==A Vision of Fear A child played in a field of flowers. A soft smile of contentment was on her face as she slowly walked among the brightly colored plants. A feeling of warmth was ever present here. It was an ideal vision of peace and happiness. There was a man standing there, watching the girl. His face, with a scowl of hatred and dull, dead eyes, caught the child's attention. She watched him, and he did not make any motion, but only stared back with his unpleasant expression. Fear grew in her heart. The vulnerable happiness faded, conquered. A shadow began to stretch across the ground from the feet of the man, and take up the space between the two. It grew quickly, consuming all about the girl. All was covered by a darkness, which then began to take on a hue of red, a red like blood. The flowers, the girl, the man, were all now bathed in this light. The fear grew. The light began to look like fire mixed with blood, like the color of war. This shadow's glow began to sicken the girl with emotions she wished not to feel. Something made a sound to her left, and she looked. A sword, covered in blood, was sticking in the ground. Another sound to her right, and she found another bloodstained weapon. She then saw another fall directly in front of her. She looked up, and found these tools of war were falling around her like rain. She felt like crying out, screaming in horror, but she could not bring herself to open her mouth. The fear grew more, now feeling like burning pain. There was a burning, but also a biting cold freezing her at the same time. She withered to the ground, curling up into a ball like a wounded animal, shivering uncontrollably. The man was still there, standing in the same place, nothing changed, save for the shape of his mouth. It curved upwards into a smile of hatred and pleasure. It looked like he would start laughing at the child's plight. He continued to stare at her, his gaze seemed to be killing her. And here, the dream suddenly ended in its usual fashion. ==A City Outing The darkness of another night was pushed back into the corners and crevices, as sunlight began to flow into the room through its one large window. The light of the rising sun began travelling across the room, over the bed, and across the face of the slumbering child in it. The warm touch of the morning and the bright light brought the girl out of her dreaming sleep. The light told Nesa that morning had arrived with a new day. This particular day the morning brought was one she was looking forward to. Raeja, her personal guardian, promised to take her from the palace and visit the city. She always loved these outings, being the type who disliked being stuck in one place for too long of a time. She looked about and found herself alone for the moment. She saw her blue dress, the one she always wore on such outings, neatly folded on her bedside table. She jumped out of bed and dressed quickly, grabbed her travel pack, threw open the door and ran right into Raeja at full speed. Nesa bounced off her Syrsi's armor, tripped backwards a few steps and fell over. Raeja couldn't help to roll her eyes. "I can guess you know we're going to the city today, and obviously you are excited about it. You better get something to eat first, and you better take your time. I don't want to have a choking princess on my hands." Nesa frowned at her and made a soft, demanding whine. She never liked when Raeja talked to her like that. She shook her head and spoke to her guard. "Could you help me up please?" After pulling her off the floor, she sent the hyperactive girl in the direction of the meal room. "Slow down!" Raeja yelled, "Do you want to run into things? You won't leave any earlier, I have to speak with the other Syrsia, you know. Wait at the Gateway Arch after you finish eating. And slow down! I can't tell you that enough!" It was no use. Nesa rushed to the meal room. She found that her meal was just being set down at the table, and she sat before it and consumed it with great speed. The cook stared at the spectacle. "You're going out today, aren't you?" Nesa briefly nodded before she gulped the rest of her meal down. The cook shook his head and picked up her plate. He then added, "Raeja is talking with the other Syrsia now. She wants you to say goodbye to your parents before you leave. Go do that now. And, you need to calm down! Crazy child." Nesa went to the Ceremony Room, where she found her parents, Queen Tessalus and King Rasten. They were speaking to someone, a Nazyran by the shape of his wings. The looks on everyone's faces made it apparent that the topic was serious and not pleasant. Nesa had heard that the Royal Family and the Nazyran were having some kind of disagreement. Nesa decided to not hesitate and got into the conversation at the first pause. "Mom, dad, I'm going to the city with Raeja. I'll see you this evening." She remembered her manners and turned to the Nazyran. "Hello Nazyran. Pleased to meet you." The man would not look at her directly, and said hello to her in a way that made her believe he was quite upset about something. What could be troubling him so, she wondered? The situation was rapidly becoming more uncomfortable and she decided it would be best to get going. "Goodbye mom, dad, sir." She added a small curtsey when she addressed the Nazyran and turned towards the exit. She quickly walked to the main doors and exited. Her fast walking broke into a run as she began to cross the palace courtyard. The early sunlight was promising great weather. "Nesa!" someone called. "Oh no!" Nesa muttered, and rapidly lost her momentum. It was Dregas, an army apprentice that was about as old as her. She found boys a real bother. "He's not going to the city with me", she thought. "No, please don't let him come with us!" The boy quickly came to the princesses' side. "Nesa, I finished sharpening your dagger. Reves told me to advise you not to use it for carving, or whatever you use it for, any more. Ask for a less expensive piece of metal. Okay? Yes, roll your eyes. This blade is very special and it's made of rare blue iron. I don't see why your parents let you get your hands on it." Nesa wondered if Dregas' mentor, Reves, actually told him all that. He seemed to use "Reves told me to tell you" far too much. She responded to him. "Fine, I'll take better care of it, if that means you won't bother me as much. Now if you excuse me, I'm going on an outing and here comes Raeja now to take me. You can go back to whatever it is you are doing." "Well, actually I have no duties today, so I'm free for most of morning and afternoon." "Oh, and why does that sound like you want to spend that time annoying me? Just go away, Dregas." Her blunt remark brought a look of shock and sadness to the boy's face, though it was only for show. He was far too familiar with this princess's attitude towards him. "Well, how rude!" Raeja interjected, "obviously not how a princess should speak. Your manners are sorely lacking, young lady. I guess I'll have to discipline you after the outing. We will see you later, Dregas... unless of course you would like to join us." "Noooooooo!" "Nesa! That was terrible!" Raeja shook her head. "Looks like you'll need to find something else to do, Dregas." "Oh, that's fine, I have plenty to do on my own. Goodbye your majesty, goodbye noble Syrsi." He made a small bow and headed back towards the palace. "Does he have to be so disgustingly nice like that? Oh, what a bother!" Nesa paused for a moment. A small smile snuck onto her face. She wasn't as bothered by the boy as she would have them believe. "Well, let's get going!" "I thought this was going to be a nice, fun day. Now there seems to be a little cloud over it. It's a shame." Nesa frowned with a bit of guilt. "Okay, I guess I did mess up the day's mood. Well, best make the best of what's left! Let's go!" And with that she made a dash across the palace bridge, albeit a short one. Raeja quickly reached out for the escaping child, catching her by the tail. Nesa swung forward then back, and remained suspended by her Syrsi's powerful grip. She was none too pleased about this. "Let me go! Let me go! My underwear is showing! Stop it! Stop it!" Flailing soon accompanied her cries. Raeja was in no mood to chase after the child in the near future, so she quickly righted the girl and set the princess atop her shoulders. "Is that better?" she asked. After some growling and mumbling, Nesa calmed down and responded. "That's fine. Let's get going." As they took off, Nesa looked back and saw Dregas standing some meters away, watching the two leave. She decided to wave goodbye to him, and give him a small smile. He waved in return, and turned to go back to the palace. These outings often took a routine path through the city. Directly south of the palace was the Square, where governmental functions, markets, and entertainment often took place. Trips like this one were usually planned to coincide with the entertaining events. This day, there was a music rehearsal, and the public was invited to enjoy. Nesa danced around for some time to the mostly upbeat music. After the rehearsal ended, the girls went further south to Dragon's Garden Park, where Nesa expended more energy playing with some other children, and gave Raeja a chance to supervise and relax. Lunch was served when the princess got tired enough. Afterwards, the two continued on southward. This part of the journey was for Raeja's sake. South of Dragon's Garden is the city library, a center of learning for the Aguilicans and the home of the great band of magic users, the Ayra Katrin. This place was important to the Syrsi because one of those sorcerers happens to a young man she was falling in love with. His name was Anjil, and he was one of the fastest learners and best students of Kaera, the magical power of life and spirit. The two met about seven years before, and that time strengthened their bond to each other. They would have married many years earlier, but Raeja needed to complete her time of service to the princess before that could take place. Nesa would not put up with such a relationship very well, as her opinion of boys was very poor at this point, but she tolerated it because Anjil also showed her secrets of Kaera and even taught her some simple abilities. It was enough to make up for seeing the two kissing and talking with all those loving, mushy words. She quickly learned to find other things to do and let them have a few moments together by themselves. This day was no exception to such a meeting. The day out came to a close with a walk back to the palace. Anjil happened to join in the trip, spending most of the time talking with Raeja. While crossing the Square, Anjil spoke to Nesa. "Well, my young sorceress, have you got any better with your magic? Have you learned any new tricks?" "Oh, I'm getting a little bit better... oh yes! I think I have learned something new. Let's see if I can do it again." Nesa concentrated for a moment, took a small running start, and leaped. She tripped on landing and briefly rolled on the cement. "Was that it?" Anjil asked. Nesa got up and brushed some dust off her dress. "No, of course not! I didn't do it right." "That's okay, it takes a lot of practice and time for Kaera to develop. Pace yourself, because I sure don't want to see you get hurt on my behalf, majesty." Her head slightly stooped, the princess returned to the side of her companions. After some more walking, Nesa decided to try again. She concentrated again, took another run, and jumped. This time something did happen. Even the Anjil, a sorcerer, found the scene a bit surprising. She seemed to float slightly, enough to be obvious something beyond physics had occurred. Nesa landed, took two steps, and spun around. "See! I told you!" Anjil looked at Raeja, both were a bit shocked. "Did you see that? That was incredible!" Reaja answered back, "Well, you're quite the teacher, aren't you?" Anjil quickly returned in a half whisper, "I didn't teach her that! In fact, I don't know anyone who could do what she just did!" It was true, and was even more incredible than he thought. Anjil did not know that it was more than just the people he knew couldn't perform the kind of Kaera ability Nesa just used. No Aguilican or Akelian in history could do that. If she truly defied gravity while she jumped, she had a power only the Dragons had before.