the night fantasizing about Rick, and taking care of his hard on.

It took Jason a month to get a grip on all the new weapon statistics and get used to the heavy training.\xA0 By that time, Jason found himself having more free time, which he spent most of it lounging in the recreational room watching TV.\xA0 There was little more he could do, as the rest of the team were on different training schedule than his.\xA0\xA0\xA0 One night, as he was watching boring reruns, Rick walked into the recreation room and asked him if he would like to shoot some pool.\xA0 Jason was more than happy for the diversion and change from watching TV. They spent the rest of the night, shooting pool and chatting.\xA0 Jason realized that he had more in common with Rick than simply an interest in heavy weapons.\xA0 More importantly, he found out Rick was single.

From that day on, they spent every waking moment together, and Jason enjoyed every second of it.\xA0 For the first time in his life Jason felt accepted, as if he finally fit in.\xA0 At the same time, Jason lust for Rick, turned to a silent crush, to deep feelings for him.\xA0 Jason dared not say anything to Rick.\xA0 Though they talked a lot, for some reason, the topic of relationship never came up.\xA0 Rick seemed to avoid the topic all together.\xA0 Many a nights Jason wondered if Rick felt the same way he did; but, he could only admire him from a distance.

Two month after Jason first met this team, Rick deemed him ready for his first mission.

Jason crawled in the thick undergrowth.\xA0 The large leaves of the surrounding foliage easily hid his body as he crawled up besides Stone.\xA0 Fang crawled back followed by Bruno, both wearing camouflage uniform like himself and Stone.\xA0 Then again, in this dense jungle, even if they wore bright colours, he doubted anyone would spot them during the day, let alone at night.

Fang lifted up the night vision goggles.\xA0 \x93Now, we just wait for Black before we move.\x94\xA0 He paused for a moment to shift his weapons.\xA0 Jason took the time to look over his own weapons.\xA0 When he thought of heavy weapons, he had no idea they would be like this.\xA0 A magnetic rail gun and a photon cannon.\xA0 Stone also carried the same heavy weapons.\xA0 Even with his two months of training, he barely understood the concepts of these weapons, even though, he could take them apart, clean them and put them back together as fast as Stone.\xA0 On top of that, he could only carry them in his were form.\xA0 Everyone else in the team were also in their were form.\xA0 Fang believed it gave them the edge.\xA0 Jason could not argue from the experience he had in his \x91initiation.\x92

Fang looked back for a second, then back to his group.\xA0 \x93Remember, this is just a reckon job.\xA0 We get in, look around, get a few pictures, and get out.\xA0 No hero work.\x94\xA0 This sounded simple enough for Jason.\xA0 \x93Stone and Rhino will check out storage and weapons locker.\xA0 Black and I will check out research.\xA0 Bruno will stay behind and get a distraction ready in case we need it.\x94

Jason \xA0looked over to Stone, who smiled back.\xA0 \x93Up to us to look at them weapons.\xA0 I doubt they're any better than these.\x94\xA0 Stone lifted his rail gun over his shoulder.

Fang turned back towards the building.\xA0 \x93Well, that's what you're going to find out, Stone.\x94

Jason nodded as he tried to remember the floor plan of the base.\xA0 Might as he tried, he could barely remember any part of it.\xA0 Good thing Stone had a much better memory.\xA0 Jason looked over to Stone again, and found himself unable to stop looking.\xA0 He found himself doing a lot of that lately.\xA0 He had to admit that he never though he would find any creature like that interesting, but he was.\xA0 I guess once you learn you\x92re a Wereling, the views on what you find attractive changes.

A rustling in the brush in front of them made the entire unit draw their weapons.\xA0 \x93Hold up, guys, it\x92s just me.\x94\xA0 The head of a black panther stuck out as everyone put their weapons back.

Jason could see a small change in Fang's eyes, relieved that Black returned unharmed.\xA0 Fang and Black tried to remain professional during training exercises and missions.\xA0 Still, they looked at each other with love and both worried whenever the other worked alone. No one dared to point that out though.\xA0 \x93Black, what did you find?\x94\xA0 Fang managed to keep his tone professional.

Black picked up his sniper gun.\xA0 \x93Minimal guards.\xA0 I guess either most are inside, or they think no one would bother them this deep in the jungle.\xA0 All mercs too.\x94

Fang nodded.\xA0 \x93Let's assume most are inside.\x94\xA0 He turned to everyone.\xA0 \x93You all know what to do.\xA0 And just because they're mercs, it doesn't mean they're not pros.\x94\xA0 With that, he leaned forward and kissed Black with passion.\xA0 Black purred loudly as he melted in his arms.

Jason blinked as he looked at Stone.\xA0 \x93I thought they kept professional.\x94

Stone smiled.\xA0 \x93They do.\xA0 But, they always kiss before starting a mission.\xA0 They say it gives them luck.\x94

Jason nodded and he wondered how Stone would react if he kissed him there and then.\xA0 He opted not to, unsure on how he would react. Stone smiled back as he saw him looking.\xA0 \x93Let's go, Rhino.\x94

With that, the unit split up.\xA0 Jason followed Stone closely behind as they crawled toward the building.\xA0 Jason took the time to examine it.\xA0 It looked like a simple building without any windows or doors on this side.\xA0 The outer wall seemed composed of poured concrete.\xA0 He saw no doors on this side of the building.\xA0 On its roof sat five satellite dishes, each pointing in a different direction towards the sky.\xA0 \x93I guess everyone inside is a couch potato.\x94\xA0 Jason whispered.

Stone looked back and whispered,\xA0 \x93I wish.\xA0 It looks more like they got heavy tech equipment.\x94

Both easily made their way to the building without seeing a single guard.\xA0 Jason thought this strange.\xA0 \x93Stone.\xA0 This is too easy.\x94

\x93Relax kid.\xA0 Like Black said, they probably think this is so isolated no one noticed it.\xA0 And because it's so deep in the jungle, there's no need to defend it heavily.\x94\xA0

Jason shook his head.\xA0 \x93Stone, I find everything about this entire mission strange.\xA0 Fang told us almost nothing about this place and what they're doing.\xA0 We don't even know if this is a private or government building.\xA0 Or, for that matter what country they work for.\x94

Stone looked back.\xA0 \x93You know it's not our place to question.\xA0 We just follow orders!\x94\xA0 Jason nodded as he took a deep breath and pushed those questions aside again.\xA0 Stone was right; it was not his place to question orders.\xA0 Stone added, \x93but, I'm wondering about the same thing kid.\x94

Just as Stone finished, two armed guards rounded the corner.\xA0 Stone and Jason quickly ducked behind a bush and watched the guards approach.\xA0 Neither guard spotted them, most likely too engrossed in their conversation.\xA0 Both guards approached and stopped a foot away from their location.\xA0 Jason looked at Stone, wondering if they got spotted.\xA0 Stone signalled to stay calm.\xA0 Jason silently took a deep breath and focused on the guards.\xA0 Both wore loose fitting, camouflage uniforms and carried weapons that resembled\xA0 large Uzi\x92s.

The first guard took out a cigar and lit it.\xA0 \x93I still can't believe that egg head is growing in there.\xA0 When I saw those thing in the tubes, I nearly freaked!\x94

The second guard unzipped his pants and took a leak just to the right of them.\xA0 \x93I thought all that stuff was sci-fi or in the X-Files.\xA0 It's amazing what those guys can do these days.\x94

The first man kept a lookout.\xA0 \x93Well, I still find it disgusting.\xA0 Mixing human and animals like that.\xA0 It ain\x92t natural.\xA0 You think they let guys sleep with animals, or animals sleep with gals?\x94

The second zipped up and picked up his weapon.\xA0 \x93Your sick, man!\xA0 Anyhow, were not paid to think or give opinions.\xA0 Were paid to protect them.\x94

The first laughed. \x93From what?\xA0 The monkeys?\x94\xA0 The second joined in the laugher and both walked away.

Jason remained quiet for a moment and turned to Stone.\xA0 \x93What was that all about?\xA0 Mixing human and animals?\xA0 What do you think they meant?\x94

Stone rose as he started uncovering the air vent.\xA0 \x93Don't know, Rhino.\xA0 Don't care too.\xA0 We\x92re here to look at what armament they have.\xA0 Not figure out what the scientists are doing.\xA0 That's Black and Fang's job.\x94 Jason nodded and agreed.\xA0 Still, he wondered what type of research they did in there.

Stone took no time to remove the air vent, and Jason was quite surprised to find it large enough for Stone and him to fit in it.\xA0 He figured that the vent must be used to cool more than just this small building.\xA0 Something was obviously amiss here.\xA0 But like Stone said, it was not his place to think about it.

Both entered the air vent, placed back the grill and made their way though the narrow and metallic passage way as warm air blew around them.\xA0 Jason followed Stone through the maze of air vents.\xA0 \x93Good thing you memorized the map.\x94

Stone chuckled.\xA0 \x93One of us had to.\x94

Both continued through the maze for a short while and they arrived at their destination.\xA0 From the way the ducts sloped downwards, Jason guessed they were deep underground by now.\xA0 Just how big is this place?\xA0 They looked down the air vent and saw no one in the hallway below.\xA0 Stone opened up the vent and Jason dropped down first.\xA0 He quickly looked around and found no one or cameras.\xA0 This was either a low security area, or they were in so deep, they thought security was of no use.\xA0 He stood watch as Stone dropped down and put back the vent cover.\xA0 Looking around more carefully, he noticed the walls, floor, and ceiling were painted pure white.\xA0 Jason blinked a few times as he tried to tell where the walls ended and the floor or ceiling started.\xA0 They walked to the opposite end, where two doors sat.

\x93Two doors?\xA0 This wasn't in our intelligence,\x94 Stone commented.\xA0 Both doors held a \x91U\x92 shaped handle made of a thick metal compound while a complex key-lock system hung on the left side of both doors.\xA0 Strange symbols marked the buttons on the key pad instead of the standard numbers.\xA0 It seemed to require a magnetic passkey and symbol key sequence.\xA0 Neither of them recognized the symbols.\xA0 \x93And neither were these security pads.\x94

Jason smiled.\xA0 \x93I guess our intelligence is not that intelligent.\x94

Stone groaned.\xA0 \x93Well, we anticipated this.\x94\xA0 He took out a small electronic device with a data cable attached to a pass card.\xA0 He inserted it in the security slot and punched a few buttons on his device.\xA0 Symbols flashed on its display for a few seconds and showed a sequence.\xA0 \x93There we go.\x94\xA0 He did the same thing with the other door.\xA0 Once done, he put the device away.\xA0 \x93So, now our problem is, which door?\x94

Jason looked at both of them.\xA0 \x93Why don't we split up and each take a door?\x94

Stone looked at both doors and thought for a moment.\xA0 \x93All right kid.\xA0 You take the left, I'll take the right.\xA0 Just remember, don't be a hero.\xA0 I'd be a shame to lose ya before I got to know you better.\x94\xA0 Stone gave him a warm smile and winked.

Jason blinked, taken by surprise by his words.\xA0 He wondered if Stone mean more than what he simply said.\xA0 He took a deep breath and punched the sequence of symbols.\xA0 The door unsealed and opened slightly.\xA0 Both Stone and Jason pushed their doors at the same time and carefully walked in.\xA0

Jason found himself in a large room filled with strange equipment.\xA0 Large, green liquid filled tubes lined both the left and right wall while at the centre and far wall, and large computer control panels flashed and beeped.\xA0 Jason quickly took a look around and found no one. Carefully, he moved towards the centre consoles and examined them.\xA0 Obviously, this is not the weapons locker.\xA0 Looking closer, he found a graphical display for every tube in the room.\xA0 On each display, a dot raced across the screen as it rose and fell to the sound of a beep.\xA0 A heart monitor?\xA0 Other various bio-readings flashed on the screen.\xA0 Jason felt he walked into an episode of Star Trek.\xA0 He thought their training room was sophisticated; but, it was nothing compared to this.

He moved back and took a closer look at one of the tubes.\xA0 His eyes almost popped out of his head at what they contained.\xA0 A human floated in the tank with a breathing mask around his mouth and nose.\xA0 He floated there, seemingly in a sleeping or unconscious state.\xA0 He looked at the second tube beside it and found another man inside, though this time, in a flux of being changed.\xA0 He seemed to have some wolfish features.\xA0 He saw two small fangs, a slight muzzle and wolfish ears.\xA0 The third tube contained another human, though this one looked more like a werewolf.\xA0 His face was half human, half wolf, and his hands and feet were in the same state.\xA0 Actually, his entire body looked half man-half wolf, as a tail started to grow from the back of his butt.\xA0 What he saw in the fourth tube shocked him even more.\xA0 In it floated a fully changed human, in this case, a rhino like him.\xA0 It almost seemed as if he were looking into a mirror image of himself.\xA0 He lumbered over to the other side and examined the other four tubes.\xA0 In each tube floated a copy of his team members.\xA0 What the heck is going on here?

\x93Well, well, well\x85 what have we here?\x94\xA0 Jason whirled around, his weapon drawn and aimed at the intruder.\xA0 \x93Whoa there.\xA0 I'm only an unarmed scientist.\x94

Jason focused on his target.\xA0 A balding man in around his fifties wearing a long white lab coat stood in front of another door Jason missed.\xA0 The man examined at him back through a thick pair of glasses.\xA0 He set down a pad on a table to his left as he readjusted his glasses.\xA0 The man looked harmless enough, but looks could be deceiving.

\x93What?\xA0 You got nothing to say?\x94\xA0 The man smiled as he walked towards him and examined him, unafraid of his weapon.\xA0 Jason felt as if he was being examined under a microscope.

Jason aimed his weapon at the scientist, who ignored it.\xA0 He tried to squeeze the trigger, but his hand froze.\xA0 Try as he might, he could not squeeze it. His mind told him to shoot, but his body would not move.\xA0 \x93Who are you?\x94

The man shook his head.\xA0 \x93My, my\x85 how soon they forget.\x94\xA0 The man moved in front of him and removed his glasses.\xA0 \x93I'm your father.\x94

\x93My what?\x94

\x93Your father.\x94\xA0 He smiled.\xA0 \x93Well, actually, your creator.\xA0 You see, like the rest of these creatures, I created you.\x94

Jason could not believe what he heard.\xA0 How could he be my creator?\xA0 I have parents.\xA0 I wasn't created.\xA0 \x93You're not my father.\xA0 My father died ten years ago.\xA0 And you don't look anything like him.\x94

The scientist laughed.\xA0 \x93Implanted memories.\xA0 It gives you the semblance of a life, makes you think your over twenty-five years old.\xA0 But, if I remember right, you're slightly over three years old.\x94\xA0 He reached over for the dog tag and looked at it.\xA0 Jason tried to pull away; but, his body refused to move.\xA0 \x93Yup.\xA0 Over three years now.\x94

Jason shook his head.\xA0 \x93No way.\xA0 How do you explain this scar I got when I was eight?\x94\xA0 Jason pointed to his left arm and was surprised he could move again.\xA0 He distinctly remembered getting this scar when he fell from the top of a tree.\xA0 The scar needed over twenty stitches.

The scientist smiled.\xA0 \x93Again, implanted memories.\xA0 We gave you that scar to make the memories look more real.\x94\xA0 He moved to the centre consoles and pressed a few keys.\xA0 \x93Here we go.\xA0 Come here.\xA0 Read this.\x94\xA0 His body started to move towards the console against his will.\xA0 Jason looked at the scientist and wondered how he did that.\xA0 Try as he might, he could not bring himself to stop or shoot.\xA0 All he could do was listen to him.

\xA0Once he reached the console, he looked at the screen.\xA0 What he read shocked him more than what floated in the tubes.\xA0 The words spoke of his life. Every intimate detail flashed on the screen, even those he kept secret, like his first sexual experience which his best friend Tom.\xA0 No one except him and Tom knew; but, there it was on the screen.\xA0 He turned to the scientist.\xA0 \x93How?\x94

\x93I told you, son.\xA0 I created you.\x94

This made no sense to Jason.\xA0 \x93How?\xA0 Why?\x94

\x93Ah.\xA0 Well, that's the million dollar question.\xA0 Because, we could, and our government wanted the perfect soldiers.\xA0 What better soldier than one who could change into an animal and gain all its strengths.\x94\xA0 The scientist took up a small electronic pad, walked up to the tube with the rhino in it and keyed in a few things.\xA0 \x93Remember the news about the scientist who managed to clone a sheep.\xA0 Well, he used to work for us, until he changed his mind and tried to reproduce our procedures.\xA0 As you know, all government banned cloning, though not for the reason everyone thinks.\xA0 We couldn't let him divulge our work.\x94\xA0 He looked back at him for a moment and returned to examine the rhino.\xA0 \x93I think by now, certain governments made sure he won't be able to work again.\x94

Jason just stood there, not knowing what to believe anymore.\xA0 What this scientist said seemed crazy\x92 but, what he saw in those tubes and panels only proved what he said.\xA0 He looked at the tube again with Stone's clone.\xA0 What he says must be true.\xA0 The proof\x92s all around me.\xA0 But why clone me?

The scientist replied, as if he read his mind.\xA0 \x93We clone the super soldiers, in case our government doesn't like something about them.\xA0 That way we got another ready for testing.\x94

\x93What do you mean?\x94

\x93Well, if they get emotions that interfere with their killing instincts or become too human to kill, they'd be no use to the government.\xA0 They want perfect killing machine.\xA0 So, we program in the emotions.\x94

\x93So, all I'm feeling is pre-programmed by you?\x94

The scientist nodded, \x93By me or someone working under me.\xA0 That way, we can see what happens and figure out what is the best combination of emotions.\x94

Jason looked at the scientist, at the console, then at the tubes again.\xA0 Everything stared at him, in plain truth.\xA0 None of this could have been fabricated for a lie like this.\xA0 It had to be the truth.\xA0 But, why do all this?

\x93Because we can.\x94\xA0 Again, Jason felt the scientist read his mind.\xA0 \x93Well, enough for now, I have other matters to attend to.\xA0 And if your wondering why you have the urge to kill me, but can't.\xA0 Well, I can't have my creations turn on me, now can I.\x94\xA0 With that, the scientist pressed a button.\xA0 In a matter of seconds, a squad of twelve mercenaries rushed in.\xA0 \x93Please dispose of this creature, and make sure you do not damage the equipment too much.\xA0 It will take too long to clone another.\x94\xA0 With that, he walked through the door.\xA0 Only then did Jason regain full control of his body again.

The mercenaries aimed their weapons towards him and fired.\xA0 Without thinking, he drove behind a computer in front of the tubes as volleys of bullets flew around him. \xA0\x93Stone!\xA0 I need help.\xA0 I got ambushed!\xA0 And hurry!\x94

\x93Be right there.\x94 The voice rang through their com-set.

Jason took out his rail gun and readied himself.\xA0 Taking a deep breath, he rolled to the other panel four feet to his left and opened fire.\xA0 Bullets flew and tore through the computer equipment they hid behind and through three of the mercenaries.\xA0 All three dropped like bricks.\xA0 He rolled behind the computer console, narrowly averting the volley of bullets.

That's three down and nine to go.\xA0 Jason remained hidden behind the panel as bullets flew non-stop.\xA0 Jason felt the computer console strain under the volley of bullets, and finally a few of them broke through.\xA0 Taking another deep breath, he waited for the volley to lessen a bit, kneeled up and fired another four shots.\xA0 All four tore through the equipment that instantly exploded.\xA0 The mercenaries dove out of the way, but two moved two slowly.\xA0 Metal shards dug into the skull of one, while an electrical cable fried the second.\xA0 Jason quickly ducked again as another volley narrowly missed his head.\xA0 Seven to go.\xA0 He looked around for another place to hide, as this console no longer provided good protection.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 He heard something clank to his left and then roll to his feet.\xA0 GRENADE!\xA0 Without thinking, he dove out the way.\xA0 The grenade exploded and sent metal shrapnel flying all around him.\xA0 As he recovered from the explosion, he felt a stabbing pain in his right shoulder and noticed a metal spike sticking out at both ends of his shoulder.\xA0 He quickly tried to rise to his feet, only to feel a blow to the back of his head.\xA0 He collapsed on the floor and the shard dug deeper into his shoulder.\xA0 The sudden pain made him scream out in agony.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Slowly, he looked up and saw the remaining seven mercenaries around him with their guns pointed to his head.\xA0\xA0 One of them kicked Jason's arms out from under him and he fell on his face.\xA0 Jason groaned in pain as the shrapnel moved up his shoulder again and tore up more of his flesh.\xA0 All of them laughed.\xA0 \x93I can't believe these egg heads think these things are better than us!\xA0 God made us first.\xA0 You can't improve on the original!\xA0 Looky here.\xA0 He's changing back.\x94

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Jason felt his strength leave him as his body shifted and shrank.\xA0 He could not keep his form no matter how he hard tried.\xA0 Fang warned him that if he got injured or lost consciousness he would return to his human form.\xA0 He heard the bone in his shoulder snap as his shrinking skeleton strained against the shrapnel.\xA0 The searing pain made him scream and slowly lose his grip on consciousness.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 \x93See, I told you,\x94\xA0 the same mercenary continued.\xA0 \x93Can't improve on the original.\x94

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 \x93Do we kill him now?\x94\xA0 Another asked.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 \x93No.\xA0 Let watch him suffer for a bit.\xA0 Teach him right for killing us!\x94

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 They watched him as his body slowly changed back to human form.\xA0 Tried as he might, Jason could not change back.\xA0 The pain was too much.\xA0 He tried to get up on all fours; but, he could no longer hold up his own weight.\xA0\xA0 He fell on the floor again and his face landed in his own pool of blood.\xA0 The mercenaries laughed and placed the barrels of their gun on his back and they prepared to kill him.\xA0 Jason closed his eyes as he prepared for the inevitable.\xA0 He managed one last thought.\xA0 Stone.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Jason jumped as he heard an explosion then guns firing all around him.\xA0 A second later, everything became dead silent.\xA0 It took Jason a few more seconds to realize he was still alive.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 \x93Jason!\x94\xA0 He heard an echoed voice call out to him.\xA0

He felt a large hand slowly turn him over as his eyes landed on a large equine face.\xA0 \x93Stone!\x94\xA0 He coughed out.

\x93Don't talk.\xA0 It's okay now.\xA0 We're here to get you out.\x94\xA0 Jason felt Stone touch his left shoulder and he groaned in pain.\xA0 \x93Black, get here.\xA0 He's bleeding.\x94

The panther kneeled besides him and quickly took out a med kit.\xA0 \x93Roll up his sleeve.\x94

\x93Black, there's no time for this now,\x94\xA0 Fang roared.\xA0 \x93We gotta get out of here.\xA0 Now!\x94

\x93He won't make it if we move him now.\x94\xA0 Black growled back.

\x93Hurry up then.\xA0 I'll hold them back as best I can.\x94

Stone ripped his sleeve off and Black injected him with something.\xA0 The pain slowly vanished as his body grew numb.\xA0 \x93Now, Rhino.\xA0 Just relax.\xA0 You'll be okay,\x94\xA0 the black panther purred.

With the pain gone, exhaustion took him over.\xA0 He focussed on Stone's eyes, who looked back worried and concerned.\xA0 His mind slowly floated in darkness.\xA0 \x93Jason!\xA0 Don't die on me.\xA0 Don't leave me!\x94 Stone pleaded.\xA0 Before Jason could reply, darkness washed over him.


Jason logged off from his computer and pulled away from his desk.\xA0 Well, that's it.\xA0 There's nothing else to do but pack.\xA0 He walked over to his bed and pulled his huge military carry bag from under the bed.\xA0 Opening his dresser drawers, he packed away his clothing.\xA0 It took him only a few minutes to pack away all his belonging.\xA0 Then again, owing only clothes made packing quick.

Once all packed up, he looked around his room and sighed.\xA0 Something in the back of his mind told him to stay.\xA0 He angrily pushed it aside.\xA0 He knew full well he had to leave and the scientist\x92s words were only a reminder of that fact.\xA0 You see, like the rest of these creatures, I created you.\xA0 He was that scientist's creation.\xA0 A creation!\xA0 This meant all his thoughts, his memories and his actions were all pre-designed.\xA0 Even the rest of this unit were creations.\xA0 Like him, they were all puppets.\xA0 He wanted nothing\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 of it.\xA0 When he joined, he had a feeling his life would change.\xA0 He never thought it would change like this.

He hoped that leaving was not something that scientist put in his mind.\xA0 He no longer knew if any of his actions were his own or a scientist's grand design.\xA0 That is why he decided to leave.\xA0 He hoped to get away from it all, and maybe get a normal life, if it could be done.\xA0 What angered him the most though, were his feelings toward Stone.\xA0 He thought he felt something strong towards him.\xA0 He actually believed he could find love with him.\xA0 He laughed.\xA0 Love.\xA0 They probably just programmed that in too.\xA0 That 'scientist' probably thought it'd be funny for a rhino and a stallion to be in love.\xA0 He would have no part in this experiment.\xA0 Whatever it took, he would take back his life.

He swung the bag over his shoulder and headed towards the door.\xA0 As it opened, he was startled to see Stone standing there, in his stallion form, and barring his way.\xA0 "I guess it's true what I heard.\xA0 You\x92re leaving, right?"\xA0 He asked in a low tone.

Jason looked up.\xA0 "Well, what do you think?\xA0 I'm all packed up."\xA0 Jason looked for a way around the large equine, but found none.\xA0 He had no choice but wait until he moved.\xA0 "I thought I could leave whenever I wanted?"

\x93Sure you can.\xA0 But why?\xA0 You passed all the tests and did great on your first mission.\xA0 Fang decided to keep you on the team.\x94\xA0 Jason could see confusion in the large equine eyes.

\x93That\x92s not why I\x92m leaving.\x94\xA0 The last thing he wanted was to be asked twenty questions.\xA0 He wanted to get out of here.\xA0 Jason irritably glared at Stone.\xA0 \x93Do I need a good reason?\x94

Stone sighed heavily, his eyes peered deep into his.\xA0 "Your leaving because of what that scientist told you, aren't you?"

"Isn't that good enough?\xA0 Aren't you upset at finding out that you\x92re just a . . . puppet?\xA0 That you\x92re this creation of a mad scientist's dream?\xA0 That every thought and emotion's already been pre-programmed into you?" \xA0Stone sighed again, to Jason's great surprise.\xA0 Is he as mad as that scientist?\xA0 Was he the only one who knew there was no point to life anymore?

"Well, did you even consider that he could have lied to you?\xA0 To me, it looked like he stalled for time 'till the mercenaries showed up."\xA0 Stone spoke in that cool and collected tone of his.\xA0 Stone always seemed to be calm, no matter what.

"What about all those containers?\xA0 My life story in their computer?\xA0 And why couldn't I shoot him?\xA0 I\x92m actually surprised Fang kept me when I froze like that.\x94\xA0 That last alone was reason enough to leave.\xA0 How could he be relied on when he could freeze at any time?

\x93Rhino.\xA0 Jason.\xA0 We just found out the scientist used to work for us up to a month ago.\xA0 Our government thought he died in a car accident.\xA0 Obviously, he\x92s alive and working for someone else.\xA0 He had more than enough opportunities to get samples of all our DNA, and, his area of expertise was mind control and manipulation.\xA0 That\x92d probably explain why you froze.\x94\xA0 Jason listened to Stone as he looked for another way out.\xA0 He still found none.\xA0 \x93And Fang found records of all our lives in their systems.\xA0 Not just yours.\x94

Jason paused his search for an exit and pondered Stone\x92s words.\xA0 He admitted to himself that what Stone said made sense.\xA0 Still, something bugged him.\xA0 \x93But\x85 why make them look like us?\x94

Stone shrugged.\xA0 "Who knows.\xA0 Obviously, that base was more than just an arsenal dump."\xA0 Stone paused for a moment.\xA0 "So, you still convinced you\x92re a creation?"

"I . . . don't know."\xA0 Somehow, something told him Stone told the truth.\xA0 He shook his head angrily as pictures of the tubes with the werelings floating inside flashed in his mind.\xA0 The picture flashed again as he saw his twin in the tube.\xA0 "I need time to sort things out."

Stone moved out of the way and into his room.\xA0 "All right kid.\xA0 We can't force ya to say.\xA0 But, none of us want you to leave..\xA0 We want you to stay."\xA0 Jason shrugged as he started out down the hall.\xA0 "I wish you could stay."\xA0 Stone added barely out of earshot.\xA0 For the first time, he heard emotions coming from the stallion.

Jason turned to face the stallion.\xA0 "You . . . want me to stay?\xA0 Why?"

Stone looked at him.\xA0 "Because . . . I care for you."

Jason simply stood there with his jaw opened and he stared at the stallion.\xA0 It took a few seconds for the words to finally register.\xA0 "You... care?"\xA0 He looked at the stallion suspiciously.\xA0 "Why?"

Stone started to flush, something else he never saw him do.\xA0 "Well, of course.\xA0 Your part of our unit... our family.\xA0 We care for each other."\xA0 Stone paused and Jason saw in those large brown eyes that there was more than just military 'family' caring.\xA0 "Because... I've grown..."\xA0 Stone took a large deep breath, "I've grown close to you."\xA0 Stone's fur took on a bright red hue.

Jason stood there for a moment, as Stone spoke the words he wanted to hear for the last two months.\xA0 How he loved being close to him, listening to him and practicing with him.\xA0 Then, hesitation set in again, as the scientist repeated the words in his mind.\xA0 "I . . . I don't know anymore.\xA0 How do I know your feelings are real?\xA0 How do I know my feelings are real?"\xA0 How he just wanted to hug Stone right then and there, but how could he know it came from him, and not from a plan.\xA0 "I need to sort them out."

Jason turned around and left.\xA0 Before he took his fourth step, Stone said, "I was confused once too and I thought of leaving."\xA0 Jason stopped in his tracks, but did not turn around.\xA0 "Bruno game me this piece of advice before I left.\xA0 He told me that you should always trust your instincts and heart.\xA0 If you just take a second or two and clear your mind, the first thought that comes is the right answer."\xA0 This came from Bruno?\xA0 Jason could hardly believe it.\xA0 Stone continued, "I'm surprised too.\xA0 Who'd think that our big lummox would come up with that.\xA0 Now I see that he might be big and slow, but he sees things most of us don't."

He closed his eyes and felt his body shake.\xA0 Half of him wanted him to leave this insanity now.\xA0 The other half wanted him to stay here, with Stone.\xA0 Part of him believed the scientist, the other Stone's words.\xA0 Never in his life has he felt so torn up inside.\xA0 Trust my instincts?\xA0 Trust my heart?\xA0 Now that he thought about it, his instincts have never been wrong.\xA0 It saved his life more than once on the field.\xA0 With a deep breath he cleared his mind.\xA0 After a few seconds of darkness, an image appeared.\xA0 He saw Stone's face, both in human and wereling form.

He dropped his duffle bag, ran back to the stallion and wrapped his arms around him tightly.\xA0 Stone placed his huge arms around him and they held each other.\xA0 All his doubts and confusion vanished as Stone stroked his back.\xA0 He never thought this day would come, and now that it did, he could not believe he almost let it go.\xA0 He felt he made the right choice.\xA0 He just hoped he would not regret it later.

Slowly, Stone released him and closed the door behind him.\xA0 Stone smiled warmly as Jason stared back confused and wondered what Stone was up to.\xA0 Stone's two huge hands swallowed his own and gently pulled him onto the bed.\xA0 Jason finally understood and his heart jumped.\xA0 Before he had any more doubts, Stone kissed him.\xA0 Jason felt Stone\x92s passion in the kiss and Jason returned his own passion he felt towards Stone.\xA0 The next thing he felt were huge hands caressing his body.\xA0 Jason moaned softly and ran his fingers through Stone\x92s soft mane.\xA0 After what seemed like an eternity, they slowly broke their kiss.

Without another word, Stone slowly stood up, and removed his camouflage pants and his green army tank top.\xA0 Jason watched with great interest as he saw the pants fall to the ground.\xA0 To his greater surprise, he wore nothing else.\xA0 Jason's eyes almost popped out of his head as he saw the sheer size of Stone's sheath at full attention for the first time.\xA0 Then again, it fit the stallions hulking ten feet tall frame.\xA0 Below the sheath, two large balls hung limply and invitingly.\xA0 He looked up at Stone, as fear washed over him.\xA0 There was no way he could take Stone's shaft in his mouth.

Stone smiled and answered as if reading his mind.\xA0 "Why don't you change?"

"My shoulder still hurts too much."\xA0 Jason winced in pain at the last time he tried, which almost made him pass out.

Stone smiled.\xA0 "Well, then I'll just have to make sure it doesn't hurt this time."\xA0 Slowly, he towered over him and slowly started to remove his clothing.\xA0 Jason opened his mouth to protest; but, quickly closed it again.\xA0 He wondered how Stone could make his transformation painless.\xA0 The question instantly vanished as strong hands slipped under his own tank top.\xA0 Jason gasped as the warm and soft fur slid across his chest.\xA0 He never felt anything so wonderful before.\xA0 Stone\x92s warm fur gave him goose bumps.\xA0 Once his shirt removed, Stone ran a thick finger down his head, chest and stomach and finally reached his belt.\xA0 Stone\x92s think finger easily undid his belt, and unzipped his own dark brown camouflage pants.\xA0 Once undone, hands deftly slid down to his feet, removed his socks one by one.\xA0 Finally, his pants slid off.\xA0 As they dropped on the floor, Jason felt his whole body burn as he saw his own uncut member standing at full attention.

Stone smiled as his hand swallowed Jason\x92s shaft easily, making him groan in pleasure.\xA0 "Impressive."\xA0 Stone crawled into bed again, this time kneeling between Jason\x92s legs.\xA0 The equine\x92s strong arms picked him up so that his chest faced Stone's muzzle.\xA0 Stone snorted softly and his warm breath teased Jason\x92s nipples.\xA0 Suddenly, Jason\x92s body was hit by a sudden wave of pleasure as Stone licked his nipples.\xA0 Jason held his breath for a second while his body shook.\xA0 Stone smiled.\xA0 "When I start, start changing."

Before Jason could reply, Stone buried his muzzle onto his chest and started to suckle on his left nipple.\xA0 Jason yelled in surprised which quickly turned into loud moans of pleasure.\xA0 The sudden pleasure made his head spin as he leaned forward and held himself against Stone's head.\xA0 He felt the huge and warm tongue lick his nipple as the lips suckled it.\xA0 Waves and waves of pleasure hit his mind, making it hard for him to focus.\xA0 Finally, he managed to gain enough control to start changing; but, Stone's muzzle made it hard to maintain.\xA0

Slowly, Jason felt his bones and muscles stretch and grow, while his shoulder wound shot daggers of pain as it resisted the transformation.\xA0 Stabs of pain mixed with waves of pleasure made him moan and groan as he fought to keep his chain of thoughts focussed on his transformation.\xA0 To his relief, the pleasure managed to mask most of the pain. \xA0He continued to feel his body shift, stretch and grow, until finally, it ended.

Jason opened his eyes, not realising he closed them.\xA0 He sat on Stone\x92s lap, muzzle to muzzle with him.\xA0 Stone smiled and licked his nose.\xA0 "See, it wasn't that bad."

Jason said nothing as he wrapped his huge arms around the stallion and kissed him with renewed passion.\xA0 He pulled the stallion on top of him and then rolled on top, not once breaking their kiss.\xA0 Once on top, he broke their kiss.\xA0 Stone blinked, but before he could say anything, Jason licked his way down to Stone's chest and aimed for his left nipple.\xA0 This time, it was Stone\x92s turn to moan in pleasure.\xA0 Encouraged, Jason used his hands to gently massage Stone\x92s shaft and balls as he continued to nurse on his nipple.\xA0 When Stone started to writhe and pull on the sheets, Jason licked his way across the chest, enjoying the sweet taste of his lover's fur and hide.\xA0 Once he reached his target, he gave it as much attention as it's counterpart.\xA0 Stone's moans increased his own lust, which made him want to please him more.\xA0 Not one to back down from a challenge, Jason redoubled his efforts.\xA0 Once satisfied that he could take no more, he slowly licked his way down the massive chest, heavily muscled stomach and finally reached his destination.

Jason studied the huge throbbing member and smiled.\xA0 It seemed smaller now, more manageable.\xA0 He resisted the urge to swallow it all up, and focussed on the two large orbs below.\xA0 Slowly, he lapped the large ball sack, getting a louder moan and whinny from him.\xA0 Jason inhaled deeply, enjoying his new lover\x92s heavy groin musk.\xA0 He found himself getting totally turned on by pleasing Stone.\xA0 Jason spread Stone's legs apart a bit more to get a better access to his balls.\xA0 He continued to lick them, and then slowly licked the space between the legs, doing one side then the other.\xA0 This got an even stronger response from the huge stallion as his entire body now writhed in pleasure.

As he swallowed both of Stone's balls, Stone shifted his body so that his muzzle ended up below Jason's groin.\xA0 He felt the muzzle bury itself onto his loins as a tongue wrapped itself around the tip.\xA0 Suddenly, a warm sensation surrounded his shaft that made Jason snort and groan in pleasure.

Jason no longer held back as he opened his own muzzle and took in Stone's entire member.\xA0 To his relief, he easily swallowed and deep throated the huge member.\xA0 Stone responded by shivering and snorting loudly as his breath washed over Jason's balls.\xA0 Thirstily, both nursed and suckled on each other's throbbing shaft.\xA0 Stone's hands worked his rump and massaged his aching balls, trying to gently squeeze his seed out.\xA0 Jason copied Stone's movements and fondled his lover's.\xA0 It took no time for his balls to start lurching and his shaft fill up with his seed.\xA0 At the same time, Jason felt Stone's shaft expand as he licked up large globs of pre.

Both breathed heavily, as their hands explored their now sweat covered bodies.\xA0 Jason suckled on Stone's shaft thirstily, wanting to taste Stone\x92s salty and sweet seed.\xA0 Stone's ministrations quickly worked their magic as he felt his balls drain some more and his shaft swell up to the brim.

\xA0Suddenly, Jason's body tensed up and he instinctively pushed his shaft into Stone's muzzle.\xA0 He snorted loudly and his seed exploded into Stone's thirsty throat.\xA0 At the same time, Stone's body tensed up and forced his own shaft into Jason's mouth.\xA0 Stone\x92s shaft throbbed one last time and erupted with his warm seed.\xA0 Taken by surprise, Jason let the first few explosions leak out of his muzzle; but, he quickly recovered and swallowed the subsequent jets.\xA0 Stone on the other hand had no problem swallowing his seed as he felt the stallion redouble his efforts, as if trying to literally suck every last drop from his balls.\xA0 Explosion after explosion, Jason drained his balls of their contents while Stone\x92s seed spilled in his mouth.\xA0 With every explosion, a tidal wave of pleasure washed over his entire body, making his orgasm even greater.\xA0 Just as Jason thought he could no longer bear the extreme pleasure, his climax slowly subsided and his body slowly began to relax again.\xA0 At the same time, Stone's explosion lessened and his body relaxed.

As Jason licked up the last glob of Stone's seed, he slowly released the drained member from his maw and waited for Stone to finish.\xA0 He slowly turned around and found that his strength was also drained from him.\xA0 He weakly collapsed besides Stone's equally weak body and rested his head on Stone\x92s shoulder.\xA0 Stone whined softly and contentedly.\xA0 He felt Stone's hands gently stroke his back, as Jason drew idle circles on Stone's massive chest.

"So, Jason.\xA0 Will you reconsider?"\xA0 Jason felt that Stone wanted him to stay for him rather than for the unit.

Jason looked back at Stone and kissed him.\xA0 "Does that answer your question?"\xA0 Stone nodded slowly and kissed him back.\xA0 Slowly they broke the kiss and let sleep take them over.

As Jason closed his eyes, all doubts vanished.


Fang padded up to Rhino's door, with Black clinging to him lovingly.\xA0 He gripped his panther tightly and kissed him again, which got a giggle out of his mate.\xA0 How he loved him dearly.

Black looked up at him.\xA0 "So, you think he left?"\xA0 His deep male voice heavily contrasted against the 'effeminate' behaviour the panther kept.\xA0 Another thing he loves about him.

"There's only one way we'll find out."\xA0 Fang replied as he knocked onto Rhino's door. He waited a minute and there was no answer.\xA0 He looked at his mate, who winked at him and motioned for him to try again.\xA0 Fang knocked again.

This time, he got a reply.\xA0 "Hold a sec."

After a minute, the door opened and Rhino stood there, easily filling the door frame in his rhino form.\xA0 He only wore a towel around his waist.\xA0 Fang smiled as he looked him up and down.\xA0 To his great surprise, Rhino blushed, making his thick hide turn a reddish grey colour.\xA0 Black tried to hold back a chuckle, but failed miserably.

"I guess you'll be staying then?"\xA0 Fang asked, though knowing the answer already.

"Yeah.\xA0 I had a good talk with Stone."\xA0 Fang could not help but smile again as Rhino took on a deeper shade of red.

"You sure\xA0 you two talked?"\xA0 Black giggled.\xA0 Fang playfully slapped his panther on the rump, though he did expect it from his playful mate.\xA0 This made Rhino's entire body turn a good shade of red.

"Well, better get ready.\xA0 We got a mission briefing in an hour."

"Ok."\xA0 With that, Rhino started to turn around.

"And Stone,"\xA0 Fang added more loudly.\xA0 "You better get ready too!"

Rhino stopped in his tracks.\xA0 Fang saw Rhino\x92s tail flick about nervously.\xA0 After a second of silence, Stone replied,\xA0 "Yes Sir!"

The door closed behind a totally embarrassed Rhino.\xA0 Black could not help but laugh.\xA0 Fang had to admit that it was quite fun to tease them.\xA0 Black licked his muzzle.\xA0 "See, I told ya he'd stay."\xA0

\x93Your right.\xA0 I didn\x92t think he\x92d stay after his first mission.\xA0 I\x92m happy he\x92s staying.\xA0 He\x92ll be a great addition.\x94\xA0 Fang had to admit that Black read others more easily than him.\xA0 \x93And I think Stone likes him a lot.\x94\xA0

Black giggled and took\xA0 a few steps ahead of him.\xA0 Fang growled softly as Black rose his tail, teasing the lion.\xA0 "Are you asking me something, Black?"\xA0 Fang growled softly as his mate teased him.\xA0 He took a few quick steps forward as Black kept his distance.

"I was thinking since we have an hour, I'd like to take care of my master.\xA0 We have more than enough time."\xA0 Black giggled with a teasing wink.

Fang grinned and growled, "oh, you think an hour is enough?\xA0 We'll just see about that."\xA0 With that, he took one wide stride and grabbed his mate's arms.\xA0 "Now, my slave, let's see how well you take care of your master."\xA0 With that, he led his giggling and teasing mate to their room.

Jason Smith /
This story Copyright © 1999 by Jason Smith
Do not redistribute in any way without his explicit permission.
Last Updated: March 11, 2000