A New Experience

She traveled long to get there. Her short legs were not being much of an asset to her journey. Finally after months on the road the small black mouse had made it. She saw off in the distance the tall buildings she recognized as her hometown. Still, for a mouse only 5 inches tall, Corsi knew it was still several hours walking. She walked everywhere she went. It seemed every company out there neglected to make things for furs as small as her. For this same reason she was grateful for long covering fur. They didn’t make clothing in her size either.

Finally she found herself walking alongside one of the many buildings in town. She headed right to one particular building and an old familiar set of stairs heading down to a basement apartment complex. Bricks had been placed on each step along the side for furs of her size but she noticed that several of them were missing and others were broken and pushed aside. She opened the smaller of the two doors at the bottom of the stairs and walked into the darkness.

"Hello, ... Anyone here?" There was no response. She turned on the hall lights her eyes meeting ... Nothing. The place had been outright abandoned. Dust and old crates lined the hall with bottles of beer lying empty or shattered across the floor. She slowly walked down the hallway to the door she and her parents had once lived. Nothing, no sign of her family having been there in years. The door looked like it hadn’t been used in some time and was nailed shut. Her mother and father were just gone. She started to cry softly and sat down on the floor, leaning against the doorframe. Out of nowhere, she heard a voice from the front door to the hall.

"Hey! Who’s down there?"

Corsi looked up to see a dark furred wolf wearing a police uniform.

"S … Sorry officer. I … I … I used to live here."

“Well ma’am this place is off limits. I can’t have you hanging around down here. Especially not a microfur like you. A lot of kids come down here to party and it’s just not safe.” The wolf answered demandingly.

“Well … I just came down to see my parents.” Corsi wept. “I came back to see them since I have been gone for so long. And they … they’re gone.”

"Corsi? Is that you?” The wolf said as he started to walk over. “No it can’t be. Corsi left 5 years ago." The figure challenged.

"H … How did you know my name?"

The wolf ran the rest of the way over to her stopping to kneel to the floor in front of her with a bright smile over his muzzle. "Oh come now you can’t have forgotten me already have you?"

Her bloodshot teary eyes looked up at the other fur. He was about her age and very handsome. Well built and that uniform looked SO sexy on him. Only one fur she had ever known looked like the one before her now.

"RED!" She jumped up hugging him around the neck.

"It’s been a long time Corsi. Where have you been? Your mother and father weren’t any help in trying to find you… Just something about getting away."

She sighed softly her voice coming out a whisper. "Yes, I never told them where I was going."

The wolf looked quizzically at the mouse but felt it best not to press the question. "Well since you are back in town do you mind if I take you out to dinner tonight?"

"Not at all. Red, what happened to mom and dad?"

Red looked at her in disbelief

"Red … what happened?"

"It happened about a year ago Corsi … Come, I’ll show you."

The mouse jumped onto his shoulder nervous about what he said and how it was said. They walked together quickly out of the building.

"Red … They died didn’t they?" Corsi said flatly.

Red looked to her in shock. "Corsi are you kidding me around?"

She looked blankly at him as he tried his best not to laugh.

"Corsi … Your parents … You don’t watch too many movies do you?"

She just looked up to him in silence again as she absentmindedly scratched at something on her neck.

"Hun, your parents moved out. They were offered a job in a small film that took off and went real big. Your mother and father are famous!"

Corsi just stared blankly at him. Her parents had always been trying to pursue an acting career and as she grew up she tried to discourage them. "Red…can we go somewhere quiet…I need to get something off my chest."

"Well, sure Corsi. I’m off duty in a few hours. Why don’t we head down to the station and then we can go back to my apartment to catch up?"

She agreed, and Red escorted her on his shoulder to his patrol car.

Red was not kidding about being almost off duty. He immediately drove to the station house and pulled the car into the garage.

When they finally got into the station, several of the other officers greeted him and her.

“Hey there Red, Who’s the … ‘little’ lady?” One ferret commented with his skunk partner giving him a smack over the head. “Hey Terl take it easy.”

“I’ll take it easy when you stop poking fun at everyone’s rides.” The skunk snapped back. “Besides, I really doubt that a mouse and a six-foot wolf could have a relationship.” Terl finished with a long glare and a glance back to the mouse.

“Oh … OH!” The ferret answered with a slight look of realization. No one else noticed at all though. “Sorry Ma’am … I didn’t men to offend”

None taken Fferret.” Corsi squeaked.

“Actually, I did date this little lady back in high school. And you wouldn’t believe who she is either…” Red looked to Corsi and stopped short.

Her usual carefree personality and expression was replaced by a very quiet and concerned Corsi.

“…Kris…” Red finished

“Who the hell is this Kris?” A black panther commented as he came around the corner. He looked around for a moment before spying the little mouse on the wolf’s shoulder. “What’s she supposed to be? A shoulder puppet?”

Fferret stepped between the panther and wolf. “SHE … is a guest.”

“Yeah yeah whateva’ slinky.” The panther answered as he walked off to his desk.

Red shook his head as he turned away, “I’m taking this girl home. See you guys Monday alright?”

“Later Red.” A few of them replied as he walked off to put his weapon and badge away for the day.

Red walked into his apartment about a half-hour later, with the little black mouse on his shoulder.

He sat her down on the back of the couch. And then seated himself down next to her.

"Alright Corsi…what’s wrong Hun…you are definitely not the over happy and playful mouse I know."

Corsi cringed and forced herself to tell him the whole story.

"Red sweetheart, I left because of a fight between dad and me. He was going on again about how everything was going to be so great when we were all rich and famous." She paused a moment as she recalled that night. "I told him to grow up and stop ruining us and spending everything we had on his delusions of grandeur. He yelled back at me that I was nothing myself so I just left. I never said goodbye to my mother."

Red stood there dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe his own ears. He struggled to find a few supporting words. "Corsi, they live out in the next town now. They were and are so worried about you. They even asked me to check the apartment building you lived in every day in case you came back."

Corsi cried softly, slowly looking up to her old boyfriend from school.

Red continued on, "Corsi, I checked that place several times a day. I missed you terribly hun. Your parents are gonna be thrilled to…"

Corsi cut him off. "I don’t want them to know I’m here." She paused again. "Red there’s something else you ought to know."

Red nodded softly not quite understanding yet. "Does it have anything to do with where you’ve been all this time?"

Corsi swallowed hard. "I knew you would ask so…" Again she felt it best just to tell him straight. She took off her backpack dropping out of the contents to her side…a long thin silvery leash…wrist and ankle shackles, and a feather were among the items inside.

Red smiled. "Corsi, you have been kidnapping other furs? Shame on you." Trying to lighten the mood.

She smiled for the first time in about an hour, turning into a giggle. "No silly, they are mine." She lifted the fur around her neck showing a tiny leather collar with two loops one in front and one in back.

"They are gifts…well sort of. I paid for them myself. Actually all pets pay for their own toys."

Now it was Red’s turn to cut her off. "Pet? Toys? Corsi what and who…" was all he could stammer out.

"Master Greyson…I fell in love with him after I left and he trained me to be a pleasure slave… a pet. Which is another reason I came back. After being with him for four years I realized…." She stopped frozen. She started to cry softly again. “Greyson got married shortly before I left. All the pets he kept were released. You probably know a few of them. I realized I still love you and miss you as well. So I came back to give these to you… I’m just surprised I found you so quickly.”

Red just sat dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe his ears. Corsi…she practically offered herself to him as a pet. He and she despite the major size difference had dated for several years in school and after, but his longing for police work and her playful nature made them drift apart and they ended up being just really good friends before she disappeared.

Corsi sighed softly and looked down from him. "Maybe I should go."

Red stood up and in a commanding voice spoke "No Corsi … Sit back down!"

She stared at him in disbelief. She never knew him to act like that especially not to her. Her disbelief turned to elation as he picked up the leash and inspected it for a moment. He leaned down to her and fixed it to her collar. “Red?” she squeaked as her grin widened from ear to ear.

Red smiled softly, "I still love you Corsi. Now I don’t know what kind of Master I will be able to be for you, but I will try. Will you be patient enough to train me to train you?"


Red cleared his throat.

"Master Red, I love you and would love to show you how to be my master. May I show you some of the things I learned under Master Greyson’s care?"

Red’s smile went ear to ear but still he had to ask. "Hun, you saying what I think you are?"

She nodded, a seductive smile on that tiny muzzle.

"Ok Corsi, you are five inches tall. Just how do you plan on doing this?"

Red folded his arms over in defiance.

Corsi just smiled a little wider. "Is that an order Master Red?"

Red, not one to be outdone cocked one eyebrow and replied, "Yes Corsi."

"Lesson number one Red…for you my name is pet."

Red looked down to her. He smiled softly again looking confidant. "Pet…you forgot something."

"MASTER Red, you know you are taking to this quickly."

"Thank you pet. Now how exactly are you going to show me what you learned these past years?"

"Well, I can’t right now. There is one slight problem Master Red."

"And that is?"

Corsi just smiled again, "You are dressed Master Red."

Red’s uniform was off in two minutes flat. Corsi couldn’t help but giggle as he lay back down to look up to her on the back of the couch.

Corsi slid down to his shoulder, taking the leach and unlatching it from her collar. She snuggled herself against his neck and hugged him as tightly as the microfur mouse could.

Red thought for a moment. "My pet, are you stalling?"

Corsi blushed and kissed him softly on his bottom lip. Red returned the kiss to the top of her head and the small mouse walked over his chest to straddle herself over one nipple. She looked up to him with a coy little grin as she cleared some of his fur aside and drew his nipple within her warm and already moist depths. She looked over her shoulder at his already solid and throbbing shaft and whispered to him, "My Master seems to be quite the excited already."

"Corsi my pet, I have wanted to be with you and make love to you for years."

She smiled softly elated at the revelation as a soft flush came over the mouse’s cheeks. With as long as she was on the road, she had not had the pleasure of … pleasure in some time. She drew a slow breath in with the feeling of her new master’s nipple imbedded inside her and prying her tight depths open in it’s girth. “Not as much as I have been wanting to with you. Master Greyson taught me many things.” Her tiny voice coming out but a whimper. “I want to share them all with you.”

Red folded his arms up over his head as he watched his new pet pleasure herself. The gentle feeling of her slick walls kissing and squeezing his nipple were quite different than anything he had felt prior. “And I want to see everything. Just what you are doing now feels very nice indeed.”

“It gets nicer.” Corsi said with a hint of her seduction. She lifted herself off of her master’s chest with a soft little pop. The mouse making her way down over his belly as Red drew some of his tiny lovers moisture onto a finger and brought the sweet taste to his muzzle. Corsi glanced back to him and squeaked, “Bet that is something you have wanted for years Master.”

Red nodded as he scooted up a little to get a better view of exactly what the mouse was going to do. “Very good Cor… I mean pet. You may continue.”

Corsi lifted herself up to straddle herself over Red’s throbbing shaft. She positioned herself over one of his pumping hot blood vessels that would massage her self as she worked on him. Without word, she stroked her fingertips carefully along the sides of his shaft in a delicate caress of his cock. She alternated her touch tracing the length of him, always looking straight up into his eyes. She could feel the excitement running through him with every touch of her fingers and she knew it had been some time for him as well.

Red had never felt anything quite like this. Corsi’s trained attentions working over him in such a bizarre and weird fashion, at the same time felt very erotic. "Corsi my pet. I never imagined." He groaned, being forced to close his eyes and allow the mouse to do her work and perform her new task.

Corsi just giggled as she gyrated her hips onto him with her soft plush fur. “This is nothing my Master. Just wait until I really get started.” Her fingertips massaged at the underbelly of his cock as she began to lean down. She ran her tongue slowly up the length of him, flicking the tip of her tongue over the underside of his cock head and trailing her long tongue over the crown of that thick and throbbing meat.

A deep shiver ran down Red’s spine. He had been licked before but never had anyone hit that extra sensitive spot on him the first time. He began to realize that Corsi’s training was nothing to be laughed at or made tease at. Corsi was a professional. His hands gripped tightly to the fabric of the couch as he felt the reaction of pumping his shaft up and onto the mouse. It did no good as whenever he tried to push, the mouse just went with him. He was at the complete mercy of the little rodent

Corsi smiled watching his reaction and hugged her body around him. Her four limbs working independently of each other. She positioned her sex over one of the hot pulsing veins. Corsi was already drawing him close and she had been teasing him only a few minutes. Precum was seeping out of his tip and Corsi licked it clean.

Red was beside himself. "Oh my pet, you are incredible, but you need to slow down."

Corsi stopped her licking a moment. "And why is that my Master?"

“If you keep this pace up, I will cum too fast.”

“Trust me my master … you won’t” Corsi said with a wink.

She did not wait for an answer and Red couldn’t give her one if he tried. Her tail longer than a normal mouse’s flicked up and slid inside the tip of his shaft, lubricated with the precum. Red realized all too quickly that she was plugging him up so he couldn’t cum! All he could do was hold on and enjoy the ride.

Corsi stroked her fur lined body against him whimpering softly in her own pleasure with every stroke as the blood rushed against her slit. Her fur adding to the sensations of that incredibly trained tongue that lapped generously over the crown of his plugged cock. The more and more she worked his shaft, the more she brought him past the brink and beyond.

The wolf was stunned. He felt on the brink of orgasm with every stroke of his new pets hands, completely lost in pleasure and at the mercy of the mouse. His body was brought to a new height of sensitivity that was more intense than anything he ever felt in his entire days. Every fiber of that little rodent could be felt over him. The pleasure flooding over him was so intense that he was unable to move. He lay shivering on the couch, helpless and at Corsi’s whim.

Corsi’s arms wrapped around his cock as she bucked herself and her tiny slit against the boiling veins of Red’s shaft. She felt Red’s cum, pushing at the tip of her tail imbedded inside him and knew there was not much time left before she had to let him go. As if in pure worship of Red’s cock, she nuzzled herself against him tightly with her own orgasm rushing to overtake her. And with a loud cry of pleasure, Corsi’s orgasm finally did. The blast of pleasure that ripped into and through her caused her tail to instinctually pull out from Red’s shaft. Through her intense pleasure, she lifted his cock to hold him upright.

Red groaned deeply and exploded, sending his hot seed high into the air and back down. Some even hit the ceiling before coating the small black and ash mouse in the boiling cream. Stream after stream covered her as her Master came harder than ever before in his life. He trembled under the sheer force of the explosion and finally with one last twitch, he collapsed back down on the couch.

Corsi licked her fur clean enjoying the protein meal and walked back up her Master’s belly and chestfur. Just as she had hoped, he was passed out cold. She smiled softly and kissed the wolf again on his lip whispering "I love you Master Red." Before she curled up on the back of the couch again and fell asleep next to him.


Copyright 2000 ~ Joey Porter