You Learn Something New Everyday

Corsi and Yoiko were in the kitchen cooking dinner, a few days had passed and Red was working. Yoiko and the mouse had quickly become the best of friends much to Red\x92s thrill. Corsi was standing on a dollhouse stool stirring the pasta sauce while Yoiko cut up an onion.

Yoiko turned after a moment and couldn\x92t help but laugh watching the mouse stirring with a wooden spoon almost twice her size.

Corsi smiled, "Still amuses you hun?"

"I can\x92t help it. Try and look at it from my point of view."

"I have, it still blows my mind to think what it would be like to have a half inch tall fur running around my house."

"Not to mention what it could do to you"

"Trust me bunny \x85 I know very well what I could do to you." Corsi giggled looking over to see that rabbit\x92s reaction. Pink cheeked and trying to keep her concentration on cutting the onion.

Corsi continued, "What? You aren\x92t interested in finding out?"

Shade factor ten. Yoiko was shocked. Corsi had not been that blatant until that very moment. "Corsi, its not that I don\x92t want to, I really do but \x85 well it kind of makes me nervous."

"Sorry Yoiko. I understand how you feel." Corsi returned to stirring the sauce "It felt weird when Master Greyson first had me try it and I was nervous too."

Yoiko sighed softly "Actually hun what I\x92m nervous about is\x85"

"Hey guys I\x92m home!" Red exclaimed walking in the front door.

Yoiko whispered "We\x92ll talk later"

Corsi nodded winking to her "We\x92re in here Master Red!"

Red walked into the kitchen and promptly kissed Corsi between her ears. "Mmmm smells good. What are you guys cooking?"

"Yoiko turned around and brought the diced onion over to Corsi conveniently nudging Red out of the way. "You\x92ll find out when we serve, so go back in the other room."

Red to the not-so-subtle hint and excused himself to his bedroom.

Yoiko took the chance now that Red had made himself scarce "Honestly Corsi"

"You can cal me pet hun"

"Alright \x85 pet \x85 what I\x92m really nervous about"

Red\x92s door swung open and he ran into the kitchen wearing only a towel. Without a word to either of the women he grabbed a drink out of the fridge and ran into the bathroom leaving two giggling furs in his wake \x85 Red\x92s curling tail had been holding the towel up \x85 again.

"He does have such a nice ass doesn\x92t he." Corsi commented

Yoiko sighed softly not hearing the mouse and just stared down the hall.




"What? Oh \x85 sorry \x85 what were we talking about?"

"Before or after Master Red flashed us?" Corsi giggled.

"Before pet \x85 and do you want to be spanked?"

"Well yeah but that\x92s another story. You were talking about why you are nervous."

"Oh yes! Anyway \x85 well I guess what really makes mer nervous is hurting you. You seem so fragile \x85 and I\x92m still a virgin \x85 I didn\x92t want to crush you."

"Hun don\x92t worry about your virginity \x85 I learned to work around that. And as for crushing me \x85 Sweets if anything I have to worry about hurting you! Claws, sharp teeth, and overstimulation can get really intense."

The rabbit shivered at the thought of those last few words. "Overstimulation?"

"Yes, Master Greyson had one of his other female pets train me for months on how to perfect and find the exact spots inside her that felt best. Then how to drive the most pleasure from them."

Yoiko flushed over again obviously exited about the very thought. She tried to hide it by speaking as calmly as she could. "Really \x85 well now\x85" She was failing miserably "What happened to the woman?"

"The one that trained me? She went lesbian and won\x92t yiff any normal sized furs \x85 too boring"

"Are you kidding?!?"

The mouse laughed "Yes I\x92m kidding. She\x92s Greysons mate now. Which is why he gave up all his pets."

Yoiko looked down to the boiling sauce that Corsi was stirring. "I think we can start the chicken."

"Okay \x85 Mistress \x85 I\x92ll open the can of corn"

"It still amazes me that you can be that strong but you couldn\x92t undo the knot on your present from Red."

"It\x92s all in the leverage hun"


The Trio relaxed in the living room watching a little mindless television. Red sat in his chair, Corsi on the armrest, and Yoiko lounging in her nightgown on the couch.

Corsi was watching more of Yoiko than she was of the movie; her line of sight was almost perfect to see that silk pink teddy underneath. Yoiko knew she had the mouse thoroughly teased watching her squirm in her seat. Red \x85 No clue \x85 Until he happened to look down to Corsi.

"Well My Pet are you enjoying the show?"

"Oh \x85 very well my master" she said not thinking at first when she shivered

Yoiko couldn\x92t hold back her giggle and shifted her position enough so that when Red looked up he wouldn\x92t notice what the two had been doing.

But Red was a professional cop. He knew better. "Okay, what are you two up to?"

Yoiko smiled innocently "Nothing why?"

"No, there\x92s something going on." Red turned to Corsi "Hun, As my pet you are supposed to do what I ask of you right?"

"Yes my master."

"What are you and Yoiko doing?"

Yoiko blushed a deep red

Corsi slumped defeated "Mistress Yoiko was teasing me"

"\x92Mistress\x92 Yoiko?" Red smiled ear to ear "And is this why you two have been so secretive?"

"Yes my master"

The wolf stood from his chair "Wait here my pet" and he went into his bedroom

Yoiko took the chance to whisper to Corsi "I hope he\x92s not mad at you pet, I didn\x92t mean to get you in trouble"

Corsi whispered back to her "I doubt it but \x85 wait he\x92s coming"

Red walked back into the living room with a tiny set of handcuffs, ankle restraints, and a small paddle. "I have been waiting for some excuse to do this my pet. After hearing how much you seem to enjoy it \x85 and seeing that you see fit to call Yoiko here your mistress \x85 I think it\x92s about time we found out first hand what its like."

Corsi and Yoiko were taken aback. This was completely unexpected. Slowly Corsi\x92s look of disbelief faded to be replaced with a wide grin. "Yes my master. I will accept my punishment from you."

Red couldn\x92t help but laugh "And who said I was going to be the one punishing you?"

And the white rabbit again turned an ever so pretty shady of pink. "Me? Red I\x92ve never \x85 I mean I wouldn\x92t \x85 How am I supposed to\x85?"

Corsi\x92s grin went even wider "Do with me as you will Mistress Yoiko"

Yoiko whispered leaning down to the already kneeling mouse "What do I do?"

"Use your imagination."

Yoiko\x92s brain burst into speed thinking \x85 30 seconds later, "Red can you get the rest of Corsi\x92s toys?"

Red looked to her a little confused but hurried off, retrieved them and headed back, handing them to the blushing rabbit "Okay \x85 this I gotta see." And Red sat down on his chair.

Yoiko held out a paw for Corsi and she jumped on kneeling again. She was brought to the coffee table and ordered onto her belly. Yoiko took a length of twine from the case of toys and proceeded to tie the hapless mouse up with an intricate weave. Corsi\x92s arms and legs were tied under her and close so that her rump was lifted, her tail up and out of the way by another part of the fishnet style weave and her muzzle was gagged. Corsi was already whimpering half in anticipation and half in fear of what this unpredictable and novice mistress could do and half that she was at her complete mercy. Red watched on getting visibly aroused himself.

"Well now, that\x92s about that. Comfortable pet?"

Corsi could barely move with the exception of squirming. But she managed to nod a yes since she couldn\x92t speak with the gag.

Yoiko took a small pencil out of the case. Intricately carved with small studs. She smiled softly and flicked it at Corsi\x92s exposed rump. Corsi let out a muffled scream. Her forehead pressed to the table, she squirmed as the beautiful sting wore off.

Yoiko struck her again with the pencil \x85 and again until Corsi was a whimpering ball of tied up fur. The pink petals of her tiny slit bright dew laded red with her high arousal.

Red himself was solid as a rock and getting more uncomfortable by the second. And Yoiko noticed, she giggled "Corsi pet, I believe your master is getting very interested in our display. Perhaps he would like to show us just how aroused he is?"

Red\x92s face went white under his fur "No Yoiko \x85 we won\x92t be going there."

"Why not? It\x92s not like I haven\x92t seen you naked before. Even watched you yiff on several occasions."

"Yes, but not \x85 not like this \x85 no Yoiko."

Yoiko had slipped into dome mode stepping up to Red, she rested her hands on her thighs as she leaned down to him in his chair. Looking the wolf in the eyes she growled low and quietly "Strip, puppy."

Red shook his head and stood from his chair forcing the rabbit back a step. "No Yoiko." His ears flattened as his nostrils flared. A deep and slightly louder growl coming out "You strip playbunny."

Yoiko\x92s ears flattened and she lowered her muzzle in submission. Corsi at this point was too aroused to care who was in the dominant position as long as one of them was.

"Well?" Red ordered

Yoiko slipped out of her nightshirt revealing that light pink teddy underneath. Red smiled softly reaching out to touch her cheek with his black furred fingertips. "Do you know how long I have wanted to do this?"

Yoiko looked up to him questioningly and nervously "I \x85 I don\x92t understand" \x85 she was still a virgin but if Red asked her to at this point she felt ready to give herself to him.

"With how many times I have watched you peeking from the other room, I have soooooooo wanted you to join us."

"But \x85 but Red"

Red cleared his throat

" \x85Master Red \x85 How can the three of us actually \x85 DO anything?"

"Mrph mrph mmmm!" came from the table

"Yoiko can you please take the gag off Corsi?"

She removed the gag so the mouse could speak.

"I can answer that question!"

"And how can you do that my pet?" Red inquired

"Or do we want to know?" Yoiko added cuddling closer to the midnight black wolf.

"Well you might have to untie me first" Corsi smiled sarcastically.

Red took Yoiko to the couch and sat her down with him. "Not quite yet \x85 I think you still need a little more punishment. If what you want to do is watch your Mistress \x85 then you can watch your Mistress for a while."

Corsi whimpered softly "Yes My Master"

Yoiko shivered "Um \x85 Red\x85"

"Yes hun?"

"Well \x85 nevermind \x85 we can talk later"

Red kissed her tenderly holding her tightly. His shirt was practically torn from his back not a moment later as Yoiko drowned herself in the passionate kiss. She stood to her feet for a moment slowly and seductively removing the Pink silk teddy and nightshirt \x85 purposely giving the hapless Corsi a beautiful view as she leaned over to retrieve them and toss them aside.

Corsi whimpered again watching the two desperately wanting to join.

Yoiko kneeled down to finish undressing the wolf \x85 she slipped his pants off letting that wolf cock escape its confines. She slid her fingertips along the length of that solid shaft cooing softly watching Red shiver in pleasure. She leaned in closer and licked a drop of precum from the very tip of his shaft and caressing the length of him with her fur lined hands.

Corsi was squirming and soaked wet as she was forced to watch Yoiko draw her Masters length slowly into her muzzle. He leaned back uncontrollably letting out a deep breath of pleasure. "My Master \x85 please release me" Corsi pulled tightly at the restraints growing hotter by the second. "Please!"

But Red could barely speak himself under Yoiko\x92s tongue. He kneaded his hands through her hair caressing her long ears as she massaged his shaft intimately inside her hungry muzzle.

Yoiko drew off Red\x92s cock with one last long slow pull and turned to the mouse. The bindings had not let her budge in the least bit \x85 she winked softly to her for a bit of encouragement and started to straddle Reds lap holding her hot sex against his throbbing manhood.

Red not knowing the significance of the situation stopped her "I think Corsi has had quite enough. Its time to let her go sweetheart."

Yoiko smiled even though she was a slight disappointed inside she knew she would have the chance again later. "Well I suppose your right, besides I want to see that she is \x91claiming\x92 she can do"

Corsi giggled "Oh Claiming now is it? Yoiko \x85 Untie me and you won\x92t know what hit you!"

Yoiko untied the mouse \x85 Corsi went to work and jumped from the Table onto the couch climbing to Reds shoulder. "Remember what I told you to do My Master?"

"No problem My Pet \x85 it will all be taken care of"

Yoiko looked confused for a moment, "You two had this all planned out didn\x92t you?"

Corsi slid down giggling without saying a word.

Red just smiled innocently "Sort of. Didn\x92t know when or where or for that matter who with. But Corsi and I have been talking here and there."

Corsi chimed in "Lie down and relax sweetheart." Corsi giggled "And don\x92t worry about a thing. I\x92m a professional."

Yoiko was still a little apprehensive but laid down resting her head on the arm of the couch. Red leaned in kissing her softly on one cheek and Corsi kissing her on the other winking to Red. She disappeared from sight a moment later. Reds hands caressed her slender form as he kissed his way carefully down her neck, to her shoulders \x85 slowly down to her chest and finally his lips pressed to her tight and supple breasts.

Yoiko melted to Reds intimate attentions and almost forgot about the 5-inch tall mouse. Until she felt a tiny scratch softly and gently working up her thigh. Corsi came to the Rabbits moist slit kissing at the warm flesh. Yoiko gasped deeply in response to the unexpected touch.

Reds kissing had found way to the rabbit\x92s nipples and he suckled gently flicking the very tip of his tongue across her. Yoiko\x92s breathing picked up and she reached down spreading the folds of her womanhood wide for the probing mouse. Corsi took full advantage and leaned into Yoiko letting her fur soak in the rabbit\x92s juices. Her tongue and tiny hands going to work massaging her pulsating and swollen clit like nothing she had ever felt before. Her touch was near perfect hitting her most sensitive spot almost immediately. Corsi teased her tongue circling her pleasure nub around the very edge letting her fingertips slip softly to the tender folds of her sex.

Yoiko flinched in response moaning out long and slow engorged in intimacy \x85 she was forced to let go and relax. She had never felt anything like this before in her life and she adored every second of it. Corsi however was only just beginning. Her soaked and well lubricated body held tight to Yoiko, her tail slipping inside Yoiko followed soon after by her legs and all the way up to her belly. Her tail flicking playfully across the woman\x92s slightly rougher g-spot just inside. The mouse\x92s entire body used in trained precision in pleasuring the larger Yoiko in ways she never imagined possible.

Red couldn\x92t believe his eyes as he was forced to stop what he was doing and just watch. They had talked about this but nothing could prepare him to see the mouse Body-yiffing his roommate. He found it all too arousing and his long and painfully throbbing cock oozed precum.

Yoiko cried out in partial disbelief and more of intense pleasure. "Oh GODS Corsi I have got to know how you do this. It feels Incredible!!!" Yoiko reached down scratching Corsi between her ears.

"Mistress Yoiko, a good pet doesn\x92t reveal all her secrets." She took her tongue off her just long enough to speak, her body slowly pumping within the rabbit.

Yoiko reached over taking hold of Reds shaft winking to him "Come here puppy."

Red was not about to pass up this offer and gave Yoiko what she wanted. Yoiko drew the way too exited wolf greedily down her throat once again dancing her tongue around his cockhead. She desperately suckled hard on him with a muffled cry from Corsi\x92s professional training hard at work.

Between watching Corsi and Yoiko and Yoiko\x92s previous treatment he was already far too along to hold out and felt himself tense up. Yoiko was already quite there with Corsi massaging what felt like every sensitive part of her inside and out like wildfire. She was forced to withdraw from Reds cock with a desperate wail of pleasure. Her orgasms hitting her like a tidal wave. She grabbed Reds shaft stroking him until he exploded all across the rabbit\x92s pure white muzzle. Yoiko was still coming lightly as Corsi slipped out of her, soaking wet in her mistress\x92s juices.

Yoiko fell into unconsciousness before Corsi even reached her muzzle to kiss her. She licked Reds cum clean from Yoiko\x92s face and Red laid down next the rabbit licking clean Corsi\x92s soft fur.

"I don\x92t know how you did that or where you learned it but I want to meet this Greyson to thank him personally" Red whispered.

Corsi gently kissed her master on his bottom lip "Don\x92t you worry about that My Master. Sleep now and we can talk in the morning."

Red nodded and closed his eyes drifting off quickly.

Corsi sat on the arm of the couch for a few minutes just watching the two furs sleep peacefully before she herself curled up and passed out.

No one shut off the TV

Copyright 2000 Joey Porter