Foxy was exploring his cell for the third time when the humans came back, their boots clanking on the floor. The cell was very solid. As best as he could tell, there was no way out besides the front door. The sink and toilet in the back were flush with the wall, and were covered in cement or some other hard stuff that made it impossible to break away and try to escape that way. The ceiling was unreachable as well, and wouldn't lead anywhere, except for the air vent that was up there, but it was very well attached and there was no way anyone without a cutting laser was going to escape that way. The bed consisted of a metal slab about three inches thick sticking out of the wall, with a mattress molded onto it. After tearing open the back, Foxy had determined that the stuff inside was: a) very compressible, b) fluffy, and c) didn't do much. However, Foxy might be able to hide something small inside of the mattress, provided the humans didn't look at it from the back. The pillow and blankets were similarily useless. The front of the cell was a two inch thick plastic wall with dime sized holes driled in for air and ventilation. The door was a sliding one. It slid down to open and up to close. When shut, you could only see where it was by the guide grooves that were inside the walls. There was also a little, narrow doggie door that Foxy couldn't open from the inside. He had no idea what it was for. After exploring the cell for the first time, Foxy had started to try to slip the muzzle off. It seemed to be one piece, so he couldn't try to open it. And the humans must have measured his head, for it fit very snugly, and the only way to get it off was to either cut it off (but it seemed very resistant to cutting), or to cut off vital parts of your head. The collar Foxy left alone. He didn't know if the human was lying when he had described what would happen if you tampered with it, but he didn't want to find out. Foxy had been pacing the cell (he was beginning to think of it as a cage), grumbling to himself and attacking the door and bed and sink. As the humans approached, he was in the process of trying to pull off the knobs for controlling the sink in the hopes that it would do something. He turned as the humans opened the door. When they stepped in, Foxy growled, and backed up against the wall. The humans came a pace closer, and Foxy backed into the corner, looking genuinely scared. "Come on," one of the humans said. He was wearing a nondescript dark blue uniform with a little insignia on the shoulder, and he wasn't carrying a weapon in his hands. It was in its holster, despite the fact the prision guards standing near the door had their guns out. Foxy had flattened himself up in the corner so much that if he kept it up, maybe he would be able to ooze through and collect in a puddle on the other side of the wall. "We're not going to hurt you," said the human in a softer tone of voice, "So come on. We just want to ask you a few questions. We know that you do speak English, or at least you can speak to the other-" The guard was going to say prisioners, but thought better of it "-animals here. So it won't do you any good to keep quiet." Foxy knew that the humans maybe wouldn't hurt him, although the human race had been killing animals for millions of years. Was there any reason to stop doing it now? Well, yes, but only because the humans had killed nearly every single other living thing on Earth, and had also trashed Mars throughly, and many other planets had unerasable scars from humans on them. In a second, Foxy had decided that he wasn't going to follow these human's orders. He bared his teeth, even though they were impotent, trapped inside the muzzle. They still had an effect on the humans. The close one jumped back a step, and the guards marched a little closer, swinging the guns into firing position. This didn't deter Foxy. If trapped, an animal (or even a 3/4 animal) will turn and fight his or her way out. Even though most of the time, they die in the attempt. Foxy sprung for the man's jugular, tackling him to the ground. Foxy was a seasoned fighter, often taking part in challenge fights back on the StarLion with other foxes because he was bored had had nothing better to do. So he would `accidentally' stumble into another fox's room or in some other way provoke an attack. He had sharp reflexes, a good knowledge of how to hurt someone very bad, and lots of experience. He had a few scars from fights with bigger animals, and for that matter, some fair wounds from that fight with the dog in the human building. Foxy couldn't bite, thanks to the muzzle, which took away his main weapon, but he had claws. Not the kind that Inferno or Commander had, but they were still there, and could do some damage. He raked his claws across the man's face, while the man cried out, and swung a wild punch at Foxy. He connected, knocking Foxy off for a moment before he savagely attacked again. The man had got to his feet again, and was taken down hard this time. The guards started wading into the fight as Foxy attempted to rip open the man's throat. A guard clubbed Foxy right on the base of his skull with the butt of the gun. Foxy sprawled onto the ground stunned. "Goddamn," muttered a guard. "Someone go get a doctor or something, he's bleedin'." The guard stood over the man Foxy had attacked. Another guard quickly left the cell. The first guard strode over to where Foxy was trying to pick himself up, and gave him a kick in the ribs, not too hard, but hard enough. Foxy gave a sort of half whine half grunt, and rolled over. He staggered to his feet then, and leaned against the walls, shaking his head. "Take the fox to where he's supposed to go," ordered the head guard, "I'll stay here and watch after Horlin." The remaining guards took Foxy and marched him out of the cell building. It was still bright outside, maybe late afternoon. The sunlight hurt Foxy's head until his eyes got used to the light. While the guards walked alongside him, Foxy was looking about, learning as much as he could about his new home. He saw a large, fenced in, grassy area where there seemed to be a lot of other AFF walking about or talking or arguing. Then Foxy heard a gruff voice, one that would have sounded very un-natural coming from a human. Even before Foxy had turned his head or smelled the distinctive scent, he knew what was here. Guard dogs. Like the one that Foxy had fought back on Earth. Only bigger. There was a pack of them standing around, wearing the same uniforms as the guards, talking in English, and immediately Foxy felt disgust and comtempt at them. They were not fit for wild living, and would probably live as short as humans did on The Planet. They were scorned and jeered at by practically all wild animals, the dogs. Except for the animals being hunted by humans with the assistance of the dogs. Since dogs had been domesticated, other animals had always, even before the AFF, laughed at them and called them names. Traitors! Slaves! The wild animals knew that the dogs would have gladly attacked them, and killed them, but they didn't care. But the slaves had eventually won out, because of their alliance with the humans. Although soon, if the AFF were victorious, and there was no reason why they shouldn't be, that would change. Dogs naturally didn't like being laughed at, and some species of them developed a hatred for wild animals, although a breed like pugs were way too stupid to know that they were being teased. Indeed, even some bigger, rougher breeds of dogs taunted the little `ankle-biter' dogs. Foxy had seen those things before, and he could hardly believe how ugly they were. Or for that matter, why people even kept them. He knew he would have at the very least gave it to some other animal for dinner, although the little dogs looked like a rat, and had just about as much meat on them. But the bigger dogs, now, those were dangerous. Foxy had certainly met enough of them, back at the arena. The dog humans, they were used in hunts. Once, the humans had taken several foxes to another planet, for it had lots of trees and had just a few signs of human intrudement. In fact, that planet and this one might be the same one. They both had a distinctive scent in the air. It was impossible to describe, but it was familiar in some way... But back then, they had released the foxes. Foxy had thought for a while that they were free, although he didn't know why. As it turned out, a day later, he ran into a very big wall. He couldn't climb it since it was perfectly smooth. He tried digging under it, but after digging four or five feet down, he stopped. Then he started following it, but it didn't end. Soon Foxy realized that they were just being put in a hunting area or something, or maybe a zoo. A few days later, Foxy was looking for a new den to stay in. The forest was very nice to live in, and had a lot of small prey that he caught and ate. He had not met the other foxes that came with him, but still, there was faint, old scents of them or others who had been here before lingering. Later he found a very pleasant spot, near a river, cool and inviting. There was even a den, which made Foxy suspicious, even though he was young. He nosed his way in, but the owners, if there were any, were gone. Well, there was no scents either that would tell if any animal had been in here, and the den was clean. A few minutes later, Foxy heard a loud chorus of baying and humans shouting. Coming to the entrance of his den, he sniffed the air, and determined that it wasn't him that he was after. He was about to go back into the hole when the noises abruptly got louder. The humans were coming closer. Foxy almost knew what had happened. If he had to bet, pursued fox had managed to cross Foxy's path, and the hunters had either split up, or maybe they had all started following Foxy's path. Which ever, Foxy had to make himself scarce. He didn't know what the hunters would do if they caught him, and he didn't want to find out. He took off, and waded into the river. It was freezing cold, and by the time Foxy had crossed, his legs were numb. He shook himself off, then took off. Foxy led them on a long, twisting trail, and by some miracle, he had ran back across the other fox's trail. He followed it for a bit, then when it went back to the river, he left it. There was a low hanging tree over the river, and Foxy used to to climb up. The trees in this forest had a very thick branch system, and they all nearly linked together. Foxy managed to cross some ways off the ground by balancing on the sturdy branches, and walking on them. That had saved him this time, but a week later, a HHV had came over the forest, and located him, and a number of humans had come and taken him back to Earth. He was the last one they captured, he had learned. As if that was any consolation. Now here he was, back in an enclosed place with dogs running free. The humans took him inside a building, and took him up a floor via an elevator, then parked him in front of a door, and knocked. "Well, you little furball, you get to talk to the Warden," said one of the guards. Then the door opened. * * * * "WHAT?" the President almost yelled, standing up. The aide that had brought in the report bowed his head. "It's true sir." The President whirled and looked out of one of the bullet proof windows behind his desk, and looked up at the morning sky. "You won't see them sir, they have already left." "Destroying five of our fighters, for NONE of theirs!" The President fumed and sat back down. "Mr. President, we did manage to get a relatively good lock on their trajectory on their way out. If we follow it, we might be able to trace them back to where ever they went." "Do it! Do you know how bad this is going to look to the public?" The president groaned and rubbed his face with his hands. "Get some snoopers out, and trace those other ships. We are getting raided almost every day on some out post worlds, and we need to find out where the strikes are originating from." "Yes, Mr. President." The aide left. The President leaned back in his chair, wondering whether to start a war, or just have a covert military strike. He made his decision, and called in his key staff. * * * * Commander, S.C. and a few other leaders were inspecting the data that Vix had brought back. The information had been transferred to the computer onboard the StarLion, and everything was shown on a large screen. At the moment, Commander was going over the space defense system of Earth. It was fairly formidible. In addition to the Shieldors, there were quite a few Surface to Space Missile (SSM) launchers, and also a close in defense for any missiles that attackers might fire downward. These would all have to be taken out. He still had no firm plans for attacking Earth, besides to wipe out the Shieldors and the SSM launchers with the missile defenses. Maybe... Commander switched to land defenses. The computer instantly brought up the quantities of Earth bound defenses. There were small garrisons of infantry, and also ten of the Battle Armors accompanying each garrison. One garrison for each square 500 mile block. Heavy defenses. The Navy was pretty weak. Just a few submarine type ships, which were useless against the AFF who would not bother with the seas, yet. The Air Forces of Earth were also weak. Airfields scattered all around Earth, but there were just about 25 small, agile fightercraft, the ATF-35 mostly, for each field. Those could be dangerous for the Falcons and Hawks, since those were designed for fighting in space, and the weightless conditions. They could perhaps take on the ATF-35's, but maybe it would be safer to either bomb the airfields from space, or design a new class of fighters primarily for air combat. So that left the Fleet. If Earth was attacked, the humans would most likely throw everything they had to defend their homeplanet of their species. Even though there were more important planets out there. It wasn't going to be easy defeating the mighty Fleet. Commander toyed with the notion of asking for another portion of the AFF fleet join him in the attack. Maybe ALL of the AFF fleet. That should be sufficent to rip the throats out of the human's hold on Earth. Yes. It would. A plan formed in Commander's head. If the AFF fleet jumped in from all points around Earth, they could swiftly crush the Shieldors. Then they would start firing salvoes at the protection on Earth. When those were disabled, they could launch the atmosphere fighters, to cover the AFF hunting parties, and to destroy any human fighters that had managed to take off, and avoid destruction in the bombing. Then they would start launching the transports full of the Hunting Packs, or whatever they were called, then cloak. The Hunting Packs consist of about one hundred of the more powerful AFF hunters (i.e. wolves, tigers, lions) and a few of the weaker AFF, like the foxes and coyotes for anything that might require opening doors or sneaking into somewhere. If the bombardments where well aimed, there should be very limited resistance, just whatever the civilians had stashed away in their closets, like... What kind of guns did human civilians have? Maybe pistols, maybe the shot-pistols. The Hunting Packs would destroy any resistance, and kill as many humans as possible. Sometime during this attack, the EDF Fleet would come. Thanks to the cloaking, they would not be able to locate the AFF. Every minute, each ship would turn off the Stealth, and check for humans. If so, they would attack, launching all fighters and bombers. They would expend every single warhead onboard. There would be no human survivors. It would be a victory long remembered. * * * * Foxy sat down uncomfortably and warily in the human's office as the two guards stood nearby. The seats were made of black leather, and Foxy didn't relish the idea of sitting on a dead creature's skin, even if it was a foolish domesticated creature. The human sitting across the desk from him was a harsh looking human with a thick mop of black hair that had a sharp part on the left side. He was wearing a uniform similar to that of the guards. The human was reading a folder on his desk. It was the report submitted by the doctor. It said, in essence, that this particular specimen was a healthy male except for a few deep wounds that already appeared to be healing, and a light case of fleas. And there was something not right with the hands of the fox. It seemed that they were artifical. The doctor recommended inspecting them. The human looked up as Foxy sat down in the leather seat. "Hello," said the human. He had a strong voice, one that showed complete confidence in himself. Also a bit of a British accent. "I am Warden. I am the warden of this facility, and that is also my name. You can call me Mr. Warden, or sir. And what's your name?" Warden already knew the answer, which was probably going to be close to Fox or Foxy. That's what 99.9% of the foxes in the prision called themselves. The fox made a low sort of grunting bark. Warden sighed. Also typical. The other prisioners didn't co- operate in the beginning either. "Look," Warden said. "I'm sure the others have told you this, but if you just admit that you can speak English, you will avoid a LOT of pain. Trust me, I don't enjoy hurting things, but if I have to, I will." Foxy stared at the human in the eyes for a moment. He wished that he had someone to tell him what to do. His mind raced through options, then came to rest on a single decision. He lowered his eyes, looking into his chest, and muttered in rough English, "No hurrt me," catching a bit on the `R's. Warden looked at the fox's head for a moment longer, then glanced at the guards. This was unexpected. From the past, usually it took a little longer than this. Warden blinked, and then said, "Of course. If you don't do anything stupid, why should we hurt you?" A twisted grin almost forced it's way onto Foxy's face, a very rare smile. As if all those other animals that the humans had hunted to near or total extinction had done anything `stupid'. Warden continued. "Also, we will be running tests on you, and asking for information, ah..." Warden looked expectantly at Foxy, then when Foxy continued examining his chest for whatever reasons, Warden interjected, "What was your name?" Foxy brought his head up, and opened his mouth a tad, his mind drawing a complete blank. He stuttered, "Eff, fff." "Fox?" prompted Warden, rolling his eyes. The poor thing couldn't even remember it's name. Or perhaps just couldn't pronounce it? Or, more likely, it was just being an ass. Foxy shook his head in a spastic movement. "Foxy?" Foxy shook his head again. "Then what is it?" asked Warden, a little impatiently. Foxy made a short gruffling noise. Warden sighed, then said, "You can't pronounce it? You can't speak it?" "Yes," Foxy said in a quiet voice. "All right then," said Warden reluctantly. "Can you tell me what you were doing on Earth? We know that you and three others were on federal land without permission, and caused the deaths of at least 38 men." Foxy got a little gleam in his eye. "Take off," he said, touching the muzzle, "and I tell." "What?" asked Warden. "You'll tell us if we take that off of you?" Foxy cocked his head a bit to the left. "Yes." Warden nodded. "Fair enough. But if you don't tell, we will be forced to confirm all of your words from now on." A guard stepped up, and popped something on the back of the muzzle, and Foxy yanked it off, and tried to rip out his own stomach. The swift movement startled the humans, and it took them a moment to get a hold of Foxy and force his head away from his stomach. He snapped at the restraining hands, and tried again desperatly to take his life. A guard lifted Foxy up out of the melee with his arm around Foxy's neck in a secure chokehold, and was squeezing enough to let Foxy know not to do anything else stupid. "Lord," said Warden. "What are you trying to do?" He fixed Foxy with a stern glare. "We'll talk later. Take him back to his cell, and make sure he doesn't have anything to kill himself with. And get a new muzzle." "Yes sir!" The guards hauled Foxy out of the room. One was shaking his head, the other was restraining his anger. Why he was angry, he had no idea, but... It was there. He felt like he wanted to strangle the little creep, but that would only make the fox happy. * * * * Foxy's first night in the prison was not a good one. He wasn't really used to the concept of a bed with blankets, so he stored them under the bed for the moment, then just curled up in a furry ball, and tried to sleep. But sleep, which usually came in a matter of a minute, didn't come. Foxy found himself edging closer to the corner of the bed farthest from the door. Once he was there, Foxy tried to fall asleep again, but he just couldn't. Normally, if he was on the StarLion, or Earth, it would be night, and he would be active, although it didn't really matter to him when he was up. But here, with all the strange, and somewhat threatining scents and sounds, it was different. To keep from falling asleep, which he wanted to, but didn't dare to, he bit down on his tounge. In this way, he passed the night, in a silent vigil. He thought of Vix, wondering if they made it, and when they were going to attack Earth. Then his thoughts wandered onward to how and if he was going to escape this dismal place. When morning finally came-you could only tell by when the lights came on; there was no hint of real light, generated by a sun-Foxy rolled out of bed, and worked some of the kinks out of his muscles in an elaborate stretching display. Foxy looked into the other cell across from him, and noticed that there was another fox inside it, wearing a collar and a muzzle. Foxy wondered when they had brought him/her (Foxy couldn't tell because of the walls and the holes in them that messed up his view and he couldn't smell him/her) in without Foxy knowing, but his thoughts were interupted when the fox said, "Are you the new one?" in Traditional, but in a quiet whisper. "Yes, I am," said Foxy suspiciously. "And who are you?" "I'm called Jade." A vixen. "Who are you?" she asked. "I'm Foxy," replied the owner of the name. "How did you get here?" she asked, switching into Fox. "We were on Earth-me and Vix, and two tigers-and I got captured," Foxy said in the same language, albeit in a resigned tone of voice. "So what were you doing down there?" Jade asked. "Why do you want to know?" was Foxy's rejoinder, in a sharp voice. "Prying me for information for the humans?" She suddenly turned very sour and dangerous. "If you ever slander me again by thinking that I would help them, I'll be lapping up your blood as it pours from your throat." She wasn't lying. Foxy looked cooly back at her eyes, which were smoldering with anger. "Alright then," he said pleasantly. "Just remember, I used to live in the Coloseum, and I have killed a human/dog mix by myself recently, as well as helped in the deaths in over 30 humans." "Pah! Humans. If they didn't have guns, or fire, they never would have gotten this far. Those guard dogs are more dangerous than the humans here, and that's not saying much." At least she's redirected some of her anger away from me, thought Foxy. "Ok, I'll trust you. But, if I get questioned by the humans about something I tell you, I swear I will do something nasty to you. As soon as I can think of something." Jade nodded. "Ok," said Foxy. "How much do you know about us?" Jade wrinkled her nose. "You mean the AFF?" "Yeah." "Not much, just that you are going to kill off every single human on every single planet, and take them back for the regular animals." "That about sums it up. We have a limited fleet, although it is big. We can't just waste ships. So, my team was sent down to Earth, and we had to get some information about the human's strength and weapons and defenses. We were almost trapped by the humans, but they managed to escape. I was shot by one of them with a tranquilizer or something like that, and they took me here." "Uh-huh," said Jade, obviously not truly believing Foxy, even though he was telling the truth. "And were did you get all those cuts?" she asked, pointing at Foxy's stomach and face. "A dogfight," Foxy replied. "I won though. How long have you been here?" "Too long," Jade said ruefully. "I want to break out of here or die in the attempt. It's starting to make me go mad, being trapped in here." "How many others are here?" asked Foxy, scratching a little itch on his head, and then giving himself a quick shake to wake himself up again. Jade sighed deeply. "About fifty of us foxes, and about fourty coyotes, and a lot of wolves. Some tigers and two lions. A few hawks and falcons. A couple weasels. Mostly us cainines, though." "Weasels? I haven't seen one of those for such a long time..." Foxy drew off, remembering something from the past, then shuddered back to attention to the present. "What about those guard dogs?" he asked. "Which ones, the mixed ones or the real ones?" "The mixed ones." They had regular dogs here as well? thought Foxy. Not good. "There's a lot of them. About one of them for every two of us wild animals, I heard. And they carry guns, and are generally grrhirrs. Try to ignore them if you can," Jade advised. "Guns? But why wo-" Foxy was cut off as a door clanged open at the end of the hall and a lot of humans came in. Not good at all. * * * * Major Brimson of the US Special Ops team suited up in his own room, adjacent to the regular guards' barraks. First one went the legs of the hard, heavy duty but light weight, robotic, armor. He snapped and sealed all the required items, and checked that everything was functional. Then came the upper torso and arms, which slid on nicely. Brimsion adjusted it, and slipped on the final piece, the helmet, after plugging in the neuro-link. The smooth, graceful looking helmet covered his whole head, and the air filter and the radio in the mouthpiece forced the front to be long and sloping down, also providing cover for the neck. With everything connected and shut, he was nearly invulnerable. The armor (serial number A925-CE1345-236D) was designed to stop a small missile from piercing the chest area, and even the thinnest armor would deflect a rifle bullet. The armor was robotically enhanced, with motorized joints that increased the strength and was automatic, controlled via the neuro-link. In the helmet's faceplate, which was a clear piece of plastic that would stop a 7.62 caliber bullet at point blank range, was a HUD that could switch views from infrared, to normal, to ultra violet, and various others. The armor also incorporated the gun so that the suit would automatically lock onto the most threatening object, if Brimson desired. In short, he was the ultimate warrior in his suit. He was lucky that he was good enough for this; there were only about a few thousand made for all of the planets humans had settled on. The material that it was made out of was astronomically expensive, somewhere around a billion for one pound of the stuff after it was processed into a suitable form for the suit. The total suit cost somewhere around one hundred billion dollars. But it was worth it. One of these suits could take out a lot of the enemy's men real quick, and without a scratch to the person inside. Richard completed the quick tests on the suit, and hit the button for his barrack's door. It slid open with a slight grind. Apparently fixing soldier's doors were not on the prison'a priority list. Richard strode over to the jail cell, calling up the time on the HUD. It flashed 0726. Satisfied, he marched inside, and went to the guard on duty at the main computer console. "I need to get in to the new fox that we just brought in," said Richard. The guard looked up, and said, "Yes sir, let me get some guards for you. Policy, y'know?" He tapped a few buttons on the armrest-mounted keys, and a few guards walked in, and two guard dogs, the half dog and half human kind. "Thanks a lot," said Richard, and nodded to the new guards in way of greeting. "Going to see the new prisioner, sir?" Rich nodded again. "Alright, if you'll just follow me then, sir." He opened a door leading off to the right, and lead the way, opening and shutting various doors, leading Richard down different halls, passing many animals in their cells. He noted that all of them in this building were cainines, like wolves and coyotes, and the foxes. After a while of walking, they opened a last door. Inside, two low, animal voices abruptly cut off, and Richard stepped in, his boots making a low clanking noise. "The one on the right, sir," said one of the guard dogs helpfully. Richard strode up to the fox, who was sliding back away from the front of the cell. "You guys can leave. I want to talk to him alone." "Sure thing..." said one of the human guards uncertainly. There was supposed to always be at least one guard with anyone inside the prision block, but this was one of the elite of the elite soldiers. He decided to let it go, and marched everyone else out of the cell block. As soon as the heavy door had shut, Richard unsealed his helmet and took it off. Foxy looked at the tusseled hair, the light brown skin, and the little freckles on the human's face, and wondered what was going on. He noted on the armored shoulders, there was a gold leaf or something. Foxy wondered what it was. The human's head looked way too small for the size of the body it was on, but that was because of the armor. Richard had a very muscular body under the armor. Richard looked at the fox, studying the rich reddish fur, the white belly, the alert ears, and the wary, cunning eyes that watched back. Richard cleared his throat, and said, "Hello there. You know my name right? We were together on the transport." But Foxy's wonderfully versatile way of forgetting whatever he deemed unimportant had gone through and wiped that out. He shook his head. Richard sighed, and looked at Jade. He slightly shook his head, and then turned back towards Foxy. "Well, I am Major Richard Brimson, but you can call me Rich or Richard. And what is your name?" Foxy cocked his head, and regarded Richard with a probing eye. "If I tell... Rrricharrd... You let escape?" Foxy asked. In the other cell, Jade snapped something in the Fox language, and Foxy looked confused and a little angry. He grumbled back, and then looked surprised at Jade's answer. When he spoke again to Richard, it was with a new attitude. More humble, but more confusion, belligerence, and anger. "You want help us?" * * * * On Ecarva of the Shralton system, a small black ship rocketed away from the planet. Inside were three sweating men, and a few billion credits worth of stolen information and goods in the cargo. Close behind were four small, black and white craft, medium sized, and very fast. "Goddamnit, move this thing!" yelled one of the men inside the black ship. "Insteada whinin'" growled the other, "You could get your butt down there and shoot at the bastards behind us." The first man fumbled for words, then turned angrily and stormed down into a gun well. He looked up as he plugged in his VRT (Virtual Reality Targeting) visor, and saw the third man whoop as he nailed one of the pursuing ships. "Got 'im!" The man powered up his guns, and took aim, and let loose a barrage of the plasma guns. One of the craft behind him rocked, but returned fire, along with a missle. The thieves' ship shuddered violently as the missle impacted. "Shit! We got hull damage! Breach in the engine compartment." "Fix it!" yelled back the second man. "I did. Hold them off, just a few more seconds until we can jump." The two men in manning the guns discharged most of the remaining energy in the guns. Another one of the craft behind them turned back under heavy damage, but the two remaining pummeled them with a renewed assault. Although the three criminals didn't know it, the missle had not only ripped their hull, it had also attached a small tachyon beacon. It was only useful for ships that were in hyperspace, but the device let other ships track a target even if they had made a jump. The only problem was figuring out where the quarry jumped back into normal space. There was a loud noise. "What the hell was that?" "We just lost engine number 3. Hold on guys, we just have 5 more seconds till we jump. 4...3...2...1. Hold on!" With that, the banged up ship made its jump. * * * * Inside one of the black and white craft, Officer Travoli launched his last missle just as the target jumped. He hit his jump initiator, and immediately, his ship was swallowed by hyperspace. A small blip glowed on a panel in his cockpit. Travoli grinned, and sat back after making an adjustment to his computers. After a short while, a soft, almost feminine voice came into the cockpit. "Warning," it said. "Tachyon transmitter showing flux signs. Preparing to jump back to normal space." Travoli sat up stiffly. He was about to capture the biggest data jackers in this decade. He wasn't about to botch it. * * * * Back in the fleeing ship, the first man swore. "Guys! We're gonna have to cut this jump short. The damage is worse than I thought." "Wonderful," came the voices of the other two jackers echoing down the hall. "Brace yourselves, this might be rough." The data jacker and experienced pilot flipped on a few switches, and pushed the button. He flashed into normal space around a planet. A strange planet. He could see a large space station orbiting it, and numerous huge battleships cruising around. He checked the co-ordinate map. It was still calculating where he was. Then he noticed two ships jump in behind him. His jaw dropped. The police! "Get to the guns! They followed us!" he yelled, then prepared to go evasive. He didn't notice the huge warship that jumped into the system in his panic. When he did notice, it was when his computer alerted him that one of the police ships had been destroyed, and the other had ran away. Then he looked up out of the cockpit, and saw the behemoth. It floated gracefully over his small, ragged ship. He could see small areas of black, warhead strikes, on the battle ship's armor, and he noted the amazingly graceful lines of the ship. It was awesome. Then a flurry of lasers, plasma, missiles, and electrons blotted his ship from existence. * * * * Officer Travoli sat back in his seat. He was sweating, and gulping for air. Those huge ships! Why had they just opened fire on him and his partner, without even a hailing call? At least they had to have gotten those jackers. But that was no consolation. He knew the military had no ships like that, and, in fact, had lost a few capital ships lately, and they were stumped where the attackers where coming from. Was this it? He would have to make a report about it. * * * * Commander watched the remains of the two human ships tumble about apprehensively. One of them had escaped, and that one might be able to help the humans trace where exactly this planet was, where the AFF had their main forces. He prowled around the main bridge restlessly as the handling crews took in the StarLion to the massive tender stations. The bridge crew that had learned of the attack looked around nervously, and some preformed their functions in a numbed manner. If the humans discovered this planet, they would definitely have to move. The AFF had a mighty fleet, but the humans had so much more territory to guard, and thus they had a vast number of warships to protect the colonies and outposts. If they massed their fleet, and all of them attacked The Planet at once, it would be over very soon. It was like one lion holding off four attacking lions, or a pack of twenty hyenas. It couldn't be done. If the AFF couldn't hold The Planet from a brutal assault, then the AFF would just have to prevent that assault from happening. They would have to attack Earth before the humans could attack The Planet. * * * * Inferno and Tigress were slowly drifting apart after Tigress' heat period was over. They would stay close, but they wouldn't share a room any longer. But tonight, or whatever time it was on the star ship, they were sleeping, curled up next to each other so that they were touching. Inferno was more stretched out, and he was twitching slightly, especially his tail, the tip of which was flipping back and forth, back and forth. Tigress was sleeping more quietly, just resting peacefully. Then the door hissed open, letting a bright slice of light into the room, and right across the sleeping pad, and the two tigers. A small form was standing in the doorway. Tigress woke up first, and instantly tensed, claws unsheathed and a warning rumble from her chest. Inferno awakened after Tigress, and he too got ready to fight. "Wait! Hold on!" It was Vix's voice, and she sounded worried. "It's me, Vix." Inferno slowly retracted his claws. "What?" he asked imperiously. "We were trying to get some SLEEP, you know." Tigress agreed, and added, "This had better be important." "It is. Some humans just jumped into the area around The Planet. We got two of them, but one escaped. Commander thinks that that one human will report where we are, so he is going to attack Earth much sooner now." The words came out very quickly, and the two tigers could tell the little vixen was nervous. "So what are you worried about?" asked Inferno "What if the humans come and attack The Planet?" "They won't. Even if they did, we could crush them," said Tigress. Vix obviously wasn't pleased, but she didn't say anything as she walked out the door. Tigress and Inferno lay back again, and tried to fall asleep. But they couldn't. They were worried about what would happen. * * * * The next morning, Foxy was awakened from a restless doze by a loud alarm. Foxy was just as glad that he was awake, for he had not had a good time yesterday. That human, Richard, had actually wanted to help all of the AFF prisioners escape? After that human left, then more of them had come and taken him away to interrogate him. Foxy had held out, and frustrated the humans before he was returned to his cell. So far from his capture, he had not had anything to eat, and Foxy was starving. With all of that, it was no surprise that he had been sleeping bad. As Foxy sat up and yawned as much as the muzzle would let him, then stretched, he heard humans coming down the hall. "Now what?" he muttered. Jade heard him, and said, "Breakfast." "Breakfast? You mean, food?" Foxy looked happier. "It is... not very good, to put it mildly," said Jade. "What is it, then?" asked Foxy. "Kibbles and bits and bits and bits and bits and bits and bits and bits and bits and-" "Okay, okay! I get the idea. What exactly is that stuff?" asked Foxy. "Dog food." Jade watched Foxy closely. He looked sick now, instead of perky at the idea of food. "Um. Dog food? Like little-" "Yeah." Jade grinned. "Doesn't sound good does it?" The door opened, and a few humans came in, leading a droid cart. It moved along, stopping at each cell for a moment to let its sensors see if there was anything in the cell to give food to, then moved on if there wasn't an AFF in there. If there was, it would open a slot, and out would pop a plastic tray thing with compartments holding food in them. It would insert the tray into the doggie door. The plastic opened for the door, and the food dropped onto the floor. At the same time, the end of Foxy's muzzle opened up. Foxy looked at the food tray, wondering what was inside, and why the muzzle opened. The droid cart shoved a tray into Jade's cell, then the humans and the cart moved on. As the door shut behind them, Foxy cautiously peeled back the cover. Steam billowed up, carrying a nice meaty scent with it. Foxy found his mouth watering despite the fact that the food didn't really look all that appetizing. "How do I eat this?" Foxy asked of Jade. "With the shiny things on the side of the tray. They're called fork, which is the pointy one; spoon, the one with a curved thing on the end; and a knife, that sharp one. Don't bother about trying anything. They aren't sharp enough to do much of anything. Oh yeah, you have to blow on the food so that it cools off." Foxy looked at his tray, and considered whether it was worth it to do all that just to eat some food. "Is this really dog food?" "No," said Jade. "I was just trying to trick you." She looked up at Foxy. "Did it work?" Foxy growled softly. Jade nodded. "Thought so." She shook her head, then added, "You had better eat quick. We have to go get our morning showers right after this." By this time, Foxy's food had cooled off sufficently enough to let him eat it without scalding his mouth. Foxy grabbed the tray, and snarfed it down as fast as he could. It was some kind of meat, beef maybe, in sauce, and with a few veggies. It seemed similar to what humans called TV dinners. As Foxy was licking off the last of the sauce, more humans came marching into the room. At some signal, the doors all opened simultaneously. Foxy glanced at Jade for some kind of clue, but she wasn't looking at him. "All right, come on," said one of the guards. He and his three partners kept their weapons and the little collar controls conspicuously displayed. Foxy grudgingly stepped out, if only because he would have a chance to go outside. Jade was following behind Foxy, the two of them seperated by a guard. Going into the next cell block, Foxy noticed that the other AFF, which were coyotes and wolves, had already been cleaned. Their fur was still slightly wet, as if they had been in a humid room a while. The cleaned animals watched Foxy with some mild interest, but for the most part just sat there. Once outside, he saw that one crazy human that wanted to help the AFF standing guard in one of the towers. He also noticed that there were a lot of guard dogs wandering around in packs of three. Foxy wondered why he had to take those pointless showers that only made him miserable and wet. Well, that drying room wasn't so bad, he reflected. At least it was warm in there. He knew after that shower, he would have to go back to his cell, and mope around in there. But for how long? Foxy hoped that the humans would let him out once in a while. He was ushered into the showers, past a group of wolves and coyotes that looked like they had just gotten their showers. They looked at each other with some mild interest, but no words were exchanged between them. Once in the large shower room, the guards shoved him into a shower stall, collar, pants, and all. The water came on, once again causing Foxy to try and spring aside to avoid the water and once again slam into the wall. He slipped on the floor, and fell down. He staggered to his feet, coughing up some water, and holding onto the door handle. The controls of the shower head decided he was wet enough, then switched into the shampoo mode, or whatever it was that shot out of the showerhead. Foxy remembered this time to close his eyes, and soon he was covered in bubbles. Then the computer switched back to water, and in a minute, Foxy was let out of the shower. The guards led Foxy and the soggy Jade into the drying room. Once the two foxes were shut in, the heating fans started up. "Ah, this is the good part," sighed Jade as she stepped in front of a fan. The fans kicked on with a loud whir, and warm, dry air gushed through the room. Foxy cringed, then stood up as he got used to the heat. Jade was right, it was really nice and warm. He glanced at Jade. She was enjoying it, her fur whipping back from the wind. In a few minutes, they were dry, and the fans shut down. "That is one of the good parts of the day," Jade said. "Next good part is when they let you out." Before Foxy could answer, the guards opened the door, and led the two foxes out. More were already in the showers, and some were coming out to the drying room. The guards hustled Foxy and Jade out, back to their cells for another few hours of boredom. * * * * Commander was waiting in a large room, with quite a few other commanders of other ships. They were waiting for the Leaders. A door hissed open, and the four leaders came out; two tigers, a lion, and a wolf. They sat down, and all of the Commanders circled them. "We have had the plans brought by Commander of the StarLion analyzed. There is apparently a major weakness that we could exploit in attacking Earth. But in return, there is also a major setback if we land hunting parties," said one of the tigers. "What is the setback?" called one of the commanders. "Almost every single human on Earth has at least three firearms in their homes. Evidently, they collect them, even though there is around a seven percent crime rate. If we land hunting parties, either they will have to wear armor, carry those despicable guns, or risk having most of the hunters killed." A soft growl of anger rose from the large group. The wolf spoke up. "We could just do a planetary bombardment from orbit, after we wipe out the human fleet, but there would be no hunting after that. Even if there were, it would not be very exciting. Just a few survivors, mostly injured fools." The Commanders looked at each other. "What was their major weakness?" asked one Commander. "Well, it is a structural design inherent in almost every single capital ship they have built," commented the lion. "They have their launch tubes for their fighters lined up in a nine by nine square. If you can fire a heavy bomb up one of them..." The lion shrugged. "It goes boom. And not only does it disable that section of the launching tubes, they arrange their projectile weapons in magazines surrounding the tubes, for ease of reloading. That sets off more explosions. In a few moments, the entire ship is disabled, or dead." The Leaders waited for the quiet murmurs to stop, then they continued. "Now, we are going to strike at Earth in seven days. That is long enough to fully refit all of our ships, and repair them. Now, here is the plan..." * * * * Foxy paced back and forth in his cage nervously. "How long until we get out?" he asked Jade. She sighed. "Not for a while," she said, then tried to doze off for a few more minutes until that male would ask his question. Foxy moaned, then inspected the front wall again, scratching it. He would try to pick the lock, but it was too far away, and the holes in the wall were way too small to even try to pick the lock. His scratching ceased for a moment, then he resumed pacing. One of the hall doors opened, and that crazy human, Richard, came in, and stopped in front of the two fox's cages. "Hey, what's up?" he asked, a grin on his face. Foxy quietly growled, then Richard remembered. "Oh yeah, I'm not supposed to show my teeth too much when I smile, huh?" He smiled in a more acceptable manner. "Well, most of the others here are used to our way..." "What do you want?" asked Jade. "Nothing. I just got off duty, wanted to see how the new guy was doing." "He's annoying! A fool!" yelled Jade. "Every few minutes he gets up and asks me when we are going out next. Then he paces back and forth, and then tries the door, then asks me a question!" Richard laughed. "Ah, you were all like that when you first got here." Jade huffed a bit, but didn't say anything. "Oh well," said Richard, "I gotta get going. See ya later." He turned and left. Foxy watched the door shut behind him, then turned to Jade. "How much longer now?" "Look," snapped Jade, "Stop being an idiot, and stop asking me those stupid questions!" She was very upset. Foxy looked injured. "Alright," he said. "I'm sorry for bothering you like that, but I found out that if you act like a fool, humans underestimate you. It just makes it easier to slip past them later on, or trick them if they don't know your capabilities. So just forgive me for acting like that. I am pretty smart, in fact. Just play along with me. And don't tell them about me." Jade looked at him icily. "I suppose that you'll want me to act like my brain has drained out of my skull as well?" Foxy shook his head. "How long have you been here?" "Ten years." "If you change behavior now, they won't be tricked. Just continue acting like yourself. But don't worry. I think I can get out of here." "How long do you think it will take to get us out of here?" said Jade in a serious tone. "I don't know. If we are on an island, then it might be tough to get off of it. Maybe if we can hijack a transport..." "Can you fly those things?" asked Jade. "No," Foxy admitted. "Then we'll have to find a hawk to fly us out of here." Jade shook her head. "They are kept seperate from us. It'll be too complex to go and rescue one. The humans would have caught us long before we even got close. Besides, the transport is guarded, and doesn't stay on the ground very long. And they keep the birds even more tightly guarded than us. How would you open their cells?" "You talk too much," admonished Foxy. "Do they have security cameras in here?" "Yeah. Why?" "Then I can't show you. These hands are fake. I got both of them after my hands got blown off by a hunter. But they gave me robotic ones. I found these panels, and I have a very nice set of picks in them." "What about the guards?" asked Jade. "How do you plan to get past them, even in the dark? They have IR goggles. Some of us found out the hard way in the beginning." "How?" "We tried an escape, when we first got here at night. It was pitch black, but they just shot us, even though we had trouble seeing that night, and we have better night vision than they do." Foxy shook his head. "They've had those things for years and years now. You should've known better." "Shut up," snapped Jade. She turned her back on Foxy, and curled up into a ball of fur, and dropped off to sleep. Foxy had nothing better to do than the same. * * * * "The situation's pretty bleak," commented the Vice President. "You're telling me." The President turned his chair around from where he was looking out of the bullet-proof windows of the White House. "So far, out of all of the armed forces that we have on duty, we have lost a third, compared to less than ten percent of the other side's attacking forces." The President rifled through some other holo disks on his table. "We have lost a total of at least two hundred and thirty seven colonies, with a total of just under two billion casualties in all of the planets settled so far. And that's just civilian deaths. Add more for all the men and women on the battle ships we lost." The Veep nodded. "Yes, but look at this. A small police ship has located, at the very least, a major outpost of the other side." He held out a holo disk, and the President took it, and slid it into the holo projector mounted in the presidential table. An image of the galaxy appeared, with a small green box highlighting a certain arm, very far out from the center of the Milky Way. It zoomed in, closer and closer, until a single star system was displayed. The camera view started rotating around it, displaying the co-ordinates. Then a smooth feminine voice started reiterating the information being shown. Eventually, the holo faded out, and was replaced by another. This was the camera views of the ship that had jumped into the planet's vicinity and then managed to escape. It showed a nice green planet that looked like Earth, except that the continents and oceans and lakes were very different. There were not so many clouds, which gave them a very good look at the planet's surface. There was absolutely nothing. The camera jerked upward, looking out into space. It focused on a large space station that looked like whoever had designed it was blind. It was a random clumping of shapes, all molded together into a single form. Then it panned to the left. A large flock of capital ships were off in the distance, and were starting to move towards the camera. Then the camera moved upward, at a large capital ship directly overhead the ship taking the camera views. There were a lot of energy beams being fired at the new ships. The two other human ships flew into the camera's field of view. The one bearing police markings was the first to vanish. Then the camera was violently smashed downward, and cut off as the ship made a last-ditch jump out of there. As the holo wound down, the President leaned back in his chair. "I think I know what we need to do here," he said, thinking hard. * * * *