2 rebels


“Come on!” Kyle pulls Terry with his left paw, carrying a pistol in his right. Terry does his best to keep up and not fall. Even though Kyle is covered in kevlar, he still runs faster than his partner. The sound of other boots than their own is following them, but Kyle does everything he can to keep the sound at a distance. Taking every turn possible, sprinting down narrow alleys, never letting go of Terry’s right paw. Kyle is suddenly knocked against a wall as a bullet bounces off his right shoulder. Terry nearly stumbles into the wall, but Kyle pulls him straight and starts running again. They run down a long, straight street, without any alleys or openings. Kyle grits his teeth and pushes himself even harder. A sudden splatter of blood hits the back of his head and Terry falls, getting Kyle off balance and making him tumble and let go of Terry’s paw. He quickly turns his head towards the opposite direction, seeing Terry lying lifeless with a hole in his head. His entire body turns around; he crawls a few steps towards Terry and pokes him. Kyle’s breath is fast and afraid, and his heart gets stuck in his throat. Suddenly, he gets knocked back by a bullet bouncing off his left shoulder. He scrambles for his feet and faces the troop of armed forces, coming closer. Kyle shakes his head and takes aim with his pistol, even though his sight is blurred up with tears. The troopers in dark uniforms stumble and bump into each other when they are hit in their body armor. A few trip over each other when Kyle shoots one in the leg. One of those who take a tumble takes aim with his rifle from a prone position and fires a burst at Kyle, making the others stop running and rather kneeling with their rifles presented. The first burst hits Kyle’s left arm, ripping through his flesh. The sounds of rifles fill the air and Kyle stands to face the bullets, even though his clip is empty. His body is thrown back by those bullets that hit his kevlar, or torn apart where his body is only covered by simple clothing. “Cease fire!” one of the troopers yells when Kyle lies on the ground, barely alive. They approach the neutralized threats calmly; one of them steps up to Kyle and looks down at him. “You can’t change the system, rebel…” he says in a mocking tone and spits at Kyle. He turns around and starts walking away. “Trooper 987 reporting in… Rebels were successfully neutralized and waiting to get scraped off the pavement…” Kyle feels the world fading away, losing color and realizes that he is going to join Terry once again, soon…