With a bright flash, the StarLion came back into normspace around the planet Earth. The beautiful white cloud swirls danced over the oceans. The land masses were a uniform grey color. The massive ring of debris from past space flights and orbiting ships swooped past the curve of Earth. But no human on Earth noticed the arrival of the AFF (Animal Freedom Fighter) ship. The moment it entered normspace, the stealth shields were put up. On the bridge of the long, sleek warship, Commander, the commander of the AFF starfleet in this sector, paced back and forth by a viewport. Unfortunately, the stealth shield blotted out the view of anything outside. He knew how risky being this close to a human planet was, even with the best hiding technology there was, and he preferred to see if anything was coming. The shield blocked out their own sensors too. "Commander, we are at the farthest point from any Shieldor." reported S.C. (Second in Command), Commander's best friend and personal aide. "Good," Commander rumbled. He turned to a cluster of consoles and operators. "Drop shields, and commence a Class-1 bioscan for humans and another for animals." He turned back towards the viewports. They cleared for a moment, then dimmed. "Done," announced one of the operators. Commander stalked over to where S.C. was standing next to a small hologram generator. "Well?" he said after a moment and nothing had happened, "What's wrong with it?" "Probably broken," snorted S.C. He disliked machines and technology. "It's just transferring the data," said the scanner operator. "Takes a couple of seconds." The hologram generator hummed, and a holo of the planet Earth appeared. Floating next to it was a couple of control buttons. Commander put his finger on the `human population density' tag, and suddenly Earth changed colors, from green and blue to red, except for a small portion of Australia, most of Antarctica, and small freckles of green scattered around. There was a small graph showing the color equivalent of population. Red was the most dense. There was also a long number floating by the graph. It said, "Human Pop.: 14,000,000,000." "Hmm." Commander touched the `animal population' button. The hologram of Earth changed to a sentence in large letters: "Too scattered to display. Centered mostly in Australia. Total Pop: Approx. 10,000." S.C. growled. "Those humans are gonna pay." * * * * Ray Shoman leaned back and stretched in his comfortable chair. He was a sensor technician on Shieldor-1, one of the four platforms that orbited Earth. The main purpose of the Shieldors was to shoot down any large meteors that was coming towards Earth and could possibly land. With the cities that covered most of the continents, a meteor smashing into the ground could pose a problem. But the Shieldors were also battle stations, complete with 22 squadrons of fighters. The Shieldors were tough, and very useful in a space battle. Suddenly, his sensor scope pinged. Ray glanced at the screen in front of him. "An unidentified (possibly hostile) ship appeared, then disappeared in a few seconds in quadrant C4. While appearing, beamed an unknown sensor type at surface of Earth. No jumping tracks," Ray mumbled to himself as he read the screen. "Computer, what type of ship?" The super computer hummed for a second, then flashed, "Unknown." "Hmm." Ray touched the intercom button on the monitor. "Sir, you'd better come down and take a look at this. I got an unknown ship on my screen a second ago." His supervisor acknowledged, and in a couple of minutes, he came up behind Ray. "What happened?" he asked gruffly. "Sir, my screen caught an unknown ship appearing, making a scan of Earth, then disappearing, without any jump tracks." "Replay it, and have the computer display the scan's characteristics." Ray did so, and his supervisor examined the two things. "That scan is different from any I know of. And I don't recognize the ship." He scratched his chin. "I'm bringing it to the CEDF. Call me if anything else shows up." He stuck a data card in the slot, transferred the information, then took it and marched away. Ray reset his screen, and leaned back in his chair again. * * * * Ray's supervisor was named Frank Delon, and was a captain in the Fleet, with 10 years of experience behind him. As he marched to the captain's quarters, he fingered the data card, and racked his mind as to what the ship was. He still hadn't figured it out by the time he reached the door to the CEDF's room. He pushed the intercom button beside the door. "Sir, I have something odd that we picked up. I think you ought to-" He cut himself off as the door hissed open. "Come in," said the smooth and calm voice of the Commander of the Earth's Defense Forces (CEDF). Captain Delon stepped into the room. "What do you have?" CEDF asked, turning his chair around from a large bank of technical read outs of various parts of the ship. "A sensor tech picked up a ship in quadrant C4. the computer couldn't identify the ship, or the sensor scan it did." Delon took out the data card. "I have the readings here." CEDF pointed at a console next to him. "Put it in there, first slot on top." Captain Delon stepped over, and popped in the card. The room automatically dimmed, and the wall in front of them suddenly lit up. It was actually a large monitor. Pretty fancy stuff, in the captain's opinion. "Interesting." CEDF stroked his chin. "I have never seen that type of sensor beam, but that ship..." He scrutinized the ship closely. "It reminds me sort of..." He drew in his breath sharply, and turned to Captain Delon. "I want you to launch some scout ships out in that quadrant." Captain Delon looked at his superior. "Can I ask why, sir?" "Orders first. See me in the main bridge after the scouts go, and I'll explain." "Yes, sir!" Captain Delon saluted, then turned to carry out his orders, wondering what was going on. * * * * Commander was gazing out the large viewport, thinking about the beginning of the AFF. Humans had been making some large leaps in biotechnology, and one scientist was curious as to whether or not you could combine human and animal DNA, and create a sort of were wolf type of creature. Apparently, you could. His first success was a wolf/human, but he made quite a few other species. The creatures he made looked like the animal standing, but their height was an average between a human's height, and the animal's length. They didn't have paws, but hands, although they retained the claws. They did have tails, a coat of fur, those long muzzles and teeth, and many of the instincts and sharper senses of the animal they were. About the only things they got from the human side of them was the upright posture, the ability to speak human languages, and a better-than-human brain. Indeed, they were smarter than their human creators. Delighted with his work, the scientist started making more. The animal/humans were made for mostly the entertainment of humans. In fact, they were treated like animals. Humans used them as `workers' in dangerous jobs, conducted tests on them, showed them on entertainment shows, and basically, showed no sign of care towards them. In fact, there was even a colosseum type of thing, where the animal/humans were forced to fight each other. Occasionally, they might take one of the foxes, turn it loose in the city, and have hunters see who could be the first to shoot the animal. It was no real surprise then, that they were real sick of humans. So far, most of them had been kept on Earth. There might have been one or two on other planets, but not many. The largest concentration was probably in the colosseum place, and they were the first to rebel. They were all the types of animals that humans liked to hunt and get killed: wolves, lions, tigers, a few foxes, and others like that. One night, they all broke out from their cages, and killed most of the security guards there, as well as anyone else who got in their way. Once out, there was no people on the street, and the animal/humans were not noticed, even though there were around 2,000 carnivorous animals, at least. For some reason, the colosseum was very close to a spaceport, where they hijacked a couple of ships, and blasted out to space. Then the stolen ships all made a jump out as far as they could together. Since they had all captured a passenger ship designed for travel within the Solar System, they had a limited supply of food onboard. So when they saw a freighter cruising by as it prepared for its own jump, the escapees pretended that they were actually a regular flight of passenger ships, and very low on food. The freighter agreed to dock with them and give each of them a load of food (it was a food freighter). When it did, the transfer crew were the first ones dead, before the animal/humans invaded and killed every human on the freighter. Although the freighter had mostly food like ice cream and other foods that humans relish and animals dislike, there was still a plentiful supply of meat on board for all the ships. After that, they started looking for a planet to live on to gather their strength, and get their revenge on the human race. They found one. The planet was one that was very far out, and very similar to Earth. Of course, humans had settled there, but only in a single colony a long time ago. They had decided to forget about it, as it was too far away from any other human settlement. The settlers were struggling for their survival, as they had nothing except what they had on their original landing ship. The newborn AFF quickly extinguished their lives, and settled in, getting rid of the human settlement. They hunted the native animals for food with no weapons but their own claws and teeth. They increased their numbers as well. Back on Earth, the other animal/humans got ideas from the colosseum escape, and within a year, almost all of the animals had escaped, or at least tried to. Maybe 200 got captured in the escape attempts, and they were taken to a jail or something, although no animal knew where. The AFF on the new planet expected the escape attempts, so they took one of the ships they had stolen, and jumped around, broadcasting where the escaping animals should go. They didn't use English, of course. They spoke in a language that was a mixture of all the animal species languages, which the humans never had and never would understand. This language was called Traditional. However, some words didn't get passed around, so lions occasinally will use words that a wolf would have no idea of what it meant, and vice versa. Aside from the short chases and warnings to tell the authorities if an AFF was sighted, the humans gave up trying to catch them. The AFF did cause some upcries when they stole warships from colonies that had some. They had even taken an entire warship building facility, and the half made ships around it. With this facility, they had made a very impressive Star Fleet. But all that had happened five years after the escape. The humans had started to forget about them. Now, fifteen years later, the humans would remember. Commander was the main leader of the AFF ships in this sector responsible for eradicating humans. His group was called a pride, since he was a lion, but if, say, a wolf was commanding, his group would be called a pack. His pride consisted of at least ten capital ships, and a few squadrons of starfighters in each one, and quite a few landing groups. The largest ship was a Galaxy-class warship. You see, the AFF were never much for names. They just classified ships by their sizes, and what was the main species on board. Thus, the StarLion was a Star class, with mostly lions on board. The different sizes were, from largest to smallest: Galaxy, Nova, Star, Planet, and Moon. No matter what the main species on board, you would almost always find hawks, eagles, and falcons flying the fighters, which were the best in the galaxy. These birds of prey had retained their wings, which had quite a wingspan, maybe ten feet on the younger ones, and twenty on the adults. They couldn't really fly, but they could glide, like humans used to with their hang gliders. They had kept their superb flying ability, and they showed it in the few space battles they had been in so far, easily moping up the human fighters. The fighter ships themselves were quick, agile craft that had only minimal armor, and no shields. The only form of protection they had was the pilots' skill, and a special, extremely shiny coat that could reflect a few laser bolts. Even though the laser would still show a burn mark on the armor, it still prevented a single blast from destroying the craft. However, the more skilled pilots tended to scorn the protection, believing that if you got shot, you were not good enough to fly. So far, no fighters had even been touched yet. The landing groups were invariably made up of carnivorous animals. These fierce groups could easily overpower and destroy a human group that was larger than them in hand to hand combat. Unfortunately, humans carried guns and avoided the close combat that the animals preferred. That's why the AFF always snuck up on their targets, and took them out before the humans even knew they were there. Very few AFF liked guns, even though they had them. So far, Commander's pride had hit only a few small space stations on the rim of this sector, jamming their calls for help while the fighter squadrons took out the station's own defenses and shields. Then the capital ships would fire a barrage of electron gun bursts. The electron guns were almost like lightning bolts, frying the station's electronics and stunning the humans inside. Then the landing groups went onto the stations and took all of the human's guns and other weapons. Then the real fun began as the humans recovered from the stun affects. Each landing group would have a certain amount of time to hunt down as many humans as they could, while the ships would make sure no one tried to cheat by running away. So far, group 24 of the StarLion and group 6 of the NovaWolf were tied for first, with 174 humans each. Commander and S.C. were in group 24. Commander grinned, baring his long fangs, as he recalled how fun it was chasing down the humans. But he was broken out of his reverie as S.C. nudged him. "When we launching the scouts?" Commander shook his head. "Uh, in a couple of minutes. Can you have someone go get them?" S.C. nodded. "I'll go. Where are they?" "They're in..." Commander consulted a computer, and fiddled with the touchscreen. "..the Deck," he finally said. The Deck was a large room with trees, some grassy areas, and a lake where off-duty animals could go and hunt each other, or catch some food. It was the largest single area in the ship. "All of them?" asked S.C. Commander nodded. "Oh, joy. I'll get them up here right away." * * * * The two best fighter pilots in the EDF Fleet were in the hangar bay of Shieldor-1, examining their ships and trading war stories. They were friends since elementary school, and remained close ever since. Both of them grew up in Southern California, in San Diego, and even in adulthood, they retained that distinct California accent. They were both Star War fans, and had all eleven trilogies on tape. Scott Bruce, the younger, was known as JediMaster. He liked the Rebellion side of Star Wars better. He was about 5'7" and had sandy brown hair and an average build. Scott was handsome in a vague sort of way. He liked wearing black, and was the second best pilot in the EDF. The one person above him was Jared Smith. He called himself Vader, after his favorite Star Wars character, and the lord of the Imperials. He was a few inches taller than his friend, muscular, and had blond hair and blue eyes. His precise aim, uncanny knack to avoid being shot (and his urge to kill everything that he could target in his fighter), made him the best fighter pilot anywhere. "Man, you shoulda been at Timon V with me, when those bogeys showed up," said Scott as he painted another kill onto his craft. He had just come back from another tour, this time helping to stop the Trivions from invading the Timon sector. His bud had been at Hathor, helping to stop cold the Trivions there. They had just both gotten back to their main post. The Trivions were a fanatical group of religious humans who had declared a holy war on everyone else. "Why, what happened?" Jared asked. He was considering where to put another kill on his ship, as it was getting filled up. "We were running escort duty for a damaged WarStar while they were fixing her up. Some Trivs popped up just as we were changing the guards. All of us went after 'em, and just as we had finished with 'em, some more appeared right on top of us. I mean, on top of us, 'cuz I almost got rammed. After we wiped them out, I started away 'cuz I didn't wanna be rammed again, and just as I thought I was safe, a big momma Triv showed up. Man, I swear I was gonna run outta air before they stopped coming. Only had 'bout ten minutes worth left when I managed to dock finally." Jared laughed. "Y'know, they did exactly the same thing with us. Only, they came outta hyper just a mile away from my space platform. About twenty waves of them before the big ones came. We were orbiting a planet you see, and one of the big ones jumped in so close, they got pulled into the atmosphere, and burned up. Pretty funny, but I just wonder where they got all of the freakin' ships." "Yeah, maybe-" Scott was interrupted by the blaring of the hanger intercom. "Smith, Bruce, please respond to briefing room 12-V, Smith, Bruce, please respond to briefing room 12-V. Thank you." "Now what?" groaned Jared. * * * * "Yes sir?" Jared wearily asked, after saluting Captain Delon. "I know you boys just got back from your tours. But we just got something weird that CEDF wants checked out. You two were chosen to do it," explained Delon. "Joy," muttered Scott. "It's in quadrant C4, so get going. You can take any ship you want. Just don't blow it away if it's friendly." "Yes, sir," Scott and Jared said at the same time, and then they were excused. "Boy, don't we get the fun jobs. Can't even shoot until we get shot at," grumped Jared. * * * * Jared was firmly strapped into the cockpit of his own Striker as it was lowered into the launching tube. He watched the claw lower his friend's Striker into the other tube. "JediMaster, are you there?" he said into the interlink. "Yeah, I read you loud and clear and all that other junk, Vader," Scott said back. "Good luck, and may the Force be with us." It was their own little superstition thing to do that. The computer on his ship rapidly went through the pre- flight checks, and the count down was started. In a moment, they were launched. "Alrightie then, where's C4?" JediMaster muttered to himself as he keyed it into his navcom. A small blip appeared on his nav scope, and he centered it, and started up the scanners, and powered up his lasers. "Let's get this over with," Vader's voice said in his ear. He hated recon duty unless he got to shoot what he was checking out. "Right." Their twin ships rocketed off into space. * * * * S.C. stepped off of the elevator. He looked around the huge room. About 1/2 of the place was wooded, and the rest was a flat grassland. To his right, he heard a muffed squawk as something got his or her dinner. Although he might feel like it later, he couldn't go hunting now. He started striding down to the small cafeteria-like place near the end of the room. As he went, he sensed something shadowing him in the trees beside him. He stopped several times, but he never saw whatever it was. Soon he came to the grassy area, and even as he continued going, he thought he could hear something rustling in the grass. Someone's hunting me, S.C. thought, amused at the thought. He ran through the list of animals on the ship. Tigers might be a nice challenge, but he would definitely have known if something that big was there. He started down the room again, still considering. Wolf? Nah, I'm at least a foot taller than them, and they're not supposed to be crazy, he thought. Soon, he came up with the fact that nothing could be there that would challenge him. Lost in his ponderings, he stumbled into the cafeteria before he knew it. He looked around for the P.A. system microphone, and pulled it off the wall. "Will all scouts come to the cafeteria now," he said into the mike. His voice echoed throughout the enormous room, startling him. Outside, in the grass, a few AFF started trickling his way. In a couple of minutes, about twenty of them were standing around S.C. He noted that most of them were not lions. In fact, just one of them was, a female. There was also two white tigers, three orange ones, a few coyotes, several wolves, and seven foxes. "Is this all?" he asked with a frown. "Yeah," said one of the scouts. "Except for Foxy. I don't know where he is, but we're all of them." "Alright then. Head up to the main bridge, and tell Commander I'll be up in a minute. I'm going to go find this Foxy of yours." The scouts headed off for the elevators. S.C. looked out into the Deck. Whatever was shadowing him before was still there. He thought he could see the shadow too. Right in front of him, crouching in the grass. But even as S.C. looked at him, the AFF animal melted away. S.C. looked at the spot were it was, then decided to hunt it down, but not kill him. S.C crept quietly into the grass, keeping low. The high grass was a dull golden color, coming close to his own fur color. He snuck forward, looking around, and listening. After about a hundred yards, he became aware of someone behind him. He went forward a few more yards as if he didn't notice anyone... Then he quickly lashed around with his heavy paw hands. No one was there. Someone tapped him on the shoulder, and S.C. whirled around with a snarl, fully intending to knock the life out of whatever was there. He hated being mocked, but there was no one to take out his wrath on behind him. He stared out at the grassy area, fuming and becoming more angry by the second. Behind him he heard someone running. Turning once again, he saw a small figure, a fox, running towards the elevator bank. It looked back once, and S.C. got the distinct impression that the fox was laughing at him. S.C. realized that that one was the one tormenting him, and that he was going to rip that little bag of fuzz apart. He ran towards the elevators, but the fox had already jumped in one, and started it. S.C. had a feeling he knew where that fleabag was going, and he keyed the elevator for the main bridge. It shot up, and stopped at the bridge. As the doors slid apart, he saw that the scouts he had sent up were departing in one of the larger elevators. "Wait!" he called, and ran across the bridge, and squeezed in just as the doors clamped shut. There was plenty of space left over in the elevator for him. Commander was standing near the door, however, and S.C. almost bumped into him, but caught himself in time. Commander turned towards him. "Glad you could make it," he said. "What kept you?" "Can I tell you later?" he said, bowing his head slightly. "I need to talk with you." Commander's face darkened for a second, then cleared up. "Alright, then." The elevator halted a moment later, opening it's doors to a long hall. Commander ushered the scouts to a room a couple doors down. S.C. was trying to count how many foxes there were, and finally came up with at least eight, one more than he had sent up. Now which one had harassed him earlier? He followed them into the room as he tried to remember how the fox looked like, but it was a futile attempt. Most other creatures all looked the same to him. Once they were all in the room, Commander turned on a hologram generator. It displayed a picture of Earth and a lot of technical stuff. When Commander was sure it wasn't going to explode or something, he faced the group of scouts. "You are all probably wondering why you are here." Most of the scouts nodded. "As you probably know, we do not have a lot of information we need, such as the defenses of certain human planets. How many of you would like to go on this mission?" All of the scouts raised their hands. "Good. Right now we are in orbit of the planet Earth, and scans have showed that practically all of Earth's surface is covered with humans. It will be a very dangerous mission. To go into specifics, you will be launched in a new ship we have that has an excellent ability to evade detection by sensors. The target area to land in is near the Washington D.C. county. Once you have landed, you have to make your way to one of their Intelligence buildings and try to get as much data about the ships the humans have and their defenses." One of the scouts, a wolf, spoke up. "Do ya mean we have to fly those ships down?" Commander nodded. "Then, uh, I don't think I can go on it, 'cuz, you see, I do not fly ships myself. I'm not even entirely comfortable on this ship. So, can I-" He stopped short, not willing to say quit. Commander just motioned towards the door, and the wolf scrambled out. "Anyone else want to not go?" Commander asked. One other scout, one of the foxes, got up. "I'm sorry, but I would die if I had to fly," was all he said before he left. "If that's all, I still need to cut down the number of you going. I need maybe four at the most." He thought for a moment. "How many of you have ever gone on this kinda mission?" Nine of the remaining animals raised their hands. "Okay," said Commander in a slightly surprised tone. "I'll choose from you animals. The rest of you; maybe next time." The unselected animals acknowledged in their own way, then left. Commander looked at each of the remaining scouts. There was the lioness, three foxes, a wolf, two coyotes, and the two white tigers. White? Commander had never seen them before, but he didn't ask them about themselves. "I figure that we'll need one team member who can break in places if you need to, one that's good with computers-" Commander spat out that word as if it tasted like dirt "-and the two remaining slots someone who can help protect the other two, and preferably, have the same skills as the other two." "I can fill that first spot!" cried one of the foxes. "Hey! I can too," snarled one of the coyotes at the fox. "Oh yeah?" growled the fox, first making sure that a table was between him and the coyote, "Try and take my spot, I'll rip your throat out and eat it on the trip." "Break it up," interrupted S.C., pushing between them. Being a lion, one of the biggest animals on the ship, he towered over the two much smaller animals "Stop fighting, or neither of you will live long enough to go on the mission." He was looking closely at the fox, then released both of them, and stepped back. "You two," snapped Commander, "come here." The coyote came first, followed closely by the fox. Commander held out a box. "This box has one each of most kinds of locks. Who ever opens it the quickest, goes." He handed it to the fox. "You go first." The fox accepted it, gloating. He placed it on the hologram generator. "Stand back, and don't peek," he said to the coyote. "Ready?" asked Commander. "Yeah." "Go." A pick suddenly appeared in the fox's hand, visible for only a moment before he attacked the box. In a few seconds, the first lock opened, revealing another lock. There was a faint clicking noise, and the fox had another type of pick. He went to work on the lock, opened it, made a new pick appear out of nowhere, worked on the next lock, and so on. In a few minutes, the box ran out of locks, and opened up. There was a watch inside. "Three minutes, twenty four seconds?" The fox picked up the watch. "What the hell is this?" "That is your time," replied Commander, and took the watch. He pressed a button on it, then replaced it in the box, and locked all of the locks again. "Ready?" he asked the coyote. The coyote shook his head. "No. I want to know how he did that with the picks, just makin' them appear out of thin air." The fox rolled his eyes. "When I lived in the Colosseum, once they took me out for a hunting session. One of the hunters blew my hands off with his shotgun. Since I was so good at not being caught, they didn't kill me, and they gave me these robotic hands. After we had all escaped from that place, I discovered these little panel thingies that opened up." He popped open a panel in his wrist, and revealed about seven picks. "I had a set of picks that I stole somewhere on a human planet, and they fit right in here. Same thing with my other hand." He snapped the lid shut. "Happy?" The coyote made a sort of groaning noise. "I'm not even going to try and beat him. He can go, I'll stay here." And with that, he walked out. "Ha! I'm going, I'm going!" The fox did a little dance around everyone, showing that he had no shame. "Did I say you were going?" asked Commander sternly. The fox froze in mid-step. "You are," Commander said. Then he ignored the fox, who was now scratching his head and looking confused. "How many of you can, um, you know..." His voice trailed off, fumbling for words. "Slice a computer?" asked another fox, a female. "Whatever. As long as you can get into a system, and get anything you need." said Commander. "Well, then. I can do that for you." Commander looked at her, and compared her to the other fox. "This isn't going to be very good if you get caught and need to fight your way out. You two are to small for any real fighting. But since I don't have any other computer junkies, you're going. You two are going to need some protection, though..." He examined the others. "Well, just fight it out, whoever wins, can go." Commander went out the door. S.C. followed him. As soon as the door slid shut, the AFF inside the room started their royal rumble. The one remaining fox and the coyote were at an immediate disadvantage. The fox was a good foot and a half shorter than the wolf, and almost three feet shorter than the tigers and lioness. The coyote was a foot taller than the fox. Seeing how the odds were stacked against them, the fox and the coyote immediately evacuated the room. The big cats were going at it with gusto, particularly the male white tiger. Even though he was being double-teamed against by the lioness and the female white tiger, he seemed to be enjoying it. It looked like he ignored the other tiger, and just attacked the lioness. Foxy, removing himself from the immediate vicinity of the fight, saw why the big tiger was ignoring the tigress. As she swung a paw that was the size of Foxy's head at the tiger, her extended claws hid themselves for a moment, and snapped back out after she had smacked the tiger. The wolf slunk about the perimeter of the fight scene. She did want to go, but she wasn't foolish enough to just wade into the fray. She'd just hang back and finish off the winner, who was sure to be too ripped to do much. The male tiger now had five long gashes on his ribs, and a bloody muzzle, but that didn't seem to bother him too much. He started unleashing a furious assault on the lioness, unnerving her, and causing her to quit after she had collected a fine mess of cuts. The tigers then both turned to the lone wolf, who promptly backed off, and slunk away with her tail between her legs. The tigers made as if they were going to spring on the wolf as she exited, and she yelped and scrambled away. The tiger watched with fangs bared, growling as his breathing slowed. "Guess I'm going," he said, and joined the two foxes, who were sitting on the holo generator. "If you're going, then I'd better go too, keep you out of trouble," put in the female tiger. The door hissed open, and Commander walked in, looking amused. S.C. didn't enter. As soon as Commander was out of the way, the losers of the fight slunk off. "Well, you guys won, eh?" said Commander. "Let's get you down to the launching bays." He gestured towards the door. "Let's get going." * * * * On the way down, Commander was talking to the male fox. "Were you the one who was screwing around with S.C. in the Deck?" was the first thing he said. The fox only looked back at him innocently. "Ah, come on. He knows it was you. Anyways, I would be careful in the future around him. He doesn't like to be messed with, and he's going to get you. I should know, I've known him since I was about four years old." "Well, okay, but I don't know what you are talking about," said the fox. Of course he was the one who did it, but why should he confess? You weren't in trouble until you got caught, so don't get caught, was his view. After the conversation, the fox drifted back to the rest of the scout group. They were introducing themselves to each other, although the tigers were less than thrilled about the foxes custom of sniffing each other for the scent ("But at least we aren't smelling your crotch," stated the female fox). The two white tigers were Siberian tigers that the humans had made white. They were the only two white ones, as far as they knew, which they seemed to be proud of. They were also mates, and lived in the same area on the StarLion. The male was called Inferno, for a reason that neither of the foxes could figure, and the female Tigress, for obvious reasons. Both of them could speak English well enough to hold a conversation. The two foxes were acquainted, but they were not mates. At least, not yet. She was interested in him, although he acted aloof (which was opposite the usual way foxes met), even though he was interested in her. The male was an expert thief, he bragged, and a pickpocket. "I'm called Foxy," he had said. He knew some English, a necessity when he was in the Colosseum. "Okay, I know you're a fox, but what's your name?" asked Inferno. It took a minute of explaining for him to get it. The female fox was adept at using and slicing computers, as that's what her `job' was when she was on Earth. She was fluent in English. Her name was Vix, short for Vixen. In a few minutes they were in the hangar bays. Lined up in five neat rows, one for each squadron and launching tube, were the sleek, deadly fighters. The hawks, falcons, and eagles who flew them were down here, bustling around with their ships. Quite a few threw surprised glances at Commander and the others, but didn't say anything. In one corner of the cavernous room was an area that held only four small, angular craft, that were being prepped by a crew of hawks and others. Commander led them here. The craft were not the bright silver of the fighters, but instead a oily color that swirled and darkened randomly. But they were mostly a dark shade of grey, close to black. The craft were not very large, maybe twenty five feet long. It had two long trailing wings, and no visible weapons. "We're going in those?" asked Tigress uncertainly. "Of course," scoffed one of the hawks who had just come up to them, his talons clacking on the deck. "I designed them myself, and we built them. Trust me, as long as you don't do anything stupid, you'll be okay. They're called Spectres, and they can't be picked up on a sensor. They even have a shading device that helps to match them with their surroundings." "Sorry, but I don't trust anybody with my life," said Tigress, then sighed. "But it looks like I'm gonna have to. Alright, show us how these things work." They were given a quick go-through of the ship. At least most of the time should be on auto-pilot, and there was an automatic landing cycle. But they all knew how to fly the craft, for they had some flight sims in one of the rooms for the birds to use. The other animals were allowed in, and these four had been in before. "And you'll find some stuff in this cargo door, that you might need, so don't smash it in when you land," finished the hawk. The scouts nodded, then were helped into the cockpits, and helped with the intercom pickup between the ships, before the canopy slid shut. Inferno was in the first craft, then Tigress, then Foxy and Vix. Underneath Inferno's ship, a launching tube door opened, and the Spectre was lowered in. "I think I'm gonna regret this later on," breathed Inferno, before the tube doors locked shut. * * * * "I didn't pick up nuthin'," grumbled Vader into his commlink. "What a waste of time." Vader and JediMaster were in quadrant C4, and had just finished their search. They were in the night side of Earth now, and JediMaster rolled his ship to take a view of the lights below him. "But at least there's a nice view from up here," he commented. "Yeah," conceded Vader, "But I would have rather played in one of the holo-sims." "Ahh, you're just upset that we didn't get to shoot anything," teased JediMaster, still upside-down. He gazed at the lights for a couple of moments more before he saw the black splotch of darkness below him. "Hey, check it out! Looks like someone has a blackout down there." "I dunno. That sure is a big one." Suddenly, in front of their eyes, a huge ship appeared out of nowhere, blocking out the blackened part of Earth. "What the hell?" shouted JediMaster. "It's an enemy ship," said Vader, the excitement in his voice rising. "Call for reinforcements, I'm going in." JediMaster watched helplessly, as his friend punched the engines and lasers started blazing from his ship. He swore, and followed him without making the transmission. * * * * "Two human fighters at 3.53 miles!" blared the P.A. system aboard the StarLion. "No," groaned Commander. "Come on, we have to give them time to land!" He ran for the elevator, and was whisked up to the bridge. "Energize all electron cannons, and try to disable the little human scum," shouted Commander as soon as he stepped off the elevator, "Launch four Hawks, tell the pilots to try to cripple the ships. I want the pilots alive, but if you kill them, I'll understand." Two Right Aways floated down to him. "Activate the jamming equipment, too." He hurried up to his consoles. "Update me," he snapped, and a screenful of information poured out. He noted that the Spectres had already disappeared. If everything he was told would happen, they stood a very good chance of completing their mission. * * * * "Hawks one through four, launch now. Hawks one through four, launch now." The voice echoed in the hangars. No sooner had the announcement ended than the Hawks were already in the launching tubes, and flying out. The ace in this group was staring at his briefing display. "Just cripple if possible, kill if you have too." Then he saw the human fighters already unleashing a barrage of useless lasers. He turned towards the first one, instructing his wingmen to cover him, and take on the second. As he got a little closer, he could see the markings on the fighter with his razor sharp eyes, and saw that the pilot was none other than the best pilot the humans had. "But he's never fought me," he said softly. Hawk, as he was called was the best on the StarLion. It would be a pleasure to kill this human. He fired a single shot, and watched it smack into the human's shields. The fighter jerked away to avoid another shot, then went into a complex maneuver, closing the distance between him and Hawk. Hawk thought the maneuver was called the Spaghetti Weave, but it was unimportant. Hawk waited until the human fired a barrage of lasers, then flinched back his fighter just a few feet outside of the lasers path, then opened up his own batteries. He had added three new lasers to the regular three, and he fired twice, connecting with eight shots. No more shields for him. Apparently, the human fighter also got some hull damage, for the ship suddenly spun out when the lasers destroyed his shields. Hawk moved in for the kill. * * * * Vader struggled with his craft. The enemy fighters appeared out of nowhere, and he hadn't noticed them until a shot had hit his shields. Then a lot of shots hit him at once, overloading his shield generator, and striking his hull. He glanced at the diagnostics screen. His engines were at 50%, and his shields were off-line. His hull could take only a few more shots. He instructed the computer to try and fix the shields. Firing up the engines to the max they would go, he swung around to face his attacker, and fired again. "JediMaster, are you there?" he called, wishing he had some warheads in the launcher. "Yeah, there's three of them on me, and my shields are damaged, but I'm okay. How about you?" JediMaster's voice was faint and there was more static than words. The enemy must be jamming them. "Worse than you." The enemy ship fired a couple of shots, and he swerved towards the capital ship. "I don't know how much longer I can last." The capital ship fired an electron cannon. Those didn't go straight, but instead, swerved around, and went for the nearest ship. They didn't have such a good range, but evidently, he was in the range. All his systems went dead, except for the maneuvering jets and one laser. He was stuck. * * * * Hawk was disappointed in the human. He had heard that the pilot was better than that. Hawk nudged his fighter closer to the human's for a better look at the ship. The pilot was moving around, so the electron cannon must not've hit him too hard. He stopped moving when he saw the Hawk fighter moving closer to him. Hawk kept his lasers pointed right at the damaged fighter's cockpit. He shook his head, then flipped on his commlink to a frequency he knew the humans used. "Human, can you hear me?" No reply. The electron cannon must've fried that. At least that human wouldn't be making any distress calls. The fighter started turning slowly, facing the Hawk. Hawk sat back, waiting for a tug to bring in the human. * * * * Vader lined up his last remaining laser with the enemy fighter's cockpit. At this close range, he could see that the pilot was one of those creatures that the crazy scientist had created a while back. What were those monsters doing here? There was a soft thump as something hit him. Looking up, he saw a tug hooking up with him. They were taking him prisoner! He turned back to his controls, and made an adjustment that lined up the lasers with the other ship, and pulled the trigger. * * * * Hawk saw the human fighter turn slightly. The tug must be having a little difficulty with the human, he thought. Then, a red laser bolt flashed out from one of the laser cannons. Hawk jerked back on the controls, but the laser smashed right into the cockpit panels. The laser must not have been fully powered up, for all it did was melt a portion of the strong plastic, and scare the hell out of him. Hawk felt the anger rise in him, and he nudged closer to the human's ship. He flipped the commlink to full power. "I'm gonna rip out your heart and eat it raw!" he screamed into the pickup. The human flinched, and stared at Hawk, fear on his face. Then, the human gathered his courage, and flipped Hawk off. That did it. "But for now, I'm going to kill your friend in the other ship. Then I'll handle you." He put more power to the engines, and took off towards the other ships, thirsting for a kill. * * * * JediMaster was having his own problems. For all his skill, holding off three other ships was no easy task. And, he noted, the fourth was coming. His shields were struggling to stay up. Most of the enemy fighters had seven or eight lasers firing at once, and all those could knock his shields out. Also, he discovered that the ships could take an enormous amount of punishment. So far, he had tagged one fighter about twenty times, and there wasn't even a burn mark on it. JediMaster flipped his ship over, lined up right behind a fighter, and pulled the trigger. Suddenly, his droid squealed as a barrage of lasers hit his rear shields. A gauge blew out from the stress, and his droid informed him that the shields were currently down, and would be for a long time. Glancing back, he saw the other two fighters peel off, and the one that shot down Vader come roaring up, lasers blazing. One laser beam hit his ship's hull, and JediMaster decided that this was not a good situation. He dumped all power to his engines, and instructed his droid to start finding a safe jump point. The droid acknowledged, and made a prediction of one minute, 42 seconds before a jump point was found. JediMaster looked back, expecting that the enemies would be left in the dust. He gasped when he saw that they were easily keeping up with him, and even gaining. "Oh, crap." JediMaster threw his fighter into a fierce twist, and hoped that the jump would be soon. A light lit up on his panel. JediMaster breathed a sigh of relief, and pressed the jump button. There was a bright flash, and he was safe. * * * * Ray Shoman stared at his screen. "What the hell is that?" The ship was back, and four smaller blips had appeared. All of the ships were classified as bad guys. He watched as the two green blips out there were engaged. When he saw one get drawn into the big red blip, he called for Delon. He came striding down to Ray's station in a minute. "What's going on?" he demanded. "Look!," exclaimed Ray, pointing at his screen. "I just got this. They already got one of ours." "No," breathed Delon. He turned to another group of consoles. "Launch all ships, for quadrant C4! Someone's there, and they got one of ours! Go!" After that, Delon ran to CEDF's office. The door hissed open as he stepped up. "Come in," called CEDF. Delon walked in. "Sir, there seems to be an enemy capital ship in quadrant C4. It already got one of our scouts, and the other just disappeared. We are already sending reinforcements." CEDF frowned, and spun around in his chair. He hit a few buttons on the control panels in front of him, and a full tactical read out appeared. He pressed for a visual of the ship. The picture he got wasn't very good, but after he squinted at it for a moment, he swore. "Call for a Starship," he barked into a commlink. "Where's the nearest one?" "There is a Glory class cruiser, the Saratoga, at fifteen minutes, and a pair of Furys, the Tyderium and the Sparkling Star, at twenty," came the voice of either a computer or a tech. CEDF's mind raced. "Call all of them. I don't want this capital ship to escape." He looked at the display. "Is there any Interruptors around?" Interruptors were used in keeping a ship from jumping out. "There is one at one hour, and twenty seven minutes," replied the calm voice. Delon decided that it had to be a computer. "Don't call. It'd take to long. Are the others coming?" "Yes, ETA for the Glory, fourteen minutes, forty five seconds, ETA for the Furys, nineteen minutes, thirty seconds." "Thank you." CEDF terminated the link, and turned in his chair, and studied Delon. "I never got a chance to tell you what I was afraid of the first time we caught that ship on sensor, did I?" Delon fidgeted. "No, sir, you didn't." "Have you heard about the AFF?" asked CEDF, motioning Delon to sit in one of the chairs by the consoles. "Uh, no sir, I don't think so," said Delon, as he sat down. "Actually, no one knows much about them. As far as we know, they just want to destroy the human race." CEDF smiled. "Just said they wanted revenge, but they never said for what. I had heard rumors that they had some capital ships, and I even saw some pictures, but I never truly believed it. That ship you picked up was one of theirs." He took a deep breath. "I am afraid that they will strike at Earth soon." He shook his head. The next time he spoke, it was with that tone of voice he used when giving orders. "Get me a MC. I am going to send a message to High Command." MC was short for message canister. Delon jumped up, and saluted. "At once, sir!" * * * * Commander looked at the computer displays. The fighters were docking, and the StarLion would be jumping out as soon as they were docked. He noted that they only got one fighter, but severely damaged the other. Commander was slightly miffed about one getting away, but they did get the human known as Vader. Commander heard about this one's reputation, and had decided to test how tough he was. But he doubted that Vader would be able to stand up to even just a few hours of torture. But, if Vader was tough enough, they just might let him heal himself. So that they could take him to their Planet, and hunt him, along with the maybe hundred other human captives. "By the way, Commander," announced S.C., "There is a reseach station by the planet called Pluto. We have heard that it will be sent close to the Planet. I say we stop, and destroy them before they cause any trouble." "Really?" Commander bristled involuntarily at the thought of humans touching the Planet. "Set the course for Pluto, and get the fighters ready for launch as soon as we stop." The computer beeped; the fighters had been recovered. "Engage the jump engines." The massive StarLion turned around from Earth, and jumped out, leaving the human reinforcements behind. * * * * Foxy clung to the thinly padded armrests of his seat for dear life. His Spectre, or whatever it was called, seemed to be intent on turning him into a big stain on the ground. He had no idea of how the ship worked-that is, if it really worked at all. Then his ship informed him that it was cutting in the landing cycle. He wondered how the rest of the group was doing. He had worked with Vix before, and he knew that she would be flipping out with fear by now. She hated flying, or even being in a small moving vehicle. It was nightime outside, and he couldn't tell where he was landing, although his altitude meter said 3127 feet. In a few more seconds, the Spectre broke through a bunch of tree limbs, then thumped onto the ground. Foxy breathed a sigh of relief. As he opened the canopy he saw the other ships settle next to his. He jumped out, noticing that the hull wasn't even hot from re-entry. He shrugged it off. Hi tech things were not for him. The others popped open the canopies on thier ships. They gathered in a circle on the ground. "I am glad that is over with," said Vix softly. "Me too," said Tigress. "Now what?" "I say we find some humans to kill," growled Inferno. A blood thirsty teammate, thought Foxy unhappily. Great. "Didn't that hawk say something about cargo holds or something in the ships? Maybe we oughta open those. We didn't bring any food or equipment," muttered Foxy. "I don't need equipment," scoffed Inferno, "and we can hunt for food." "What food?" countered Foxy. "Listen." He cocked his head in a listening movement. "There's nothing out there other than humans, and if we go around killing people, they'll notice. I don't want that to happen." Inferno growled. He was used to doing what he felt like, and he didn't like being contradicted. But before he could say anything, Tigress laid a hand on his shoulder, and whispered, "Leave him. We'll get our fun later." Foxy had gone over to his Spectre, and and poking around the belly of it. Soon, he had opened several panels, all maintenance acess panels. Finally he opened the proper one, and he took out a small pack. Setting it down, he stuck his head in the hold, but didn't take anything else out. He came back after shutting the panel, carring the pack, already rummaging through it. "Why don't you three go check and see if you got anything?" he said, and he dropped the pack on the ground. The others nodded, then went off to their Spectres. When they came back, each carrying a pack, Foxy was sitting against a tree, holding a piece of paper. The AFF had never wanted an alphabet, so if they ever wrote, it was in Human. And most AFF couldn't read, or wanted to. "What's going on?" asked Vix, sitting down next to Foxy, and opening her pack. "I found this in my bag," he said, giving her the note. "I am sorry I could not give you these orders on the StarLion," she said in Traditional, "But I did not have the time. Your group must gather all the data about the human's defense systems on Earth as you can, from any sources. You have been dropped off near the former capital of the U.S. We think there may be a way to get into a database there, and take all we need. There is an old building (it is high- lighted on the enclosed map in the computer). It used to be a building that many of us used to live in before the Escape. We planted a line going into the ICIA databanks. All you have to do is drain all the data in it, and bring it back. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get in, as the entrance to the building is near a human military camp, and it is patrolled. In one of the packs there is a computer for the storage of the information. It also shows how to get to our databank. After you retrieve the information, get out, and we will pick you up. Remember, don't let yourselves get captured, and that the info you get will be needed to destroy all humans on Earth." Vix's voice trailed off. "We're going to destroy all humans on Earth," said Inferno, licking his chops. "Lots of hunting when we're done here," said Foxy. Inferno and Tigress grinned. "It should be fun." * * * * Oscar Lopez was out in this National Park with his two best friends, Deon Venages and Mike Caron, on a school camping trip. On one of the death marches the teachers called hikes, they had `accidentally' gotten lost. Now they really were lost. It was nighttime, and they were cold and hungry. But none of them had bothered to bring anything to make a fire. So they stumbled on, hoping to run across a road or something, and get back to civilization. "Man, outdoors suck," grumbled Oscar for at least the hundredth time that day. "You said it- again," snorted Mike. "My feet hurt," whined Deon. "Let's rest a minute." The others agreed, and they sat down on a log. Oscar looked out into the woods. Their teachers had said that there were no animals that could hurt you out here, but they had said that in the daytime, where it was safe in the cabins. Out here at night, Oscar wasn't so sure. He kept on imagining that he had heard a twig snap. The cold October wind bit into his back, and he shivered. As he looked around he thought he saw something in front of them. "Hey, guys," he whispered. "Look over there. Do you see anything?" Mike peered into the darkness quickly. "No," he snapped. "Wait, yeah, I do see something. Looks like a plane or a space ship or something," gasped Deon. "Let's check it out. Maybe they have something to eat," said Oscar hopefully. "What would a few ships be doing in the middle of this damn place? I think they're some criminals," retorted Mike. "Then let's go see," whispered Deon. "Just go real quiet. Besides, I don't see any lights; they must be asleep." "Alright then. Real quiet." They crept towards the strange ships slowly and silently. * * * * Vix opened her pack, and took out a small computer looking like one of those old laptop models. She frowned, and opened it up, and powered it up. It went through the memory check and the other things. Vix looked amazed when she saw the final amount of available memory. It had four more digits than most models she had worked with before. No wonder it was so big. She located the map in it with some difficulty, as it was one of those really old styles that used a Tracball, instead of being voice activated or being hooked up to your brain for instructions, and took note of the location they were supposed to get to. She noted that it was also close to the human leader's White House, or whatever they called it. Inferno and Tigress had both gotten bags of food, in this case, meat. Foxy had gotten a lot of stuff which they couldn't figure out, and the map. He was playing with something that looked like a radio, when he froze. He looked back behind him, sniffing and listening intently. "What's going on?" hissed Vix. "Humans," he breathed. "Can't you smell them?" He turned his head just as a very faint rustle came to them. "Can't you hear them?" He looked back at Inferno and Tigress. "Be quiet! Humans coming behind us!" They jumped up silently, and crawled over to the two foxes, who were looking into the woods. "Where?" asked Tigress. "I'm not sure. I just smelled one, and-there!" Foxy pointed to a shadow. "They must have seen our ships." Inferno looked where Foxy had pointed. "Don't look very old. Maybe fourteen or fifteen. Those skagrans are prey. I'm hungry. Let's hunt." Skagran was a word that only the cats used. Each species had kept words that Traditional didn't have. Skagran was a thing that was viewed with contempt, hatred and was lower than dung. It was not a compliment. "Wait. Vix and I'll go distract them. You two get behind them, and take them, okay? Get going." Inferno was upset at being ordered around by a fox who was a good three feet shorter than him, but started off with Tigress. "Come on Vix. You want to stay here, or come with me?" Foxy had already moved off a couple of feet. "I'll stay and distract them from here. You go off and do your thing." She smiled at him before he vanished. Foxy crept around to the side of the humans, and was about fifteen feet away from the nearest one, and they hadn't even noticed him yet. He lay down in the dirt and plants. He thought he saw Inferno or Tigress on the other side of the humans. When the humans were about to pass him, he barked something in pure fox, which no one but another fox might understand. The humans jumped, and turned towards him, fear clearly on their faces. Foxy grinned, and showed part of his head before ducking it back. One of the humans grabbed a branch from the ground. Vix growled back at Foxy from her place, and the humans looked over back towards where they thought the sounds were coming from. Another one of the humans pulled out a pocket knife. It was so funny to Foxy, he let out a fox laugh, further scaring the human pups. He wondered what Inferno was going to do, when he saw Inferno above him, in a tree. Foxy grinned, and listened as Vix barked back, asking what was so funny. * * * * Mike grabbed Oscar's arm as the noises came. "What was that?" he yelled. Oscar yanked his arm free. "I don't know, some animal or something. Let's leave." Then came the reply to the first animal. It seemed somehow more menacing than the first one, and it scared them. Deon grabbed a branch off the ground. "I wish we had stayed with the others," he whimpered. Oscar noticed the fox head peering at them from behind a bush. "It's just a fox," he said, breathing a sigh of relief. The first fox barked back at the second. Oscar felt like the animal was laughing at him, and it made him mad. He pulled the knife from his pocket. "Let's go get him." The other fox replied to the first, then both of them went quiet. As a matter of fact, everything went quiet. Oscar wondered what was going on, and all his anger left him. Suddenly, a loud roar shattered the quiet from above him. Oscar flinched down, barely having enough time to see the huge form drop on Mike, making a sickening crunch of bones as the form crushed Mike. Deon screamed, and started to run, but another form leaped from nowhere in front of Deon. The form picked up Deon with one hand. With the other, it slashed Deon in the neck, and across his belly. Deon managed a sick gurgle before the form dropped him. Oscar stood there, scared out of his mind. The two big forms came closer, and he could see that they were tigers in the pale moonlight. The one that had gotten Deon had blood around its mouth. Two other figures emerged from the shadows, and Oscar could see that they were the foxes he had heard. The two tigers stood in front of him. Oscar squeezed the knife in his hand, then realized how puny and useless it was. The tiger's claws were longer than his blade. He let the knife drop. The tigers took a step closer. Oscar dropped to his knees. "Please don't kill me," he begged. The tiger stood over him. "It is my duty," he growled, and put his paw under the boy's chin. "To kill all you skagran." He unsheathed his claws, and jerked up. The sharp claws ripped through Oscar's chin, and as the tiger continued lifting, they dragged him to his feet. Then the tiger raised his other paw, and slashed across Oscar's throat, nearly severing the head clean off the body. * * * * Tony Reldman was one of the teachers searching for the lost boys. As far as he could tell, the boys had wandered off from the main group of kids around 2:00. Now it was nearly midnight, and they were still searching. Tony was wearing infrared goggles, and the rest of the group had similar tools. There was even a HHV (High Hovering Vehicle) searching, although it had to be grounded at nighttime. They had all the equipment, now where were the boys? He paused to wipe a trickle of sweat from his brow. As he was wiping his hand on his pants, he heard a faint scream. He flipped on his hologen. It was a model that went over his head, and had a little camera mounted in the earpiece so that the person on the other side could see what you were doing. "Hey, did anyone hear that?" he said into the little voice pickup. "Hear what?" came the tired voice of the next person in the group. "Look, I say we turn in for the night. We're beat, and I'm sure the kids won't die overnight." "I thought I heard a scream or something," Tony said, ignoring the complaints. "Yeah, I did too. To our left some," cut in another one of the searchers. "Okay, start moving left. I'll catch up to you," he called. "Sure thing, boss." There was a click as the others turned off their hologens. Tony changed his direction a few degrees to the left, and resumed walking, wondering what the noise was. * * * *