Name of Story: Doggone Days Author: Jeffrey Lancaster Date: 5/18/1999 Type: Sex, Bondage, M/M, Human/Animal Rating: X It has been four years ever since my pet rabbit, Yogi, died. She was the only decent pet I ever had (the gold fishes doesn't count). Ever since I saw a couple of furry rabbits at camp, I've decided to buy another one and take really good care of it. With two hundred dollars in my pocket, I went out to buy a rabbit. But today, I've found something much more cheap and better than a rabbit... In downtown, I entered a pet store called Al's Pet Store. I looked around in the store. I saw lizards, puppies, kittens, fishes, hamsters, gerbils and ferrets, but no rabbits. I went up to the clerk and asked her if this store carries rabbits. The clerk brought me to the rabbit section, which was located in the back. "Thanks," I told her, and she left me to pick out which one. I saw a cute chocolate-colored rabbit. I was going to call it 'Brownie' and buy it until I noticed the price tag. '$300' it says, that's way too expensive for me. So I skipped that one and looked at others' price tags. "They're way too expensive!" I groaned, leaving the store. After several hopeless pet stores, my hopes are gone. "Man," I thought, "I don't think I'll ever find a pet." I walked down the sidewalk with my head down. Sighing, when I accidentally bumped into a cardboard on the floor with permanent marker scribbling on it. 'Free To A Good Home', it says. I slowly scanned my way up, to see a pair of dogish feet, to its legs, past his cut-off jeans, to his chest and finally reached his face, a dogish face. I took a few steps back and scanned the dog again. He looked athletically fit, soft, intelligent, and handsome, and a Serbian husky, although he looks like a furry human with husky traits. I went up to him slowly, wondering what the husky might be thinking about as he scans me up and down slowly. "Hi, my name's Max." I said nervously, and received no words but only its curious look as his reply. "What's yours?" I asked him. The husky just nodded his head to his dog tag. I gently looked at it. "Rusty. Nice to meet you, Rusty." I said, holding out my hand. Rusty just curiously looked at my hand and gave it a little lick. I laughed a bit, then took the leash Rusty had in his hand. "Come with me, Rusty. I'll take good care of you." I smiled. I brought Rusty to my home. "Here it is. This is my house." I told Rusty, giving him a little tour around my house. "This is the kitchen, where I eat." "That is the living room where I usually watch television or to rest." "This is the backyard where you'll play." And so sorts. Rusty tugged on the leash, wondering what's upstairs. I brought him there, "It's not much. This is my bedroom, with a bed big enough for two. Just in case if you're afraid of some little thunderstorm you can come in there." I snickered. "Anyway, that's the bath..." I paused a bit and sniffed the air. "Phew, something stinks!" I followed the smell right onto Rusty. "You need a bath. That's the bathroom, where you'll take a bath." I said, pulling Rusty in. Back in the bathroom with swim shorts, an old t-shirt, rubber gloves and an apron. "I've never bathed a dog before, so I guess this will help a bit." I said to Rusty, sitting on top of the toilet bowl. I bent over to turn on the water and added some soap, making bubbles. "Okay, in you go." I said, swishing water around in the bathtub. "Oh yeah, you gotta take off your shorts." I added. Rusty slowly stood up on the floor next to me and took off his shorts and went in. Rusty murred as he went in slowly, getting himself comfortable in the hot, soapy tub. "Bet you didn't have a bath for a long time, eh?" I teased. I smiled, then turned around to the cabinet. "Shampoo... I don't have any dog shampoo, and I don't think this Pert shampoo would work..." I said, flumbing around in the cabinet. "Pert works fine." I heard a mysterious voice. "What?" I asked. "Pert will work. Just bring it over here." It asked again. "What? Who's talking to me?" I asked confusingly. "Just turn around." It said. So I slowly and nervously turned around, to see a grinning husky staring at me. "Just bring it over here." Rusty asked. "What? You can... talk?" I asked him, handing over the shampoo. "Well, duh!" Rusty chuckled, taking the shampoo and sloshes some of the shampoo on his head and began shampooing. "Did you expect pets that look like humans not talk? Absurd." Rusty giggled. "Wow, you can talk..." I couldn't believe it. "Believe it. It's not a dream." Rusty smiled, shampooing his head. "So, uh, why are you out there in the streets? You should be famous with your ability to talk like humans." I said, picking up a sponge and began scrubbing his chest carefully. "Well, I don't want to be famous. I just want to be like a normal husky. I want to be loved, unlike my last master." Rusty explained. "What happened to your last master?" I asked him. "He didn't love me back. I gave him all of my love, and what did he do? He spends a lot of time with this girl he's seeing. He never has time for me. I just want to be loved, Max. I just want to be." Rusty sighed. "That sucks." I frowned and stopped scrubbing him. "Oh, what kinda love do you give to your old master? I noticed you said 'I gave him all my love' before...?" Rusty just paused and stared in empty space. After a few moments, he inched close to me, "Promise me that you won't throw me out of the streets when I tell you my secret?" Rusty whimpered a bit. "Promise." I promised, giving him my pinky-to-pinky promise. We did so, then Rusty resumes, "I'm actually a gay husky. I don't know why, but I was different from other dogs in my teenage years. I couldn't find other gay husky to be imitate with, so I've decided to try out humans. This man, my old master, wanted to bring me to his home. I thought he was gay, so I accepted. In my horror and disappointment, I found that he's really straight, and after a few days, he ignored me and spent all his time with his girlfriend. I was kicked out when I tried to be imitate with him, and ended in the streets once again." Rusty sighed, finishing his story. "That's really tragic." I said, holding back my tears. "I promise you that I'll take really good care of you." I added. "Hey, are YOU gay?" Rusty asked. He stared at me with little puppy eyes and a tiny little whimper. "What a coincidence. I'm gay too." I grinned. I picked up the sponge and resumed sponging his chest, humming. Rusty slowly sat up, his face slowly moving toward me, and stared at me with his sparkling eyes. "You have nice eyes." "You too..." even before I could finish my sentence, Rusty gave me a big lick. I fell back and laughed, and got back up. Rusty swirmed back into his comfortable position in the tub. After a few minutes scrubbing him, I noticed a strange bump in the bubbles that's all pink. "Is it just my imagination, or are you glad to see me?" I smirked, slowly scrubbing from his chest to his stomach. Rusty smirked back and arched his back so his crotch would be free from most bubbles, revealing his soapy cock all hard and shiny, then relaxed back into the tub, only to have the water slosh back onto his body except his cock. It was so lovely and was begging to be jacked off. I took off my rubber gloves and gently wrapped one of my hands around Rusty's meat. "Ooh." Rusty moaned lightly, murring. I caressed his meat to get the feel of a dog cock, then slowly masturbated Rusty. "Ooh yeah." Rusty moaned again, swirming a little. I kept jacking him off slowly, looking up and down Rusty's body slowly. He has such muscular chest with board shoulders, a strong neck, slender legs and a handsome, star-shaped black fur around his cock and balls, and speaking of his balls, they were just so cute-looking and soft. His cock was like, wow, I couldn't believe it. It was just the right size, not too big or small, fat or thin... just right. It was a rosy pink, poking out of its steath. I stared at Rusty's face, adoring his beautiful face, with his firm ears, sparkling blue eyes and an extremely nice looking muzzle, with its tongue hanging out as he's being jacked off. His moaning noises were just so soft, clam and incredible. He was like a perfect sex machine. Knowing that Rusty's mine, I jacked him off harder and faster, increasing Rusty's sweet moaning noises. "Ooh! Yeah... pressure's increasing... near climax..." Rusty moaned. I felt his cock pulsing in my hand, his precum seeping down his cock and my hand. Rusty's moaning increases as he's getting closer to climax. I used both of my hands, wrapped together, to give a greater force. Rusty screamed softly, then grunted as his whitish husky cum spewed out of his cock and onto his chest and belly, panting. Rusty precummed a little more then stopped. I slid a finger through the puddle of cum on Rusty's stomach and licked it. Wow, it tastes so sweet, and hot. I licked some more husky cum, sighing on how wonderful it tastes. Rusty was really exhausted at the end, so I bent over and gave him a kiss on his muzzle. At dinner time... "Dog food, dog food... drat, even no dog food. I've to go shopping soon." I said, searching through the cabinets in the kitchen. "Just bring me whatever you humans eat." Rusty said, all cuddled up in a bathrobe. "Okay, I guess pizza is fine." I said, popping some pizza into the microwave. I sat down on the end opposite Rusty's, and began sipping my cocoa. "By the way, I'm really glad you're gay and decided to keep me." Rusty smiled. "I know, I'm glad too. We gotta go over to the registration office so I can make you officially mine. We can go there tomorrow." I said, sipping some more. "Hey, I know how you can repay me for that wonderful time in the tub." Rusty grinned. I bent over the table and stared at him. "And I know what that is." I grinned back. The End.